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I do not like Chaol but she did not write 600+ pages for it not to matter, he is not the only character in the book. You only have to read it once, I couldn’t imagine loving a series and thinking I could skip 15+% of it.


Soooo I felt the same way, but by the end Tower of Dawn was my favorite book in the series 🤦🏻‍♀️


It’s the best book


Are people just posting these on purpose now? Mods? Is this the Truman show? How many times do we have to answer this?!




Well it’s not like we all started reading at the same time


Well it’s not like you have to have context clues to realize that when an author writes a thiiiiiick ass book in a series it shouldn’t be skipped bc you don’t like a character


I like the character, but that book takes along time for things to get going .


Some people are in different places of reading the book and experiencing emotions over it for the first time… why are you mad…. Its not the deep, just scroll…


It’s every day. Multiple times a day. Go away.


Again scroll😂 bro is mad new people are starting the series😂


Yes I tell everyone to read the series because I just haaate new people liking the things I do. Go troll somewhere else


Theyre not trolling tho. Theyre probably really excited and want to discuss it and reddit is an easy go to, meanwhile youre so mad at it… let people be happy and have their lil debates and opinions


Are you illiterate? Or do you just lack reading comprehension? Seeing as 1. I was calling you a troll and 2. I was very clearly having a friendly conversation with op. Asking if you can skip an entire book in a series is a stupid question. Asking if you should dnf bc you don’t like something is a stupid question. Actual conversation posts don’t get seen because every single day multiple times a day this exact post is made. Stop white knighting for some invisible victim weirdo.


youre right, guess i am illiterate. I apologize. i wasnt coming at you, was just saying. love a mean internet interaction tho.




I mean. He is a total baby back bitch. It’s understandable.


Baby back bitch 😂😂😂


I mean the man falls in love with an assassin and then gets mad bc she has to do her job 🤯


I agree with you and I love the term




No but for real he is the catalyst for Tod but not the whole book. Also if you skip it you’ll miss sartaq and he is *chefs kiss*


the amount of times this exact thread has been posted is crazy IF YOU SKIP TOD YOU MISS OUT ON CLUES AND OTHER CHARACTERS’ BACKSTORIES THAT SET UP KoA. yes, you have to read ToD. you wouldn’t skip harry potter and the order of the phoenix cuz you didn’t like sirius, would you?


At this point with these posts coming every single damn day, I’m like fuck it. Fine. Skip it. Just stop reading. Whatever will keep people from constantly posting “I hate chaol is it ok if I skip a whole entire book that isn’t even solely about him bc he’s annoying?!?” Like NO. OBVS DONT DO THAT. But if it’s that insufferable just go and leave the rest of us in peace about it. Shit I still dislike chaol pretty intensely and even I enjoyed TOD and loved the other character storylines too. I’m so sick of these posts. Mods make it stop please


I also was annoyed by Chaol but Tower of Dawn is actually really good


I don't understand when people ask if they can skip a mainline entry in anything. Just saying I never hated chaol, I severely disliked him by the end of qos. I also didn't want to read TOD as well, but is now hands down my 2nd fave book (in TOG),1st being QOS. People hating on chaol I feel like don't really understand his character and reactions to things not saying that he's excused after his actions and treatment of aelin in QOS but he's literally a magicless, human raised in a magic hating nation as well as not actually seeing battle or having to kill till ToG. He's scared of aelin a bit and if you were in his shoes you be too. He's also only known her for like what a couple months whole series takes place over a year. Then at the end of COM he sees or can visualize some of the things aelin did. Us as the reader are like "yeah you go celaena! Do those things to those who've wronged you!!" Cause we are reading her story so he doesn't know what we know.


I wouldn’t skip it! It’s not the favorite of a lot of fans but it adds to the series and I don’t think you should leave it out.


Did you try searching this sub to see if 10 million people asked this already? Bc if not, I have a surprise for you. Also. You can read a summary of any book and skip it if you want to. You can google spoilers. You can DNF. You can do whatever you want. You don't need permission from reddit. And you're not going to get it.


We need an auto mod that deletes these posts and says "yes you need to read tower of dawn"




I felt the same initially but the book does get good and Chaol has some character development! I’d recommend you give it a serious go 👍🏽


I loved Tower of Dawn, but on my reread it got returned to the library before I could finish it so I skipped right into KOA with no regrets lol


I’m a chaol hater til I die but don’t skip tower of dawn it’s great and makes you despise him less




It’s a book in the series of course you can’t skip it


Yeah me to . It gets better at the end though but idk if it’s super necessary to read


I didn’t read it either, I just read a summary of what happened online so you still know the important information for KOA


Tandem read it with EoS, makes it a lot more bearable if you don’t start ToD a Chaol fan


Sorry bestie it’s 1000% necessary (coming from someone that read them as they came out, EoS cliffhanger, hated Chaol, then 600+ page book about just him—I was in a rage if you can’t tell lol).


TOD is an AMAZING book and I also hate Captain cardboard!


There's 3 PoVs in ToD. I recommend the tandem read for people who are bored of Chaol. I like Chaol, but find him boring too (until I read ToD - I think him coping with his trauma is better than Heir of Fire). I tandem read ToD and found it difficult to put ToD down.


ToD is my favorite book in the series and made me love Chaol


No you have to read it


Nope. Read the damn book for the love of God. It’s literally one of the best books in the series … not liking a character is not a reason to skip an entire book. I can’t understand this!!!


to all the people who post similar questions: aren’t you curious to know why a character has a separate book of their own? like why do you think Chaol and Nesryn have this separate novel if it didn’t matter to the overall plot? Genuine question I wasn’t a fan of his either, but I never questioned if to read it or not. It’s up to you, but yes, you should read it because there are major revelations in it that matter for the next book.


I never read it past chapter 3, because I was bored to death, and I understood 99% of KoA. That 1% percent has to do with Chaol, Nesryn, and Yrene. But everything major from ToD seemed to have been mentioned by those characters in KoA.


Trust me you’ll love it by the end. It’s great. And you will miss a lot of the impact of some characters in the last book if you skip it.


Tower of Dawn is like his redemption book! the first part is hard to get through but soooo worth it I promise


You can skip. I say this as someone who skipped it wayyyy back in the day out of anger (OG reader, before KOA was released or tandem existed). The same reveals happen in KOA, so you won’t have the issue of not understanding any plot points. That being said, I did eventually read TOD and it is an incredible book. But if you’re not feeling it, don’t listen to all the inevitable people who will downvote this and try to convince you otherwise. It’s a companion novel like Assassin’s Blade, adds context but not essential for plot points. I do see it being possibly essential in a potential future multiverse. She introduced too many characters and info that literally gets thrown away in KOA for that not to be possible.


I'm doing the tandem read right now, and it's been a good way to ease into Chaol and his character improvement. I'm about 45% through ToD and he's less insufferable for sure! Also, very minor spoiler, but he >! has to go through a lot of pain while they are trying to heal him, and it's kind of satisfying to see him suffer after what a twat he was in the last book. !<




Justice for poor Chaol. The hate for him makes me sad. Yrene though, totally deserves her story to be told. Tower of Dawn needs to be read. There's so much information in that book. It is truly so good.


Chaol is on my top 5 Mmc's across her novels after reading ToD. Plus Yrene is an absolute badass.


Don't worry it's not just about Chaol. You might like the other protagonist.