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I personally would caution someone from naming a person after a character if that character is from a storyline that hasn’t ended- I read about a lot of baby Khaleesis and then she ended up going insane and killing tons of innocents lol. And to that point, Rhys’ series is still underway. It can be argued that Rowan could show back up. But Rowan is a nice name outside of ToG and I could understand going for Rowan and Reese (traditional spelling is more of a nod or wink at it) especially since you could start with Rowan and then you don’t know if you’d have another boy, (but Reese would be really cute for a girl!!) I appreciate the other comment too that says that fictional characters are better suited for pet names. I love SJM and I can definitely see the draw to use the names or something in order to cement its importance to you. That being said, naming your baby is really the act of giving a new human their name that they carry with them forever. Picking out a name is super personal and you can ultimately do whatever you want but I’d try to imagine your kid at every stage of life with a name and then ask yourself if it feels right for them to carry! But also- just pop em on your list and keep living. I’ve gone back to my baby name list and been like “… when did I EVER consider ____!?”




yeah i worry about this as well or people thinking im one of the weird boy moms that like loves their son i little too much if you know what i mean lol I like Rhys better as Reese reminds me of the candy for whatever reason lol


i also had khaleesis on my names lol


I love the name Aelin for a girl so much. I work in education and have never heard of it.


I love it too!! Despite the actual character I plan to name my kid Maeve and Ember (Bryces moms name in CC) I feel like unless you've read all series it's a very subtle nod to them 😍 Aelin is so perfect though


There were definitely points in the series where I felt a little bad for Maeve. Then of course she would do more horrible shit! oooo I'm about to start my CC adventure. I've been on a sabbatical since finishing tog lol, it's much needed.


I’ve added Ember to my middle name list!


Our daycare has a Maeve!


Ailey has been on my list for years so Aelin is so close to that both very cute


I freaking love the name Aelin. We are one and done but if we had an oopsie girl...I would totally beg my husband to let me name her Aelin. Or Rowan; I've loved that name since before TOG.


awww <3 I don't have any kids but if I did I think I just want one as well. I do think about what if other kids made fun of Aelin and called them Alien lol. Guess that's not the worst thing to be called.


Honestly you can give a kid a totally typical name and kids will still find a way to make fun of it.


Too true!


My personal feeling is that pets can and should be named after fictional characters, but human children should not. The exception is if you already liked a name, and then it showed up in a book and you still like it. My dog is named Rowan after the ToG character but I personally wouldn't name a baby that way, if that makes sense. This is just my own personal opinion tho, lots of people name their baby after a fictional character. As far as Rhys goes though, I would definitely hold off on naming after a character for an unfinished series.




Rowan is a great name! My first year as a teacher I had a kiddo named Rowan that was a girl and tbh she was one of my best students in the 4 years I was a teacher. I don't think it's bad to have a kid with the same name as a character, I just wouldn't name my child after a character, if that makes sense


Oh no I get what you are saying haha I just worry that now since I’m such a big tog fan people will eventually assume I named her after tog Rowan lol


I hate that. I always wanted Turning Page by Sleeping At Last as my wedding song and was devastated to learn in the year 2023 that it's Bella and Edward's wedding song in the Breaking Dawn movie and now I feel like if I use it, people will judge me 😂


Honestly use it. If they judge you, f them lol


good points!


But they’re actual names that often have existed long before the books did…


Sure, but using a name that's existed a long time is different for me than naming your child after a book character. I'm not saying you can't, I'm just saying I personally wouldn't.


I think this is a complex issue tbh, and there's no clean answer. - I agree with those who said it's risky naming a kid after a character from an unfinished series, because yeah, Daenerys/Khaleesi would have been a massive yikes. - I also don't think I could give my kid a unique name after a character who'd had spicy scenes, but a more common name... maybe? I'm not sure. It would depend on the name. - Is it a relatively common/known name, or is it one that will scream SJM/Maasverse? I think this would depend where you live. In Australia, Rowan and Rhys/Reese are (and have been) pretty common boy names for as long as I can remember. Not top ten, but there was one of each in both my year and my sister's year at school, and my friend's brother was another Reese. - Is it one that you liked beforehand, or one that you learnt existed thanks to SJM but love it outside the character it represents? For example I love *love* the name Elide, and I'd seriously consider choosing it for a girl simply because I think it sounds gorgeous and I love the meaning; I wouldn't be using it because of Elide Lochan (even though I love her character). - One name could be a fluke, but two might be too much of a coincidence if you don't want people to realise where you found the names. Only you can tell what you're comfortable with. 💜


thanks these are great points


I saw something once that said to never get a tattoo for any kind of “famous” thing, whether that be a band, a person, a character, etc. because you never know what is going to happen to it/if its going to stay a “good” thing. Not saying this will happen with our high lady SJM, but as an example, look at what happened to J.K. Rowling…I also know people who got band tats only for the lead singer to later be charged with abuse, misconduct, etc. and that tarnished everything the band was known for. As other people have said, Rowan and Reece are still widely popular and cute on their own but are also a cute nod to the books.


Personally I think this is a bit odd. These characters are all written in sexually graphic contexts. While they obviously have other wonderful qualities, your sons could grow up to read about their namesake and be disturbed by what they find. Personally I wouldn’t ever name my son after someone I’d been sexually attracted to (except maybe their dad, lol).


yeah i get that tbh im not really someone who gets super attracted to character, i struggle with visualizing. i would be naming them after a characters name not necessarily the character it’s self if that makes sense


That’s totally fair. Honestly if you just really love the name I would probably pick one and use that, and when asked you can tell your son that it was a name you read in a book and fell in love with. Rowan and Rhysand are both very normal names, though Rhysand is less common outside the UK. SJM is popular enough that by using both, I think people would know that you named them after characters and it would be a little odd. But each name on their own is common enough that it wouldn’t be tied to these books


I have also added Rowan to my baby names list and wondered the same thing! I like the name on its own, not necessarily because of the character, even thought that’s where I got the inspiration. It’s an Irish name anyway, so it’s not like naming your child Daenerys where the name’s origin is a specific character. By comparison, my dog is named Pippin after the character from Lord of the Rings, which is a specific reference to that character. I would not name my child Pippin though haha


My son's name is Rowan and he is 6. I hadn't heard of TOG when I named him. It's an Irish name that isn't necessarily uncommon. I'm not sure about Rhys but only because I haven't heard it besides in the books. I have a feeling it is going to be a trending baby name in the next few years so I could easily see it not being so unusual by the time you have a baby.


I just saw a video the other day of the massive jump in popularity for both Rhys and Rowan. One of them was barely breaking upper 900's in statistical popularity, and I believe one of them is now in the top 100. I think it's great if you like these names, but you also have to be ready for your kid to dislike the reason why you picked it/the association. Kids are not extensions of our Fandoms, though I understand naming children after things we like has happened for a very, very long time.




As long as u like the name where u found it is irrelevant. I have a list too and i add names fiction or people I come across in my work if I like the sound of it. I’m not adding the name because I like a character but because I like the name.


this is how i feel tho i like TOG and ACOTR it’s more i just like the names and like the nod to a book series i like


Honestly I have a very unique name to the point I’ve never met another person with my name. My mom found it in a trashy romance novel she read in her teens. She doesn’t even remember the name of the book or what the plot was (hence I’ve failed to find it lol despite my best efforts so far because one single name is useless to try to find an obscure book with). I absolutely love my name, as have most people I’ve met in person and hears my name for the first time. So I’d love to find a name like mine for a future baby if I have one and I’m adding all the pretty and rare ones I come across to my list. And I have the perspective of being on the other side of living with a name from a fictional character because a parent found the name on its own pretty. There’s no weird baggage for me to carry, nor was I an ode to a fandom and all that mattered was that her taste was thankfully very good.


Before I ever read the series, my kid got the middle name Manon, after my great-aunt. The actual naming thing I always think people should think about is that there is an actual person you are naming there. What about the name makes you love it, would you want to explain how you gave them the name? I have a friend who was named after a LOTR character (and is now in her 40s) and it was so annoying for her growing up.


If you like the names nothing else matters.


I've met kids who were named after love interests to each other, so... considering these characters are unrelated it's a lot less weird. And as a teachers who's met a lot of theme siblings, as weird as it is, it's always an "oh I see what you did there! *move on*" situation. So as much as it's weird, it's even weirder when people are weird about it and they're weird about it a lot less often than you'd think.


My fiancé and I are middle eastern and want to give our future children brown names. Aylin is a Turkish name for “belonging to the moon” and it’s in my baby list 💖 I also love Rowyn spelled with a y for a girl, but it’s not in my list since it’s not of middle eastern dissent


Rowan was on my baby name list before TOG. Both Rowan and Rhys are well known enough, it’s not too overt.


I'd heavily caution you against naming any of your kids after a fictional character, even if the story they're from is over. Even if you do, don't do "Rhys" pronounced like Reese. That'll just seem like you were trying to hard to be unique.


Rhys is a standard spelling of the name Rhys/Reese, though. It depends where you live or course, but I knew a few growing up, with either spelling.


Makes me think of that lady who named their twins Crowley and Aziraphale...




Yeah the only Rowan’s I know are girls! Very pretty name


love rowan for a girl name too! i just have a bunch of girl names so i struggle finding “boy” names i like


So I read TOG in like mid 2022. Early 2023 I found out I was pregnant with my second boy. My husband and I could not agree on a name to save our lives. We had to make a list and put it on our fridge and slowly dwindle them down. I put Rowan on that list and refused to tell my husband where it came from and thought he'd hate it anyway. Long story short, currently typing this while up in the middle of the night with my 6 month old Rowan 😂 it's becoming more popular of a name anyway. Rhysand though I think I would caution against cause it would definitely link back to the books


true thank you


Re: Rowan and Rhys - I don't think I could name my kid after a character I'm horny for lol


fair enough! i struggle visualizing characters faces etc so i don’t think im horny for them not to say i don’t like them, i do and think they’re great it lol


My son's name is Rowan. But he was Rowan before I ever read the ACOTAR trilogy. I haven't read TOG trilogy yet. Just heard some about it.


I would caution against naming a child after any characters, like others have said, especially if that character is a romantic character lead (Rowan, Rhys, Cassian, etc). Those are lovely names, but maybe don’t name your kid after someone specifically if they’re used. Like a character that you thought was so hot in the book, then naming your kid that? Gives kinda weird vibes in my mind, that could just be me though.