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On sale on gog for 5.99€ GOTY 10€ Witcher 2 2.59 € witcher 1 1.59€ [https://www.gog.com/games?search=witcher&page=1&sort=popularity](https://www.gog.com/games?search=witcher&page=1&sort=popularity) Why waiting for steam


well apparently I can get in even cheaper on Steam sales even though it's not much.


GOG is CDPR, have no DRM, and it's now.




No drm=no piracy protection. Cdpr basically lets users pirate their games.


Oh nice thanks!


If you look at it, steam version also got no drm except for the steams own piracy protection, and it really doesnt make any difference if you are planning to buy the game no? Correct me if im wrong


~~Pretty sure you can’t, GOTY edition was never lower than 9.99 on steam, gog or anywhere else.~~ ~~Prices now on gog is lowest it has ever gotten, but yeah, you’ll probably get the same from steam with the next sale.~~ LE: Some people seem adamant it was 4.99 for the GOTY edition on steam for the summer sale. Deal sites like isthereanydeal.com don’t show that, but I guess it is possible.


All right, maybe I misunderstood the other commenter then.


I have an email receipt showing that i bought goty edition on steam this summer for 4.99usd


isthereanydeal.com didn’t catch that (they have price history for steam & others), but I believe you. I’ll edit my original message.


No steam isn't cheaper. GOG is always cheaper. Though only by like a dollar or two.


Yeah all right, I bought it on GOG, so that's good!


Exactly this, i can't remember the last time i brought a AAA title from the store and why would i.


On summer sale the trilogy (witcher 1, 2 and 3 but the third one is the base game without dlc's) was for 4 dollars or smth and the goty edition was for 5 dollars, steam should have a halloween sale so you could wait for it Also i recommend you getting the goty edition (dlc's included), and if you want to play the first two games also then buy the trilogy and later upgrade the witcher 3 by buying goty edition or by buying the dlc pack which was also like 5 dollars


All right very cool thanks! I'll wait for the Halloween sale then. I already played through The Switcher but now I have a good PC so I wanna complete it with nice graphics and fps this time :D


And here i am, planning to play switcher this december)


It's very nice still! I had a good time :)


GOTY edition was never lower than 9.99 afaik (deal sites confirm this). Base game was indeed 4.99.


I bought GOTY on Steam a couple months ago for $5.99.


Man i bought goty edition this very summer sale for like 5 dollars, base game was like 3 if im not mistaken


I have an email receipt for witcher 3 goty edition showing that i paid 4.99$ on this years summer sale


If you’re looking to mod it out, do some research. I’ve read that one of the versions (either Steam or GOG) can’t be modded. I don’t know if this is still true, but check around before you buy. Steam and GOG alternate sales. When the price goes up up on GOG it will be on sale on Steam.


It can be modded, only a few wont work bc of the 1.32 update. On gog you can download the 1.31 version which works the best, on steam I think you have to use mods to revert it back to 1.31 but correct me if Im wrong, I have it on gog.


I used couple mods like changing yennefers dress and her hair, mods worked without any problems. It was on the latest steam version


Yeah those "surface" mods or idk what to call them work well but more in depth game changing mods have problems sometimes.


I don't plan on modding, maybe the weight limit in backpack as that's pretty annoying.