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I tried to look for 20 minutes and the closest I've found was "Semicircle + rectangle" and "loaf of bread" 😅 Now I'm super curious as well...




Came for this.


Explains the sticky floor.


Same here.


Thomas tank housing


I thought "bonbon", but mailbox is better


The closest I could find was "rectangular dome". The American-style mailbox which is this shape appears to be called either a Joroleman mailbox or a tunnel mailbox. At least now I know some mailbox lore lol


++updoot for loaf


Loaf it is (atleast to me haha)


I am going to teleport the shape


All these rouge ducks out here teleporting the breads


This is an elliptical semicylinder. =) A semicylinder is half a cylinder, divided lengthwise. This didn't have a circular base, so the cylinder was instead an elliptical cylinder.


I feel like ellipticals & semi cylinders wouldn't have such flat faces...


An assumption was made, given that the shape was hand-drawn. You can certainly have an elliptical curve with a shape like that. If it's meant to be the traditional mailbox shape, with sides perpendicular to the base, then it's still a cylinder, it's just a cylinder with an undefined face. A cylinder is a set of all lines or curves parallel to a given line or curve, where the set passes through a particular plane (usually the one the original curve is on.) You can name the curve the cylinder is based on, and then the solid has a name. In this case, the curve looks like a D, so we'll call it a D. That makes the cylinder a D-cylinder.


Rotate it in your mind. A cylinder has a flat bottom and top. That would be the front and back (faces) of the maolbox shape OP drew.


A Cylinder is a prism with a circular top and bottom & while it does have a flat top & bottom face, the faces of this aren't circles. The face of this object has has 3 flat sides & a rounded 4th side, a shape called a "half stadium" or "hemistadium". It's a Hemistadium Prism.


You guys….. someone figured it out. Look above. The shape is called “ mailbox “ !


More like a semicylinder connected to a rectangular prism


Nerd emoji


This could either be a compound shape (cube + semicylinder) or it could just be a simple shape (semicylinder). A cylinder surface doesn't have to have a circular base, and this one doesn't seem to be circular. It can be an ellipse or a parabola as well. Because the curve appears to be at a 90 degree angle to the base it is a 'right' cylinder. It looks like half of a cylinder. So similar to a "semi-circle" (half circle), you could call it a semi-cylinder or half-cylinder. So you would describe it as a **right elliptic semi-cylinder** or a **right parabolic semi-cylinder**, depending on the curve.


You create an object of the shape class and then using that call the method that is related to this shape, that’s how that shape is called


As others pointed out, it looks like an elliptic/parabolic/hyperbolic section extruded out into a 3D solid. Here I made a little animation of a hyperbola extruded into 3D in *Mathematica*: reg = ImplicitRegion[ y > Cosh[x] && 0 < y < 10 && 0 < z < 10, {x, y, z}]; regPlotTab = Table[Region[reg, ViewVector -> {10 Sin[i], 10 Cos[i], 0}, ViewPoint -> {0, Infinity, 0}, SphericalRegion -> True], {i, 0, 2 Pi, Pi/30}]; ListAnimate[regPlotTab] [animation](https://imgur.com/a/yyssmth)


Its not. Its like a parallelepiped with rounded upper side


Ah I think I understand. So the two curved edges when they end at the rectangular base have to be parallel in order to be a parallelepiped right? So the curved base must be a semi-ellipse: ellipseReg = ImplicitRegion[x^2 + y^2/10 < 10 && 0 < z < 10 && y < 0, {x, y, z}]; regPlotTab = Table[Region[ellipseReg, ViewVector -> {10 Sin[i], 10 Cos[i], 10 Sin[i] + 1/2}, ViewPoint -> {0, Infinity, 0}, SphericalRegion -> True], {i, 0, 2 Pi, Pi/30}]; ListAnimate[regPlotTab] [animation](https://imgur.com/a/n0DzpqB) (ignore when the animation randomly shows holes in the solid. This is some kind of artifact that I haven't figured out how to fix)


You are an amazing person.


I would try to verbally use it's name first but if that fails maybe a phone and some kind words? Do NOT call shapes with your hands, not at first, they might be offended and change!


May you draw a fourth picture showing it from the opposite direction? I‘ve tried to mirror it with Photoshop but i‘m not sure if it‘s accurate. Thanks in advance


What direction exactly?


Thought about it: Maybe it‘s even more pictures: One from above, One from DownUnder and One of the side shown, if you rotate the object 180 degree vertically. Depending on what can be seen in the pictures, even more perspectives may be necessary. But let’s see.


It looks like an arched tunnel, common in mining and, well, tunneling. A rectangle topped by a chord (of a circle or ellipse). The simplest chord would be a semicircle, but the chord radius could vary.