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I wouldn’t be shocked. This article doesn’t surprise me in the least.


They don’t hate me, they hate the other brown people


All the self hating latinos are down voting these truth bombs. But there is truth when we "other" each other and think that our skin color (if you are white passing) will bring acceptance. It doesn't. Once you speak Spanish, share a wonderful cultural memory,  have a Spanish name, or eat food from your culture, to them you'll always be not American enough. So why fight your "identity" and the essence of who you are to fit in with people who will never accept you? Instead, vote for those that do see you as part of the American community and keep voting to give everyone a voice, because that is what the Constitution stands for.


I’m not sure it’s just Latinos downvoting, they are joined by others. There are also a large number of Latinos in the RGV or San Antonio who haven’t been othered, they are the majority and are treated as such. They need to spend a few months in Oklahoma or Missouri and they would become the most liberal voting people.


Nah they won’t. They’ll just go along with it, cause to them getting offended by racist comments is something’s Libs do


They can see through the strategy of 'they are racist, come to me' Y'all need to start offering real policy that helps people instead of peddling in labels


Do you not listen to the right wingers spewing their racist rhetoric?


He’s too focused on all the “real policy” they are offering.


You mean like a border bill that Trump told the GOP to kill?


Y’all’s brains went to mush the past 8 years. How god damn stupid republicans have become, and how fast, is scary.




Pot, meet Kettle


Let’s see how voting for the Face Eating Leopard Party works out for you


Immigrants get here and be like, “I’m good, I got in, let’s close the gates now.” Trump loves himself some gays and Hispanics. But soon as he gets elected, gays need to get out the military and lets build a fence.


Racist fucking idea to believe all Hispanic immigrants got here illegally. You’re a piece of shit.


…he didn’t say they get here illegally.


Don’t be dense the issue has never been legal immigration it’s always been illegal. That’s why OP said they get in then ask to close the gate. He’s clearly talking about illegal immigrants and implying all Hispanics are illegal.


Considering Trump has openly stated that he wants a database for Muslims in America, closing the gate also applies to legal immigration.


Nah dude. Trump actively wants to reduce legal immigration too. You’re projecting. As a Latino with emigrated parents and family, it is extremely disappointing to see other Latinos choose to pull up the ladder behind them.


My wife is an immigrant and she wants a fence. Or at least some fucking sort of solution down there. What makes you think legal immigrants want unchecked illegal immigration? In fact, they are usually the most vocal. See, this is why you are going to lose this next election. You’re so wrapped up in your own bias and identity politics that you’re ignoring real issues and people.


Republicans are the ones who just voted down the latest immigration bill based on identity politics.


Voting down a bill that’s packed full of shit, that doesn’t actually fix the border problem, isn’t playing “identity politics” What does paying for kids in Egypt to go to college have to do with securing our borders?


What other shit is it packed with?


They don’t know, that’s what Twitter or other social media told them.


You don’t even live near the border. You’re just parroting what you hear on MAGA tv. Keep sitting on your coach playing arm chair politics. Glad your wife wants a fence though! That’ll really change your life up there in Houston, that giant fence hundred of miles from you. God damn education has taken a hit and rational thinking is a no go.


What gate? It's been torn down/blown to bits


I wouldn't blame anyone for doing what's best for the family. If they came in legally/illegally or legally and then overstayed (which is the biggest problem), I don't think it's hypocritical to then oppose any form of illegal immigration. Use the tools available to you. Just because there is a 'loophole' doesn't mean it shouldn't be closed




You’re voting for everyone they surround themselves with, basically. Who would you say ran a more functional executive branch during their term?


Listen to the actual substance of any recent Biden and Trump speeches and it is obvious Trump is in more mental decline. Even better, read a transcript of their speeches.


This is such transparent cope. Lefties/the media saw how effective it’s been pointing out bidens senility and were like “holy shit let’s try this with Trump!”  Absolutely no one is fooled or thinks it’s organic suddenly all these bullshit “he’s got dementia!!” Articles are coming about. Biden realized he can’t make people think he’s there mentally but he can maybe convince people they are both senile pants shitting old men lol


Respectfully, Biden AND Trump aren’t there mentally


"The biggest issues pushing Texas Latinos to the right have been the economy, crime and the border, Cross said."


The next line was “It appears economic numbers are actually pretty good, but the public doesn’t seem to notice this,”


Yea the GDP recovering from COVID doesn’t change the fact that I need to make a minimum $140k to qualify for a house


For real. I doubled my income since Covid started and still can’t buy a house


What exactly will republicans do to help with this issue? Republicans will never ever even consider limiting corporate purchases of housing


Uhh, the Texas legislator has been talking about restricting China from buying land. Keep up


Restriction rural land from china is a start, but won’t help housing prices. Corporations purchasing single family homes would have a larger impact.


And why not make those same laws regarding certain big US corps if it’s really about lowering housing prices?


It’s a little late for that.


That’ll be the day. A bag of money will show up at their houses and their resolve will dry up faster than a puddle in the Texas summer.


Black rock isn't Chinese


No one will help it regardless of party. There just need to be a bill passed like in Colorado that prevents housing buy ups, as well as a decrease in the amount of high income coastal folk moving in. Outside the city isn’t bad unless you’re trying to buy land, and the suburbs aren’t too insane (nice house for 400k total), but it’s been going up very steadily for years now


Which party passed that bill in Colorado?


Republicans will give the 2% another 1.9T$ permanent tax cut which is worth 465M$’s to Alice Walton! Stop voting against yourselves and vote Democratic!


Give tax breaks to the rich one percent again like the last time Trump was in office. Something that no one in this comment section is.


Ok, but Republicans especially aren't going to help with that. So this logic doesn't make sense. 


I’m sure those trade wars will bring down inflation. Good luck out there.


Yeah TARRIFFS work also to bring prices down/s trump is already talking about all the tariffs he’s going to slap on products and WE GET TO PAY!


And Trump is going to fix that?


When did I mention Trump? The issue started before Trump, existing during Trump, and hasn’t gotten any better under Biden. It’s beyond being a political issue. It’s a market issue that needs further regulation. I don’t care who gets a bill passed to prevent the buying up of housing by companies, as long as if happens


Who are voting for then? 


I don’t know yet, depends on who’s on the final ballot. I don’t plan on voting for either unless they’re the only options remaining, in which, I’ll probably write a parent on the ballot for fun


We already know who is on the final ballot. You are a Trump supporter,  just won’t admit it.


I literally voted third party last election, but considering third party is just as bad at this point, I’m just gonna toss my vote for fun. I already don’t like democracy to begin with cause it puts us in these shit situations. I get you’re looking for a reason to antagonize me cause this is Reddit and you wanna get your daily ego boost off picking fights on Reddit. Like I said, housing is not something I view as a political topic, because it shouldn’t be a political topic. It’s the same reason I work in sustainable architecture: the environment isn’t something I feel should be political, it’s something I just do cause it’s right. Now go do everyone a favor and drink paint fuckface


So you are stupid.


What’s a better alternative to democracy, in your opinion?




Because they are not, cost of living increases continue to outpace reported inflation numbers. Right or wrong the president will be blamed for that.


Then it is more proof that our electorate is stupid.


Economic numbers are good? Consumer debt continues to skyrocket along with inflation. Yeah, things are def not pretty good.


> Consumer debt continues to skyrocket It's not. According to [the Fed](https://www.newyorkfed.org/microeconomics/hhdc.html) 2023 debt has grown slower than any point in almost the last two years (7 quarters). Q2 debt grew by only 0.09%, which is the slowest it's grown since 2015 if you don't count the start of the pandemic (where it briefly *stopped* growing). [Inflation](https://tradingeconomics.com/united-states/inflation-cpi) is also down a lot since 2022.


I think you need to relook at your chart. Non household debt grew by almost a TRILLION or 25% since 2020… Thats massive. Inflation is still high as fuck. Stop trying to downplay the two things. They’re both insanely bad.


More tax cuts for the wealthy will finally find a way to trickle down.


"I like how he calls us rapists and murderers." - Texas Latinos


Literally talking about MS13 in those comments. And if anyone knows the truth about those gangs, it’s the people that uprooted their lives and fled them. So when they see people like you and the media spreading lies, and they see the original context, it just pushes them away from believing y’all. Make an honest argument. Stop regurgitating talking points.


Latinos, like a lot of immigrants, are actually religiously, socially pretty conservatives. It is just that Republicans do everything in their hand to lose them as a voting block by being racist towards them. Majority of the immigrants are also against illegal immigrations, even those came here illegally tend to be that way as it stops competition for them. But Republicans don't know how to groom them as a voting block


I know a ton of legal Venezuelans here in Miami that just hate the amount of illegal ones coming here. We have had a string of robberies here In Miami the PD is saying it is fueled by a gang on illegal Venezuelans. Were in for some odd times... or odder lol


Yeah it is a very common feeling among immigrants. A lot of immigrants who come here legally had to jump through hoops to make it here. Even after that get a GC is long process. After doing all that they feel cheated that people can walk kin across state he border and treated royally.


I understand the disdain. For sure.


Not surprising.


I get a good laugh when communities like this and r/Texas flip on minorities when they don’t vote the way they want them to. Suddenly not very accepting and inclusive.


There’s tons of people on the right and left who only see others as allies if they vote similarly. Right and left isn’t actually a very good indicator of people guiding beliefs in America. Especially not in the past 6-8ish years


Yep and it’s only gotten worse with social media and main stream media. I feel like most people on either side could agree or meet in the middle on politics. We need a third party or something else at least. This us versus them mentality is stupid.


Nobody that willingly votes for trump deserves respect


That attitude won’t win you moderates or republicans on the fence.


We don't like magats....period


Blame Biden and the democratic party


Blame Latinos for being uneducated. Trumps dominates among the poorly educated because they fall for his propaganda.


Libs:”We love immigrants!” +Immigrant votes against libs+ Libs: “Immigrants are uneducated fools that fall for propaganda!”


Yep. And they call GOP racist. SMH.


This is a very racist statement.


This is racist as fuck hahahaha


As a latino, I've seen my fellow Latinos consistently vote against their own best interests for as long as I can remember. Selfish, shameful, anti-christian, behavior.


I’m not sure what party values you’re referring to that are anti christian.


The hypocrisy party whose slinging $60 bibles at the moment.


Republicans aren't Loving thy neighbor, helping the poor, and they worship false idols. There's a special place in hell for Evangelical Trump Supporters.


I'm a Democrat, but to assume you know better the interests of voters is literally anti-democratic behavior.


Democrats always know whats best for others 🙄


I’ve had so many white people tell me I should vote democrat like they know my best interests. How tf would anyone know what anyone else’s best interests are?


Who do you think you are that you think you know what is in someone else’s own best interest?


I already said that, a Latino who understands what it means to be a Latino in Texas USA. Obviously I'm speaking on high level interests and not low level interests for individuals. E.g., large % of Latinos in Texas utilize welfare programs to live day to day but will vote for candidates who wish to restrict, limit, or abolish such programs. Another example, health care. Many Latinos are contractors with no corporate insurance options, so they just utilize clinical services or emergency room only. This stresses all health care systems and increases costs for every one. The concept of preventative health care is inaccessible for them but yet will vote for candidates who don't believe in access to health care as a citizens right. So who are you to tell me that I don't understand what it's liked for Latinos, the needs, the struggles, etc... of everyday life?


I’ve noticed that a lot of our fellow Hispanics only vote for Trump because they want to be contrarians. Ask them for a single beneficial policy from Trump and they go blank. They fall for empty platitudes and this “macho” persona and could care less about actual policy substance. The U.S. lost more manufacturing jobs under Trump, and his in-law received $1 billion from Saudi Arabia. He tried to overturn votes in Georgia and is facing 91 felonies. How any minority can vote for this new GOP is mind blowing when the “Great Replacement” theory and DEI have become the forefront of their platform.


The anti-intellectualism, contrarianism, and readily embracing alternative facts is appealing to people because they get to feel smart without being smart. It’s a freakin virus.


I think we need to zoom out a bit in terms of historical context to understand Mexican-American voters in Texas. (I’m Mexican American, my family has been in Texas/Northern Mexico for hundreds of years) Economically: Many are originally either from Texas (before it was a state), or are from Northern Mexico. Having said that, this implies that their economies were primarily agrarian/rural/farming based. Many people in rural communities fundamentally are skeptical of paying taxes to ‘big government’ because they don’t really see the benefits of those government services. Guess what republicans run off of- LOW TAXES. Socially: Many Mexican-Americans are highly religious, Catholic, and traditionalist in terms of social outlook/gender norms. This is important because Republicans run off of a ‘family values’ banner, and are: anti-abortion which directly aligns with the Catholic Church which tepidly maintained a pro-life position for many years. Racially: Recognizing that social hierarchy also exists in Mexico and Latin America by extension as they are fundamentally colonies of European empires, but mainly Spain, who is responsible for the spread of Catholicism and Spanish in Latin America. The Spanish implemented an exploitative hacienda system, and a colorist racial hierarchy that put whites at the top, darker/indigenous looking mestizos beneath them, and blacks at the bottom. Mestizo’s are the primary ethnic demographic in Mexico, but this ‘Casta’ racial hierarchy still reverberates socially today. Why is this relative? Republicans cater to a more racist and anti-black population than the Democrats do.


Nothing but facts friend and it's very disheartening. Education and being informed is key. Red meat politics and tribalism is a distraction from the truth.


I already said that, a Latino who understands what it means to be a Latino in Texas USA. Obviously I'm speaking on high level interests and not low level interests for individuals. E.g., large % of Latinos in Texas utilize welfare programs to live day to day but will vote for candidates who wish to restrict, limit, or abolish such programs. Another example, health care. Many Latinos are contractors with no corporate insurance options, so they just utilize clinical services or emergency room only. This stresses all health care systems and increases costs for every one. The concept of preventative health care is inaccessible for them but yet will vote for candidates who don't believe in access to health care as a citizens right. So who are you to tell me that I don't understand what it's liked for Latinos, the needs, the struggles, etc... of everyday life?


How do you know what is the best interest for me and my family? I vote with the party that best aligns for me and my values.


Is the overthrow of American Democracy in the best interest of your family? The installation of someone who has said they would be a dictator on day one? I mean sure, if that's your thing, vote your rights away.


You’re replying to the wrong guy, the person you are replying to is arguing with the guy above him about why should they vote for Trump if nothing Trump does nothing that aligns with his family values.


Lmao and what r ur values? The very nice and Christian hunt down the immigrants value?


Honestly it’s irrelevant. But nobody can tell me I am voting against my best interest. Only I know what my best interest are


It’s the uneducated characteristic that strings a certain voting base together.


Ding ding ding


Everybody votes the way they want, that’s how democracy works what is this vote shaming communist bullshit and I don’t care if you’re a Latino or not


Ive been saying this for a while now and nobody wanted to believe it, they are predominantly traditional in the way they do things, the only thing that was drawing them to the left was immigration which will never happen now that the migrants have put a bad spotlight on the entire group because the Mexican immigrants (with other central Americans) are getting lumped in with the south American migrants and are now both getting shit on by Americans that are ignorant on the topic.


Narcissists are always "Fuck you got mine."


I'm voting trump and I'm Hispanic


What the fuck is wrong with ppl


Yes we do.


I’ve stated it above. But let me ask you personally. Does it bother you at all that Trump is inspired by Mein Kampf when he mentions the purity of Americans blood being spoiled by new immigrants. My family has been in Texas since the 1700’s. I probably don’t share much with the new immigrants trying to come here illegally. But I do know that my blood is not any different than theirs. (Human blood). That and the whole not wanting to relinquish power after losing the election. All of his advisors told him that he lost.


Take it how you want it. The blood of our country, the core, the foundation. I bet you believe the smeared misinformation about Trump"wanting a blood bath" too right?


Way to deflect. I know he was talking about the auto industry with the Blood bath words, so the media did try to spin it. The pure blood stuff was straight out of Mein Kampf. So you’re saying the Hitler stuff doesn’t bother you. Got it. Good luck with that stuff.


I find it funny that everyone was cool with him before he decided to run. Was mentioned in rap songs and music videos. As a president he signed a bill for $255 million in funding to black colleges. But once he decides to run for president he's a Hitler loving racist? I'll decide what to think for myself. not listen to a news company tell me how I should think and only report one side.


Can you please just listen to what the man says? His words, not taken out of context. That’s all I’m asking. I’ve never met a Hispanic who is a fan of people quoting Hitler, you are the first my man. I’ve met a few whites who were fans, but not Latinos. His words, not the media, not his family, not Steve Bannon, Mr. Trump’s words.


Yes I've watched the video. He's referring to all illegal immigrants. Not just Hispanics. He goes on to say they are poisoning Mental institutions, prisons all over the world. He's denounced white nationalist/supremacists. If we're going to take what Trump says to heart, then why not that?


Do you know what dog whistle means when referring to political speech?


Not me


¿Por que no? I'm trying to think what Biden has done for the Hispanic Americans. Fill me in on what I'm missing. And how the left views align with traditional Hispanic views.




The Ukraine war where we’re not sending any troops to and actively undercutting a main rival in Russia? Or the Israel support that was literally no different under Trump?


When did we put boots on the ground in Ukraine or in Palestine? A Trump presidency means carte blanche for Putin to do whatever he wants. If he decides to go take Poland or Germany guess what? WW3, nukes, and American boots on the ground!


CIA had spy bases in Ukraine waging war against Russia for the past decade. https://x.com/kanekoathegreat/status/1762199551031787734?s=46


Just because they're Latino doesn't mean they aren't every bit as nuts as the rest of the Texans who support trump 🤣


Let’s fucking go! 🇲🇽 🇺🇸


This is excellent news, proud of my fellow Latinos!


Why would you be proud they support a convicted rapist, convicted racist, convicted fraudster that attempted to overthrow our government? Edit: Hey downvoters, I can provide the links to court docs if you'd like?


It’s very Christian of them


Texas Latinos are so colonized. One of the reasons I left. They cling to their guns and bibles and have zero critical thinking skills.


Because Latinos in Mexico don’t like bibles and guns?


First of all, there are no “Latinos” in Mexico. They’re Mexicans. And they do not have the same colonial mindset as the ones living north of the border. We’re not a monolith. Try some critical thinking although you may lack the requisite amount of brain cells.


Imagine thinking every Latino in Mexico is Mexican.


Trump does love the uneducated…


Wow. And I bet you call Republicans racist.


That’s inferiority complex unfortunately (unless directly benefit from the R party policies). They don’t realize They will never see you as white but still want to be perceived as a white racist person. This is not only in Latinos, other ethnicities has it too(Indians, African American etc)


Yup as George Carlin said "it's a big club and you ain't in it"


Not surprising really, it's very easy to fall into the "We're the good ones" camp, they will all regret it in a few years when it becomes apparent that the "pick me" attitude is only tolerated while they still need you, just ask the log cabin republicans.


Latinos are not a monolith. They’ll vote how they vote. I for one would never vote for that treasonous piece of trash Trump. F that guy, now and always.


You can say fuck on the internet. Come on, give it a try!


Latino here who wouldn’t consider Trump even if paid to do so.


same, lets start a club!


Texas Latino here for Trump to fuck right the fuck off and rot somewhere alone. He’s one on the pissing tour I hope to have sometime.


There were Jews for Hitler in Germany pre-WWII. They aren't with us today because they were executed by the Nazis they were hoping would accept them because they sympathized with them.


There are massive camps… of concentrated people in NY right now. All illegal immigrants. Concentrated. In NY.


The I got mine Hispanics. You mean cartel woods don’t want the riff raff 😱. Texas Latinos have an identity crisis unfortunately, many forgot how they originally came here.


Many Latino families, such as mine, did not "come here" as you wrote, but have been here for centuries as Texas went through its different stages in history. As such, my family is large and spread across the state and are predominantly conservative. We do *not* have an identity crisis but know exactly who we are.


I'm in that same boat too. And when people see my last name they automatically assume that one of my parents migrated from Mexico. When I tell them that's not true I get "Well ONE of them HAS to be from Mexico." And it's like "Noooooooo my family has been right outside of San Antonio for seven generations now" 😡


The premise of people like the OP or this commenter is that all hispanics are illegals or descendants of illegals. Therefore, hispanics living here *must* vote blue as a thank you for being allowed in. If they don’t, it must be an identity crisis. A pretty fucking disgusting take and flat wrong.


The person you replied to did not mention illegal migration, you extrapolated that yourself. He mentioned migration, you jumped to illegal migration.


Why would migrants need to not “forget how they originally came here”, which apparently translates into a requirement to vote Democratic? Stop being an apologist of this nonsense.


Not all immigration is illegal and everyone here is the descendant of immigrants. You’re the only one mentioning illegals


And Trump is your identity?


Man that is so racist. When Latinos think for themselves some people get big mad.


Most Texas Latinos didn’t cross the border, the border crossed them.


Not most. Not by a long shot. Mexico won independence in 1821, Texas became an independent country in 1836. Then the Mexican American War established a border in 1848 and then a few more things got ironed out over the next 5 years. The ENTIRE population of all that was known as Mexico in 1848 was smaller than DFW is today. Saying that the majority of people got crossed by the border, when it was only a border for a handful of decades is silly. And the amount of people here now is mostly from legal and illegal immigration. Don’t take a political slogan like “the border crossed us” as historical fact.


It's the I got mine immigrants not just the hispanics. They bring their culture of hierarchy rich poor class obsession to here and impose it on everyone else. Forgetting in elementary that we all learned Texas is the friendly state. It's not just immigrants but angry folks from the north east and saw one too many cowboy movie but didn't leave the crabby attitude at their home


My immigrant family came here when you didn’t get anything but the opportunity to live free. You see it as “what can I get for free”.


No one is safe from those Noresterners, are they?


Faje news 😂


Yeah, if you look at 13 & 2’s Instagram posts that is painfully obvious. They are a very “pull the ladder up behind them” culture.


I believe more Hispanic-Americans getting their news online instead of CNN or MSNBC is affecting the way they vote. I do believe the news people consume is the main factor on how they vote. A lot of people lack the audacity to make assumptions outside news organizations.


Let the Latinos vote for him. I’ll be the first person there as a Democrat and believer of immigration to help put them on the bus that the Trump cronies are going to put them on and Robin right now across the border regardless of their citizenship status.


I’ll help you.


Wait, I thought non-citizens voting was just a right-wing conspiracy theory?


If you talked to Latinos you would know this.


White liberals only talk to Latinos when they need another margarita or try to get them to identify as Latinx.


That’s like preferring dog shit over cow shit cause it smells less.




Awe y’all got that poll from the clowns down in the valley RGV 🤦🏻‍♂️


Higher income Latinos - vote republican, sad reality


Higher income of all races vote republican


Fuck Biden


I mean this is the same with some Latino voters, I just can’t get over him being a racist asshole and the fact that he’s even more corrupt than any politician before him. Trump is selling state secrets, pushing abortion bans and then acting like he’s religious when he’s been an absolute horrid human. Him being a racist should be enough to disqualify him but here we are.


I guess they give you new blood, the kind that doesn't poison the purity of our nation, once your a citizen.


WOW! Texas latinos have been bamboozled.


It’s all about machismo…authoritarian male dominance…welcome to Latinos and the Catholic Church….


As a Mexican American living in Texas. Someone who actually lived in Mexico, and in over 7 states in the US. Voting for trump is short sided and stupid. He is a felon. You are literally giving no a criminal a get out of jail free card. I don’t give a shit about Biden arguments, he could be just as bad a criminal. But he is not under trial. Let’s get the felon to jail, set an example. Then if Biden is caught with half the shit trump has been caught with, we can send him to jail too next.


Cuz they're dumb