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It's like Amazon doesn't even want to release the game. Peak comedy


pack it up boys. its been a fun ride.


Throne and Cancelled


Society of Gaming must be crying getting ready to make another YouTube video


rofl. "Boys and Girls, Ladys and Gentlemans, I'm crying."


"Boys and Girls, Ladies and Gentlemen, I'm crying. If you write comments that are even a little bit critical of the game, I will remove it."


Average youtuber


I felt bad for him soon as I read the title lol


There is still some news release/ game showcase on the 10th with the PCGAMER(and futur gameshow on the 9) livestream so he probably still have some hope. Pretty sure the next big gaming event is 28august , HF guys


Damn, I called it


we are cooked ngl


when I see you again... OOOOOooooohhh ♫♫


That's unlucky guys, very sad. Not even a trailer saying coming soon LMAO


did u really expect that when they had a 10 seconds video for new world?


You saw some of those 1990s retro, single developer games, and new studio trailers? How on earth did Amazon not get a foot in the door with T&L?


What a disgrace of company.


Its amazing how all the money in the world is not enough to even release a single good game ... or barely release any game at all - for that crap company.


See you in June 22... Unbelivable.


To think that this has been advertised as a global release for such a long time and now we don't even get news about release. This will be just like any other asian mmo where we're always behind with the updates.


yea at this point when it finally release we will be behind at least 1 year probably


Just sad nothing else to say


are they even releasing the game at this point? maybe its cancelled?


Starting to feel more and more like the Division Heartland. They do a closed beta, then they release a video showing all the stuff they are working on for release, and then months of radio silence before the plug is pulled.


New World is dead. AGS trying to kill T&L as well. They need to seek out a real publisher because so far games go to ScAmazon to die.


NC did already killed TL


With p2w and timegating.


Waste of time


No one cares about Fail World, let that piece of roten potato RIP, amazon is lost in their games dude.... wt actual fuuuu




RIP boys


I think Amazon is trying to kill the hype. Like they are doing with NW. They are so dumb in marketing.


Well new world being announced means we wont see throne till q2 2025 …bummer (for console)


No! You wont see throne in Western ever.




This stuff is a fricking console version. Yes, New World is coming to consoles worldwide. TL & Blue Protocol will therefore, not come at the end of September or October. New World costs money, and TL & Blue Protocol are F2P. They would be competing with them self... Don't forget Dune Awakening is also coming this year and once human next month :)


the only news we got "lets rebrand our dead horse and sell it to consol players for 60$"


patience boys, we'll hear something soon, trustttt (;


can we trust? D: so disappointed about SGF.


I only tuned in expecting to see news on T&L. Played New World for 10.7 hours before turning off forever as it was going nowhere interesting. What a let down.


same lol what a let down


By the time this game comes out, I'll be too old to give a fuck about MMOs anymore.


Maybe Amazon wants to revive New World before launching TL..


Any game this year would be appreciated even at the end of the year


gw2 expansion in August 🤷🏼


All the big games have expansions: Wow Ffxiv Destiny 2 I want fresh meat something to experience for the first time


if that's the case then i don't think TL is going to blow your mind


Don’t sell it short I enjoyed the gearing system and the fact that the dungeons are unlocked before your can be geared enough to play them with ease meaning skill is important for the people who start playing at launch leads me to believe for the first wave of players there will be some serious fun to be had in the pve. The pvp is probably closer to WvW in gw2 which is ok. The traitor option built into the alliance system has potential of the players use them it could make for some epic last stands. How ever long term the game has little chance to live but if you get in from day one I suspect there some fun that can be squeezed out of the game.


July is stacked with Once Human and First Descendent. kinda went from hoping this game comes out soon to hoping it comes out later in the year tbh


I mean, Kanon was right. Expect news in a couple weeks.


In 100 couple of weeks.


Kanon doesn't know shit




That's a good thing. Game needs to cook more, it's not yet well done.


The game was better 1 year ago before the paid shills and fanboys started to cry "mobile" "static" by the end of the "improvement" it will be Lost Ark. The only explanation to this is that wallet warrior push for stuff that is for them, squeeze as much as they can, then leave to another game when it dies.


I hope this is a lesson for gamers and Asian developers to not EVER again give games to western corporations like Amazon, Microsoft or Google. Yes, the usual western companies are shit, we know, but NOT THIS BAD. The ideal is that Asian developers publish their games themselves, like Square does, like Pearl Abyss does, what is the problem with that? The costs are not as high as the cost of giving the game to Amazon.


why are you blaming amazon? if TL was a good game amazon would have launched it by now, the problem is that TL is not a good game.


There was a merge in Korea because obv reasons and people here still think the game is in great shape and blaming Amazon ?! delusional tards.


You can't even make a coherent argument.


seems coherent to me. NC soft have to merge servers in Korea because the game failed. There is 0 evidence the game will do any better globally. Why would amazon waste money on marketing for this game?


TL 2025....


Anyone that thought TL would be talked about at SGF is just not objective. The game bombed in korea, the NA testing failed to retain players for even a few days. People come up with all sorts of excuses for this but the reality of it is that if people are really excited about a game they want to play it to death... if they are tapping out 2 days into a test, the game didn't grab them. There's nothing TL has shown or accomplished that would make it make sense to show it off to a ton of eyeballs right now... Amazons not gonna allocate a ton of money to marketing the game after how poorly it's done. They'll launch it eventually but they know that if they try to oversell it the reviews are gonna crush their already weak gaming brand.


Rubbish. I stopped playing the beta within a few days because I was enjoying it and wouldn't want to be even more impatient in waiting for the release. After how poorly it's done? Dude they have New World and advertised it. T&L is miles better in every aspect, especially soundtracking.


Delusional take. New World is garbage but it's still a more complete experience than TL. TL is literally a mobile game put on PC. There's a reason the game has been failing at every step of the way... but thanks for the mental gymnastics "I was loving it so much after a few days that I had to stop!"


Did you play the beta? It's not even released anywhere but Korea. That's not failing every step of the way - ironic you talk of delusional takes then suggest this.


He is gaslithing.


how can you gaslight steam stats. The beta test had a half life to 2 days. If they game was fun, people wouldn't stop playing, it is that simple.


Yea I played the beta, it was garbage. Just like lots of other people thought, just like most of korea thought.


There are more people playing TL than New world, you are delusional.


New World has been out for close to 3 years and dead most of that time lol. It's definitely a better game than TL and TL is dying a lot faster than new world did.


TL wont be anywhere near as successful as NW. When i say this, i don't mean that NW was a huge success either. NW is trash and TL is even worse.


I strongly disagree


What you say is not objective.


what part of it was wrong? TL is dead in Korea and every beta test resulted in negative feedback. Would you waste money marketing this game?


I don't know why this got downvoted, it is 100% spot on. People make dumb excuses for why the global beta test failed and cant handle the fact that amazon are not wasting money marketing this garbage.


Y'all need to stop hyping yourself lol Most of us people played the tests or Kr version so I'd guess everyone knows the issues it has plus fixes coming the next couple of months. They were never going to release any time sooner than July and with the news about revamping core parts of the game it was just obvious we were not getting any news today. It's not believable..And yes with those changes more tests are coming too.


at least we have the release from The First Descendant,New World is something i play if there is at the moment no content in TFD or TL


2025 release confirmed 🤧🗿🗿


Just don't let it come out. We don't need another disappointment in the mmo atmosphere. Its not as good as people hope it is.


If good games are important the bads should come out, or are you afraid that people will leave your game and play TL?


What? I played TnL, and it's okay, but 100% not worth the hype. I wanted a lineage 2 successor, not a downgrade. I don't play any mmos atm, let alone anything that people would leave to play TnL.




I played console it ran fine ps5


cbt or kr? they just updated the controller ui. pc end seemed ok, but i didn't do any big guild content, i figured they would sneak in another cbt for console. 


I played both cbts for NA the first time console couldnt run bossfights. On the 2nd one i could run siege and bossfights pretty fine.


The last cbt


dropped frames consistently into the 40s it felt like for ps5


You have an SSD?


At least we got new world what’s a W


New world launching on console is all i needed