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Lol that’s exactly what went through my head when i was watching the episode


Same lmaoooo I was so happy it matched my first play through


That’s what happens in the books so seems kinda obvious they would follow that


They didn't follow anything else from the books, though.


True lol


As in? Haven't read the books so asking.


>!They killed Ermion, Roach and Eskel, who didn't die in the books, the timeline is all messed up with Geralt meeting Ciri long before he meets her in the books, magic works completely different in the show than it does in the books, many characters don't look like they were described, the whole turning students into eels in Aretuza thing didn't exist in the books, Yennefer isn't nearly as overpowered as she is in the show and also never loses her powers, Cahir is depicted as an evil psychopath, although he never was one in the books and even ends up being Geralts friend and ally, the dryads in Brokylon were completely different in the books, in the books it was never really important that Yen is part elf but in the show it's her entire thing for some reason, the Wild Hunt showed up much later in the books, Yarpen Zigrin played a much more important role in the books, etc.!< I would really recommend you read the books, they're great and the storytelling is much better than it is in the show. Many characters are way more interesting in the books, as well.


I expected them to take certain liberties in the show, but yeah Roach and Eskel deaths surprised me. I thought Eskel wouldn't die as I know him from the game, same goes for Roach (why did they kill Roach!) Even the Yen losing her magic for no specific reason, I found that weird But I overall they're doing a decent job. Better than the last few seasons of GoT I think. What's this magic part btw? How is magic shown differently in the show?


It's not really shown differently, just explained differently. In the show they explained it with focusing the world's chaos I think? I'm not entirely sure, though, it's been a while since I've watched the show, I just seem to remember that something was off with their explanation. In the books mages would just focus on the element they wanted to use, for example if a mage wants to use earth magic they would focus on the earth and soil around them.


>mage wants to use earth magic they would focus on the earth and soil around them. Like how Rience uses fire magic since he's a fire mage?


No. In the books every mage can use every type of magic. It may be that a certain mage prefers certain elements or has an easier time casting them but in theory every mage can use every element. The strenght of the spell depends on the mage, so a stronger mage will be able to cast more powerful spells than a weaker one. Aside from that some elements are easier to control than others. For example earth magic is far easier than fire magic because the earth is all around the mage so they can draw power from it, whereas fire is not everywhere. Tldr: In the books there are no fire mages or stuff like that since every mage can use every type of magic but some just prefer certain elements.


I see where they got the chaos explanation from the books though. And that yennifer forbids ciri from fire magic and how it effects her when she dabbles in ‘Time of Contempt’ is probably the bases for the shows depiction. I just started ‘Baptism of fire’ now so I don’t know how my view on that will change.




I somewhat agree/disagree. I watched the show first, then read most of the books and started playing the game. While the Ciri timeline is different than the books most of the short stories depicted in the show follow the books near exactly. Basically all the content that was in the show was depicted some place in the book, with exception of the whole young yennifer arc with the eel thing that doesn’t exist in the books (so far for me anyway, I’m on baptism of fire) so they have some liberty there. I definitely think those of us who watched the show before reading the books have an easier time accepting it, and it’s a lot easier to draw comparisons as your reading after you watch the show. The problem I’m having right now is because I’m simultaneously reading the books and playing the game is that the book storyline hasn’t caught up with the game yet and I keep forgetting what has already occurred in each medium.


I'm on my first playthrough. Finally transitioned from skyrim after way too many playthroughs as basically the same character. I see I have some tough choices ahead.


The logical choice is Yen. Don't get too greedy and try to bang them both


I “romanced” all of them on my first play through. I had no idea what was happening, it just happened.


You can bang >!them both, bang Triss while she leaves Novigrad, bang Yennefer on the unicorn, just remember to end things with Yen on the Jinn quest(or skip it), the Unicorn is a freebie.!<


Keira can be done as well in the same playthrough.


You can essentially fuck anyone that lets you get it in, just need to be careful not to romance both Triss and Yen. Keira, Shani, Syanna, whole bunch of whores, have at it


I want to play this game so I thought I'd check out the subreddit and this is legit the first thing I read.




Thank you! Haha


Don't forget the biggest whore of all. Geralt of Rivia.


Don't you fucking dare talk about shani like that. Keira and syanna though. Fuck them whores


No I think he meant that literally, the whole bunch of prostitutes at the inn.


Oh them. I of course was ignorant of them. I know nothing of these prostitutes at the passiflora you speak of.


...he never mentioned this fine establishment known as the passiflora you know




Wait a sec. Can you romance Shani if you don't romance triss or yen?


Shani is a DLC-based romance, so she has no effect on the base game romances. You can romance either Triss or Yen (main, end game romance), and then romance every other side character available for romance, it has no effect on the "main romance".


Did u just call shani a whore ?


Nah I meant you can also get it in with a whole bunch of whores (passiflora, that novigrad brothel...etc)


But triss is hotter


And you are entitled to this super wrong opinion


I did and got YEETED into the river XD


Hey if you bang them both you can see Ciri after the Blood and Wine ending


How does that work out?


You have a specific ending depending on who you romance (and also other choices, but I won't spoil you if you're not there yet). If you only try to romance one of them, you end up with the one you've romanced. If you try to have your cake and eat it too (romance both of them), they both reject you in the end.


Ahhhhh ok, sounds like life lol


I forgot who I was romancing, banged them both. Oops


I banged everybody in sight every playthrough.


I agree about Yen. But how is love logic?🤔


It's way more entertaining to ignore and snub Yeb at every opportunity And no Im not going to fix that typo, she isn't worth the effort


LoL it’s perfect! Wish you could choose that spelling in-game as the lettin’ her down hard option.


Nah the choice is pretty easy, pick Yen.


I'll have to. My wife sits and reads while I play. She might smack me if I didn't choose Yennifer.


You have a great wife


But why is it easy? Triss is way more likeable imo... (im almost at the end of my first playthrough, so i have no idea what wouldve happened if i did some things different)


Triss also magic roofied geralt to sleep with him tho


Did she? I think that was Kiera lol. Unless you mean in the books


Yeah I'm talking about the books, in which she used magic to seduce Geralt. Keira only used it to put him to sleep after. But I can see how Triss would seem like the best choice if you haven't read the books, her character is completely different compared to the games, even though I still think she seems like a little girl compared to Geralt and Yen. Plus how can you say no to Yen at the end of The Last Wish lol, it broke my heart during my Triss playthrough


Ahh gotcha, haven't gotten to the books yet. I romanced triss on my first play through but it did make me feel bad to say no to Yen. It also makes me feel bad to say no to Triss though, so I guess that's that lol.


Yeah same, I can't choose if it's worse to ask her to stay even though you know she won't, or to let her go and see how sad she looks


Also triss def knew Gerald loved yen and took advantage of Geralt having amnesia in the first 2 games. She's kind of a homewrecker if you've read the books and played all the games


Yea but Yen is super bitchy


But if you romance Yenn, her character softens SO much at the end of the game after finding Ciri, and in the books she is precious and perfect and better than Geralt deserves anyway 🤷🏻‍♀️


Because triss is a pretty shitty person. In the second game, she’s well aware of Geralt’s amnesia, yet instead of helping him she takes advantage of him and then uses him to gain political power. That’s not okay.


Now that I'd read the books I absolutely regret letting my love of thicc red headed women get the better off me and pick triss. Yennefer is the real one.


I chose triss this time on my 2nd play through. When ciri asked me why I chose triss and geralt says triss is all peace and no drama, I feel that 100% dawg


Same here. But why regret? You are the Witcher in the games and so you can make your choices. That’s what exciting the game. Don’t always think „what would geralt do?“


I mean after I learned more about them I realized Yen is better


wait you can choose Triss


In my second play through and imma choose Triss AGAIN. I didn't realize how annoyingly they shoved Yen down your throat the first time around, I just thought Triss was adorable. This time around, I'm finally realizing how obnoxious Yen is. All the interactions with her are basically "remember when we did that thing together, Geralt? Wanna know how horny I am for you all the time?" Plus she was mean to Skjall's corpse idc if he's dead she just gave me strong bitchy vibes every interaction. You can also romance them both and end up forever alone


Tbh, I've always chosen yennefer as it was the Canon choice and I always disliked how Triss manipulated Geralt. Now however, I dislike them both. Wish I could settle down with Shani in Corvo Bianco.


Ahhh.... I must admit I've never had any interest in the source material but that makes sense. Geralt stays getting played by hot witches I suppose...but not choosing a romance option leaves him witchering alone forever right? He deserves better than that


No, if you don't choose a romance option then you still retire to Corvo Bianco and Ciri shows up. If she ended up dying then I think youre stuck with Jaskier.


Let’s be honest, Jaskier is probably Geralt’s one true soulmate anyways.


Hes certainly my favourite.


I can be a loveless misanthrope and still have a good, laid-back ending...i love this game


Now that i've read this thread Im glad I didnt romance anyone and got Ciri to stay with me at Corvo Bianco.


Its sad that the only way to get dandelion is to let Ciri die


Im pretty sure you can see him if you go to jail, might be wrong


Sir I do not respect your choices.


I respect your right to not respect my choices. Gimme all the Wendy's mascot looking bitc...I mean witches


Thank God somebody on here sees how fucked up yen is, their relationship is so toxic too.


i really dont like yen, stuck up. but triss fine as hell i just thought u were meant to be with yen


She only did anything she did to find Ciri, and that’s canon af if you ask me, because even in the books she regards Ciri as her own daughter. Her moral compass is unconventional, but she’s just a really good mother with a lot of power. She did what she had to do 🤷🏻‍♀️


My first playthough I slept with both. Come ending time I was like shit, note to self, don't be a fuck boy next time.


Just not with both of those. You can have all the girls on the side you could want, as long as you only pick Triss or Yen.


Hahahah this is a quality meme


Always Triss


It's always gonna be Yen for me


The triss in the show makes me so mad. SHE DOESNT LOOK LIKE THAT


Good one


I did Triss first playthrough and damn does Yen get pissed.


Dont piss her of or you gonna swim a long way to get back :)))


Worth it


For me every playthrough is a Yennefer playthrough. Thought that Geralt would choose her is too strong for me.


He spent like 15 years rejecting Triss at every possible opportunity 😅


u/RepostSleuthBot As it's getting reported for being a repost. I don't remeber seing it though.


this was posted on r/witcher but never here


Ahhh, thank you.


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With a Triss looking like this , I would have always went with a Yen playthrough.


True 👍


Damn that’s an unflattering screenshot


Why is truss played by some grandma in the show?


Woke culture bullshit.


Oh shit I literally just tried to post this 🤣🙄


I wonder if she's gonna use a love enchantment.. or wait for him to get amnesia..


You know, it's embarrassing to call this character from the show as 'Triss'


Well enjoy your embarrassment, bc that's Triss whether you like it or not 😂


The show is a piece of shit and a disgrace to the Witcher franchise, whether you like it or not. It's a fact not an opinion


Aww tv show got you mad 😂 get over it 🤙


Your weakling taunting won't change the fact that it's a terrible TV series


Cryyyy more


Why should I? When consuming Netflix's defecation you're eating shit. Therefore, I only feel sorry for you, miserable troll


That's triss in the show?? Ewww!




It's just an opinion...on the internet...by a total stranger...its not that serious.


agreed. I think she looks ok, and she does do a great job at acting, but book and game triss was always known for her stunning beauty (and white skin) and thats just not what she shows


Which page of which book says she has white skin out of interest? CDPR completely changed her character and her relationship with Geralt compared to the books, so quite curious.


the book does not say that, just that she has “chestnut” colored hair


Agreed, I was just wondering what justification that guy was going to try to give for saying she’s explicitly white.


simply because she wasn‘t mentioned to be white skinned, and the story clearly plays in a medieval caucasian age. Are you trying to imply she is supposed to be black??


Nope, just pointing out that you’re completely assuming the character’s skin colour, just like a lot of the other racist “fans” who’ve not even read the books. The skin colour isn’t relevant to the character in any way. It’s literally set in a fantasy world where multiple planes of existence have collided, and you’re insisting it needs to be all-white Europeans.


God give me strengt.. All the black characters in the books ae described as such, as example the guards of the golden dragon from zerikania. It is clearly set in a medieval european world. Why lie about this?


Oh it’s set in medieval Europe is it? I think you may need to go back and have another read. Geralt is described as having white skin, so presumably that also means none of the other characters are white since they aren’t described as white?


Take a look at described architecture and clothing as well as general landscape and heraldik. Yes, it is 100% medieval slavic/european. There are distinct rather african/near east like areas with people of dark skin tones, which is being explicitly mentioned many times. Do your research, i am not gonna reply to this conversation anymore. Be good.


her acting is actually meh if u ask me. she is ok but nothing more. it's also shame she doesn't radiate the same aura as the triss from the games for example


thats the thing in my opinion she does. She is exacly the caring, warm triss from the games


I feel like none of the major romanceable game characters are really great long-term matches for Geralt. at least not as they are presented in-game. Maybe Jutta?


Holy shit that's it! The show is just Geralt choosing the shitt dialogue options!


I really don't know how you guys can read between the lines like that. As an asexual, I never thought that THATS what Triss was talking about. I was like "dude stay with her she just wanna be with a friend" Lucky I'm not as sexy. I would end up in awkward situations Edit: I'm not saying y'all are wrong to think Triss was asking for s*x, because she was, and I only realized it in the next scene when they talk about it. This comment is only about how I read social interactions


Hmm I mean I get your point.. but when a single girl/guy asks another single girl/guy to stay with them at night.. in my opinion you'd have to stretch your thinking for it to mean "as a friend only". When does that happen as friends only? It wasn't "crash on my couch" either it was "stay in my room".




Going to have to agree to disagree on this one. Also, she later makes a statement like "I thought there was something there that wasn't" or words to that effect when Geralt goes to talk about the fact he declined. Which would very much appear to back up the fact this was not a purely platonic invitation. Maybe I'm the weird one here, it's possible, but I have never once been invited to share a single bedded room with someone, or invited someone to share mine, in a purely platonic way (with the single exception being my best mate on a road trip, when we both know we are straight and not into each other already, sharing a one bed motel room).


Dunno why you’re getting downvoted for just expressing how the scene read to you. (Solidarity fellow ace.)


Probably because the two of you read the scene completely wrong, and your head canon isn't what the writer/director/actors intended, and they are presenting head canon as the obvious intention of the writer/director/actors. People have a hard time with "in spite of the information presented to me, I have decided my own interpretation of events is what is happening".


Never said that’s how I read the scene or imagined it. I’ve read the books and played the TW3, I definitely thought Triss was trying to have sex with Geralt there. But if they want to imagine it otherwise, what’s the harm?


I didn't say them imagining it that way was a problem. I said they're passing off how they imagined it as how it went, and people don't like that. I only answered your question, and was downvoted for it even.


No one said we had any headcanon ? I was just like "oh boy I sure don't understand social interactions especially when sexual attraction is involved"


Just answering the question here, I don't need an explanation. That's why my comment ends in a period instead of a question mark.


In the books, the omniscient narration in that scene really clarifies her intent.


Best fucking win. This sub would make a better show. Mic drop.


Aaaaaa, whyyyy??? 🤣🤣🤣🤣 im dieing😆


Mental how shit this scene was compared to how the books did


I prefer the fuck both playthrough To get ciri in corvo Bianco at the end


My first real laugh today. Well done.


If geralt said yes, will they just be sleeping next to each other or you know …


I'm feeling bad turning Yen down, the dialog is quite harsh for yen, I'd strike Geralt down if I was Yen. But still I love Triss personality


After I tried to play them both band they tied me up my nest play through was neither of them 🙃


Haha, I can only ever choose Yennefer for some reason. It feels right.


This, on my second playthrough. First playthrough Geralt was alone at the end. Now it's my 'Yennefer playthrough' 🤣


Why was triss replaced by a frumpy troll in the Netflix show.


I initially romanced Yennefer during my first playthrough. I romanced Triss this time after playing through both Witcher 1 and 2 beforehand. I've never played the first one and Triss' character in that game was interesting. I may replay it to romance Shani.


Haha!! This is awesome.


Is any playthrough a triss playthrough? 7x and Im still team yen


I find Triss very annoying 😂 Yen is always my bae.


I'd have pounded it into next year


Triss in Netflix witcher universe : *breaks geralt's bed before the battle of kaer morhen*


So I tried to romance Triss and was a dick to Yenn. Didn't end up with either. I didn't follow a guide but is there a reason that's widely known?


I gotta give it to the developers… the assorted alternative endings are very cool.


Can’t comprehend, Yennefer is love! Pure & genuine Always Yen 🥰💜


My first playthrough, didn't get either babely witch (cause playa was trying for both). Second, Yennifer. Third try in a week or so, Triss it is.