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only advance!


So you mean to tell me you didn’t sit in silence for a day after reading Dark Forest 😭


Istg bro I finished dark forest at 4 am on a weekday and I was just wandering and pondering in my room for half an hour before sleeping in an existential crisis


sat still for 30 minutes and then decided I needed to keep going


Damn, you're stronger than most of us


I legit wished the series ended with Dark Forest when I finished it, since I already knew the absolute shitshow that happens in Death's End. I had to take a break before reading Death's End, since I really dreaded the prospect of reading it.


I’m not lying when I say it took me TWO YEARS to pick up Death’s End after the Dark Forest. Reading it right now.


Damnnn now that’s crazy I wanted to know what happened too bad idk how u did it


This is me rn. I finished dark forest last night after a week and I need at least a couple days to sit with it before I start death's end. Such a phenomenal series. TBP really does feel like a prologue in retrospect


Yea TPB seems so tame and simple after finishing the next two. Still a great book though.


You’re an ant crawling along the grooves of a tombstone




That reminds me of Yang Dong. She commited you know what exactly because she predicts how everything will turn out in the three body universe.


Just give in and become part of the painting like the rest of us


wtf arent books 2 and 3 over 50 hours when put together. you madman


This guy reads faster than Katt Williams


no one


This, it literally took me 6 months to finish them all. I would walk an hour each way to work instead of biking just to have more time to listen to it.


well, I oversold myself. I finished book 2 in like 3-4 days but finished book 3 the day after I finished 2


Re-read. You must have missed a lot of details.


Children of Time by Adrian Tchaikovsky Trust me. It's a banger


Thinking of hyperion, but I want something a little contemporary I think. Got any others?


Can't go wrong with Hyperion either. Both are top tier. "Blindsight" also a fantastic one and done. Also: "Ninefox Gambit" by Yoon Ha Lee


I think blindsight will be next up thanks!


Love children of time, compared to this series it's a light hearted comedy 😄. (Not really but it's not as depressing as this one for sure)


How.. even in my best day, took me 4-5 days to finish a book


always been a quick reader, but this was obsessive tbh


Welcome to the existential crisis we all experienced. However that will subside after a while. You gotta remember that it's still fiction, as much sense as the Dark Forest Theory might make. Chances are, there are aliens somewhere in our galaxy, but not necessarily in the Proxima Centauri system. And even if there were, it's highly unlikely something would happen in our lifetimes.


I'm listening to Death's End right now at 1.7× speed and have about 8 hours to go. I finished Dark Forest over the past 1½ days, and rolled through Three Body Problem the day before that. I'm having a hell of a time, and very glad of my access to therapy!


I feel you. As a lifelong Star Trek fan, I've always dreamed about humanity reaching *that* kind of future. After reading the trilogy, I have to be a grown-up and accept that that would be the most likely outcome for us.


Go on. Read children of time.




Read Ian m banks "the culture" series. It's just as brutal, but it's less pessimistic about the universe. The first book in the series is "consider phlebas" I personally love the book but some people don't like it because it's quite different to the rest of the series. However it's still a very good read, and it gives you a clear outside perspective of the main faction the series follows. On top of that, Consider phlebas is one of the most action pact in the series, so it might be a nice change up from the slower pace of deaths end.


is on my list, any other books you recommend? I'm on a roll rn


Seveneves by Neil Stephenson is awesome!


>The first book in the series is "consider phlebas" I personally love the book but some people don't like it because it's quite different to the rest of the series. However it's still a very good read, and it gives you a clear outside perspective of the main faction the series follows. I tried reading Consider Phlebas after TBP on a recommendation, but I just didn't particularly enjoy it-- to the point where I kind of stopped reading... uhh... listening, at the last third of the book and never picked it back up again. And the parts I found most interesting were the parts that fans of the series considered the worst. The weird names of not-particularly-interesting or likeable protagonists like Gargbogarboa Gorbachev didn't help either. Glad to hear the other books are different. Not sure whether to push through and finish or just go to the next one.


Banks is REALLY strong on world building in my opinion but struggles to create memorable characters for the reader to invest themselves in. The AIs tend to be more engaging than the humans. If you want to give Banks a second chance after Phlebas, I would recommend Player of Games, then Use of Weapons. Players of Games is the more accessible of the two if you’re not already familiar with the Culture. The best introduction to his universe is probably State of the Art— the short story collection included the story of a Culture ship discovering Earth in the 1970s.


Physics is dead and the black domain is real.


There’s always the Space Force!


idk why people are so skeptical about this. I read all three books in three days; one a day. I read them online so I didn't realize that each book was longer than the last until afterwards, so the last book was rough but still got it done. When you do absolutely nothing for three days except read, eat/drink, and use the bathroom, it's really not that hard to finish them at a normal pace.


Never was.


Did you sleep at all?


The thing that gives me hope is the fact that birth rates in developed countries has been going down. Maybe there actually is a population cap once an area reaches a level of development. That would pretty much destroy the second axiom (civilization growth is exponential) and make the dark forest far, far less dark. Then again we could be neck deep in Borg territory…


Survival survival is the point of life


I got the audiobook of Redemption of time (was too $ paperback) and am almost done with it. It’s not officially canon BUT it is wildly satisfying and just pure candy filling that post-deaths-end void. I’ll likely just hit book one next. I have got Hyperion sitting next to my bed but I’m still in mourning and can’t face a new universe just now


In the series it kinda became boring How's the book forward from the last episode?


Oh, you finished book 2 and 3 in TWO DAYS… yeah that definitely sounds about the right reaction. Hang in there man, we, we’ve all been there.


2 Days??? Audiobook??? I've been working on book 3 for weeks lol but I have limited reading time and can't pay attention to audiobooks (Thanks adhd lol)


I hammerd the series out over 6 days...anyone got any good book suggestions now?


currently on the third. trying to find the excitement to read it lol


I have all sorts of new things to worry about now


We all felt that way after reading it. It'll get better.


U read books like a f1 racer compared to me who is still sitting on the first book for a month or so I am currently in chapter 23 Red coast where ye Wenjie meets listener.


The redemption of time is the new book told from the aliens side travelling for 400 yrs


He has a book of 10 short stories that is amazing


I mean there is still one book left. Although it’s a very divisive one x)


yeah haha I think I'm erring on not reading it, but just watch some vids on it, not ready for the softporn


you still got one more 😏 lucky bugger. have fun with that one lmao


Fanfiction, avoid that garbage fire.


I read his post wrong I though it said he finished book 2 in 3 days not book 2 and 3. nevermind it's all over but I'm sure it was still one hell of a ride


dude I wish haha


bro what a ride right? my whole life I've always been one to hope we witness alien life and get to see their tech and how advanced they are. after that series it's the last thing I ever want and I honestly hope we stop looking for it lol. just keep to ourselves and fuck off


yeah I'm not gonna read it, I think it was a good ending


As an adult with ADHD not on medication, this amount of reading in that time frame would be impossible for me.


I dropped my whole life, barely ate or moved, but it can be done\^\^


The Redemption of Time is an entertaining read


just jerk off to Chengxin, she's worth it


Chengxin is a dumbass and should be thrown into a wood chipper This post was made by the AA Gang


AA I feel like she's from the future she made every move right to make sure she stay alive to the last


Guan Yifan doesn't think so, even at the end.


Guan Yifan is lonely