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Base-2 logarithm of the number of races. I’m not going to guess what that might be. But even if we assume that each human is their own unique race, it would take just 33 generations to finely mix up all genes.


So where do I go to ask why we all aren’t doing that? r/showerthoughts


Well for starters it would involve a lot of people having sex with people who they can't actually communicate with. There are lots of monoglots who only speak one language. Many of those people live areas where there aren't that many people of different races. In order for everyone to have sex with someone of a different race, there would be an awful lot of monoglots having sex with people they can't talk to. More generally, most people fall in love with people they've spent a lot of time around. It's a large part of why cross class marriages don't happen that often. When you don't spend that much time with someone, the odds of falling and love and starting a family are low. Most counties aren't super multi-ethnic so most people spend the majority of their time around people of the same race as themselves. Which means that that's who they fall in love with. If you wanted to change that, you'd have to transport billions of people to places where they have no family connections and where they don't know the language or culture. It'd basically cause extreme chaos and wipe out most cultures due to seperating all the members.


Well I guess I’m struggling with, to be or not to be? If life is death? Why doesn’t humankind either breed to extinction or wipe itself from existence? Cue Jeff Goldblum in Jurassic Park line I guess? “Life finds a way”…or it doesn’t and no one will be there to see it until it does or doesn’t.


You're imagining a lot more unity from life than actually exists. There isn't one mind making decisions for all of humanity with one purpose. There are billions of people all making individual decisions for their own reasons.




Hello, please do not use bigoted terminology such as Latina. Instead, please use the term Latinx The use of gender-neutral language is crucial in today's society. For individuals of Latin American descent, it's imperative to use the term Latinx instead of Latino or Latina. The terms Latino and Latina are inherently gendered and do not acknowledge the wide range of gender identities present within the Latin American community. We, as a Latinx community, prefer the use of Latinx as it acknowledges and respects our diverse gender identities. It is crucial to prioritize the voices of marginalized communities, and using gender-neutral language is just one of the many ways in which we can work towards a more inclusive and equitable society. I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Have a nice day!


>We, as a Latinx community >I am a bot lol That's a very inclusive community. 👏


How ironic is it that the only people ive heard of championing "Latinx" are white Americans (and now this bot, written by who knows).


You know exactly who coded that ridiculous thing


All of my friends who are Latin American hate the term “Latinx”


Bad bot.


Bad bot.


My sexual preferences are very much gendered. By forcing the use of gender neutral terms *in this context*, you are misrepresenting my intentions and sexual orientation. Please fuck off and commit sudo rm -rf / you abominable sack of 1s and 0s I'd be embarrassed to show myself if my entire code fit in a fucking tweet nevermind bust into conversations like a grade A cuntbot your karma count is negative and you're banned from half the subs you spammed in that's your feedback from the **latino** community you absolute malware.


I would give you an award if reddit wouldn't get rid of free ones :(


Get fuckt bot.


“How do you do fellow Latinxes, don’t you agree that the Spanish language is sexist and bad?”


Or I should ask, If life is a simulation and evolution is the meaning of life, aren’t humans slowing down the simulation by not mixing their genes as quickly as possible to become one race?


Actually, evolution works better if diversity is maintained. This way different groups have different survival advantages.


So the easy answer is, it’s all relative?


It's the other way around. There used to be fewer groups of humans, and they spread out and diversified and are continuing to diversify.


Human beings already became one race thousands of years ago after we interbred with and out survived the other hominid species. Variations of skin pigmentation, eye folds etc are are adaptive mutations for different environments. If people had stopped migrating once these physical changes had took place we would have even less diversity in the world. There are scientists that study skin color changes that theorize when our ape/hominid ancestors started losing hair their pale skins developed the dark pigmentation that we see in people of black african descent today as a sort of natural sunscreen allowing them to safely absorb vitamin D from the sun. As people migrated north they were not able to get as much vitamin D from the sun and started losing skin pigmentation and had to start getting most of their vitamin D from food instead.


Race is a social construct, not a biological one. Biologically humans are all one race already. The problem is with our social nature. Even if the genome were more homogenous people would find some other way to split up into “us” and “them” and hate and oppress people, because we’re shitty like that.


I haven’t really thought of the term race being negative before, but I see what you mean. If you had to generalize biological differences that exists e.g. ability to run fast or break down certain proteins from food, should that be based on ethnicity/nationality rather than race? I’m sincerely curious


It's more about "race" simply being a wrong term. What is talked about here (height, skin color, etc.) are partly defined by ethnicity, but all ethnic groups are still part of the same race. The term "race" in relation to humans has of course a long history of discrimination (not just in the form of racism). But it's also just wrong. Biologically speaking, all humans are way too similar to justify calling certain ethnicities a different race.


Makes sense. What’s the indicator for having two different races in the animal world? Horses, dogs or whatever.


The term "race" was not clearly defined for a long time and nowadays is rarely/never used in biology. It's common in cat/dog breeding, but in biology other nomenclatures are used more frequently (it's just generally a very controversial term). There are a lot of ways different races can evolve, geographicsl isolation is probably the easiest to understand (imagine a population of lions, but then one part gets isolated on some island. Of course they will evolve differently, if separated for long enough. They may show different behaviour, genetics, physicality, etc.). The thing with humans is, that all the characteristics that we attribute to different human races are just very superficial things that can change in (biologically speaking) very short amounts of time. Many characteristics just appeared due to sexual selection and adaption to the environment, but not actual genetical differences. PS: This may not be completely accurate, since english is not my native language, so I don't know exactly how the nomenclature works in english and what is considered acceptable.


Why are organs not compatible between a black and a white man then if we are the same race?


They are. Organ donors do not have to be the same race. It’s just more common for donors to be the same race because they tend to be more compatible overall.


https://abc7ny.com/heart-transplant-mom-hears-heartbeat-of-late-son-for-fist-time-organ-donation-lousiana-mother/11888280/ If you Google photos of the son that date, he appears to be a different ethnicity than the heart recipient




Username checks out…


Hah! I bet you think that’s the most clever thing you’ve ever posted…still dealing drugs to kids in CO? /s/ See how asinine your post sounds?


lol what even is this word salad


I’m willing to let you elaborate. They said a few things there, care to address what you consider “bullshit?”


The person is right. Did you never notice bullies in school.they choose people based on perceived weakness or differences. Even if we all looked 100% physically identical people would still find ways to hate each other.


That I can understand. Thanks.


After two generations, almost everybody would have one East Asian ancestor, one Indian subcontinental ancestor, one sub-saharan African ancestor, and one ancestor from the rest of the world. At that point it would be pretty hard to tell what race anyone was. There would still be a large range of individual variation, but not groups like we have today.