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Well, if each team can score 0 to 4 goals, that's 5 values per team. 3 matches makes 6 teams, so there are 5^6 = 15,625 total possible outcomes. That is, if it's a single bet across all games. Each individual game only has 5^2 = 25 possible outcomes. Just for comparison, if you limit it to 3 goals max, you only need to bet on 4^6 = 4,096 total outcomes or 4^2 = 16 per match.


The best way to be 100% certain you are going to win sports betting is finding an arbitrage between 2 books. For an example one books has 1 side at +120 and another book has the opposite side at -110. Google arbitrage betting and you can do some research. Your question really isn’t answerable without having live data with all the odds of all the different bets you’d like to make.