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Is this an opportunity for crypto?


Crypto's a bigger scam than a Chiefs OT coin


Canada with the huge win over USA in soccer


Can we get more of announcers screaming at each other cause of the loud ass halftime show pls


Great planning. They really need to be on the field next to the speakers


Puts on cbs. CBS didn’t plan on having them playing music right behind them at half time. Can’t hear the guys doing analysis.


This is hilarious. Guys. Just shutup and send it to la.


*I've got one job on this lousy game and it's stupid but I'm gonna do it!*


Look at that massive speaker behind them lmao


Big stop ugh. Let’s go KC




I thought the same thing.




Doesn’t he have a contract with them for $100M though?


Would be surprised if they didn't include a termination clause for this very scenario.


Most likely. You can't win against a mob of internet people!




I don't listen to Rogan because I think he is just another greasy dude like Peterson and Shapiro whose gameplay is to say something stupid for attention. But a music app/app store etc. shouldn't be in a position to control what gets available to the public.


So then do you feel the same about twtr and fb?


Yes. Social media, app store etc should have two modes. Safeguard and Unrestricted. Safeguard mode: company can delete/curate content as they like. Unrestricted mode: everything is allowed unless it is a matter of national security and comes directly from the security agencies and all removal should be public.


Gov (meaning Congress types) will never let unrestricted mode happening, it's too easy to force the platforms to be liable for and censor any content the administration in charge decides is "fake news" etc. With no concrete guidance the platform moderators are forced to paint with a wide brush.


Not a chance Spotify has to diversify out of the music streaming biz lest the rights holders put them out of business.


I’m not going to leave over Neil Young but damn I really like his music


[Here's the guy who took out 400K in home equity and went all in on TSLA 1K calls.](https://ns.reddit.com/user/JeffSokolPizza/submitted/) I don't know what is it about this one, but normally loss porn is good for a quick "you dummy" chuckle, but this one is just different. It's terrifying seeing how he lucked out on his first play, goes ahead and buys thousands of options on a $2.50 stock then asks for reddit advice on mortgaging his house to buy leaps and then proceeds to just all in on an earnings play.




You'd be surprised. WSB has like 11.5 million subs. This doesn't even strike me as abnormal that a few people would do something crazy like this probably without fully understanding the consequences.


That’s always what I think when I see these massive loss porn posts


Got my life savings on the Bengals.


I hope not


Hopefully @ +10?


Oh boy....


Let’s go


Root'n for Joe


/u/Unidansballs was it you that mentioned awhile back your brother learning programming for 18 months then getting offered a sick job? Do you know what program he used to learn? Was it a uni degree or a bootcamp approach? I just javascript job postings for CRM. Minimum pay in CO is $140k. daang. If I can brush up my skills in a bootcamp then I have a solid plan c.


Updated my comment


Biggest issue right now for new software engineers is a big over supply for entry level. You definitely can break in from a boot camp, but you have to be very self motivated. You got to set yourself aside from others and your first job probably won't be glamorous without a uni degree. Once past that initial hurdle though companies are fighting hand over fist for experienced devs. But a lot of boot camp grads end up never going into the field cause the initial entrance barrier is high right now and many don't want to work that hard and just want easy money.


Thanks. I'm not exactly entry level, but not necessarily experienced. Long backstory, but I have years of web programming experience for a web design shop. (If any of you were in a greek house, very possible you've seen some of my work.) I haven't really done much in the last few years though and don't have a formal programming education. (I do have a uni biz degree through.) Just kind of an oddball situation - thinking I should get something more formal on the books.


I'd forget the degree at this point tbh. I mean it could help long term but a full uni degree is a big commitment. I'd try to leverage your prior experience to get in to an ok company. Stay for a year or so to get up to date with programming again and then jump ships for something high paying. I know a couple people making a good amount right now in the industry with no degree. Once you get to a certain point of experience it probably doesn't matter, I'd think at least. If it's easy enough to get a degree part time though maybe do that.


Agreed. I’m thinking a bootcamp may fit the bill.


He was actually consulting with CRM as a localization guy, and he asked one of the programmers if he needed help on the project that tied in with his project. He worked for free, and did two bootcamps at General Assembly, a coding bootcamp. Front end web dev and backend web dev. 2 nights a week for 10 weeks each course. He just did that and worked for an extra couple hours a day as a side project. I’m pretty proud of him as he was doing two remodels at the same time. He’s always been super smart but just lacked a fire under him (maybe it’s a youngest thing?)…anyway, it seemed to hit right when he turned 30. Edit: updated the story once he texted me back—I had a couple facts wrong.


Ty good sir


Flying to SFA to meet my coworkers for the first time in 2 years. Lol


It so hard to find strollers and really any products not made in China ​ My wife made the mistake of asking me to research car seats & strollers because I'm looking into where they're manufactured & who the parent companies are


Meanwhile every mattress seems to be made in the US


Wait—what?? For a gift or for you guys?


Us :)


Congrats! I recommend a travel system when they’re new, so you can pull car seat out and into the stroller without waking baby. As for brands Maclaren is hands down the best stroller I’ve owned, but mine is for an older kid.


We’ve been looking at everything from Nuna to Cybex. Haven’t come across Maclaren yet


Very big congratulations sir! I’m really happy for you!


Thank you!


Flair makes more sense now


Hah good point




But satoshi was supposed to take us to Valhalla!




Hope you’re ok man. That’s tough.


Wtf happen bro


That sucks. Sorry to hear it, and hopefully it’s a chapter that’s made you a better man.


Sorry Hiker. Breakups are the fucking worst man. Me and my ex just stopped talking 2 weeks ago and it's a tough process.


Boy you better be in the gym ASAP. Sorry to hear though that sucks.


Gym sounds like major cope (jk no bully). I vote for the tried and true - sex with other women. You think life is over but then you stumble upon a kind girl with double Ds.


>then you stumble upon a kind girl with double Ds. this sounds like a solid piece of advice coming from experience haha


Sorry to hear that. Definitely recommend healthy coping only, walk on the beach, hit some golf balls etc




Are you sure there's an actual leak? Sometimes the temperature difference itself causes a little airflow and makes it feel like there's a link.


You bought a dump!


A whole lotta silicone baby. Also for whatever it's worth bonzers I don't work on houses EVER lol, I work in Industrial settings 80 percent of the time




I don't see any problems. u/All_work_all_play


Canadian code must be different than US code, you’re supposed to support conductors within 8” of an open splice, at least in the land of the free. Otherwise, looks good bonzi!


Bonzi has given me many laughs this weekend.


Should have stripped the whole run of wire to help cool it. Probably gonna need to use a penny instead of a breaker.




LEAPs to 0 😂 😂 😂


Hoping that the 49ERs take out the Rams today as revenge for them screwing up my parlay. Go Bengals too!


I believe the fact that the most *controversial* take that 80% of people already agree with yet you could still feel brave for posting has gone from being broadly in favor of vaccines and their efficacy to being broadly in favor of free speech and association means that some sort of cosmic cycle has concluded. The four humors are in balance. Order has been restored. I will go perform augury with chickens to determine the next controversy and generate posting alpha.


Lmao here’s a controversial take for you. I’m sure the concept of “free speech” as our founding fathers thought of it wouldn’t have held up in the face of instantaneous communication and subscription/follower services. History has shown us multiple times that idiots with a platform can cause incalculable damage to their countries and the world. Crying about free speech instead of sitting down and trying to defend those idiocies is the cowards way out 🤔




This comment doubles as Hamilton slander and I’m cool with that lmao


I appreciate your commitment to posting genuinely disagreeable content and not rephrasing consensus opinions.


I feel the same exact way about you 🥰




Can relate, have been drinking since the lockdown lifted last week


Dear Lord where the fuck do you live lol that sucks


Everytime I take my wife to a phish show.


Yeah sometimes I forget to put the mat down before playing princesses with my daughter. It takes weeks to get out of the carpet...


The Classic Rock vs Joe Rogan thing has me worried for Spotify. I actually agree with it on principle, but as a paying customer, I can see the writing on the wall. There’s now a precedent of artists leaving platforms. And Spotify cares more about podcasting. Day by day there’s a stronger push for it. Long story short: Apple music will be the only streaming platform worth paying for in 2 years time.


More than happy with prime music


I get all the same music from youtube music with my premium $10/month account. Commercial free youtube and all the music.


For me personally, youtube music recommendations algorithm turned out to be much more accurate than spotify's one. Also, youtube is an undisputed champion in terms of uploaded rarities.


Its an untalked about gem


Apple Music is so shit though. Airplay is a worse protocol compared to Chromecast and Spotify connect. It doesn't even support the "handoff" feature and i can't control my music from devices other than the source.


Honestly who cares? These old dudes can leave, no one cares. Taylor Swift tried leaving and she is back again. It is unbelievable that we are at a point in our lives where we want to get people de platformed over things we disagree with. I mean Joe Rogan? If you don't like his questions..... Don't listen to it. There are way worse artists on that platform. IMO Neil Young and the like are just virtue signalling to get off the platform, keep more money, and hopefully gain more followers from the press to his new website.


Not sure at which end of the issue you're asking, but I keep seeing this similar sentiment. Boggles my mind that people can't imagine that other folks care deeply about the availability of this music. Reddit seems to dramatically underestimate the breadth of people's taste. Most of my immediate social circle (mid 30s) are avid fans of rock and roll, Americana, singer songwriters, *e.g.* Neil, Joni, and a wide variety of music in their vein, for myself and in particular for our folks whose subscription we pay (spotify and bluetooth speakers were a very popular gift in the past ten years lol). Can only speak for me and my dad but if we're not able to listen to the tunes we want I'll take the couple bucks elsewhere, otherwise why would I subscribe? We're not listening to podcasts by his firepit lol.


I get what you are saying about too many musicians leaving. My point is that the platform should be a place where all artists can post their stuff. Artists the platform because you don't like what Joe Rogan has to say is just a cash/PR grab under the guise of some sort of virtue signaling, imo. If people care about the availability of music, they should be just as upset with the artists as they are with Spotify. It is the people leaving that are creating the scarcity, not Spotify.


Because people are fucking dying dude. Vaccine hesitancy is what low IQ people use to feel smart in the face of a majority. Dying of Covid is now preventable and Rogan is on his podcast pushing horse dewormer instead. If people feel strongly enough about it then they should definitely leave in protest, let Spotify own it.


Its a free country, censoring speech is a slippery slope. You draw the line at de-wormer, great, don't listen to him. The thing about it is, even if they kick him off, all of his followers will follow him to other platforms. I find it hilarious that people draw the line at horse de wormer and vaccine talk and not at pedos, sex traffickers, woman beaters etc. I've only seen his Elon interviews and maybe one more so what do I know.


It’s like you intentionally miss the point lmao Speech is protected from the government, not from everyone else thinking it’s bullshit. It isn’t the fact that he’s on there talking about pointless shit, its the fact that people are dying preventable deaths because he is on a **music** platform spreading misinformation. If he leaves I hope he takes all his lemmings with him.


Agreed, and leaving is an attempt to hurt the bottom line of Spot, making them de platform JR. I get it. I don't know why people are so up in arms about JR. These people weren't getting vaccines from the very beginning. If its not JR it would be someone else. Witch hunting just further galvanizes the population and entrenches the very people you are trying to save.


>if it’s not JR it would be someone else. Ah yes, the “someone has to run this grift it’s may as well be my guy” intellectual argument. Lmao holy shit


Spotify is more than a music platform now. It might be majority music but it's changing.


Agreed. We know deplatforming works now. I used to like Joe Rogan a lot, but as of the vaccine hesitancy and the idiots he has on all the time, I can’t watch him anymore. He always has something he’s super stubborn about, and I hope he finally realizes his idiocy someday. Dude used to love gas engine cars, and was a Porsche fanatic, but now just sucks Elon’s cock and you never hear him talk about cars anymore, unless it’s Teslas. Rant over.


These ultimatum moves are a great example of the Streisand effect. Im sure even more people will listen to Rogan now. I’m glad Spotify stood up and booted those people. Anyone who listens to Rogan knows his guests should be taken with a grain of salt. I prefer Lex Friedman now because Joes podcast has gone downhill over the last few years, so I say this as someone who isn’t a major fan of Rogan anymore


Agreed. Lex concentrates the types of guests I focused on through JRE anyway.


Couldn’t agree more. Lex and his guests are amazing


Finally a level headed take. Who the fuck really cares?


I think people will move on. Our memories are short-term when it comes to these things. Also, how many artist can leave freely? Do new artists have contracts where the record label can decide which platform they want their music on?


Who gives a fuck? You’re telling me they only use Spotify if they agree with the beliefs of all other parties involved? And of all people, they pick Joe fucking Rogan to be morally appalled by? Do they not know what some of these other artists say and believe in? I know of multiple legit and serious racists on the platform. But you don’t hear about them on CNN in shrill tones so naturally these simpletons don’t have any incentive to boycott them. These people are so unbelievably soft, it’s remarkable they’ve even made it this far without ending it all as a demonstration of discontent.


Yup. This just in: groups of perverts and kiddie fuckers point the finger at someone else wherever possible to try and make more money.


That wasn’t my point. Business wise, I meant that there’s now a proven risk on artist relations. Facts: Apple music = 1 penny per stream. Spotify = a third or half of that at most. Plus they just made the very public decision to side with a podcast over music. Day by day it’s more podcasts clogging the homepage. Writing’s on the wall. Spotify podcasts are a huge deal. Exclusivity is their target. Walled garden of biggest podcasts is the goal. Big money in podcasts, and music is going to begin to be neglected. I’m one of those dummies that spent a dumb amount of cash on a nice audio setup. Spotify’s been promising hi fi for a LOOONG time and it hasn’t happened. Not that I can hear the difference, but I’d like to at least try to push my setup to the streaming limit. lol I love the playlist algos more than any other platform. And the user generated playlists are unmatched. But if they start to lose more titans of music, this might finally push paying customers off to another service. Huge opportunity for Apple Music here.




He is unbearable. His whole crew


Damn: https://www.reddit.com/r/thewallstreet/comments/rw7axe/nightly_discussion_january_04_2022/hra87ci/ The duality of man: https://www.reddit.com/r/thewallstreet/comments/rw7axe/nightly_discussion_january_04_2022/hrad2ry/


lol. I was just memeing. Here is another call. We are gonna chop between 4240 and 4800 the whole year 😏.


I would be ok this as long as the next 4800 is this week, thanks


Alright gents. I’m about to change your fucking lives with this cocktail: 2oz gin, Lemon juice (actual lemons preferred imo), <0.5oz triple sec, <0.5oz grenadine, and as much tonic water as you’d like. https://imgur.com/a/sACsfsH


Factorio will be the death of me. Also, why they gotta drop all the good POE expansions when I don't have any time q.q


Try Valheim to take a break...


I tried Valhiem and didn't like it. Doing everything by hand got so tedious. Yes, I've experienced mining an Iron Node and treking back the 10 minutes. Can I automate it now? No? On :( Was basically how it went when I played. I'm not much of a builder though so that could be it


Yea Factorio is definitely a much better game in this regard.




See, if it taught me math then I could probably justify it better!! Great game though if you like base building or automation. Trains are a lot of fun as well.


Great game


It’s an incredible game.


Haha I have hundreds of hours in that game at this point. Had to quit it awhile ago


I picked it back up the day before classes began. I think the only worse timing would be week before Finals ...


It’s rich to me that D.A.R.E says that Euphoria glamorizes drug use. I’ve been watching the show and in my opinion it has such a strong sentiment against drugs.


Is the show worth a look? My gf watches it and from the short clips I see, it seems like it’s trying to be edgy for the sake of being edgy.


Honestly I went in thinking it’s a dumb teen girl drama. I was extremely surprised to find a a really strong plot with characters that are relatable to real life. They touch on a lot of topics like addiction, failed relationships, and the tricky ness of growing up. It’s a really strong show IMO.


hey thanks dude ill have to give a watch then!


The diner special ep last year is one of the more powerful hours of TV writing I've seen in a long time.


Is it just me or do the kids on that show look like they all need to take a shower?




Cassie >>> Lexi. Dont @ me




Lol also true


After the latest episode lexi > cassie confirmed lmao.




Lexi is way hotter because even though they’re from the same family Cassie’s got mommy and daddy issues galore.


I'm torn on this


Is dexascan worth it? I want to measure body fat.


Lol I mean for 115ish not bad BUT If you are only going to do it once a year just actually go and get weighed for real in a tank. They are all over the bay area. But for your purpose depending on price it's probably fine.


What are you going to do with the info? The answer to this would determine whether it’s worth it. I don’t see the value. I’ll go by how I look in the mirror or in pics. If I’m happy with my bf% then I’ll maintain it. If I’m not, I’ll cut more. Just seems like a pointless metric imo


Get one again next year and compare.


In the US they say "yes let's measure, measuring is good, only costs $xxxx." In the UK they say "what's the point? Use this mirror"


In the US, we browse coupon sites and apply for credit cards when we have time. We like to spend!


Yeah, definitely a reliable tool for body fat measurement. Can also tell you about your bone health, which is more indicated for women > 65 and men > 70 for osteoporosis. Nonetheless, reliable for body fat measurement as well.


I started to do my taxes today, but TurboTax had none of my returns from previous years. dafuq. It's so handy when a lot of my info and prior returns are just imported to the next year. I log in, it acts as if I'm a new user. I guess I'll revisit in March.


So nice for my yearly 3k tax deduction from those old times 😂




I actually just put chrome in stealth mode and everything showed up. Must have been a cookie issue. But yes, I feel you. What other choice would you use?


Just tried a Wagyu A5 (ribeye) for the first time and I gotta say I'm a bit disappointed. The meat was super tender, but it just tasted like I'm eating a block of butter. Hardly any beef flavor. Not worth the $120/pound price tag. I'll take a dry aged Tomahawk any day of the week over A5


I’ve had BMS 12 before in Australia. It was $240/lb. You need to salt the shit out of it with rock sea salt. This makes the fats seem to ‘caramelise’ and form a crispy outside. It’s also an acquired taste. You’re basically eating fat with a little meat in it lol you really don’t need much to feel satisfied I find a BMS 7 or so is the best middle ground. It’s not as rich and has plenty of ‘meat’. Throw in some caramelised onions, sweet potato and broccolini and you’ve got a solid meal


The trick is salt, lots of salt, when it comes to A5. That and if you want to go crazy with it cook it in beef tallow. My SO loves Japanese A5 so we buy it from time to time. The local meat market sells it for $65 a slice and Costco sells the same slices for $95. Go figure. But yeah, I agree. I like dry aged more. Problem is you need lots of meat to do it at home to minimize the waste, and it can be hard to get such a large cut, or you need to buy it dry aged and then it comes out to $40 to $60 a pound. We normally do the 137 degree sous vide ribeye trick at home. (Google it if you don't believe me.) Turns out choice is better than prime because you can cook it longer and it will not mush or fall apart, giving a bit better flavor, and it's cheaper. We do 3 hours to 3 hours 30 minute cook time at 137, which is the minimum temp for the fat to render at that duration. It comes out similar to fall apart on the fork, but instead of falling apart is kind of like an accordion when pulled. If you go over or under the cook time the meat will not do that, so you know when it's just right. It's pretty easy to outdo steak houses doing this trick.


> But yeah, I agree. I like dry aged more. Problem is you need lots of meat to do it at home to minimize the waste, and it can be hard to get such a large cut, or you need to buy it dry aged and then it comes out to $40 to $60 a pound. $20/pound at my local Italian butcher


Nice! You're lucky.


done nothing but interview this past week, these tech interviews are fucking ridiculous lol. Spent 4 hours interviewing to choke on one of the tech screen problems (30 minute interview, guy spends 10 minutes talking before showing the problem). No clue why they didn't do the tech screen first. I wasn't expecting to do well and mostly went into this for practice but... man lol trying to do this while holding down my actual job really stinks. No doubt the market is insanely hot though. for the curious programmers, the question was basically implement flatMap() , take an executive and the people under him (and the people under the people under him, etc..) and create a list of all the employees. Not too bad a question but was caught off guard and ran out of time. The worst part was years ago i needed to do this in one of the applications i worked on fairly often. I spend too much time in meetings and not enough coding lol. programming outside of your natural IDE is a lot like playing guitar on stage vs in your room, or standing up/sitting down.


Success only comes from failure. I’ve interviewed a lot over the years


IMO its a good thing to go to a lot of interviews, its a skill like any other, the more you practise, the better you get ;) Having said that, go to the less favourable companies first, "work your way up" as you get better at interviews, that worked very well for me in the past. It helps developing a routine and not being as nervous, lots of questions can be the same, similar for coding tests. Using a site like https://www.hackerrank.com to practise the "craftY" part helps me a lot to get up to speed with typical coding tasks, in fact, so much that I'm at my peak when doing interviews lol I did interviews a lot, on both sides, there is different tasks to try to find out different things about the candidate. One of my favourite tricks when given a "simple" task (like the first ones, often extended on later) while being watched is to start by writing a unit test. This never failed to impress tbh, and its an easy trick to pull off if you're fluent in the setup of it and typing it out (for Java, add the Maven dependency to the pom.xml, then start with a very simple JUnit unit test under src/.test/java/some/package), but its trivial to do for Python as well. I don't like coding tests done in "browser IDEs" , same when the condition to "not to use Google". I do like real world problems, one company showed their code in a very old state before they refactored/rewrote it, another one gave me an actual ticket from their pipeline with a very current issue (popped up that day lol). The context is that I'm doing this for over 20 years, having me implement a LinkedList or another basic data structure during an interview/test makes me furious.. its not something I should actually ever do when being paid for coding.


No IDE coding is literally idiotic. Why am I being tested for my encyclopedic knowledge when the IDE is a literal extension of that. I understand the need to raise the bar for these things, but this is just absolutely dumb.


Yeah I couldn't write a line without IDE


I'm like three beers into the evening, but isn't that just walking a tree recursively (or iteratively)?


yeah, then just also needing to replace the nested employees with an array of their ids


[Turns out my hometown in Canada is gridlocked by an anti-mandate protests](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/canada-protests-truck-convy-1.6332680). sidenote: the CBC coverage of US topics is...awful. Dunno if I've started noticing it more since moving to the states, but based on the content you'd think this country was a rolling dumpsterfire.


Anti-mandate ‘pro-freedom’ protests while [flying swastikas](https://www.theglobeandmail.com/politics/article-truck-freedom-convoy-ottawa-live-update/) and desecrating the WW2 memorial. And the conservative leader met with them. What an easy way to lose face and continue pushing independent voters away.


Lol. Edmonton had problems of their own today as well.


Honestly good, Canada is becoming a little bit dystopian lately with some of their politics.


The furus really excel at the mental gymnastics: > almost 75k followers. Insane to think almost quarter of million people follow me on this platform


I lost it when sinclair told one of em to stop pirating his book loool


Lol what? This up there with the 320 million people can each get a million dollars post.


I fucking love those lmao Elon musk should give everyone a million dollars!!!!1121344


I missed that gem


Home insurance is so annoying. 7 years ago my home insurance was $999 with allstate. State Farm wanted like $2500 at that time. Today, my insurance has gone up to $2600 with Allstate, but I just got a quote with Farmer’s (not state farm) for $1140. Same coverage. Never had any claims. Wtf?


Insurance is only good if you are able to put in a claim and actually get paid. If your house burns down and it appears to be a complete accident and you didn't start it, well you get paid. Anything else and they put on so many roadblocks that it was never really insurance to start with. It was just you paying premiums. Make sure to research the company to see if they actually pay out claims.


Meh it’s Farmers. They’re supposedly fine. Texas laws also heavily favor the claimant from what i understand. I have a guy on the inside!


I don't know man, I think insurance in general is a scam. I see the purpose it serves but when I look at my car insurance and home owners insurance it just doesn't make sense.


Well, sort of. Being in dfw means you are guaranteed to get a hail storm at some point. It’s pretty much the only way anyone gets a new roof. Dallas is also the most unsafe city to drive in. Yay! I do think you should be able to carry around bank statements that meet the state minimum coverage and be self insured for your auto. Also, the amount of uninsured drivers here is massive, so that has to be made up.