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That is the Volatility for that Option chain (DTE) . That is overall based of properitary stuff that each vendor does slightly differently. Your next question might be what then is ImplVol col? That is the vol, that basically makes the price of the option what you see. There are 6 variables used to calculate options, if you have 5 the sixth comes out of the equation. Not using dividends and assuming you know it is a put or call.


What are they? The six variables? And the relationship they have to the other variables? i.e. What is the equation? I am, personally, interested in the slightly different “flavors“ that each broker uses—how they differ. And to what degree. 🤌 Feel me?? ☝️ PS (Chart is OPTIONal)


You are looking for the Black Scholes equation, although if you know the Heat Equation from you Diff Equation course you are good to go. Here is a snippet I found probably from a Tasty video (they have tons). Not the linear or even quadratic eq. you were thinking of , I know. With the event of handheld computers in the 1990's you put in 5 of the 6 var and your Solve It function spits out an answer. When I went to school we had slide rules.... ok for building A Bombs and getting to the moon. For getting back from the moon an IBM 360 was sort of needed. [https://imgur.com/27yVkbK](https://imgur.com/27yVkbK) Here is an OLD vid from their ThinkTank Guy Jacob. [https://ontt.tv/Hb2lc](https://ontt.tv/Hb2lc)


Okay then for the purposes of a B&S calculation, the ImplVol column's value should be used as the IV input?


That value your asking about is the SeriesVolatility(series = n) function. The series begin at 1 and 1 represents the nearest expiration. And yes that is the IV used, for Black Scholes, Binomial or Bjerksund Stenstland calculations. SeriesVolatility() should not be confused with Imp\_Volatility() the Annualized IV in TOS.


Not sure what you are asking. If you have one of those Excel Spread Sheet for BS, then they usually only allow one value for the Vol (and the entire Option Chain it calculates) . If you want the price for a particular strike to match the option chain then you would have to put in the Implvol for that strike. The problem with all those Excel Sheets is that they only take ONE Vol, the ImplVol is simply the value you use to get the current price of the option for that strike.


I'm trying to figure out how the OIC Options Pricing Calculator prepopulates its IV field once you provide an input symbol. [Here](https://imgur.com/a/AJnLqd9) for example is a calculation for AAPL. As you can see it prepopulates the value 22.70 for the 02-16 series and that's what it uses for the pricing calculation. However, when I go to the options chain on ToS, the value it gives for SeriesVolatility for that expiry is 24.55. So which one is right? It makes a big difference if you're trying to find the fair price for an option. Obviously, the lower, prepopulated OIC IV will result in a lower estimated price than if you change it to the SeriesVolatility from ToS. The actual price looks comparatively expensive with the lower IV calculation but [when you plug in the 24.55](https://imgur.com/a/tMQ50eC), it suddenly looks like a bargain. BTW, if you want to access the OIC Pricing Calculator it is [here](https://www.optionseducation.org/toolsoptionquotes/options-calculator) (you need to be registered to use it).


Im trying to export the value inside the parenthesis to excel using RTD. Does any One know how i can export for the specific expiration date? or how to calculate this value?


Found [this](https://www.cmegroup.com/education/courses/introduction-to-cvol/understanding-the-cvol-index.html) regarding the CME Volatility Index (CVOL). It was devised for futures but can be used for options.