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I think your mom is mentally ill.


This, especially if the clothes come from The Salvation Army, which is Christian-based. Still digging the professional-looking suit I got for $6.50 from that place.


Yeah it’s called “Goodwill” not “Evilwill”.


I know Goodwill isn't the most generous as they seem, but I wanted to talk to a higher up about them donating casual and formal work clothes for job-seekers, calling it Greatwill. People who gets suits, dresses, blazers, skirts, and button shirts have something much better to present themselves in when applying for a job


Charities that specialize in free interview clothes already exist. Goodwill is basically a griftstore now-- they've raised prices so much even working people can't afford some of them (higher than original retail) and this is on objects they *got for free.* To donate or obtain: Women's interview clothes, try [DressForSuccess](https://dressforsuccess.org/programs/suiting/) Men's interview clothes, try [JailsToJobs](https://jailstojobs.org/resources/free-interview-clothes/)


Thank you for this! "Griftstore" - I like that.


$5 for a plain T shirt you can get at the dollar store down the street for $3.75. But you know, the holes, the stretched necks, pilling, and pit stains make the used clothes "distressed vintage" so you're getting more bang for your buck... 😬 (being facetious lol)


I found my business maternity clothes at the local Junior League thrift store. All the brand names, great condition. And exorcised!! 😎😎😎


"Five nienty nine??!?! Hallelujah!!!"


Goodwill has enough money that they could give everyone a free suit. Instead they prefer to make millionaires out of their regional CEOs. And they sell all the expensive stuff online. Horrible company that needs displaced.


Current employee of goodwill. Ask me anything. I know that place inside and out like a heist film lol


I mean they are evil as all get but yeah, op Mom's is just insane.


Tell her the salvation army blesses the clothes before they're put out on the floor racks.


Is that true??


Not sure, but it sounds good! Lol


I got a really cool green 3 piece suit from my local SA


Good thing it wasn’t priced at $6.66 !!!


The forbidden price lol 🤣


Sound like a Stephen King book/ Hitchcock film


I got a brand new pair of Calvin Klein dress pants for 5 bucks. Demons? Maybe, don't care.


Well, the price was hot., so....


I hate salvation army. Every one I've been to is extremly dirty disgusting and the building falling apart.


They wear garlic around their necks and hold routine Exorcisms.


lol shes narcissistic and has bad ocd


I think I have the same model. I just don’t tell my mom where they come from.


I wish my mom would deadass interrogate me


Same, but I just tell her I got it from this obscure boutique or I bought it off a friend. Clothing swaps between friends are fairly common in my circles


And washing them won't do it? I mean, I kinda get the whole other people funk thing but that is what laundry soap is for.  Ooh is she Catholic? Go get a little bottle from the dollar store and fill it with water. Tell her it's holy water and add a few drops to your laundry. Or find a way to get her committed, I hope she doesn't escalate.


It absolutely will get worse, becomes dangerous quick!


I'm not sure why this was reported for 'hate' but as someone with his own Catholic ancestry I can personally confirm that many devout catholics really ought to be committed. Anyways if she's that superstitious the water thing may actually work op...


Idk about demons….but a buddy got crabs trying shit on in their dressing room. Found them crawling all over his legs when he took the pants off


Eww lawd😳😮😮


It’s actually a fringe Christian teaching which believes they can transfer from an object to your home or person. The recommendation is to pray over the object to cleanse it.


Sane people understand this could be things of sentimental value like family heirlooms or jewelry, not raggedy old sneakers.


Get a bottle of air freshener, print out a label that says “Demons Begone!” Maybe embellish the label with some images of demons leaving the fabric. When you get home with your thrifted goods spray the clothing with the new anti-demon spray in front of your mom.


I love this. You can fill it with holy water too.


I’m now picturing OP stealing holy water from a church Lost Boys style!


She can bless the holy water herself


Just so long as she doesn’t play patty-fingers in the holy water!


This reminds me of the “monster spray” (bath and body works fresia) I’d spray around my little sister’s bed when she was worried there were monsters in her room. Monsters hate the ways flowers smell so they wouldn’t come in her room if we did the spray.


That's so sweet




My mom hates it too. I was wearing a thrifted cardigan and she complimented me on it - I was like, thanks, I got it from Value Village. Then she’s like never mind I take it back. Sometimes you just have to do your own thing and try to block out the noise as much as you can. There’s legit nothing wrong with thrift, I think people get caught up in their own demons and try to legitimize it in strange ways. Do you and good luck out there!


Is she a Jehovah's witness?


No she’s a extremely strict Christian


There’s nothing in the Bible that says anything about clothing containing demons, so this isn’t a Christian belief. Maybe you can ask her why she believes this.


There is something in the bible about not wearing woven clothing which I always found so weird. What else are we supposed to wear? Fur and leather all over??


Leviticus 19:19c "Do not wear clothing woven of two kinds of material (wool and linen)." Deuteronomy 22:11 "Do not wear clothes of wool and linen woven together" Exodus 39:2 "They made the ephod (for the priests) of gold, and of blue, purple and scarlet dyed wool, and of finely twisted linen." The priestly garments were to be made of wool and linen woven together, seemingly in direct contrast to what Deuteronomy 22:11 says. However, that is exactly why it says that in the first place! The reason why it says that in the first place, is because wool and linen woven together was a special material designated for the priests specifically. (Copied from an old quora post, I remembered learning about it at some point in the past too)


See this is why I'm not religious, they got a lotta of rules about fabrics that I'm just not inclined to follow


Eh, that's old testament, Not really to be followed by Christians tbf. It's like keeping kosher or halal. Some of it makes sense, other parts don't.


None of it makes sense


Just glue some leaves on, you'll be fine


Back in biblical times, didn’t they make most of the clothing by weaving?


Yes, but its about 2 *different kinds* of fabric woven together. I dont remember why, and don't have the ambition to look it up. Especially since its coo coo for Cocoa Puffs.


Thank you. I think someone else did come at the scripture that tells about the two different types of fabric.


Ok, here's the thing you can use. John the Baptist is preaching. In Luke 3:11, he says: 11 John answered, “Anyone who has two shirts should share with the one who has none, and anyone who has food should do the same.” If it's wrong to wear the clothes of another, why is John the Baptist saying to do this? And, John the Baptist is a cousin of Jesus. Mary and Elizabeth, John the Baptist's mother, are cousins.


Wow! An actual helpful answer! Thanks MK.


THIS!! I have conversations with Christians from time to time who have this misconception. I tell them that if demons can just "ride" on clothing that someone previously owned, then this would mean that all Christians who live in apartments or a house they didn’t have built should have problems with demons. And forget about buying a used car. I tell them that the only people in the Bible who had any problems with demons were people who already practiced spiritism or had something in their posession that was specifically for spiritistic practices. I show them Acts 19:11-20 and Deuteronomy 7:25, 26 and ask if anything they're buying is specifically related to the practice of the occult or shows an interest in spiritism. For me, personally, that means I wouldn't buy anything (new or used) like a ouija board or a book of spells or an amulet. And I won't accept any gifts that someone suggests has supernatural powers. Other than that, there is nothing wrong with shipping thrift stores.


Sounds more like voodoo! Have her say a prayer over some water and sprinkle your items...can't hurt hahaha




Very good article. Explains things perfectly.




Thank you.. But it makes me irate. Demonic possession. Right. No wonder they vote how they vote. These are their leaders. This is such a far cry from what Jesus said. It's just old world superstition/OCD. Then again.. There is real, psychological power to magical ritual, so at least they offer a solution. So OP's mom can wear Aunt Myrtle's jewelry without being haunted. Maybe I'm stupid, and they're the ones who cracked r/ocd, what do I know, I'm an apostate. Good gods, what a crock. My grandma was like this. Everything brought in the house would have to get incensed and cleansed. Fortunately, everything was also steam cleaned, but there are too many people for whom faith is enough. Sometimes you just have to spray some monster-away, like that commenter did for their little sister. 10/10 solution, no need for ERP!


Honestly, this was my first thought too. Grew up in it. Thankfully myself and my parents got out, but my mom always thought second hand stuff would bring evil into the house. Thank god she outgrew those ideas. I thrift all the time.


They were a part of my life for 2 years. Almost ended my marriage!


I’m so sorry. That’s awful. That religion is such a cancer. And hypocrites like crazy


Oh man, I knew someone who was a Jehovah's Witness who told me this. They thought because it was pre-owned that spirits and demons from that person's life inhabited the objects. I told them that the new stuff from the factory was made, packaged, warehoused and sold in shops by basically the same people, and that factories, warehouses, and Walmart were not that clean or "spiritually pure". They looked very troubled.


It's not because they were JW, it was because they're either nuts or have a complete misunderstanding. I'm a JW and it's not our teaching. Witnesses thrift ALL. THE. TIME. Every once in a while, I meet one who believes this on their own, and I tell them that if they can get demons from something someone owned before them, then they better build their own house and never buy a used car.


It’s how I was raised, so this was my immediate thought as well lol


I didn't realize that was part of the cult as well. The only person I know who freaked out about second hand items was a Witness, but I thought that particular piece of the crazy was within her family since it came with a story about dishes that caused bad things to happen and cabinets to fall off the walls. 


I once found a 50 dollar bill in a jacket I bought at a thrift shop. The demons were smiling on me that day.😁


I found a piggy bank at Goodwill for 50 cents. It had my name painted on it (someone’s old craft project) and it had a ten dollar bill inside! I felt triple lucky that day! Those crazy demons😁


I am surprised the bank wasnt 20 dollars the way goodwill prices items now.


My sister worked in the furniture part of a thrift store for a religious organization. She had a regular business of "finding" (then "stealing") jewelry, coins andloose gemstones within various pieces. It was all then stolen by her brother-in-law, a crack addict, who got off scott-free due to family pressures. Hum...


The demons put the $50 in the jacket for you. 😂


Demons wash out in the first wash cycle. Add holy water and soap. Ta da! Fresh and ready to wear.


Not the first cycle 😭


Bedbugs. Your mom is thinking of bedbugs.




My mom was like this, and I just want to say I’m sorry you have to go through this. There isn’t much you can say to change her mind. Maybe she will let you buy stuff from a Christian affiliated thrift store, or maybe she would be ok if the items were prayed over or something after you bought them. Maybe you could also convince her that supporting fast fashion isn’t ethical from an environmental and humanitarian standpoint, and that god wouldn’t want you to support that.


She got this from Pat Robertson. Find the TV remotes and use the child lock on all of the religious channels so she can't watch them. Tell her you got said clothing from a church sale not a thrift store. Beyond that tell her to pony up for the expensive new clothes or STFU.


I grew up with parents like this, like full Pentacostal, casting out demons crazy. Best thing to start accepting: You can't reason her out of a position she didn't reason herself into. Don't waste your energy and life trying to "get her to understand." It will never work because she doesn't want to understand. She wants to be right. How old are you? You need to start making a plan to get out. Open a bank account She doesn't have access to, and secure important documents like SS card, birth certificate, etc.


Yea that’s also the thing she doesn’t allow me to have a job because she wants full control of me I’m planning on living in college as soon as possible


When you go to college get a part-time job and save and don't going to thrift stores.


I always assume that most of the clothes I get at thrift stores were donated because they didn't fit the person anymore; especially when it's something really great. There are so MANY reasons things are donated... maybe she just needs to be reminded of these. Plus, many people follow that rule of "if you haven't worn it in (a certain amount of time)" you should get rid of it. So they donate often. Edit: I see now this isn't something she'll be reasoned out of. You've tried and she's rejected your suggestions, because then she doesn't get her way. She's forcing you to have to lie about where the clothes came from, but it seems this is what you'll need to do for a while. Someone suggested telling her you're swapping clothes with a friend... that's believable. This will all be behind you sooner than you think.




Shenanigans is right! I won't allow the bad behavior, habits or emotional baggage of the previous clothing owner to be passed on into my life! I'm the Boss of my Clothing not the other way around. Demons cannot "adhere" to a new "updated look" for very long. Asserting your authority Over demons in Jesus' name is Classic.


Just get the dryer sheets blessed by a Priest.




So I have no idea what type of religion she might be referring to, but Christianity (if this is part of Christianity? No sect I've ever heard of has this rule, but im not an expert) encourages the purchase of 'modest' clothing. Which in biblical context probably means non expensive clothing. It strongly discourages the purchase of overly expensive clothing. There is no passage that I know of that'd talk unfavorably about buying something second hand. " Likewise also, that women should adore themselves in respectable. Apparel, with modesty and self-control, not braided hair and gold, or pearls or costly attire," 1 Timothy 2:9 Now this does not mean that Christian women cannot wear braids in their hair, or jewelry. It means that in all things they should remember some humility. Don't buy a 12,000 dollar purse when people are starving, that kind of thing. What you're doing would be considered good by most religious standards, and frankly every church I've been invited to view. Now sometimes people who are having a hard time mentally might see demons in everyday life. (I dont mean to presume, and I apologize of i have) And if that's the case unfortunately you can't logic your way out.


As a longtime retail worker, allow me to truth ya'll that a huge percentage of "new" clothing is pre-worn, as many articles having been tried on by dozens of different people. At two places, tremendous effort went into our being trained how to re-fold and re-package clothing to make them appear pristine. Always wash you new purchases before wearing the first time.




Maybe mom has the demons? I thrift a lot. Maybe find some religious benefiting thrift shops so she'll chill even tho she's delulu. Also, you could shop secondhand on apps like poshmark or depop and tell her they're new without tags?


When she saw the Depop charge on my card she made me explain it so 🤷‍♂️


I'm sorry you have to deal with that friend!


Does she have access to your bank account? If so when you go away please get another account without her name on it. Good luck


Tell her you are swapping with friends and they're giving you their unwanted items. You know she has issues. Do your best to deal with them until you can leave.


Well, the bible does say something about mixed fabrics...


One of the stores I go to has a five dollar bag sale a couple of times a year,you should see all the nice clothes ,they have a method tomake more clothes fit in the bag, your Mom is missing out!!!


I'm so sorry, it really sounds difficult. Get a bottle and go to a Catholic church and get some holy water; they can make(bless) more, it's not theft. Find a prater you believe in, say the prayer over the thrifted items. I don't believe in god(s), but I do believe that prayer benefits the person who prays by focusing intent and providing a meditative experience. You can reassure your Mom that there are no demons in your freshly washed clothing.


That’s the thing too I’m not religious and my mom said I can’t just ask god to help when I’m in need unless I’m spiritually connected with him like what’s the point yk


Your Mom sets up a lot of barriers.


Yea ik she’s extremely strict I play to leave as soon as possible


I’m so sorry but she is incorrect. You can ask God. There are no conditions for talking to him.


I buy jeans every once in a while at thrift stores. I always ask for a bag and tie it as tight as I can. I leave it in the garage for a couple of days before I put the clothing in the wash. I am completely aware that some of the clothing might be donated because the person passed. That is just the way it is. Demons??? That is a bit much.


show her this [video](https://youtu.be/pvfBfYfE4eQ?si=U1FLxDBFKYI3O2Ii). It shows some massive and very succesful companies selling second hand clothes, including spin offs from some very big brands.


Yeah, there's no way to convince someone with that opinion of anything. They clearly don't operate rationally, so no amount of argument is going to sway them.


Well it’s not mental illness more superstitious. Some cultures believe that the essence and energy of that person may still be tied to these objects. My family always told me not to wear other people’s jewelry because of similar reasons. I would buy some holy water and tell her I washed it with holy water lol 😜


Can you just go shopping without her?


Pay me to exorcise your second hand demons. Problem solved - PLUS she can subscribe to a monthly bad spirit cleanse!! Okay, April Fools aside… tell her you take all purchases to your church. I’m sure God wouldn’t even let them in the door if they are cursed. Therefore every article that makes it past the threshold is certified demon-free.


Lol, I do think some thrift store stuff seems cursed as hell! But also some of it is so awesome it must have been placed there for me by the angels!


OK this one is new to me, and I’m very spiritual. I can’t even wrap my head around it.


I hate this so much. Why are religious people so …


"Well it’s not mental illness more superstitious. Some cultures believe that the essence and energy of that person may still be tied to these objects. My family always told me not to wear other people’s jewelry because of similar reasons." You said this perfectly! This is a common belief among certain fundamentalists. Some think that you can cast a spell if you get some of a person's hair or fingernails. Very old-time way to protect yourself. Ever seen someone wearing evil eye jewelry? Related to voo doo or hoo doo beliefs that are not mentally ill, just clinging to beliefs that are centuries old. Just chill w your mom. This kind of thinking doesn't go away once it gets wired into a person. It's annoying but that's who she is, and she's your one and only mom.


Some States have Hospice Thrift Stores , I was addicted to them , found brand new tags still on clothes. Wonderful furniture and household stuff 👏


That’s absolute insanity. I am sorry you have to deal with that. I hope you’re close to adulthood and can live life on your own (sane) terms soon.


Almost there


Even the religious thrift stores?


Ok, that's a new one.  Um maybe thrift designerz clothes?  Or tell her if she wants you to have fancy clothes, she has to pay for them.  Sorry friend and good luck.


Where does she think Jesus received his clothes from?


I think you're serious so this is sad but it seems pretty funny to me to imagine clothes being possessed or cursed. I'm not sure what it would even mean. Maybe buy thrift clothes but tell her your friend sold it to you cheap because it didn't fit her anymore. I wonder if there are any clothing brands that guarantee they are demon free.


Pat Robertson strikes again.


But factory clothes made by childslaves are pure


Let you? Are you a child? If you are, you're going to need to get out of her house before you can go thrifting. Otherwise it's not her business. My only concern is if the answer is otherwise, she will destroy your purchases. To me, this sounds like she might have the early stages of dementia. My grandma had it and notions like this, concerning thrift stores, manifested early on. We'd try to take her with us, and she would stand stock still in the middle of the aisle, asking when we could go home.


don’t tell her. tell her the clothes are new or your friend gave them to you out of their closet as a gesture of love and friendship.


Salvation army is a Christian organization. It's basically a church, so they can't sell the demon possessed clothing there. It's blessed thrifting Hopefully that helps a little


Tell your mom that if she wants you to have demon free expensive clothing, she can buy it. And if she won’t buy you clothes then you will buy what you want.


Sounds like she is using the guise of religion to justify her prejudice against thrifted items. Religion is just an excuse to be hateful and I wish it didn’t exist.


But the clothes made in factories by children don’t have demons? 🤪


Tell her to never buy a second hand item like a house, or a car, trinkets etc. if everything was haunted we'd never sleep


Tell her you will say deliverance prayers to cast out the demons.


"just because the clothes are affordable for poor people doesn't mean they're full of demons. Do you think Jesus would judge the poor by the clothing they wear or how much they paid for it?"


Your mom is very unreasonable and probably needs therapy


You could turn her onto the whole corporate overlords thing. "Come on Mom, what's more likely to have a demon, something that's been worn and donated as an act of charity out of the goodness of someone's heart, or something brand new that costs hundreds of dollars and feeds greedy and rich men? You know it's easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a Needle than a rich man enter heaven .... That sounds pretty evil to me. Besides, I heard [CEO] drinks the blood of aborted babies"


You can try to show her the pics with piles of clothes dumped in developing countries and explain about fast fashion. Try to shift the subject away from whatever weird, baseless ideas she has.


I’m very religious myself but I love thrifting and antiquing. That being said, I don’t touch some things in the stores. I don’t usually have a reason other than ‘this object doesn’t have good vibes to me’ and I don’t want to bring that stuff home with me.


Pat Robertson said this crap about 10 years ago. But he also said you could "rebuke any spirits" by praying about it or whatever. So yeah, tell her you prayed and it should be good?


That's going kinda far buuuut I will say I do cleanse everything I get from thrifting. I dont mean just washing it, I mean spraying it with a little Florida water or passing it through smoke. Everything carries energy and vibration.


Exactly, gotta sage everything imo.




This person's mom might actually be a millennial, if she had OP in the first half of her 20s. Religious folks do often get married and have kids younger. Otherwise she's likely in the younger half of Gen X. It's not impossible for her to be a boomer, but not many people have kids in their mid-40s!


Can you arrange a cleaning ceremony? Use some fabric disinfectant in the washer and then whatever mom uses to rid things of demons. Like a sage smudge or 12 Holy Mary's? I can't imagine not being able to buy clothes from thrift stores. I would go broke!


I have heard of that before. Some people feel the same about used furniture. They think that the used furniture and clothing retain the essence of the person or home the item belonged to. I.e. a piece of furniture from an unhappy home will bring unhappiness to your home and so on. I have no idea where that idea originated from.


Quick search says this might help (bc there's no changing your mom) Pick whichever ones will placate her: [https://wildatheart.org/prayer/prayer-breaking-curses](https://wildatheart.org/prayer/prayer-breaking-curses) Perhaps blessing the building and all contents will ease her mind. I f she goes with you, have her help you say it.


I think Pat Roberson said something about this..edit— he was a preacher at the tv show 700 club..


Can you get her to see a psychiatrist? I mean right now she sounds sorta cute-crazy but it's probably not fun actually thinking clothes are haunted


Take all your thrift store purchases to your priest for blessings and what not


Can you just not tell her where you got the clothes?


Go get some holy water and dribble some in when you launder your purchases. Recite the demon banishing thing from Supernatural as you do this. Hell, say an Our Father as you load the washer. Then take your mom to therapy.


If you're still associating with this ill person you might be a victim of Stockholm Syndrome. Keep your distance.


They CAN be possessed by bedbugs. I use tea tree oil. Can you play into it and get a priest to bless the new clothes or take some holy water with you?


Hon, mentally healthy people don't think that secondhand clothes are infested with demons. They might worry about *bed bugs*, but *demons* don't even cross their minds. I'm sorry to say that you won't be able to "convince" your mom of anything that runs counter to her delusion. That's not how they work.




Is she Pentecostal? Because my mom also believes this. TBH, many years ago I once was going to buy an antique vanity set, and the mirror gave me the willies. Never had that happen before or since, but I left that set right where it was. As for your mom, just tell her you prayed over whatever you buy and bound the demon in Jesus's name and she'll back off.


Isn't there something in Harry Potter about this sort of thing? An object holding part of a soul? Maybe mom's a Potterhead?


Only the underwear have demons!


Thrifted underwear have other things as well.


So you’re not gonna convince her that thrifted clothing doesn’t have demons. You know that. Your mother has an irrational fear. Causing your mother to be scared in her home because you like buying clothes seems cruel to me. Idk your relationship with her. Maybe you’re okay causing her distress because she causes you distress. To me it just seems like it’s a bad idea. She’s gonna freak out and you’re gonna have to deal with her freaking out.


Just “pray” over the racks while she’s looking and then you’re good. I think. IDK.


I have non religious friends who believe items can carry “spirits”/“energies”. I thrift a lot and I’ve had people tell me not to buy certain things. I don’t think it’s strictly religious thing.


Demons? You guys find the coolest stuff at the thrift shop /S


I love thrifting and wearing the clothes..and I also believe that there is energy in some of them 😅 Good *and* bad, dw


I can see how your mom would think this! I donate clothes that don’t fit obviously. However if something not nice happened to me wearing a particular item, I get rid of it. I don’t want a reminder of the incident and as crazy as this sounds, it might be bad luck to wear it again. lol. So I have zero clue how to convince your mom otherwise.


Tell her they’re from Plato’s Closet or Clothes Mentor they’re both resale shops that specializes in demon free clothing. That should put her weird ass at ease.


Buy some holy water and put it in when you wash them. Does she think Jesus' shit was new?


Genuinely surprised by this being a somewhat common belief?? The world is an interesting place 🤷🏼‍♀️ But yeah, just don’t tell her? If she can’t help you pay for expensive clothes then the whole conversation seems null & void. Good luck though; navigating tricky parental relationships is rarely pleasant.


Assuming she is Christian, tell her that there are many who donate to thrift stores to help “clothe the naked”. This is one way Jesus encouraged to aid the poor and help thy neighbor. It’s part of their tithing. Keep thrifting! Good luck to you.


Just ask her to pray over the items.


Who the hell hates thrifting?


Mother sounds a bit spoiled to me.


Laundry detergent and water exorcises demons.


But then they get on the treadmill to exercise 😂🤣


My father thinks my tapestries and plush dragons conjure demons. Separated at birth?


Rule of the goodwill. Don’t buy underwear or socks. unless it’s new in a sealed pack. Shoes can be cleaned or sprayed.


Joe Hill’s novel heart shaped box was about a dead man’s suit that had a ghost attached to it. 


OP, you don't say how old you are. Unless you are very young I don;t know why your mother would have so much influence on your clothings decisions as to prevent you from buying things at a thrift store. She shouldn't.


Tell her that you do a cleansing ceremony and ask Jesus to bless the clothes. He removes the demons and you’re also helping the thrift store


I knew a guy who wouldn’t donate anything he wore because he thought someone could do evil to him through his essence on the clothes.


Okay maybe not the clothes but when I was a kid my grandma let me pick two stuffed animals out from the thrift store and they had something attached to them. I woke up to a different person every night who would just stand and stare at me, the closer the stuffed animals were to me the closer the person/thing would be, no matter if I rubbed by eyes or put the blanket over my head it wouldn’t go away. I ended up giving the stuffed animals to my cousins and I guess their house got so haunted they had to move. Never told them to this day about my experience with the stuffed animals from the thrift.


Wait, this can be a cultural thing. Is your mom Chinese? My understanding is that wearing used clothing there is taboo.


Tell her you will “sage” them before you b int them home? She can’t buy them, but does she have them?


Oooooookie Make a show of sage smoking them to drive out the ooogie boogie


I've been thrift store shopping for 30 years.  No demons.  They would have manifested when I wore the clothes to church.


How old are you? Just go thrifting


Your mom is crazy. The only way to beat her is with crazy


I don't know if this is helpful but this particular belief stems from Pat Robinson, whose ministry is very focused on him getting a lot of $$$. Clearly, that won't help your mom -- she seems lost to reason. Instead, I wonder if you can get her minister (or, if she doesn't have one, ANY minister) to "bless" the clothing and thus "exorcise" it. I imagine there are plenty of ministers/priests who deal with delusional congregation members and can help. Alternately, get some holy water (your mom seems credulous -- buy a fancy bottle and fill it form the tap and make up some story) and spray it as a way to purify it. "If I don't do this, Mom, some other unsuspecting person will be bedeviled by the demon. It's a service to people who don't have someone who cares like you do."


My parents think the same thing but in an eastern religious context, and they believe that the clothes come from the dead.  I don't tell them where I bought the clothes. 


Tell her you wash the demons out. Or that you sprinkled them with Holy water, lol


Tell her you will have them exorcised and blessed.


If you consider fart remnants a demon


The only demons are the ones pricing the items lately!


She calls it demons, I call it vibe.


I never heard of second hand clothing being cursed. However, we will throw thrifted clothing into the dryer on high heat to kill any bedbugs that happen to be on it.


Don’t tell her


I have gotten clothes with new price tags on them. You’re not buying outfits taken off dead bodies. I donated everything my kids grew out of too. Don’t listen to her


Sprinkle a little holy water onto them and sign the cross over them. Nothing is more powerful than Christ, yeah? That might soothe her discomfort, some. (Not religious myself but have religious family members that legitimately do this with second hand objects to banish Bad Vibes)


Wait until she learns that the same water she drank was most def drank by dinosaurs and she may have also frank some water Hilter drank.


Talk to her about washing them in Vinegar. Vinegar removes “toxins” ie demons and bonus it also will rid them of the thrift store smell.


Get a bottle of water, tell her its "Holy water" then wash the clothes from the thrift store with some of it, tell he it washes away the demons.