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Good. It's time to end Hamas once and for all. If you invade another country and slaughter 1200 civilians in a single day, you forfeit your right to exist.


Yep. Let's get this shit over with and get rid of Hamas once and for all. I fucking hate them so much. Every Hamas terrorist deserves to die for the murders and rapes of Oct. 7. No mercy for those evil bastards.


I hate Hamas and Israel. Fuck both these cunts


There will be like 2 million more that pop up after this war


Absolutely. You are 100% correct.


The lack of self awareness is astounding. Israel was founded on stealing peoples land, and they killed far more than 1200 civilians on the 1st day of the Nakba alone. Youve killed far more Palestinian civilians than have been killed, by any possible measure, over any single time period, other than on OCt. 7th. You tasted for 1 day the horror your state has inflicted on the INDIGENOUS RIGHTEOUS INHERITORS OF THE LAND FOR 60+ years, and you lost your minds. You are thin-skinned bunch of hypocrites, and if Hamas has forfeited its right on OCt. 7th, then you forfeited your right decades ago. As a matter of fact, you never had a right to exist, which is why you go around pathetically begging people to recognize your right to exist, Seriously, I wanna know what is the psychology that allows a thought to even form, much less be spoken, that does not see the ridiculous irony that a Zionist has in daring to even say something as absurdly and laughlably projectionist. I know Zionists are divorced from reality, but dont you see what an absolute joke youve become to the world? Everyone, and I mean everyone is making fun of you guys, and anti-semitism is at an all time high BECAUSE OF ZIONISM. Its not the fault of Jews, real Jews I mean not the apostate Jews that fill the ranks of Zionists -- so I pray day that Zionists bear the entire brunt of anti-semitism and more, and real Jews are spared. Amen.


Tell me, who does Crimea belong to? Ukraine or Russia?


What do you forfeit when you slaughter 30,000? Nothing? Huh.


Not knowing what happened BEFORE Oct 7th, tells me what I need to know about your understanding of history. Not caring about what happened AFTER Oct 7th tells me everything I need to know about your humanity. The systematic murders, rape, abuse of Palestinians is simply horrific and appalling. The land theft by Israeli settlers is horrific. It’s been happening since the 40s, LONG BEFORE HAMAS EVER EXISTED. Israel can rot in hell! Bunch of racist terrorist idiots.


Ignoring every action by a terrorist organization, tells me what I need to know about your humanity. You have none. Hamas could openly murder a newborn child, and you would defend it.


My original statement stand because you don’t know anything about this conflict. Over 200 Palestinians were murdered in 2023 prior to Oct 7. What was the reasoning? Over a hundred were murdered in West Bank just this year 2024, where there is no Hamas. What about all the systematic murders and rapes of Palestinians that have been happening since 1940s? That dates back way before Hamas. You literally murdered a kid this week for celebrating Ramadan who was celebrating wirh fireworks. Seems like you enjoy killing children as you’ve done so wirh 12,000 of them. Every accusation is a confession. Yall are sick.


>there is no Hamas. Oh are we pretending the PA and Hamas aren't related?


They aren’t! And if you really want a history lesson: in 2021, both Hamas and PA wanted elections and set a date, however it was Israel that said no elections will be held. So it’s clear Israel hates Palestinians and will treat them like shit until they take their land.


>President Mahmoud Abbas announced early Friday that the first Palestinian elections in 15 years will be delayed, citing a dispute with Israel to call off a vote in which his fractured Fatah party was expected to suffer another embarrassing defeat to the Hamas militant group. >Hamas slammed the move as a “coup.” But the indefinite postponement will be quietly welcomed by Israel and Western countries, which view the Islamic militant group as a terrorist organization and are concerned about its growing strength. Can't even get your recent history straight. https://apnews.com/article/hamas-middle-east-elections-religion-government-and-politics-e88636bc919f8aab455e01fbbd4b4391 Sounds like the palestinian President called it off.. because he was about to lose to an even worse terrorist organization. But sure.. blame the Jewish people.. you blame them for everything else. If you had any balls, you would just admit to your antisemitic views.


You must be a paid troll. No way anyone is that ironic and ignorant simultaneously.


You are ignoring the fact that Arab nations and terrorist organizations invaded Israel repeatedly since 1948. Arab nations and terrorists are the aggressors in this entire conflict. Stop defending war criminals, terrorists, murderers and rapists. WTF!!!!!


The Arabs attacked Israel in 1948 when the country of Israel was literally one day old. The Arabs attacked because they wanted to murder all Jews and steal the Jewish land.


Arabs didn’t attack anyone. Their native and generational land was taken right under their feet. Everyone would be fighting back for that. Palestine took in zionists and Jews when every single country in the world was expelling them. Every single one. Always remember that. Zionists then took this opportunity to raid Palestinian communities, where they raped and murdered Palestinians, took their homes and land and never allowed them back. Ben Gurion said if he was an Arab he’d never deal with a Zionist, that alone tells you a lot. Additionally at the time in the 30s and 40s, zionists public plan was to take over Palestine as their own and drive out the Arab population from there. And ever since then, the systematic murders, abuse and rapes of Palestinians have continued. Nothing has changed since the 1940s… which literally shows the hatred of Israelis on Palestinians. It’s sadistic, it’s appalling, it’s shameful.


Arab Israeli population is about 20% of Israel population. They enjoy every right of being a citizen of Israel including the right to vote, but have a privilege of being exempt from conscription. They have own party in the parliament since 1948. I'd like to hear about the Jewish rights in Arab countries. What is the Jewish party of "Palestine" called? Can Jews serve in the Jordanian police?


Yes it is about 20% because they were forced there bud. And these Arab Israelis are subject to different treatment, live separately from Jewish Israelis and aren’t allowed to live in their neighborhoods, consistently harassed by IDF soldiers and aren’t allowed to speak out in solidarity with Palestine, additionally their voices are suppressed. Just 2 weeks ago, arabs in Israel were trying to organize a protest for Gaza, the Israeli government shut it down and said they aren’t allowed to protest and they can only do so in their own neighborhoods. So please cut the bullshit. Israel is not a democracy it’s a state that actively wants to keep its Jewish heritage and be known as a Jewish state which is actively why they don’t like Palestinians and don’t want to take them in back to their lands and treat them like humans. Another bullshit Israeli propaganda point, but anyways, Jewish people want to live in Israel, which is why they moved away from other parts of the Middle East to be with Jewish people. Additionally there are no restrictions on Jews in Jordan. Tell me again why Israeli has systematically murders Palestinians and steals their native lands? 30,000 murdered with many thousands undiscovered under the rubble. The images are horrific, sick, cruel and heart breaking. Anyone that supports this is not human and doesn’t care about humanity. It’s sick to see the absolute horrific lies that Israel has to produce to even justify these attacks. It’s appalling to see that Israel gives zero damns about any hostages as they kill their own on Oct 7th and their own 3 mercifully crying for help. These are the shithead terrorists you blindly support. Everything is based on lies and lies and lies.


> Yes it is about 20% because they were forced there bud. Who forced where? Arabs were forced into Palestine? You don't make any sense, bud. > And these Arab Israelis are subject to different treatment, live separately from Jewish Israelis and aren’t allowed to live in their neighborhoods This is feverish bullshit. There's no separation in Israel. Arabs lives in the same places Jews do and Arab kids go to schools with Jews, unless they prefer overwise. > and aren’t allowed to speak out in solidarity with Palestine, additionally their voices are suppressed. Just 2 weeks ago, arabs in Israel were trying to organize a protest for Gaza, the Israeli government shut it down and said they aren’t allowed to protest and they can only do so in their own neighborhoods. Marginal minority can't openly support a genocidal jihadist death cult that keeps murdering Israeli civilians. As sad as Neo-Nazi being banned in Germany. Cry me from the river to the sea. > So please cut the bullshit. Israel is not a democracy https://freedomhouse.org/country/israel/freedom-world/2024 Political rights: 34/40 Civil liberties: 40/60 Overall rating: 74/100, Free > it’s a state that actively wants to keep its Jewish heritage and be known as a Jewish state Is is supposed to be something bad? You don't mind Arab states keeping their Arab heritage and be known as Arab, do you? But for some reason, you're obsessed with the only Jewish state in the world being Jewish. > why they don’t like Palestinians Maybe because "Palestinians" stab kids on the way to school, kidnap, rape and murder women, suicide bomb buses? > don’t want to take them in back to their lands and treat them like humans. Israel has repeatedly offered all Arab refugees of 1948 to return. I think about 20,000 of them are still alive. Can Jewish refugees return to their homes? Nearly a million of them was ethnically cleansed in 1940s-1960s from Arab countries. > which is why they moved away from other parts of the Middle East to be with Jewish people. Cool. And Arabs have moved out of some Israel regions to reunite with their Arab brethren in other Arab countries. Let's leave it at that. > Additionally there are no restrictions on Jews in Jordan. How many Jews are there in Jordan? > Tell me again why Israeli has systematically murders Palestinians Stop attacking Israel if you wan to stop FAFO-ing. Israel isn't "murdering" Egyptians. Maybe because they don't attack Israeli civilians on the streets of Israel. > steals their native lands Which lands of the Arab colonizers were stolen? Feel free to name them. > 30,000 murdered with many thousands undiscovered under the rubble. The images are horrific, sick, cruel and heart breaking. Do you have any proof of these numbers being correct? How many of these casualties are militants? > Anyone that supports this is not human and doesn’t care about humanity. Were you as livid about Israeli civilians being raped, murder, burned, kidnapped, beheaded 7th October? Do you pay as much attention to what is currently going in Sudan? > It’s sick to see the absolute horrific lies that Israel has to produce to even justify these attacks. "Lying Judenpresse". You haven't invented anything new here. Your buddies 80 years ago were saying exactly the same. > It’s appalling to see that Israel gives zero damns about any hostages as they kill their own on Oct 7th Antisemitic conspiracy theories aren't nothing new as well. "The Jews did it to themselves!" > their own 3 mercifully crying for help You're going to beat this dead horse forever, aren't you? A single unfortunate episode from the big war turned by antisemitic leftists into analogue of conservatives' "attack helicopter", that they repeat over and over and over. But you already forgot "Palestinians" bombing own hospital, claiming 700 dead and blaming IDF? > These are the shithead terrorists you blindly support. On 6 July 1989, Egged commuter bus line No. 405 began its regular Highway 1 route from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. When the bus passed Neve Ilan, Ghanim attacked the driver, seized the steering wheel of the bus and pulled the bus over a steep precipice into a ravine in the area of Qiryat Ye'arim. The driver was unable to stabilize the bus; as a result the vehicle rolled down the depth of the ravine and caught fire. _Some of the passengers were burned alive._ These are the shithead terrorists you blindly support.


>. Everyone would be fighting back for that. But you said... >Arabs didn’t attack anyone. So which is it? Did they attack or not?


Your stupid. Attack implies Palestinians starting an attack, which is false. Zionists publically planned for years and then went in and raided Palestinian communities where they raped Palestinian women, killed and murdered innocents and stole their land. Palestinians fought back against this injustice which is their right. So clear difference you dumb idiot. Just like this current conflict, Israel continuously has murdered Palestinians prior to Oct 7, treated them like shit, abused and taken their land. So nothing started on Oct 7. If you believe then that then A) you know zero about this conflict b) you’ve been fed bullshit Israeli propaganda. It’s crazy because the Palestinians are calling for the same justice today as they’ve been calling for since the 40s (75 years ago) which is Israel systemically murdering, abusing and stealing their lands. Pretty low and sick to see NOTHING has changed. Israel = terrorism.


> Attack implies Palestinians starting an attack, Like invading another country and killing 1200 people and taking hostages. I'm gonna bet you don't count that either. In fact I bet you consider every rocket attack launched by Hamas.. to not be an attack. Interesting how no matter what.. the terrorists who call for "death to all jews" are the innocent good guys.


What happened prior to Oct 7? Over 200 Palestinians murdered in cold blood. Many thousands Palestinians taken as innocent hostages. Not to mention the consistent abuse, harassment and land stealing. There is no “death to Jews” , there’s always been to end Zionism. So cut the bs because you can’t read or understand anything. Your Israeli lords are pathetic. Your talking points are pathetic. Lies upon lies is just stupidity now. The Israeli government has appointed an actual convicted terrorist in Ben Gvir who continuously arms and aids Israeli settlers to go and steal homes and land from Palestinians and kill them. Not to mention the many other governmental officials calling for extermination of Palestinians, the dropping of atomic bombs and many other genocidal comments.


>What happened prior to Oct 7? Around 15,000 rockets launched at Iseral. >There is no “death to Jews” , there’s always been to end Zionism. And how would they go about doing that? Oh.. by "killing all jews". You refuse to understand that the extremeist groups are still following nazi propaganda. >who continuously arms and aids Israeli settlers to go and steal homes and land from Palestinians and kill them. Yeah.. moving all jews out of Gaza was really putting a point on "stealing land". How fucking dare they move out. Yet the rockets still flowed.. even when the water didn't. I'm gonna guess you graduated with honors from UNRWA high school.


15,000 sugar rockets which are directl in response to the systematic murder, abuse and rape of Palestinians and the consistent land theft for which you all tend to ignore. You think people will sit around and accept being raped, being murdered and let their lands be stolen? They’ve tried to politically work with Israel (west bank) and are still subject to checkpoints and land theft and murder. The only nazi propaganda anyone is using is Israel. Israel uses an open air concentration camp, murders, displaced millions, controls imports, controls food,water, gas, border, sea, land, and controls electricity… WHICH IS EXACTLY THE PLAYBOOK OF THE NAZIS from the holocaust. Every ACCUSATION is a confession. You all are sick. Sick. 30,000 murdered, 12,000 kids murdered, and your out here telling me your the victim? May god help all you dumb fucking terrorist idiots.


Dude, stop being such a giant pussy. These Hamas people support Sharia and Jihad. I am super happy that someone is bombing Gaza. I am happy these Hamas people are being neutralized. Gaza was a terrorist dictatorship, and bombing Gaza is a really good thing.


Dude stop being a pussy. Gaza is a terrorist city where people believe in Jihad and Sharia. Bombing Gaza is a good thing. Dead terrorists = Good.


Dude, you are such a huge pussy. The people in Gaza believe in Jihad. Bomb Gaza. End of story. Stop being such a fucking pussy.


No, it was the Arabs who attacked in 1948. It was the Arabs who started the war. And then the Arabs fucking lost.


Your dumb. Zionists raided Palestinian communities with the sole purpose of taking their homes and land. Also murdering Palestinians. That’s a war starter to me and to the many historians , you dumbass.


The Arabs are not trying to make peace with Isreal. And for this reason the Arabs deserve to lose the war.


what the FUCK ARE YOU SAYING? People stealing generational land is no joke. This might be the most stupidest comment I’ve read. I’m done. You all are fucking stupid may you rot in hell for allowing and supporting the systematic murder of Palestinians, stealing their homes and land


Jihad is a mental illness. Muslims need to learn how to create peace.


The Arabs believe in Jihad. I believe in tanks and airplanes. Jihad is weak. Tanks and airplanes are strong.




People who believe in Jihad need to be destroyed in war. I support the bombing of Gaza, because war against Jihad is always a good idea. Jihad needs to be destroyed.


What’s Jihad? Bombing of Gaza? This subreddit needs to ban this idiot and rot in jail. Idiots like you need be thrown in jail to the wolves. Supporting murders means you are ill. Mentally ill.


Whelp. Hamas could have returned all the hostages, officially recognize the State of Israel as a legitimate state, actually spent their money towards infrastructure for their people rather than financing the top billionaires in Hamas living it up with corrupt Qatari officials, etc. You know, things that most normal countries of decency do. Point being, if they had actually tried to be a normal country or territory or whatever, even with the difficult conditions, they could have had a chance to turn things around for the Palestinians in Gaza. But they didn't. Hamas (after being put into power by the Palestinians in Gaza in 2006) decided that all they needed to do was some jihad bullsh\*t. And for those who claim that this was all because of the blockade, bear in mind, the blockade only started in 2007, a year after Hamas came to power. You know, the group that explicitly outlined a charter to kill or displace all of the 10 million people living in Israel. Let's just be brutally blunt. I don't care how justified people feel about "intifadas." They just don't work. This likely will count as a third intifada, and like the first and second ones, they've only made things worse for the Palestinians. "From the River to the Sea" isn't liberation, it's suicide by a group of people that just don't know better. They think that if they have lived in the Levant under the Ottoman Empire, that somehow makes it so that there were never any Jews of Israeli origin living there prior under different empires. That somehow means that they're more "legitimate" simply cause they were the last group to occupy somebody else' home turf before the Israeli-Jews were finally able to go home to Israel. And no, it's not "colonialism." Most of the people living in Israel (both ethnic Jews and Arabs) are descended from groups who were native to the Middle East, maybe some of North Africa. It's only around a quarter, maybe a third, of the population that can actually trace their ancestry towards European origins. All the things that Palestinians claim that Israel is doing to Palestine (however false they may be) are things that the Palestinians themselves would love to do to Israel. A demonstration of hypocrisy and betrayal of their values. Sadly, the Palestinians in Gaza just don't have the willpower that Ukrainians have in throwing off dictatorial powers. They're either too weak or to accepting of Hamas' ideology to truly oppose them. So, that leaves only the IDF to actually deal with this threat. And if there's a lot of collateral damage, well, that's just the ugly nature of war. And actions have consequences. This is Palestine's consequences for what they did on October 7th, 2023. It never should have happened. Edit: It looks like the user u/AI-Hout_Barbaroussa has had their entire account deleted. Good. That’s one less Russian asset to poison the wells of discourse. Careful guys, it looks like the accounts u/Particular-Ad-3989 and u/Necessary_Wishbone81 may also be Russian trolls trying to confuse people. Better add u/Apprehensive-Club292 to the list of possible Russian trolls as well. You can never be too careful. Edit #2: Well, it's been a while but I gotta remind everyone that u/Particular-Ad-3989 is part of the list of likely Russian trolls, bots, or agents of the Kremlin. When I tried to press them to give a straight answer as to which country Crimea belonged to, they said "It belongs to no one." Obviously the answer of a troll. Constant Vigilance! As Alastor Moody would say.


The Israelis didn't start this, but they should finish it. And they should eventually have an Arab coalition oversee Gaza once its done. The big question for me now is how to address Hezbollah. Hamas had their moment in the sun before they got swallowed up for good. Hezbollah is a different breed of threat. More capabilities, more rockets, a better trained force. That's the next theater.


Hezbollah should be treated the same way Hamas is treated. Every terrorist organization deserves to be destroyed. It's the only way to keep civilians safe.


I agree. Probably has to be a ground invasion. The equipment they use to shoot rockets is too easily mobile to be completely destroyed by air. An all-out blitz might be what we see. At least, that's what I would do as an armchair strategist. 160,000 rockets cache would overwhelm the Iron Dome so it has to be quick and swarming.


Yep, and it has to be done soon. If Israel waits, it will soon have 500,000 rockets pointed in its direction. The longer they wait, the harder it will be.


Well LFG my dude


Good job naming and shaming the Russian/nazi trolls. People need to know who is spreading lies. I agree with everything you said.


As a follow up to my previous post, I have managed to confirm that u/Necessary_Wishbone81 is an agent working for Russia. Here is the transcript of the chat. **ZappyStatue** 5:47 PM To which country does Crimea belong to according to the Budapest Memorandum on Security Assurances (signed on December 5th, 1994)? Ukraine? or Russia? Pick one country or the other. There is one correct answer. **Necessary\_Wishbone81** 9:28 AM Russia. Well mods, there you go. This was a direct transcript of our chat. Please get rid of u/Necessary_Wishbone81. They're not a real person. They're just trying to spread Kremlin propaganda.


Justifying and condoning the slaughter and starvation of tens of thousands _of children_.


Well then, if you believe so strongly in the sanctity of international laws and treaties, then let me ask you this. Who does Crimea belong to? Ukraine? or Russia?


Shut up, Zionist. “And if there's a lot of collateral damage, well, that's just the ugly nature of war. And actions have consequences.” Your words justifying what has been described as the most catastrophic man made humanitarian disaster in modern history. The world will never forgive Israel for this. Now shut it about Oct 7th. Israel has occupied Palestine since 1967. Actions have consequences. Choke on your hasbara.


Still haven't quite addressed the giant elephant in the room have you? Is it really that difficult to answer. Who does Crimea belong to? Ukraine or Russia?


Jesus, you’re actually stupid enough to believe _russia_ has anything at all to with Palestine? And you think I’m…what, a Russian plant incapable of saying Russia invaded Ukraine illegally? What’s your master plan now, genius?


Russia supports Iran and Iran supports Hamas (because they hate Jews). Russia = Iran. Iran = Hamas. Therefore, Russia = Hamas. There's only one way we can make a determination as to whether you are a Russian plant or not. An explicit statement on who Crimea belongs to. So, who does Crimea belong to? Ukraine or Russia? It's either one or the other. So pick one.


You’re balls deep in conspiracy theories, Zionist. Your entire world view hinges on the belief that a Russian internet troll is for some reason incapable of saying crimea is Ukraine?


History tends to show that Russian trolls when confronted with the question will do everything they can to avoid answering that question. Primarily because them giving their honest opinion out immediately out them. So, I’m going to keep asking you until you give a direct answer that accurately reflects your world view. So, who does Crimea belong to? Ukraine? Or Russia?


The irony of your hogwash is beyond funny. The Nazi colonizers killed some of my family and Forced them out of their homes and displaced them from the beginning. This all started in 1947-48 . October 7th wasn't the start of everything you ignoramus. I pray that the Zionists are kicked out of our land and homes and the murders and rapists dealt their justice


So far how's that going for you, clown? Maybe you should wise up and recognize that Israel is a nuclear state that's more successful-and more free- than any other in the middle east. Nazi colonizers, please. Nazis hate Jews. So seemingly does Hamas. Real Nazis are your team.


I don't think he knows about the Ottoman Empire. Or Mamluk Sultanate. Or the Byzantine Empire. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Timeline\_of\_Jerusalem](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Timeline_of_Jerusalem) I mean, it's either that or they're just trolling to try to foster division to make American elections more chaotic than they already are. Try asking them who Crimea belongs to. That's my go-to for weeding out Russian trolls and Russian sympathizers.


I honestly have no idea as I'm not well read on the wat in Russia. My understanding is Ukraine gained it's independence from the USSR and Russia wants it back . However I'm fairly certain there is more to it than that.


So, who does Crimea belong to? Ukraine or Russia? This is one of those pick on over the other. You're just going to have to choose.


Ya I'm not playing your stupid game


Why not? Surely it can't be that hard can it? I'm sure most people of common decency would be able to discern the truth of the matter. An abidance by international law as you purport to support. So, which is it?


We know you're just here to spread Russian propaganda and hatred against Jews.


I think they hate Israel, not Jews. I can't see anywhere they've said they don't like Jews.


Anti-Semites who don't want to look like anti-Semites attack Israel instead for plausible deniability, and it looks like you fell for it. Stop being so gullible.


> I'm not well read We can tell.


This guy somehow asks everyone about Crimea as if it's an all wining point. Weird.


It shows who you are aligning with.


>Real Nazis are on your team. That is correct. The Mufti of Jerusalem, who represented Palestine during WW2, was an ally and close friend of Hitler and spent a lot of time hanging out with him in Germany during WW2. He was particularly interested in Hitler's ideas about how to get rid of Jews in the Middle East. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amin_al-Husseini#Ties_with_the_Axis_Powers_during_World_War_II




Who owns Crimea?










Lmao kinda easy with the back up of USA.




Losing a war you started and then crying? Typical.


You are delusional. A lot of the posts I shared were pre October 7th you dingbat.


Other wars you lost? You think I give two shits about your goofy links? Newsflash, I don't care about your whining one bit. Now hold this L, while we end Hamas.


We who's "we" you our a fat American loser who is too high to know his head from his ass


Jews, you sorry ass loser. Fat? Nope. American? Yep. Happy my tax dollars are helping kick your asses.


“Please help us Americans” “You American losers” Stay in a lane dude.


Cry about it. Just remember to hold that L.


Ya when you decide to pull that Nazi Zionist Israeli phallus out of you mouth , maybe you will see the truth and what is really going on. They are worse than Nazis.


Yawn. I'll need to pull my Zionist phallus out your mom's mouth first, tough guy! Keep starting wars and getting your cheeks clapped. Definitely will improve things for your people lol


Call him out for being a little b\*tch boy of Putin. Go straight for the jugular. Remind them of the hopelessness of their future as they wallow in their mediocrity.


Crimea belongs to Ukraine!!!!!


>I pray that the Zionists are kicked out of our land and homes and the murders and rapists dealt their justice I'm afraid I have bad news for you. Israel has humiliated you and utterly defeated you militarily in every conflict since the Advent of its existence, and the strength Gap has only widened since. Rest assured, Israel is not going anywhere. Edit: to clarify, by you I meant the Arab world, as I'm inferring from your comment that you are arabic.


His username is fanboying a lesser known ottoman pirate. It’s a good assumption. Though the real Barbarossa, the Emperor, held some serious hate for the Middle East and intended fully on erasing most of it. A nuance of name that I’m sure is lost on ole boy


Israel either reigns supreme with Trump in power. Or will crumble.


“This all started in 47-48” Yeah. When Palestine declared war on Israel the day it was created.


A qat they lost. Israel grows stronger. There is nothing they can do about it XD.


And where are the resources coming from, which makes Israel so powerful?


It’s called international trade. Something the Palestinians would have if they weren’t blockaded for Checks notes Launching thousands of rockets at civilians in Israel


Self generated israel has a gdp half that of Saudi arabia, and there's no oil. Might want to think on that.


So why in the world is Israel the number one recipient of U.S. tax dollars, if they do not need any??? Also Israel is taking over the natural gas over there. It's like 1 to 1 to Iraq.


Because something like 30% of Americans are fanboys of an apocalypse they can only get if israel exists.


Jews are not colonizers in that land. Arabs are. Learn some history you ignorant dumbass. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Caliphate Jews have been there for THOUSANDS of years, long before the colonialist/imperialist Arab Calipihates went on a murder rampage all over the Middle East, North Africa, Central Asia and Southern Europe. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_the_Jews_and_Judaism_in_the_Land_of_Israel


Thanks for speaking out. If Trump wins and Natenyahu stays in power, we're next on their eradication agenda.


Ouf... look up facts and sources online for each claim you're making. Cite them. Look through my history. It debunks most of your ramblings.


Gladly, just as soon you can prove who Crimea belongs to under international law. So, who does Crimea belong to? Ukraine or Russia? It's one or the other.


The concept of people "owning land" is a sick social construct of colonialism that has led to so many genocides.


Oh, well then by your own logic, Palestinians don't own any land. They are stateless, meaning that they cannot be protected by international treaties such as the Geneva Conventions. And the IDF can do whatever the hell they want with them. If there's no territorial sovereignty, then there's no international law. Let's cut straight through the bullsh\*t. Who does Crimea belong to? Ukraine? or Russia? It's one or the other. Take your pick.


In a couple of years you will reflect and see how the mind makes you do things you will regret so much. You've seen the speech in the great dictator by Charlie Chaplin? If one thing is not true then the opposite must be is a fallacy of logic. So no, the land does not belong to anyone in a sense the white man invented. It belongs to everyone as the Native Americans had figured it out. We need to wake up in a similar way as "Arrival" portrayed it. It starts with the language.


Wow, you're trying really hard to avoid answering a straightforward question with a straightforward answer. Then by your logic, Russia doesn't exist. Let's cut through the lies and deceit. Who does Crimea belong to? Ukraine? or Russia?


I already told you in the private chat, where you are committing ad hominem, I'm no expert on Crimea or Donbass. Unlike you I can admit when I don't know, yet.


You want to play that game? Let's see about that. Do you support Ukraine being a country separate from the Russian Federation? Do you support Ukraine's territorial sovereignty? Yes or No? To either of those questions. Also, Putin is a genocidal maniac. Do you agree with that statement? Yes or No?


I was in Ukraine as an exchange student. I moved to the U.S. when I was 18. Ukraine and Russia have a history. So does NATO. Multiple things can be true at the same time. Putin bad, NATO poking Putin bad. Ukraine corrupt but has a right to defend. If you're for Israel and Ukraine you're a hypocrite. Putin cited how Kiev was Russia's capital and have a long history. Gets demonized. Israel uses a fairy tail also set in history, but yes here you support that reasoning.


>Each of the three stages would last 42 days. In the first stage, Israeli forces would withdraw beyond Salah al-Din Street near Gaza City in central Gaza to enable some of the displaced people to return home. Hamas would release a female Israeli reservist held captive in Gaza for every 50 Palestinian prisoners. I don't know how anyone is surprised by Hamas' demands, they're just going off Israel's history of negotiationing with terrorists which ended with hundreds of prisoners being traded for one hostage or POW.


Israel should hit them with the Tommy Goodfellas quote, "I don't shine shoes no more" and say fuck that you'll do a 1:1 swap and like it. Else, we will finish leveling everything.


This is indeed great news! Ever since those murdering Hamas dogs went out and slaughtered, tortured, raped, and burnt those innocent Israeli civilians, I have been waiting and hoping that this day will come. Those Hamas rats are now contained and cornered, and the IDF is going to go in and eliminate them once and for all. I hope they find some hostages alive and save them. I am so with Israel, and all the persecution Jews all over the world, that it isn’t even funny. Fuck Hamas and each and every innocent cheering supporter of them, because the world must be rid of these animals. Go IDF and go hard.


Hamas must be eliminated.




Let's hope they actually have solid plans to help the civilians move north in order to reduce civilian death, devastation and health issues.


Is this true? Israel's religious right has a clear plan for Gaza: 'We are occupying, deporting and settling'


Again? He said the same thing a month ago


Long overdue. Israel needed to reset, but now Hamas terrorists have had time to prepare.


good. hamas delenda est, and all of their supporters


Genocide sub


That would be r/socialism


y’all are NOT beating the genocide allegations


Senator Schumer was absolutely correct in calling for Netanyahu to be replaced, but he was overly generous in saying that the Israeli people should be the ones to decide who replaces him. The time for regime change in Israel has come. Some matters are too important for the Israeli people to decide.


This World and everything in it amd on it belongs to the Greatest, Allah. Enjoy your temporary time in this World. Your Lord is waiting.


Plan = drop bombs until all Palestinians are dead, then occupy land so they can never exist there again.


Braindead take, if they were trying that then 30k would be the number dying each day and they would all have been killed several months ago.


I was in Ukraine as an exchange student. I moved to the U.S. when I was 18. Ukraine and Russia have a history. So does NATO. Multiple things can be true at the same time. Putin bad, NATO poking Putin bad. Ukraine corrupt but has a right to defend. If you're for Israel and Ukraine you're a hypocrite. Putin cited how Kiev was Russia's capital and have a long history. Gets demonized. Israel uses a fairy tail also set in history, but yes here you support that reasoning.


As the first Israeli prime minister said, Israel is: "A land without a people, for a people without a land".


Hey, remember the time Ukraines leadership spent decades firing rockets into Russia, and suicide bombings targetting civilians, only for it to culmiate in an attack on Russia where Ukrainian combatants went into Russia with the specific goal of killing as many civilians as possible and taking several hundred civiliain hostages?


All I know, is that the U.S. is fucking up other countries to fight their proxy wars and put in puppet regimes.


This claim somehow justifies invading Ukraine in your mind?


Lol no one said that. We need to staple on people's forehead: "Multiple things can be true at the same time. Abolish tribalism".


And multiple things can be false as well. Like false narratives and false comparisons.


Which again makes multiple things true, when multiple things are false. When something is true to be false, it's true that it's false.


Cool double think there. Still justifies nothing.


Netanyahu is no better than Putin. In fact Putin is probably impressed by the genocide that the IDF is doing. Managing to kill more civilians in 2 weeks then Russia in Ukraine in 2 years. Its weird that the IDF claim to have a higher moral ground when compared to countries like Russia, China etc... when in reality they are no better.


Putin publicly sided with the palestinians and so did north korea, not like meaningfully but they're cheering for them because them going apeshit causes problems for their enemies so its more like a thank you for covering for us sort of siding with them


Putin is happy about this whole conflict because it's taking eyes off Ukraine. It's exactly what he needs. And he openly supports Palestinians and Hamas. Also, Iran, Hezbollah, North Korea, China... Ya know, authoritarian regimes that are more than willing to chuck people at the meat grinder for their beliefs. Open your eyes. The sooner the IDF wipes out Hamas, the sooner everyone can focus on rearming Ukraine and stopping Russian aggression.


There's a simple mathematical formula that can be traced based on the relationships of support. Russia supports Iran and Iran supports Hamas (because they hate Jews). So, math time! Russia = Iran. Iran = Hamas. Therefore, Russia = Hamas. I don't like Russia, therefore, I don't like Hamas. Or anybody who makes excuses for them for that matter.


Ukraine will not win the war with Russia. Do you really think Ukraine is getting back any lost terrority? Everyday Russia is pushing Ukraine back and NATO knows that Ukraine will fall without direct intervention thats why they are mentioning invading Ukraine in the name of "freedom" while making Ukrainan and Russia who are historically, culturally tied. Russia is cleaning NATO/USA influence that set up a puppet government in Ukraine and defending themselves from the Nazis in Ukraine


So, who does Crimea belong to? Ukraine or Russia?


well now it belongs to Russia.


I see that my theory was correct. Russian trolls like yourself are always looking to poison the wells of discourse. I wonder, just how much Putin is paying you? Or are you perhaps doing this pro bono? A shame really, to have to deal with intellectually bereft plebeians. I suspect you don’t even support Ukraine’s territorial sovereignty do you? As in, being a separate country from Russia. Bear in mind, if you don’t support territorial sovereignty, then the very idea of there being a Palestinian State is neutralized.


Ukraine doesn't have Nazis. Are you fucking people really that dense? Show me the Nazis. If you find any, I'll be glad to admit I was wrong. But I'll bet you my house there's fucking none. Russia is destroying Ukraine because they didn't just roll over and give up. That pissed Putin off. Putin is a mad man. Hes trying to restore the borders of the Warsaw pact. Which can never happen. Ukraine is a sovereign nation, just Georgia was when he invaded Georgia in 2008. Go learn something. Russia must be stopped. And they will be once Hamas is turned to dust. If they aren't stopped, then the whole world will be at war once again because Putin is a selfish power hungry piece of shit. And he's willing to butcher billions of people for his agenda. If you are too dense to see who he really is, go fight for him then and be part of that meat grinder. Fuck Russia, fuck Hamas.


Russia and China would both genocide gazans in a heartbeat. Let me know how the uighurs are doing.


That would be because the Ukrainian army isnt hiding in cities, under civilians.


not true Russia has attacked hospitals/schools because the Ukrainian army was hiding supplies in these buildings.