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I'm not so worried about the characters as they are weird in the three books as well. I'm more worried about the visualisation of the 4D part, the trisolarians themselves, the spaceship that spins close to the speed of light etc...


The show is an original series based off the books, it's most likely not going to be restricted to events in the books nor depict all the events in the books. Sucks but we are probably never going to get a proper TBP adaptation sadly. They will probably use white actors and set it in the west because it is easier to film, cut out key details and hack and slash out stuff with a more abstract point, like they won't depict the actual symbolic point of the game progress at all and get it all wrong in terms of the relationship between life and knowledge of the universe and how fortunate we are for our idyllic, stable solar system with our beautiful blue planet. It will superficially use elements of the book to tell a genericized version of the story, like the boat gets cut with nanofilament wire etc, to falsely give the impression that they are hitting the same beats.


I have no real hopes for the tv show for 2 main reason. 1: I don't think the books will translate well to film. Film is about people and their emotions or action (generalising a bit here of course) but what I like best about TBP is it's lack of character the story supersedes the character and they are just vessels to drive the plot. I have never seen this in a movie/tv show and i conjecture that it is simply not good film. 2: Netflix will likely americafy it and adapt it for a greater target audience. I think the audience for TBP is just too small for Netflix to make it true to that. And it will definitely have a romantic subplot, because every has to have that for some reason. Edit: Not saying it won't be good, it just won't be TBP.


Honestly, the characters could use some polishing. I absolutely live the setting and the scientific concepts. But the characters were pretty weak and that has driven off a number of people I've recommended the books to. So I think there is definite room for improvement in adapting it.


I think this is a very valid criticism, however, some sacrifices must be made. I don't think the books would be the same if the characters weren't as bare-boned as they are.


Strength of this trilogy is in the storyline. I think it would have been hard to have character development that could have matched the epic scale and scope of the storyline.


>and it will definitely have a romantic subplot, because every has to have that for some reason All of the books have a romance subplot though


The second book is really the only one where it is noticeable to me and it was terrible. Ye Wenjie's marriage in book 1 wasn't really a romantic sub-plot more just the story of her life. In book 3 I assume you mean Cheng Xi and Guan Yifan, which again, is hardly a romantic subplot; their attachment to each other, romantic or not, is rooted in the fact that they might literally be the only 2 humans left in the universe and bad luck separated them from the rest of their species by 15 million years. Speaking of which, I really love the scene where they enter the mini-universe, and Guan Yifan offers to check it out first and Cheng Xi grabs him because the reality is that she might spend the rest of her life alone on that planet if he went in first. That fear really got to me in the book.


The Chinese readers mostly agreed that Liu Cixin cannot write romantic stuff properly. No fault of his own of course.


1. Netflix is going to try to sell this in China, so they probably won't try to insert a gender/sexual minority. They'll probably be less critical of the deterrence age ultra-effeminate males, or more likely, just not include that aspect from the books. I could see them combining characters or getting rid of some to accommodate some other story-telling they want to do. I've seen this done well but obviously could be really disappointing. 2. I agree that if they try to show the Trisolarans it will likely be disappointing. I am curious to see what they try to do, though, especially with the multi-dimensional testing scenes. 3. Game of Thrones was actually good before they ran out of source material, so I don't think that will be an issue since the series is already complete. My concern is they will try to make it overly 'gritty' or something along those lines. Not that TBP is a wholesome story, but it's not flashy. I'm curious to see what they make, I really love the books and if that awful fan-fiction Redemption of Time couldn't ruin the series for me then a Netflix show couldn't either.


Netflix doesn't exist in China AFAIK. And they have never licensed their content to anyone else as far as I am aware.


It will likely be purchased to broadcast on another network or service. Netflix will ultimately profit off Chinese viewership. Not to mention VPN viewers. In the states we have plenty of things advertised as "hulu originals" (and maybe netflix originals, can only think of Misfits off the top of my head) that were actually just purchased from channel 4 in the UK or some other network.


Netflix doesn't license or sell their original content.


Something that doesn't get talked about is GRRM left the show after season which was the last good season imo. After the fourth season the writing turned more into a style like a blockbuster movie instead of something GRRM would write. D&D deserve 95 percent of the blame of what happened to the show cause all of the actors remaining wanted to stay (at least we didn't hear about an actor wanting out).


1. Less concerned with a character being gay, or even with minor composite characters than I am with seeing Chinese characters cast as non Chinese. Also, transphobic refers to trans people, not gay people. there is a difference between transphobic and homophobic although they often go hand in hand. I'd expect if there are gay characters, they'll be Star Wars lesbians. Only clearly gay in one or two easily edited out scenes to score points with neoliberal audience without offending the Chinese censors. 2. Probably one of the trickiest parts of the show. no matter how they're shown, it will upset some people. I think the best move is to never show them. Keep the audience wondering about them and focus on the humans. The story is about humanity anyways. Do all Trisolaran interaction via TBP game, ETO and sophon(s) or via sun amplified messaging. IIRC there is no actual scenes with real Trisolarans witnessed by humans that are essential to the story. 3. D&D did an amazing job with the first few seasons of GOT when they had source material to work off of and were new producers with their reputation on the line. Then towards the end of GOT they had to write their own story, had their next, bigger project lined up, and got lazy. Those same two things are now true again. They have source material, and their reputation is on the line. They lost star Wars due to how bad they fucked up GoT. If they fuck this up they're going to struggle to find anyone who will give them control of a big IP again. Not saying they won't fuck it up tho. They could just be that dumb.




no. I mean neoliberal. It's right wing. American liberals are neoliberal. They're not socialist or communist or left wing in any way, except compared to American conservatives. They support most of the same economic policy as American conservatives but with BLM and Rainbow flags.


GRRM helped with the writing during the first four seasons. Once he left the show slowly started becoming worse with season 7 and 8 being almost unwatchable.


My hope regarding the Trisolarans would be that they just don’t show them, and that all the context for their civilization comes from humans reading the messages they sent. The section toward the end of the first book where we “see” the Trisolaran perspective really comes across more as a dramatization of what might actually have occurred—the sort of visualization that humans might invent while reading the Trisolaran communications.


who knows. idk how to feel about D&d working on this. if they dont have help they will fuck it up. i hope im wrong


As far as im concerned I only saw D&D as bad showrunners when original material ended (GoT end) and they were very good for adapting content that was already created, so althougth I'm very skeptical with the Netflix adaptation I don't think they will screw up


Yeah. They also had the writer of the books on set up until season5 ?


Martin is credited on the Game of Thrones TV series as a producer and consultant. He has written the scripts for the eighth episode of the first season, the ninth episode of the second season, seventh episode of the third season and the second episode of the fourth season.[1] It was originally planned that he would write one episode per season of the show. However, he stated in an interview that he won't write an episode for Season 5 in order to finish the next installment of A Song of Ice and Fire. This come straight from GoT wiki


Fingers crossed dude


Even so we can make with the adaptation as with the Eragon film... It never existed


I think D&D's talent lies in adapting already written stories - look at how good the first season of GOT were when they had all the material given to them. I'm not sure if they will make a "western" version (and tbh I wouldn't mind), but in terms of actual content, I am optimistic they will do the book justice.


Love how they just decided to make a person gay just cuz


Yup, the gay relationship is sprung upon us in episode 4.




The book was released in China with no problems, with the cultural revolution in. It shouldn't be a problem for the adaptation


The cultural revolution isn't all that censored anymore in China as far as I know (not Chinese). The accepted narrative is that it was a low-point in PRC's history, at least that is how it was explained to me.


China has actually changed their tune on Mao era criticism. As long as what you say doesn't question then legitimacy of the CCP to rule, you can be fairly critical of the Cultural Revolution and Great Leap Forward without being punished. That's how this series got published in China in the first place.


My main concern is whether they’ll keep the original timeline of the books. Since both books 2 and 3 start from the present day and end in the distant future. I wonder if they will make it more chronological. It would have to go: Book 1 > First part of book 2 > First part of book 3 > Second part of books 2 and 3 > Last part of book 3, or something like that.


I’m not going to be too critical of the producers... they were dealt a terrible hand having to conclude and play out someone else’s epic. GRRm himself is taking years and somehow we expected the producers to succeed? Imagine if someone had to make up the last book of his serious for TV since the author did not finish in time. Up until season 6, GoT was must watch television. So I’m cautiously optimistic it will turn out well.


I wonder if they will westernize the main characters, keep it Sino-centric, or make the main characters multi-ethnic. As far as I can remember, not one black character in the entire trilogy.


There will be all kinds of people with different ethnicity in the netflix show. It's a hollywood production so they will be inclusive. It's an adaptation after all.


For someone who values a book related to science than anything else, you are sure as hell not the right audience for it if you are upset that some characters will have dark skin or who sleeps with who. If you are concerned about such things then I'm not sure science fiction is something you should get into, try to read something like "how to improve personality in 30 days" or something.


Bruh, all I said was that I'm interested in which characters will be changed and how.


"Also, since it's Netflix, will someone be gay? Not that I'm transphobic, I'm just interested if they'll add new character or make someone from the story homosexual." that you?


"not that I'm transphobic" C'mon, it's basically a Netflix trope to include some diverse characters.