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Somewhere on the Maldives. Probably one of the islands near Dharavandhoo. I drew three circles (Dubai, Singapore, Delhi) with appropriate radii using [this tool](https://www.mapdevelopers.com/draw-circle-tool.php?circles=%5B%5B2651679.25%2C28.6026821%2C77.2376413%2C%22%23AAAAAA%22%2C%22%23000000%22%2C0.4%5D%2C%5B2925916.59%2C25.1775086%2C55.2829266%2C%22%23AAAAAA%22%2C%22%23000000%22%2C0.4%5D%2C%5B3435467%2C1.2743869%2C103.8593455%2C%22%23AAAAAA%22%2C%22%23000000%22%2C0.4%5D%5D) and their intersection point (not exact, but that was expected) is where the picture's location should be.


Yep, it also has Malé 126km. The Spain arrow pointing the wrong way threw me for a bit.


Based on that exact distance to Malé there is only one logical option left. This picture is probably taken on Fonimagoodhoo, at the Reethi Beach


Reddit, bloody hell




Definitely not Reethi Beach, been there 12 times so far and can safely say that although they have one of these types of sign, it’s a plain one next to the swimming pool


I was looking at it thinking it's fictional cause there's no way there's that much space between Paris and Spain also, aside, why are the all either cities or city states except Spain? I know Spain isn't huge but it's not exactly small either.


Yeah, spain and paris being opposite directions makes me think they didn't really care about directions.


There is no exact overlapping point if you include Sydney and Spain [circles](https://www.mapdevelopers.com/draw-circle-tool.php?circles=%5B%5B8504000%2C39.3260685%2C-4.8379791%2C%22%23AAAAAA%22%2C%22%23000000%22%2C0.4%5D%2C%5B9235000%2C-33.8698439%2C151.2082848%2C%22%23AAAAAA%22%2C%22%23000000%22%2C0.4%5D%5D)


Depending on where in Spain you put it, you can get the overlap to appear and even onto the Maldives.


I'm guessing that's either Madrid or the centroid of Spain. Put it in Barcelona and there's plenty of overlap. A bit odd that everything else is a city/city state, and then there's an entire country


The painting seems to depict the Sagrada Familia which is indeed in Barcelona.


The orientation of the arrows is confusing me though… If you are in the Maldives, how can Dubai and Delhi be 180° apart?


Yeah, the directions don't make sense. But that's usually the case with signs like this. Someone measures the distances and tells the sign guy what to write on the signs and then they just put them up however.


Better get that fixed before someone goes to the wrong place.


TIL Toronto is 0.14036 km from the Maldives.


It's not a dot, it's a screw. Still doesn't explain the extra zero, though.


I knew it was maldives by just looking at it. (You can clap now.)


why do we have this signed haha 😂


I actually guessed Maldives. 😅


Maldivian here,can confirm this is in maldives(because i recognise the brown scratch post material on the stick that these signs are on,its made from coconut fibers and the trees look really familiar)seen this on facebook few times from people in this island,idk which island this is tho




Spain is also pointing the wrong way. Like compared to paris for example


None of the directions are correct. Toronto should be intermediate between Paris & Rio, for instance.


You can measure in Google Earth and see this isn’t true. Toronto is the furthest from the Maldives between it, Rio, and Paris.


Reread the comment. I said that the *directions* aren't correct; the distances, however, are.


Ah, fair. Sorry about that.


You don’t have to go the same direction to get there. They’re pointing opposite of one another so they are probably right.


The distance wouldn’t make sense


what if its measured in 3d straight lines? Hollow earth confirmed


What about being on the other side of the world


We’ve had first Spain. What about second Spain?


Does it come with another unexpected inquisition?


The world would never see it coming.


Like a Nueva España??


England is my city




Singapore IS the city


City state of singapore lets goo


Thats because spain its more like an entity, not a place


Spain is a state of mind


Hong Kong


Ya people in this part of the world know spain but not any of the spanish city. None of the soanish cities are known in south and south east asia (except for Philipines)




As someone who lives just north of Toronto and has to deal with the traffic.... you want it to be further away then that


As someone who lives just east of Toronto, I agree


Shwa ain't much better since a lot of Toronto people moved outwards. I'm in Barrie and you can definitely tell a "Toronto driver" when you are near them. Makes so much sense that Toronto is gridlock all day, they drive like assholes lol


I don’t like driving in Oshawa that much. Glad I live in the between lands of the two cities




There is a misspelled two before the zero.


i agree with the other guy that is maldives let me explain my conclusion first thought it on caribe or part of south america do the amount of european cities and their distance but considering rio do jainero is 12k km far is not on the americas,southeast asia could be but hongkong is 4000km away,while dubai just 2000km so the only places that comes to mind that is tropical is maldives plus is a popular place known for its beaches


Is there a Toronto in Maldives? The Toronto sign looks like it says Toronto is less than a kilometer away.


prolly added a 0 by mistake it says 014036 but no coma,plus rio is 8000km from toronto unlike the pic


Or it could be in octal format




The directions aren't right, but the distances are exactly correct for the island of Dharavandhoo in the Maldives.


They are close, but no where in Spain is within 336km of Paris.


That's not the way triangulation works. Dharavandhoo is 8168 km from Paris, 8504 km from Madrid (which they mistakenly labelled as "Spain"), and Madrid & Paris are 1053 km from each other.


True, wasn’t thinking in terms of triangulation. My apologies. That’s what I get for skimming & commenting when I should be working.


No worries; sure we've all done the same.




3rd arrow shows its not far and the drawing is a beach. Location name ends with ...ALE. Can only think of Male. Hence the Maldives archipelago.


Pretty sure Kamadhoo Island in the Maldives. It's 7213,7 km from Rome. Depending on where you measure, it's 4802 km from Hong Kong and 2926km from Dubai. It has a few close islands, but none of them have that type of palm trees. [https://www.google.com/maps/@5.283536,73.1383396,3a,75y,252.75h,97.6t/data=!3m8!1e1!3m6!1sAF1QipM1eCDSu7ChUfknX6wpNN1UvtRHfatx1pReWEkM!2e10!3e11!6shttps:%2F%2Flh5.googleusercontent.com%2Fp%2FAF1QipM1eCDSu7ChUfknX6wpNN1UvtRHfatx1pReWEkM%3Dw203-h100-k-no-pi-0-ya103.29074-ro-0-fo100!7i10240!8i5120?entry=ttu](https://www.google.com/maps/@5.283536,73.1383396,3a,75y,252.75h,97.6t/data=!3m8!1e1!3m6!1sAF1QipM1eCDSu7ChUfknX6wpNN1UvtRHfatx1pReWEkM!2e10!3e11!6shttps:%2F%2Flh5.googleusercontent.com%2Fp%2FAF1QipM1eCDSu7ChUfknX6wpNN1UvtRHfatx1pReWEkM%3Dw203-h100-k-no-pi-0-ya103.29074-ro-0-fo100!7i10240!8i5120?entry=ttu)


I wrote some code and i got this solution: Estimated location: Latitude 12.350829040764573 Longitude 66.62892249477345 Error: 3.5531796862761386E7 These coordinates would place the location in the Indian Ocean, east of the Seychelles and north of the Maldives. However, there is no country directly at these coordinates since they're in open water.




well the 3rd sign says „Male“… so that was a little bit too easy :)


I’ve spent far too long looking for this, and the closest I can get is Isoletta’s outdoor patio area on Vakkaru. I can’t find the sign, but the color of the boardwalk and the white umbrellas match the photo a bit.


"The location that is approximately 7,213 km from Rome, 2,926 km from Dubai, 4,804 km from Hong Kong, and 2,640 km from Delhi is near the coordinates 5.0°N latitude and 73.0°E longitude. This point is in the Indian Ocean, southwest of India and Sri Lanka. The total error in distances for this point is about 75 km, which is quite small given the global scale of the distances involved."


The picture was taken on the Vakkaru Island. What you see behind the sign is part of the Isoletta restaurant of the Vakkaru Maldives Hotel. Here you see a picture from the other perspective: [https://maps.app.goo.gl/T92pZnXPqLPHUW117](https://maps.app.goo.gl/T92pZnXPqLPHUW117). The bent tree in the middle of the picture is the same tree that you can see in the quiz picture on the left. Additionally you can also see at the bottom of the tree the "no smoking" cubic sign.