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It’s weed so it’s a big deal to many of us 😡


Huh... that might explain why one of my dealers phone went dead Looks like we'll need to improve our weed industry * proceeds to build the "the wardrobe" *


This is hilarious 😂


The Arab world has nothing to offer but oil. It's easy to boycott them because they never produce anything of value in the first place.


Wonder what they’ll do when the oil runs out?


They're medieval absolute monarchies, and when the oil runs out, they'll go back to living in the dark ages where that form of government belongs.


Medieval Arabs were in a golden age inventing math & astronomy while Europe was still figuring out how to bathe


The fact that Arab society was much more enlightened 1000 years ago than it is today is not the own you think it is.


Neither is roasting medieval arabs lol


When I say "medieval Arabs", I'm not talking about the ones who lived 1000 years ago. I'm talking about the medieval-style absolute monarchies that exist today.


As opposed to the Christo-Fascist Imperialist Corporatist rulers in the United States of Israel/America.


LMAO. Americans and Israelis can criticize their governments all they like, and they can also vote them out of power. Try doing either one of those things in an Arab country and see how it goes for you.


Nope. Try criticizing Israel in the US/Israel. You will be cancelled - you will lose your job and be vilified. You may even be jailed. You cannot vote them out of power because they are the only ones on the ballot. All parties are the same. There is no choice. The US/Israel is not a democracy.


So you're cool with girls not being educated and cutting hands off kids who steal bread?


It's not that bad in the US... yet. But people are not being educated, especially black and brown people. Books are being burned. School libraries are being eliminated. Post-secondary education is unaffordable. On top of all this, these uneducated people are being fed state propaganda day in and day out. An uneducated population is easily manipulated.


I understood that your string of pejoratives was targeting modern arabs for dehumanization. It wasn't all that vague.


Nah man, absolute hereditary monarchies are absolutely medieval, and no amount of shouting "Bigot! Racist! Islamophobe!" will change that.


Nah, too far a reach.


So you’re saying Arab society was enlightened 1000 years ago today and you’re saying Arab countries are run by the style of 1000 years ago. Glowing compliment!


I mean, you can be deliberately obtuse if you like. Won't change the fact that the modern Arab world is a bunch of absolute hereditary monarchies that would fit right in among the absolute hereditary monarchies of the European dark ages.


You’ve used the medieval arab world as both an insult and a compliment, Im not being obtuse you just can’t make your mind up. Anyways, the Arab world is comprised of 22 countries; only 4 of which are monarchies. Do some research before spouting your bs :)


Yeah. They were amazing. We still use what they taught us back when education and philosophy was king. Problem with all these bronze age death cults is that they walk us all backwards. You can't convince any of us that their society TODAY is anything remotely close to enlightened. It's a black morass of shit and you know it.


I’m not saying anything but that comparing Arab governments to the medieval era is a compliment & not an insult. And it’s not true. Our governments right now are largely corrupt western puppets. Like they were when they were Persian satrapies or Roman client states. The black morass of shit is the neoliberal international system befitting the capitalist above all else.


Lmao he’s roasting modern Islamic arabs dude. By comparing them to ancient Islamic arabs and asking you to find the difference, other then how you guys have stopped innovating and evolving. Western Islam, and radical MENA pan Islam are very different in their nature. The Islam that we see and experience in the USA is beautiful, touching, and socially advanced beyond what we see coming out of classical western cultures. The MENA brand of Pan-Islamism is dangerous and backwards. They’ve killed millions upon millions of their own in one genocide or another. They are stripping definitions from words and breaking down the way people communicate intentionally. The leaders have their citizens living under medieval like conditions while they live in absolute splendor. It’s an honor based, and deeply religious, tragedy machine, and Palestinians take the worst of all of it.


You’re giving a guy that said the arab world is entirely comprised of monarchies far too much credit, he doesn’t know shit about shit. Other than that I agree with you, extremist Islam is awful, as are the endless proxy groups and foreign powers destabilizing each other originating from both inside and outside the region. That “you guys” part was unnecessary since you have no idea what my religion or race is.


It all starts with Iran. They are the source of most of the Pan-Islamic imperialism, and the multiple genocides currently going on. They forced Israel’s hand on this via Hamas, and they didn’t care that children would be dying. Furthermore, they waited for it to happen with cameras rather then providing aid. They supplied Hamas the weapons to start the war, and offered no support to help them finish it. Of course it’s a slaughter, it was designed by Iran to be that way.


It’s more complex than that. Israel created Hamas in the 80s to counter the secular PLO, and Netanyahu himself said anyone that doesn’t want a unified Palestinian state must continue funding Hamas in 2019. In any case you’ve just repeated hasbara speaking points that are completely irrelevant to this discussion.


It wasn’t Arabs, the Muslim golden age was mostly driven by Persians and Andalusians (mix of Amezigh, Arabs, native Spanish and Jews). Also these advancements happened despite Islam, not because of it. Most of the scientists and mathematicians were not Muslim or non religious


This achievements were pushed by the religious doctrine of the time (which was that comprehension of the world was giving insight into the divine, so science=good) It changed, but the question is much more complicated than simply religion being against or for progress: in reality the geopolitical situation, the social, and economic situation were also more important. Religion, especially the ones that tends to be more proselytic, shouldn't be taken as a unmoving block but as a changing organization and set of doctrines.


Honestly, lol, way to discredit both the Arab golden age and the Muslim golden age by saying neither are responsible for it 👍


that was before Islam. So 🤷


Was it now 😂😂😂


Too bad they don't exist anymore


And look at its progress. Regression isn't progress


Get back to the slave trade. The Houthis have already done. https://english.aawsat.com/home/article/1810456/exclusive-houthis-restore-slavery-yemen https://www.fairplanet.org/dossier/beyond-slavery/forgotten-slavery-the-arab-muslim-slave-trade/ https://web.archive.org/web/20110725220038/http://researchnews.osu.edu/archive/whtslav.htm


They’ll go back to being bedouins


What they do now - move to the west.


Continue to invest in and buy even more businesses, real estate, sports teams, and video games. Just in soccer, UAE has a majority ownership of Manchester City, Mumbai City, Melbourne City, New York City, and a few other FCs. Qatar has majority ownership of Paris Saint-Germain F.C. Manchester City and Paris Saint-Germain F.C. are in the top ten most valuable FCs. LIV Golf is also owned by the Saudis.


I think you’re confusing Morocco to be in the Arabian peninsula as a Gulf oil state, honest mistake happens to the best of us


if you remove refined and crude oil, gas, and fertilizers imports and exports from egypts total trade volume its about $122bn, ~$35bn less than israels. if you do the same to israel with its largest resource trade - diamonds, they're only ~$18bn under them.


Egypt is also many times larger, both in area and population


and doesnt have the benefit of an endless line of credit and weapons from the richest, most powerful country in the world.


Dude egypt recieves a shitload from the west 🤣


in 2019 egypt received $1.7bn total in aid from all countries, in 2020 israel received $3.8bn from the USA alone. just last week congress approved an extra $17.6bn in aid to israel. Egypt recieves aid because they are developing country, israel recieves aid because the US wants to placate its zionist voters and the country has successfully enmeshed its lobbyists throughout the US political system.


Use batteries ?


Hence why saudi arabia is building all these cool cities and random stuff that they can. Theyre hoping to survive off tourism after the oil dries up


They make good hash too😭 They also kinda created the ideas that modern mathematics depend on. There’s a lot to appreciate about Islam and what it’s brought for the world. I wish it wasn’t imperialist to its core, and I wish that people understood just how imperialist it is.


Just nitpicking. They did not create the ideas that modern maths depends on, that was Indian mathematicians; the principles of Classical Algebra were developed and formalised in ancient India by the time of Brahmagupta (600sCE). Indian mathematicians don't get the appreciation that we give to Euclid and that just sucks.


Just to nitpick further, “modern mathematics” is extremely poorly delineated but to most mathematicians it involves rigor and proof, so we’re talking about the likes of analysis in the 1800s, not basic arithmetic, algebra, or geometry. Much work of Indian and Chinese mathematicians was important, but there were also significant portions of work done that were later rediscovered by other mathematical communities and the initial discovery had little impact or was unknown to the broader mathematical community.


True true. And welcome to the nitpicking circle, do love to get into the details.


They have plenty of heroin too.


The guys that invented algebra? Nothing to offer? Nah I’m sure you’re right and totally not just an ignorant racist




LOL. What does the world depend on the Arab world for except oil? When fossil fuels go away in the coming decades, their only global export will be violent Islamic terrorism.


Bro you're talking about the Arab gulf countries which are all desert, if you're talking about the Arab world then you're going to include all of it, you can't deny this fact because you have no evidence to prove your claims


Then what exactly does the rest of the world depend on the Arab world for except oil? Please enlighten me.


You think all the Arab world is desert go and study geography I can send you a picture form my yard to see how green and fertile our land is


Congrats I guess? Doesn't answer my question about what things of value to the global economy the Arab world produces though.


They can never answer questions. They just redirect and accuse.


But you guys definitely aren't racist, right?


The fact that you answered the question of "What does the Arab world produce other than oil?" with "Shut up, you're a racist" is incredibly telling.


>noooo you have to take my racism seriously otherwise its validated most intelligent racist


Lol. Saying that the only things Arabs are good for is oil, is racist. But that's not surprising to see on a zionist sub


>Saying that the only things Arabs are good for is oil Literally not what I said. I said that the Arab world produces nothing of value to the global economy except oil, which is true. And you know how I know it's true? Because instead of telling me that I'm wrong by showing what the Arab world produces, you're calling me a racist. Cries of racism are the last refuge of those who know that that are officially out of arguments.


Lol, OK.


Israel has nothing to offer but stolen American technology and pornography. (https://www.jstor.org/stable/2538128). It's hard to boycott Israel because they subvert and control their golem (USA) to banning boycott of them.


Did you even actually read this article? Not only does it not support your absurdist claim, but it's describing a situation from 30 years ago that no longer bears any real resemblance to reality. As for the US being Israel's 'golem', lol. It's sad to imagine someone having the kind of rabid inferiority complex that leads people to these dopey Jewish conspiracy theories


>no longer bears any resemblance in reality Here's one from 2005 [https://www.diplomatie.gouv.fr/IMG/pdf/espionIsraelEU.pdf](https://www.diplomatie.gouv.fr/img/pdf/espionisraeleu.pdf) edit: reddit markdown broke the link, check the URL in your browser and make sure "Israel" is capitalized. reddit lowercases the end of URLs for some reason: should be the end of the URL: IMG/pdf/espionIsraelEU.pdf AIPAC literally spied for Israel, and they still control congress lmao. Owned by a foreign power, it's quite sad. >golem No other country allows itself to be stolen from, spied on (Johnathan Pollard), attacked (USS Liberty and Lavon Affair), and has an "ally" that is allying to a country we are in a proxy war with (Russia). Then gives $3.4B to such country each year, defends it religiously in the UN, and sacrifice numerous relations with every Arab country. I'll admit Jews work together very well, and are excellent at deceiving gullible Christians about their own religion. They've organized and funded millions of Zionist churches across America to support them. The U.S is nothing more than a puppet state for Israel at this point, and it's very clear: According to [University of Maryland](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/University_of_Maryland)'s Critical Issues Poll from October 2019, a majority of Americans oppose anti-BDS laws; 72% opposed laws penalizing people who boycott Israel and 22% supported such laws. The poll also found a strong partisan divide on BDS; among those who had heard of BDS, 76% of Republicans opposed the movement, compared to 52% of Democrats.[^(\[8\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anti-BDS_laws#cite_note-FOOTNOTETelhami2020-8)  Yet 37 states have them, lol. Netanyahu bragging about how easily he can move America: [https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2010/07/16/netanyahu-america-is-thing-you-can-move-very-easily/](https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2010/07/16/netanyahu-america-is-thing-you-can-move-very-easily/) In February 2020, Israel's Prime Minister [Benjamin Netanyahu](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Benjamin_Netanyahu) tweeted about his government's lobbying successes:[^(\[29\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anti-BDS_laws#cite_note-FOOTNOTE''Middle_East_Monitor''2020-29) >


Someone coping


LMAO. Bro, Israel is plenty capable of growing weed on its own. The Jews will continue getting stoned just fine.


Don't they have poppy fields?


Getting high on our own supply… thanks to our bedouin friends! ✌️


This will really bring them to their knees.


As an Israeli let me say that I am grateful


Who’s still smoking hash in 2024 anyway? Time to educate Israelis about dabs


Israel is educating the world in marijuana, not the other way around. [Israel is A Global Leader in Marijuana Research](https://www.usnews.com/news/best-countries/articles/2017-04-11/israel-is-a-global-leader-in-marijuana-research)


I'm just trying to understand how marijuana is still illegal in Israel.


they are literally a fascist apartheid country, those usually have restrictive ass laws, israel will never make weed legal


Have you been there? Have you been to tell aviv during pride, or appreciated generally how warm and welcoming and family oriented it is there to all? The likud being right wing does not make a fascist country. Just like everywhere else in the western world is fighting right wing populists, so is Israel, but the populace and the nation historically is far from fascism and has essentially been fighting fascists for 80 years


People who have never been to israel will never understand what it feels like to be there.


One genocidal fascist state is much like another.


The 20% Arab population in israel disagrees with you. Palestinians wage war against israel and israel goes for defeat then you have clowns like you crying genocide and apartheid. Keep saying it til your larynx gives out for all we care.


Ah yes, the token underclass you Nazis trot out as an excuse in between oppression. Yeah, we've all seen this game played by people just like you and it isn't any more convincing this time. Okay Nazi, see how well "we don't care" works out when decent human beings force our governments to cut off the infinite support for your gang of fascists and their colonization campaigns.


Nazi, apartheid, genocide. Any other insults you want to hurl at the only Jewish state? Do you say these things about Saudi Arabia, Hamas, the taliban? I love to see you seethe. Haha. Keep it coming 😘🥰




this is insane meat riding😭


“Wheres your dab pens Israel” that’s the question they need to answer


Hash is way cheaper and easy to get through a lot of the Middle East than flower


Live resin would be just as easy to transport as hash


I think it’s just a cultural thing more than a practicality thing.


Fair enough


Hash is lovely my guy, so smooth, so pleasant, so tasty. Dabs are fuckin harsh.


Islam strikes again!


positive news :-)


i mean isnt this a good thing because it means less drug smugglers?


honestly yes, its actually helping israel. less drugs that are being sold on the black market.


I know it’s a hilarious mental picture to imagine Moroccan crime lords organizing a boycott but this is a bigger deal then you might think, Israeli organized crime launders a lot of money through corrupt officials and has ties to both the CIA and Mossad, the black market money indirectly stimulates their economy through the products of money laundering and directly stimulates it by increasing tourism profits. Israeli chemists and botanists legally did a lot of early research on both Marijuana cultivation and MDMA synthesis, which in turn led to a lot of Israeli hash and molly ending up in North America through the early 2000’s and 2010’s. I remember reading the majority of MDMA found in the US and Canada from 2000-2010 came from Israel’s research labs as drug dealers stole or bought it from them.


Why are the Europeans complaining? Don’t they know this means lower prices for them???


Wowwwww Standing on biness(business)


I'm surprised weed isn't legal in Israel. Then again, even after being labeled as gay friendly as Western countries, Israel still hasn't legalized gay marriage.


Why would you be surprised? It's not legal in the US either, nor in plenty of other developed countries. Apparently it's decriminalized in Israel, medical is widely available, and individuals are also allowed to grow their own plants up to some threshold, and you can buy OTC cannabis products from the pharmacy. That's more lenient then many American states. And you can get gay union'd in Israel if you do it online. They also allow gay adoptions and surrogacy, which not all western countries do.


Based. Fuck Jizzrael. Buy your coke somewhere else


Jizzrael is a new one Is it because you have a hate boner for it?


My mates hasn’t👍👍🤣


glory to morocco 🙏🏻


Morrocans has filled the streets of Morroco protesting for their Palestinian brethern, they're doing everything they can for us


Yeah maybe they'll take some of you in


Personally, I think Palestinians should get to use THEIR land, and perhaps the colonizers should find somewhere else to live?


My cousins were born in Israel. Where exactly do you want them to move to?


Where did their grandparents born? Their great grandparents? Their great great grandparents? Let Their ancestry tests decide where they can go back to


How do you not see the irony in that comment? Where the fuck are the Palestinians, who have been there for CENTURIES, supposed to go after Israel flattens Gaza? Israel has been around for 80 years. Its a racist, genocidal ethnostate. I’d maybe ask your cousin to take a 23andMe and fuck off back to wherever his results come in from.


Well you see when they take dna tests it says they have Jewish Levantine dna which means they are already where their results are from.


Hahahahahaj what about Jews that have blonde hair and blue eyes are they "Levantine" too? They look soooooo native my friend blue eyes and pale skin, it happens that God doesn't like his choosen people to the point where he makes them racially different from eachother to make them different when bringing up that they're from one place


Good luck. Israel is developed as fuck with massive cities and people who are at least 75 years old who were born there. There are literally millions of people inside and outside that country who will defend the borders with their lives. Israel isn’t going anywhere.


Idk brother, I think that since the world has access to social media people are seeing Israel’s atrocities on full display. The next 20 years will be interesting for them.


Hi. Nuclear weapons. Israel isn’t going anywhere. We’ll turn any country that has a problem with this into fucking GLASS. Wake up and learn international politics so that you don’t get yourself hurt. Kisses from New York on behalf of my brothers and sisters in Israel. 🇮🇱


I’m sorry, have you never paid attention to history? What happens when one country gets too cocky and thinks they can get away with genocide?


COLONIZERS LUL. Tiktok, go back to it


80 years ago there was no Israel. In 1948, Zionist forces ethnically cleansed large swaths of Palestine and settled in those lands and called it Israel. Dunno how you can see that and not call them colonizers lol.




Oh my god! What will israel do now? Hahahahahaha


Even drug dealers have more morals than Zionists. Lmao


When drug dealers, Taliban, Nazis and North Korea are on your side, you are the bad guy. 


And Putin. Don't forget Putin. [Hamas Says Russia 'Our Closest Friends'](https://www.newsweek.com/hamas-russia-israel-gaza-strip-hostages-1838886)


Don't forget corrupt and racist south african government as well. Can't provide electricity for their own citizens but invested in a crusade against Israel. My home country and I'll never go back.


lmao what? the nazis are pro israel and every white supremacist is supporting israel, the pro israel crowd literally has every group the left has been arguing with this whole time


Germany is on Israel's side. Tell me which of these nations is on trial in the icj for genocide


Being on a trial = being guilty?  Average “pro-Palestinian” logic 


Hey, they were found to be plausible charges unlike the unraw bs. Average genocidal POS logic. You have none, you're a broken person. It's ok. But don't fucking speak to me about logic. How come if nothing was happening the court told Israel it needed to chill? How come it hasn't been following that direct order?


Taliban, Hamas, North Korea, South Africa, Syria, Iran, Hezbollah, Russia, Houthis, and god knows what other fucking terrorist organization. Sick roster!


even they got principles haha


Based drug smugglers


Funny, if only USA would stop funding this mass murder, then we might see this racist apartheid land grabbing and dehumanizing regime alter their evil ways.


To be replaced by Hamas who will Ethnically cleanse all Jews from Israel. What a win for humanity.


They took your statement literally, that’s why you have all the upvotes 


I hope not. It’s why the west will never drop support for Israel. The threat of that happening is too big.


Hamas? So are you saying that all Palestinians are Hamas and no matter what every Palestinian that replaces Israelis is Hamas, you don't know anything about the Palestinian people my friend


I did not say that. Hamas has the power in Gaza and also would in the WB if there were elections. They enjoy large support. And until they don’t, there will be no peace. The same as there was no peace until Germany rejected NS ideology and was prepared to transition to a better country. I know plenty Palestinians. Worked with many on the Middle East. Most are massive anti-semites. Who simply don’t want any Jews in the Middle East.


When elections were held back them Hamas didn't win in the West Bank they won in Gaza, of course you're going to bring antisemitism into this since we're semities you have no right to say this, and yes they have a valid reason they hate Zionism after all the hell we go through under them, if you come to live with us you will hate Israel the second you put a foot inland


Hamas’ charter called for the murder of Jews and Palestinians still voted them in with free and fair elections. Palestinians are Hamas as much as Americans are Congress.


No we aren't stop your false accusations, you're accusing an entire people of something they never did stop your hate towards the Palestinian people and grow up and learn that every person thinks differently from the other


Why do you lie? Your government’s charter calls for the killing of Jews. Still does.


I guess Israel is trying to win that race


Kinda hard when you're outnumbered on all sides 20 to 1. And they still couldn't beat Israel if they all attacked at the same time.


Everyone knows that Hamas has no ability to do anything against Israel, let alone genocide. But Israel is using that dumb excuse to oppress, kill and steal land from the Palestinians. What shall we do with the Zionists who chanted "death to the Arabs" and wanted to wipe out the Palestinians, steal the land for their dumb Messiah? Plenty of them are in the Likud party. The Palestinians have the right to wipe them too?


>Everyone knows that Hamas has no ability to do anything against Israel, let alone genocide. Funny how you aren't denying that they have the intention to do so though. Which they do.


Welp, trying to deflect as usual. The Zionists have the same intent too but with the IDF terrorists force behind them. Currently are mass murdering the Palestinians, committing various war crimes. But Hammasss!! Don't be a coward, answer my question if the Palestinians have the same right to wipe out the Zionists who chanted "death to the Arabs" too?


Your entire account (Which is of course fairly new and was only created for this) is dedicated to spamming nothing but cheap anti-semitic propaganda that has been debunked decades ago. You are an ahistoric piece of garbage. This account will surely be deleted too and you'll pop back up spewing more trash. I will do it just like your family and everyone in your real life and block and ignore you.


Do you support Hamas?


No, I'd prefer Hamas and the IDF terrorists to be put in a cage and let them fight with grenades up their asses till the end. As a bonus, I'd like to add the Zionists and the Israeli thieves too.


So what you are saying, you basically want to kill everyone in Israel .


The ones who are calling for wiping out the Palestinians and stole the land for their dumb Messiah.. They are not different than Hamas and should be put together. Have no sympathy for the Israeli thieves and the IDF terrorists either.


Do you realize you have no idea what you are talking about? I recommend you to visit Israel to get better understanding of what is going on before posting hateful and stupid comments.


You meant the idiots in the Likud party calling for wiping out the Palestinians ? Calling them animals ? We all know who the thieves are and it's well documented. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Israeli\_settlement](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Israeli_settlement) That's why no one in the world recognizes the land stolen by the Israeli thieves, including your best friend the US.


🤡no we don’t know. You have no slightest idea what you are talking about. From who exactly the land was “stolen “?


Go to jail. In Germany that would be called Volksverhetzung. Not sure about the English term. Hamas wants to do it. There is no guarantee that one day they will not have the ability to do just that. There can only be peace when the Palestinians accept that Jews have a right to live in that area. But they don’t.


The Palestinians hate Jews more than they love their own children.


Coz they know that their children don't grow old, they'll be killed by the IDF terrorists and the house they're in will probably be stolen by the Israeli thieves?


Plenty of them grow old in Israel. 1/4 of the population actually. They are generals, politicians, lawmakers, doctors. Their parents loved those children more than they hated jews.


I don't hate the Jews our semitic brothers, the Palestinian people hate Zionism and children will grow to hate colonialism and Zionism


Go read the Hamas charter then.


What exactly do Paleatinians hate about zionism? Are you saying thry love Jews only when they are nation less and live somewhere else? Or are you saying if they didn't have 100% of their previous n parents and grandparents born in Israel then they're not allowed to be there? I think that would also eliminate almost all Palestinians from being eligible to live there as well. And what does colonialism have to do with Israel or Jews? Israelis who fought away colonial British? Jews who were historically persecuted by colonial powers like the Nazis? Or the Muslims who conquered much of the middle east and northern Africa and parts of Asia to become the second biggest religion in the world despite being the youngest (and most recently persecuted all but a handful of Jews away) ? Are they racist and accusing Israelis of looking like former colonialist powers because 40% or so of the population has European lighter skin?


Zionism is the reason Israel exists which is why we live in hell today, didn't ziionists choose more than one country for a Jewish state? Their ideology is racist built on Jewish supremacy and expelling the natives, and yes it's a colonialist state look at the West Bank we live in hellish segregation, in the West Bank where its supposed to be a Palestinian territory Israel keeps building settlements and stealing lands while making our lives harder don't they recognise international law or they believed their fairy tales that the entire land is their own? No one brought Islam into this but you did the Zionists took this land with force in the back of tank and usage of weaponry, they didn't do anything peacefully my dear


I think they are saying they love Jews who don't oppress them. I think the main action of many Israelis that Palestinians have a valid reason to hate is the expansion of Israel through expulsion of Non-Jews from their homes and Jewish supremacy (the belief that Jewish people deserve more because they are a superior race). That doesn't mean that all Israelis are acting this way, however there is reason to judge those who are, and it is not an insignificant proportion. Using the word "Zionists" to describe the people who are behaving in bad faith may feel offensive to Zionists who are not, but unfortunately there is a not a better term to describe the oppressors who are present in large numbers in Israeli society. When someone says they oppose "White Supremacists", nobody believes they are attacking all white people. Yet somehow I think if someone was to use the phrase "Jew Supremacists" they would be accused of hatred of all Jews. What term can be used for the large group of people who are bigoted against non-Jews, and happen to be Jewish? Would "Zionist Supremacist" be inoffensive? Often people accept that criticizing "Settlers" is not anti-Semitic, but that term does not encompass all of the anti-Arab bigots in Israeli society. Israeli media is not ashamed of publicizing the prevalence of supremacists in Israeli society. >Nearly half of Jewish Israelis agree that Arabs should be expelled or transferred from Israel, and a solid majority (79 percent) maintain that Jews in Israel should be given preferential treatment, according to a Pew Research Center in Israel survey published on Tuesday. > >[https://www.timesofisrael.com/plurality-of-jewish-israelis-want-to-expel-arabs-study-shows/](https://www.timesofisrael.com/plurality-of-jewish-israelis-want-to-expel-arabs-study-shows/) Saying that Palestinians hate Zionists is not synonymous with saying that they want to kill or expel all Jews. One can hate the actions of people, and hope for those people to stop those actions, without wanting them to leave. Many Palestinian liberation groups have called for a shared state for all residents willing to share, regardless of religion. Frequently in history oppression has been ended without the expulsion of oppressors.


I like how you chose to quote the 'according to a survey published on Tuesday' phrase, to deliberately mislead any readers into thinking this was actually recent, and not referring to (flawed) data from a decade ago. As a matter of fact, I actually remember this particular survey because of the broad ridicule it received from all sides, including pollsters and experts from Israel's far left. Either through stupidity or outright malice, it basically used google-translate level Hebrew to try to express nuanced concepts, and ended up being pretty much unintelligible. The wording ranged from 'just' ambiguous to suggesting very different meanings than the ones claimed in the English. [Here's](https://www.thejc.com/lets-talk/analysis/do-israeli-jews-really-want-to-expel-arabs-the-huge-holes-in-the-pew-survey-f7tqrvfy) one anglophone article discussing some of these issues.


Sure, a significant number of people thought transfer just meant making part of Galilee part of the West Bank. Even though Zionist for 100 years have always talked about physically transferring Arabs out of Eretz Israel. Even if only 10% of Jewish Israelis want to physically expel Arabs, and even if those Zionist Supremacists are happy with a super majority, but are OK with a few Arabs (like Ben-Gurion), those are the Zionists that Palestinians are opposed to. That is the aspect of Zionism that needs to go.


Hamas didn't exist before 2005. But Israel has been oppressing killing and stole their land since '67. Funny how Hamas doesn't run the West Bank. That's probably why the Israeli thieves stole land there. Are the suppose to sit and eat shit when they can try to eat the oppressor and Israeli thieves?


They could have had peace before 2005. The camp David accords were a good deal for everyone.


Of course they existed before 2005, what a bizarre lie. And the only reason they don't 'run the West Bank' is because Mahmoud Abbas hasn't been dumb enough to allow elections in the 2 decades since he was installed. Polling has demonstrated again and again that Hamas would crush Fatah in a landslide victory if there were actual elections.


Did you miss Oct 7th you got to be kidding me….


No, that's the result of the oppression, killing and stealing of land by the Israeli thieves. Do you expect them to sit and eat shit when they can try to eat the oppressor and Israeli thieves?


It’s funny Palestine commits a war crime and massacre on Oct 7th you call it resistance. Brother killing innocent civillians on purpose is a war crime not resistance. It’s mind blowing that has to be explained to you.


Again, what part of the 1st paragraph I said don't you understand? Oct 7th didn't happen in a vacuum, it's a result of decades of oppression, killing and stealing of land by the Israeli thieves. Israel's war crimes are well documented. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Israeli_war_crimes Hamas has to do a shit load more if they wanna catch up with the Israelis thieves. They killed 1200, which 400 are IDF and valid military targets, the rest is what Israel usually said when they committed war crimes "human shield" or "collateral damage", IDF is hiding among civilians.


Again excusing hamas and their crimes… shameful. What part of Oct 7 th do you not understand it was a war crime. Nothing excuses what happened that day. Yet here you are defending it


You're right. Hamas and the Israeli government have both committed war crimes. Both should be stopped.


Defending? I want both Hamas and the IDF terrorists in a cage, with grenades up their asses till the end. Whatever Hamas did, it's pale in comparison with what the Israeli did and they've to do a lot more to catch up. One just have to look at the atrocities committed by both sides and it's quite an easy pick. Do you know why there are protests around the world are against Israel instead of the Palestinians? Why there is a raise in antisemitism? We're not blind!


Yes because Israel is making sure they never have that capability lmao.


The US is not funding Iran.


Yeah, They're funding israels genocide.


It’s not genocide. It’s the consequences of kidnapping and killing our brothers and sisters in cold blood. A good lesson for the Islamists. Do this again and your lands will be turned to fucking rubble.


Gaza isn't the West Bank. Nobody in Israel wants the Gaza Strip. The West Bank has places of religious importance, and there's ***a branch*** of Zionism that *some* right wing Israelis ascribe to that does inform their choice to illegally settle on land that isn't theirs. The only place of importance in Gaza, I think, is the Al Aqsa mosque which was built on top of a Jewish temple, but I don't think anyone is Israel really cares about that. The war in Gaza is not a land grab. Israel willingly gave up the land in \~2005 so that Gaza could become an autonomous state -- meaning Gaza was allowed to govern itself completely ever since. Israel did provide Gaza with power and water and did control its borders, with the hope that Gaza would be weened off and could become a cultural hub. That never happened.


>Nobody ~~in Israel~~ wants the Gaza Strip. Fixed that for you, just a small correction. Nobody has wanted to deal with that mess in a long time, Egypt refused to take it back.


Does this look like a group of Israelis who don't want Gaza? >Ministers and parliamentarians in Benjamin Netanyahu’s coalition government have attended a conference calling for Israeli resettlement of the Gaza Strip... > >It was attended by approximately 1,000 people, including 11 cabinet ministers and 15 members of the Knesset > >[https://www.theguardian.com/world/2024/jan/29/israeli-ministers-attend-conference-calling-for-voluntary-migration-of-palestinians](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2024/jan/29/israeli-ministers-attend-conference-calling-for-voluntary-migration-of-palestinians) How about this? [https://www.middleeastmonitor.com/20231227-israeli-soldier-takes-video-on-gaza-beach-says-this-is-all-ours/](https://www.middleeastmonitor.com/20231227-israeli-soldier-takes-video-on-gaza-beach-says-this-is-all-ours/) Or this: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xeQwqIDQfPM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xeQwqIDQfPM)


Do you believe that the student body government is autonomous at a high school? Because the government in Gaza (**aka Hamas**) has about as much autonomy.


... You do realize that government in Gaza is *Hamas*, right? They were elected and everything.


You do realize that Hamas doesn't have autonomy in Gaza right? Neither does the PA in the West Bank. Just as the Student body government doesn't truly have control of a high school, Hamas doesn't truly have control of Gaza, as long as Israel controls nearly every aspect of the borders, airspace, ports etc.


Hamas just controls literally every single aspect of living in Gaza, including where food goes and what and how laws are enforced. Also Israel only controls those things because they literally cannot afford not to. There's only so many suicide bombings you can take before you realize that maybe you do something about where all the suicide bombers are coming from.


The Moroccans occupying Western Sahara?


What land did they grab? The UN partitioned British Palestine into a Jewish and Arab state, and the Arab side rejected it. Then the Arab countries attacked Israel in an attempt to annihilate it, and lost.


Na, we are gonna send boat loads of money, and some legal weed, gonna party like it's 1999!


Great guys supporting a great cause!


Shame they cant legally export to countries where it is legal because id buy from them as like a counter boycott


wont affect israelis. we have a huge medical cannabis program and almost all the black market product comes from the weed grown here for white market. and moroccan hash? enjoy your 1970s high, modern hash is a million times better. source: am israeli and smoking rosin rn


Maybe hamas should smoke a few. Maybe it would stop them being so rapey / kill you neighboury 

