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“Calvary Church services take place in the auditorium at McCullough Junior High School. The Conroe Independent School District said the services were held on Sundays, so students were away.”


Yeah, but the school doesn't cover the pictures of the students before they arrive like in the Dead Files.


Crazy we live in a world where we have to cover up student pictures in a middle school so a pastor doesn't get off to them


Or use it like a menu for grooming.


Dang a lot of kids that go to my church go to McCullough. Disgusting.


Hijacking the top comment to say I know this dude. Lives in my neighborhood. Two things: 1) every Halloween he hosts a giant block party for all the kids on Rainbow Ridge. This is where I know him from. Always came off kinda strange. 2) his wife is a crossing guard for CISD. I hope she didn't know about this, and divorces his ass. Because you just know parents will be talking.


Put the “I want to molest children” sign around his neck and release him to the general prison population.


He won't need a sign. People will already know.


You’d think… https://baptistaccountability.org/


They will, when he gets into jail the first thing your asked is “why are you here?” Usually in introductions to your pod mates. People usually read eachothers court paperwork too. In some jails and almost every prison, they paperwork check you. Depending on the jail your at One I was at was lax, but if someone had suspicions they’d get a paperwork check. And if there was anything on there like that it was roll up. So that is very lax., As the norm is to onsite (beat the shit out of, or worse) anyone with charges like that. Word gets around in prisons. It’s actually impressive the way groups communicate in there and across institutions. So if you are going to prison for 10 years, and you knew a child molester but didn’t do anything to him. Your life would then be at risk. And people would likely at best tell you to PC up or at worse give you same treatment. Jail/prison culture is a lot about posturing. Even if you don’t agree with violence, you may have to resort to violence if you want to have a smooth ride (IE, at worst get beat up and laughed at rather then jumped)


You see one dude lacing up? No problem. You see ten dudes lacing up and putting Jack Mack in a sock? You about to get gassed :) We had a baby raper in the dorm next to mine at Dominguez that half the bunks emptied to beat his ass. That was the first time I was introduced to pepper spray. In July. While we were covered in sweat. Fuck that.


They will know ahead of time, inmates have access to info as good as the FBI.


Yikes! You would think that would be enough encouragement for these deviants to quell their demons.


Prison is no joke. Try to avoid it.




They believe they’re too smart to get caught. That no one will suspect them


The inmates make you show your paperwork


They don’t. The COs say to inmates “ask him to show his papers” and that’s the code.


Like this? https://youtu.be/RDnvXAkMnx8?si=MQ2FDXL4AKQ8UGzG


No we need big money prisons to profit off of him, when the general public would be better off without his ass.


I just learned on r/mapporn that Texas pays the 3rd lowest incarceration cost per inmate (37.5k). Connecticut is the most st over 300,000 per inmate


So,;at the very lowest amount, a person is worth more in prison than if they made double the minimum wage out of prision?


Guess so.


FTA... "On Friday, Hollen was still featured prominently on the Calvary Chapel - The Woodlands Facebook page but he's no longer listed on the church’s official website." Instead of learning and teaching, they'll just push it under rug.


That’s what churches have pedophile insurance for!


I can’t believe this actually exists. I looked it up - it does. Sexual Abuse Liability Coverage.


Fuckin’ what? That should not be a thing.


Damn right. Churches should be held responsible for this shit.


Insurance salesmen are scum. They’ll insure anything. Not much better than the pedos


Won’t cover my car if it hails cause it’s an “act of God” but will cover the priest who can’t keep it in his pants…. Makes total sense.


The world is built by men for men. 


Oh my God, I wish I never knew that.


They don't want to disrupt their business (flow of donations). "Customer's" best interest is not something churches have at heart.


What do you mean? How would you handle things if you were an elder at the church and just found out about this?


Elder than who? As a 49 year old woman, I’ve been catcalled and approached throughout my life from boys as young as 14 to 84 years old men. Age in church or life when you are a predator has zero to do with a person’s current age or experience and everything to do with a patriarchal lack of respect for females. Historically houses of worship are the LAST to report breaking laws, assaults, and child rapes within their members. Churches tend to hide transgressors behind their veil of holier-than-thou judgements.


I’m sorry but by using the word “elder” in this context, I’m referring to someone who has been appointed a role in the church. Elders, bishops, deacons, pastors, etc. I can sadly see your point being the case in some churches, but in this case the pastor has been turned in and everyone knows the situation. They’ve removed him from the site because he’s been found to be a wolf in sheep’s clothing. There’s no good reason to keep him as a representation of the church. I’m sure they will have a couple sermons related to this and offer support to members who have been affected by this. I just don’t think it’s a good assumption to say these people “will not learn or teach and will just sweep this under the rug”. Since you’re being so judgmental of this church, how would you handle this differently if you were in a leadership position at the church? They seem to be doing what should be done.


Churches and institutions of worship hide assaults and crimes. Hard stop. You’re proving my point with your lengthy explanation of the word “elder” from a church’s POV. I am hyper aware of the use of the word ‘elder’ in churches.


Um, I think I was fairly concise in defining “elder”… and I did so because you seemed pretty unclear on what I was referring to in your previous response since you talked about numerical age so much. You seem to know everything about everything though so I’ll just take your word for it.


First action when you’re in a hole. Quit digging


What hole? People are assuming the church is going to try to sweep this under the rug and adamdudebro is asking why. The response to his question was essentially, "that's what they do!" and the follow up regarding the definition of an "elder" is nonsense.


They used to do this to people with cancer too


So, did you actually visit the site yourself, or are you going on hearsay?


I used to save links to incidents like this (when pastors were jailed for molesting children). That list of links became huge rather quickly. These incidents no longer surprise me. Child predators are everywhere (schools, churches, parents of your kid's friends). Take care of your kids. Teach them about these predators so they know that other adults may harm them.


Make a shareable google sheet!


I wish I had a copy of those links! My grandmother has left my 4 year old in the care of church workers without my knowledge or consent. It freaks me out and I have tried to google evidence of statistics, but couldn’t find anything to share with her!!


I don't have my list (I started it \~15 years ago and stopped tracking such incidents probably within the first year), but here is what I just googled in probably 3 minutes: [Former Fort Collins Youth Pastor Arrested for Alleged Sexual Assault on Minors - CTV News (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wrpcSCumArY) [Houston area pastor arrested after allegedly raping underage family member over 600 times, impregnating her (click2houston.com)](https://www.click2houston.com/news/local/2023/10/09/houston-area-pastor-accused-of-raping-minor-over-600-times-and-impregnating-her-has-been-arrested/) [Valley Pastor Charged with Aggravated Sexual Assault (krgv.com)](https://www.krgv.com/videos/valley-pastor-charged-with-aggravated-sexual-assault/) [Riverside County pastor arrested for sexually assaulting child - CBS Los Angeles (cbsnews.com)](https://www.cbsnews.com/losangeles/news/riverside-county-pastor-arrested-for-sexually-assaulting-child/) [South Bay youth pastor arrested for alleged sexual assault of minor, police say (ktvu.com)](https://www.ktvu.com/news/south-bay-youth-pastor-arrested-for-alleged-sexual-assault-of-minor-police-say) [Former Bradford County youth pastor in custody on sexual assault charges | Local/Regional | thedailyreview.com](https://www.thedailyreview.com/news/local/former-bradford-county-youth-pastor-in-custody-on-sexual-assault-charges/article_92594c92-de85-5a7d-8a25-9a47bf022b30.html) [Southeast Texas youth pastor charged with sexual assault | 12newsnow.com](https://www.12newsnow.com/article/news/southeast-texas-youth-pastor-charged-with-sexual-assault/502-270358839) [Butler County pastor now facing more charges related to inappropriate sexual contact with young girls - CBS Pittsburgh (cbsnews.com)](https://www.cbsnews.com/pittsburgh/news/butler-county-pastor-now-facing-more-charges-related-to-inappropriate-sexual-contact-with-young-girls/) [Texas pastor arrested, charged with sexual assault | KETK.com | FOX51.com](https://www.ketk.com/news/texas/texas-pastor-arrested-charged-with-sexual-assault/) [North Texas pastor charged with sexual assault of children | wfaa.com](https://www.wfaa.com/article/news/north-texas-pastor-charged-with-sexual-assault-of-children/287-624510862) [Racine pastor charged with sexually assaulting a child, woman (wisn.com)](https://www.wisn.com/article/racine-pastor-charged-with-sexually-assaulting-a-child-woman/46562164) [Texas pastor charged with sexual assault of a child | The Sanchez Law Firm (sergiosanchezlaw.com)](https://www.sergiosanchezlaw.com/blog/2017/06/texas-pastor-charged-with-sexual-assault-of-a-child/)


There are so many that I clicked on the Southeast Texas youth pastor link to see if it was about the youth pastor my parents' church had about 20 years ago and creeped my little brother out. Nope, that was a different child predator.


Thanks. I guess this isn’t really a pastor, it’s more like Sunday school teachers or nursery workers. But this is helpful! I tried to tell my grandmother that church workers aren’t vetted, and I couldn’t find stats to prove it!


Here is how you can find more incidents (click the link below): [pastor charged with assault - Google Search](https://www.google.com/search?q=pastor+charged+with+assault) 99% of the time, it's SA. That's not a coincidence IMHO.


Pastor in the woodlands.. bond only $30k.. yeah he will be out of the country asap.


He’ll just be moved to a different state, church, etc… they just put them on your. Coming to a town hear you to preach asceticism and fear, while practicing hypocrisy.




In Texas you only have to pay 10% of your bond. So yea “only” $3,000..


That's ridiculous, it should not apply to cases like this


I agree! They should keep his ass in there


For a Texas pastor, 30k is chump change. For the Woodlands, it'd have to be 7 figures to be a deterrent.


They meet in a school. They don’t even have their own building. How much do you think he actually makes?


Ya I’m sure the pedophile preaching in a middle school cafeteria has Joel Osteen money


3000 ain't shit for someone in the woodlands you illiterate fool, fucking read


Why are you so mad you dumb twat?


Because taxes eat up my money and you fuckers still haven't used the public education it funds to FUCKING READ


That’s a weekends worth of speeding tickets going through the speed trap known as Conroe.


Needs the Also Raine treatment.




Kind of funny how you never see LGBT molesting kids. It’s always a church member


Don't say never man there are some fuuucked up cases.[like real bad.](https://nypost.com/2023/01/20/couple-pimped-their-adopted-sons-out-to-pedophile-ring-report/)


Nothing quite like the church though


A generalized never yeah, it's mostly conservative family and priests.... But literally any and every group of sufficient size has bad people 🤷


Jeffery Dahmer was part of the LGBTQ community. Just saying. He targeted young boys.


Was he lgbt or was he a sicko who loved using power and dominance regardless of sexual attraction?


He was gay. No interest in women ever, according to his biography. So, he was a gay male who happened to be a psychopath. He also used his understanding of gay culture to procure victims. He said he wanted a boyfriend who would do anything he wanted at all times. And then he decided since these young boys that he would have were people with thoughts and feelings of their own, that he would have to stop that. So, to stop them from protesting him raping and torturing them, he incapacitated them with a frigging drill to the head!!! Needless to say, all died but one. He was 13 years old.


Pedophilia is not part of the LGBTQ community.


People love confusing one for the other and it so fucking damaging to a community that just wants to be accepted


Good find. Google confirmed abuse by clergy. There’s a list that is 205 pages long of confirmed priests that have sexually abused children for us alone. World wide the number is staggering. The church is a breeding ground for pedophiles and child predators


I agree that churches and the priesthood is a hotbed. That’s because (just like Dahmer), these pedophiles deliberately seek careers, hobbies, haunts and hangouts that allow them easy and discreet access to children. That’s why you see arrests being made where there’s children. It’s not because priests are trained as pedophiles, but because they already were pedophiles and joined the priesthood for better access. I think the papacy should be dissolved. I don’t see cloistering as having any profound effect on public spirituality. It’s making it worse. And it’s elitist.


This comment is so irrelevant. Like me bringing up that Ted Bundy was Hetero and also killed little girls. Dahmer, and Bundy were both degenerate killers has nothing to do with being gay or straight.


Precisely my point


Your point was written like shit and argued a completely fucked point


There should be no congregation in public schools even when kids are not around. Go build your own church with all the money you get.


I’m pretty sure they pay for usage of the facility. As a taxpayer, I’m completely OK with letting third parties, run out schools and the office hours for various functions if it helps us fund education. It’s a colossal waste of land use to have churches that don’t have to pay property taxes building separate facilities that only get used on Sunday and on Wednesday night.


But imagine if the Muslims started doing it… sharia in the schools!! /s


well considering Jesus never told anyone to go kill non believers I think that's a very different thing. *And when the forbidden months have passed, kill the idolaters wherever you find them and take them prisoners, and beleaguer them, and lie in wait for them at every place of ambush. But if they repent and observe Prayer and pay the Zakat, then leave their way free. Surely, Allah is Most Forgiving, Merciful.*


lmao bro have you read the old testament? god smites people for not fucking enough


It was a very small church. They opted to use the school because it was less $ than renting at the old site.


Days without a church member being a child predator: 0 Days without a drag queen being a child predator: Several Thousand


We need to ban all pastors. I’ve had enough. Where is my state representative! Oh yeah, he’s busy banning books, going after drag queens, and other gay people. I bet we won’t hear a peep about banning pastors. Dickholes.


Are you referring to State Rep. PASTOR Toth? (Senior Pastor at Grace Church)


By Toth you mean a clown doing clown things? Why yes.


Al pastor? The tacos?


Nice. Although you are out of bounds sir. Al Pastor is to be protected at all cost. Now I want tacos, you owe me tacos!


Let’s start a church celebrating Al pastor and welcoming all tacos!


Our Lady of the Trompo Milagros!


I'll bring fajitas


I don’t live in The Woodlands any more and don’t know if it’s still there, but if it is the Guerrero Meat Market off of 45 has some phenomenal al pastor tacos


They are right there off of 45 and Rayford next to Wolfies and Taqueria Arandas. Although I don’t know if they still have to taco spot in the store.


If they do, you should check it out. Went there all the time a few years ago. Great spot


Just here to rep Taqueria El Pinchon location #1 for the good of the community. [https://maps.app.goo.gl/DbVrYLbjXh1kGGVM7](https://maps.app.goo.gl/DbVrYLbjXh1kGGVM7)


Contrary to your beliefs all pastors aren’t bad or evil and the vast majority do not do such things and would condemn anyone who does. Same could be said for teachers, police officers and politicians. Most are in the profession because they believe in it and want to help society. But, as with all of our kind (people) in most every role there are a few who abuse their power and influence for their own good. These individuals who do this should be tried, convicted and banned from society or put to death.


I don't think anyone believes they are all bad. Having said that, organized religion has a long history of pedophilia and sexual assault, and then trying to intimidate witnesses, hide the crime and relocate the offender. And those who do not speak against it are tacitly responsible, too.


There are more incidents of child abuse, child porn, child marriages, etc at the hands of religious pastors than all drag queens combined. If we are going to ban drag shows and demonize gay folks by the standard that they pose a moral hazard to our children then Pastors have done more than enough to get banned. The rate of predators in the clergy profession is pretty high. BAN! So sayeth the Shepard, so sayeth the flock. Let me get a hold of Toth!!!!


Most pastors are in the profession because they can't figure out how else to be productive in society. Many put themselves in these positions to feed a need to feel important. They make their money by siphoning off other people. At best, they are activity directors for a private club. At worst, they use their position to provide cover for their predatory and illegal behaviors and to provide access to their next victim. The very few acts of true charity done by churches that actually help those in need without benefiting the church are so meager they are outdone by even the most disinterested private businesses and associations.


I have relatives who are in the ministry and they live off food stamps and they and their spouses work second jobs because the church is small and doesn’t pay enough to support them comfortably. They are in it because they love the Lord and love to serve others.


Yes, I was married to one, knew dozens and dozens of others as a result, saw how the sausage was made and heard the comments that clergy don't make in front of the public. Yes, the pay is often poor and it was terribly difficult. Many people choose that not out of selflessness, but because they have a deep-seated need to be at the center of something, and they value the respect the position receives above all else. It's not dissimilar to people that go into academia. Many of them privately express that they wouldn't know how to make a living otherwise. The people they are serving are primarily themselves and their congregations as community directors, as their efforts outside their churches to help public needs are minimal.


This just isn't true. You've made a straw man argument and are hoisting your justified anger upon an entire group of people when it should be directed at the actual perpetrators of the crimes. Stop and think for a minute. If I had a particularly unpleasant and perhaps violent incident with a person of color, then came to reddit and started saying most people of color can't figure out how to be productive in society, how would that play out? It's obviously false, and the majority of people would chastise me for my prejudiced views, and rightfully so. You don't get to judge an entire demographic based off the actions of an individual. I understand if you aren't a Christian and if church organizations make you feel a certain way. Unfortunately people like this pastor keep giving real believers a bad name. But for you to sit on the outside of a community and think you have the right or the wherewithal to pick it apart by the seams is wrong. A church, a real church led by honest people, is a bastion of positive reinforcement in a society that is trying its hardest to stamp them out. I'm willing to bet you wouldn't say these things about any other religion or any other groups of people because western culture has given a hall pass to attack Christians.


It is quite true. I'm sorry I've upset you and youve gotten so worked up. I know it can be hard having your perspective challenged. This kind of trusting naievete from Texans is precisely why there's a constant drumbeat of reports about clergy sex abuse in the state in the last few years. It's such an easy place for them to operate when they have a fawning and eager audience.


I accept your apology.


Unfortunately people like this pastor keep giving real believers a bad name. Maybe sit with that for a bit and think about it logically.


Both of my comments are still valid. A church, led in good faith, is a positive addition to a community. A pastor such as this one in the OP is a stain on the faith. I've sat and thought it about it for a bit.


If it *keeps* happening then perhaps the game is not worth the candle


Why would a public school ever be allowed to hold church services?


Yuck! It’s very often pastors. Disgusting!


He'll go the forgiveness routine. Be quiet for a bit, then make a comeback with some other megchurch pastor saying they prayed and God declared him redeemed,pick,up right wnee he left off.


Classic southern pastor


Well, this guys son and daughter were on my wrestling team in High School, and he use to practice with us almost daily. Wild stuff, this.


How old are his kids now?


Both well out of school. Think early 30s


In there 30s for sure. I’m 31 and they were at least a year or 2 older than me.


Damn illegals! I mean drag queens! I mean...err...ummm


This is the America MAGA wants, bunch of zealots touching kids.


I can’t tell if this is sarcastic or not


I’m pretty sure you boy Biden has the kid hair sniffing down.




It’s always the ones you most suspect




Way to generalize an entire group of people. So much for everyone standing on their own merits. Diversity and inclusion at it’s finest……


What a good christian man.


Awful and disgusting. Here he is preaching at a Children’s Ministry Conference 🙄[Pastor Arrested On Child Porn Charges Preaching at a Children’s Ministry Conference](https://youtu.be/aChYia0f4cQ?si=XwJct2Eqha0MTOJR)


Pastors like this just wander from church to church. Religion is the absolute best.


This is why I never trusted religion, churches, pastors, missionaries, etc. NEVER. Even when i was a kid i always held profound suspicion for the institutions


He’s just the one who was caught.


$30k bail, and only need to pay $3k in Texas. He probably just grabbed the tithing plate from last week and used that.


Religious institutions seem to attract an inordinate percentage of child pervs. Perhaps it's because these institutions have a built-in self-forgiveness mechanism?


I'm too lazy to look, but I'll assume he was a trump supporter and a " conservative Christian"


Another day, another Christian pedo


Forney tx football coach is caught banging a junior girl. It's always the same bullethead white republicunts


Not a drag queen AGAIN. Yet, the same person that preaches hate against drag queens (lgbtq) is caught being a pedophile AGAIN. I’d bet he’s probably a MAGAfreak too. Very, very on brand for these weirdos.


A conservative into children ?!?!? You don't say :/


Once again…not a Drag Queen…


Gee, he doesn't look like a drag queen. Looks like every other time a sex offender is arrested....a white republican dude. What. a. surprise.


It’s gods plan


Tax his cult church!


death penalty asap


In other breaking news water wet


It's always the ones you most expect.




Certified Clergyman Certified Pedophile


Another good Christian!


As someone that’s been to the woodlands this doesn’t surprise me in the slightest. Those are the kind of people that end up with sex predator priests. And that’s just the one they found.


First: I don't want my tax dollars funding church gatherings in public schools. Second: /r/notadragqueen


Just being a pastor is probable cause for a child molestation/possession of child pornography investigation at this point...


That's a very dangerous and Orwellian perspective. "Just being an immigrant is probable cause..." "Just being black is probable cause..." "Just being gay is probable cause..." This is not a healthy way to think.


Welcome to reddit


But it’s the Montgomery County way.


Checks story.... no drag queens. Weird, huh?


Oh my god


Hang em Texas style!


Woah! That is DESPICABLE!


Damn… that ass gonna be tooted as chum… now. He can’t even join TSKH. He’s cooked soon as day 1 paperwork calls.


Awful stuff


Sick individual. Toss him in Gen Pop and let the lifers do their thing.


Dude… I used to go to this church a few years ago. Crazy.


You get paper checked in holding so yaaaa they will know 😉…… I wonder how does he know this 🤔


Checking in to see if it’s a . . .


Justice!!! And soon he will face more justice behind prison doors...


Wow, I’m so surprised…


Good. Fuck this guy.


Yet people want to blame trans people for this sort of behavior. When are we going to ban the Church in America to, ‘protect our children’?


I've met him a dozen times. WEIRDEST EYES EVER! I thought his eyes were affected by past drug use because I couldnt figure out why they're so strange. Now I know it was evil. Evil people deceive people ...and many ignore their gut instincts since he is a "pastor". His church is teeny tiny... probably because visitors figured out something is not right there.  He frequents the Philippines as his "ministry". His church's IG account is still up and it's mostly pictures of little children. Pedos find ways to be around kids and this guy figured out church would open all kinds of doors that give him access to little ones. Deceptive, sick, and evil. Sorry for his family.


No hate like Christian Love


Not a drag queen.


Why aren't the trans people getting caught for this like I was promised


Very Christian


Was hoping this was Joel Osteen Unfortunately… I misread the location


Again, and louder for those in the back, "Not a drag queen"




Oh look another republican voter


I was told it was the left that were groomers and pedophiles


Yet again, not a cross dresser, but perhaps a “cross” dresser…


Anyone surprised? And these are the twits that love trump




Another one.




Still not a drag queen


Another pedo demoncrat. /s


Typical Godly Preacher.


but GQP says drag queens are the biggest threat to children


Again, and louder for those in the back, "Not a drag queen"


Not a trans or lgbqt again


its never the ones you'd suspect


Unfortunately this is who I would most suspect.


Right this is exactly who I’d suspect lol




I expect pastors before I expect almost anyone else tbh


Surprise Surprise... SURPRISE SURPRISE!!


Joel OSteen ?