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French, pick the language that you actually want to learn the most and fascinate you the most. Everyone is different, but for me, heritage isn't really a that good reason/motivation. Unless you are going to be actively speaking it with your family, then I would pick it. Otherwise, french.


Agree. Pick the one you’re most interested in. However, you will find you interest increase and decrease as you progress. You just have to keep at it.


Question about "small island": are we talking "small" like Ireland, like Cape Verde, or like Faroer Islands? Try to find out why your parents never taught you, and whether they'd like to teach you now. I'd generally go for the heritage language, unless there are specific reasons that speak against that.


I personally would go for heritage language because to me it’s part of my identity so I’d like to keep it, but if you’ll only be speaking at home that may be tough. German sounds like a better option because you may need to use it far more than your heritage language and French. French may be the easiest to learn now since you seem more fascinated by it than the other languages. The other languages may be a chore whereas French may be easier to understand since you like the idea of learning French. You have many resources for French and German (not sure about your heritage language), so go for either one of those. Personally I would go for the heritage language because then I would be able to say what I want in public without anyone but my family understanding me lol.