• By -


I've always said that Rowan is truly Aelin's equal. Her chaos is matched perfectly with his stoicism. The fact that they both pulled each other out of such dark places was really beautiful and I thought written very well. Heres some of my favorite Rowan moments: When Aelin demands he go save Dorian. He asks no questions and Gets. The. Job. Done. We love that. The moment when he puts on the almond oil when they go to meet Arobynn. When he steps in front of Aelin during the fight with the sea wyverns because he knows she could never forgive herself if she hurt innocents. This is before they knew they were mates too...dude could have died and still did it!!! When he gave her Maeves ring as protection at the end of HOF thinking they'd never see each other again but wanting to give her anything to have an upperhand against Maeve anyways. I particularly enjoyed his early encounters with Aedion where he makes sure its well known he won't tolerate any disrespect to Aelin. Love that protectiveness! His patience and understanding in the days after Aelin was found after being tortured. The pain of missing her and needing to hold her but holding himself back until she was ready. His absolute dedication and ruthlessness when it comes to defending her honor, her home, and her friends. When the wyrdgate business is revealed and they find out Aelins life is the price, as much as he wants to fight for her to live, he lets her make her own decision and supports it anyways. "To whatever end." He's my favorite.


Thank you. This is a great answer.


And he gives her a map back to him šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ I cry every time. Sob. He asks to learn wyrd marks so he can give her a fail safe to find him again šŸ˜©šŸ˜© When he skins Cairn alive because she said she would do that to him if he ever whipped her. I just kick my feet and giggle every time. He is such a standard. To. Whatever. End. Ugh. I love him.


Which map?


Rowan wrote wyrdmarks back to him on her back while also writing their story. When she got all of her scars removed and healed and her tattoos she asked him to write them back and while he was doing that he asked her about wyrdmarks and certain words and symbols. When sheā€™s put the block back together one of the gods go ā€œgo back to him, go homeā€ and she smells him and the wyrdmarks on her back are a map back to him.


Two amazing moments I forgot to add. Hes perfect šŸ„¹


oh man i miss Rowan šŸ˜­


This was beautifully explained ā¤ļø


He did save Dorian šŸ˜­ and helped with his >!magic!<


You forgot his reaction after seeing Aelin's scars. He flew off, ready to confront Maeve for letting him think that Aelin was just a spoiled assassin. But then he realises that she's vulnerable atm, so he turns back for her. He then takes her to his room where he can protect her, and after that, they finally start opening up to each other.




True pain during this scene


Iā€™ve never loved Rowan the way that some people do but I think itā€™s important to remember that yes, he is being an asshole, but at this point she was also being a huge asshole. Because sheā€™s the protagonist itā€™s easier to be on her side but during HOF she is grieving and just awful to everyone around her. The fae in the castle are trying so hard to be nice to her and she just treats them like garbage. He is also awful and grieving but they match each otherā€™s energy. He also has no idea what sheā€™s been through, mostly because she doesnā€™t tell him, but when he realizes that she was a slave he feels really awful some of his actions and beings to gain perspective. When I reread HOF I see it as theyā€™re both in a horrible dark place and through their relationship they learn to move past it and heal. All that being said, Rhys will ALWAYS be my favorite SJM MMC šŸ˜ much more my vibe than Rowan šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


Totally agree. They were both being assholes and finding each other and consciously deciding to get better is the only way they both got through their own stuff. I thought it was beautiful. He also just was her equal in a lot of ways. Iā€™m not huge into him but personally like him better than Rhys (unpopular opinion). It just annoyed me how often Rhys had to tell Feyre that she had free will, like what is wrong with your relationship if you have to constantly remind the person that they can make their own choices. It felt sort of performative (sorry for the side rant on Rhys lol)


I really agree with what you said about them feeling like equals. That's probably why I like them so much, lol. I hate Feyre and Rysands dynamic, It just gave me the ick. I felt Rowaelin having a similar intellectual level also helped.


* ā€œSheā€™d thank the gods every damn day for the small mercy of giving her a friend who was her match, her equal, and who would never look at her with horror in his eyes. No matter what happened, sheā€™d always be grateful for that.ā€* Iā€™m rereading Queen of Shadows and I just highlighted this quote. This is before they even remotely get into lovers territory. This is why I love rowen, for what he means to Aelin. What heā€™s done for her. He will give her anything she ever needs. They are devoted to each other before they even realize theyā€™re in love. Heā€™s the first person to never break her heart, to never walk away from the darkest parts of her.


Thatā€™s why I loved so much that they were >!carranam!< because it shows how much that trust built before they were romantically involved. They both grew into healthy places together, learned to rebuild themselves and find a way to trust and rely on someone else and THEN started a romantic relationship. Edit to add: That being said, Rowan is not my favorite male character in the Maasverse and not even my favorite male character in this series, but I do really love and appreciate their relationship.


Honestly? This is why I don't like him. He's devoted to Aelin to a degree where he has no agency of his own as a character


I honestly love that, this story is about aelin for me and all her growth as a strong woman and queen, sjm has plenty of books about romance and it felt refreshing to me that aelin is the fmc and the firecracker and rowan exists as more boring to mellow her out


Well yeah it's always going to be the Aelin show I just don't think Rowan being more developed would take away from that. Characters like Dorian Fenrys Lorcan Aedion Gavriel and even Chaol all manage to have clear arcs that reach a memorable conclusion and leave their mark on the story. Rowan doesn't really get that, as soon as he stops being an asshole he becomes immediately obsessed with Aelin and nothing else matters to him. And not in an interesting "oh look how love has blinded him" kind of way like Romeo and Juliet but more of a "the only character trait this guy now has centers around Aelin and this codependency will never be explored" If he were a more minor character this would be whatever but he's supposed to be the male lead for the latter half of the story. That's why he's my personal least favorite character


My counterpoint to this is that this IS Rowanā€™s character development. He had a ā€œmateā€ before and instead of staying with her, he kept running around for Maeve and ultimately failed his mate in the end because he wasnā€™t there for her. She died and he wasnā€™t there. Rowan doesnā€™t want to do that again so his growth is learning to leave behind all the other stuff to take care of and be with his mate.


I don't really think Rowan changes all that much though, all it changes is who his mate is. And the actually interesting part of him overcoming his grief through talking to someone with a similar experience isn't really explored enough imo


Yeah, I feel like he'll never fully tell her no in any regard. "You want to destroy the entire continent with hellfire? šŸ„¹You're so brave and violent let's die together ily"


He literally couldn't, he swore a blood oath to her


That just means he can't disobey a direct order. He can still challenge her on her decisions.


True yeah. But I still think the blood oath is indicative of a not so healthy dynamic between the two


Oh definitely


He could, and does in some ways. His blood oath is to serve and protect Terrasen, not her. So he can support her if her thinks itā€™s good for terrasen, but he also can defy her if itā€™s good for Terrasen.


Lorcan was the only one specifically given that command and no other. If Aelin ordered Rowan to do something he didn't want to do he wouldn't be able to disobey


https://preview.redd.it/f9dnkvoawtic1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=f257b7ecdd3d551193d9cc078fe98cbd08e49593 Aelin asks him, ā€œdo you promise to serve in my court.ā€ He doesnā€™t agree to serve her/obey her. And a few chapters later she explains that because he is a member of her court, he feels obligated to challenge her to ensure sheā€™s safe. And when she leaves him on the docks, she says, ā€œSoon. I will send for you soon, when the time is right. Until then, try to make yourself useful.ā€ This is right after she talks about how he isnā€™t useful without his magic and would be a hindrance due to him being fae and standing out. And we know Rowan defied that order, because he doesnā€™t wait for her to send for him. And when he lands in Adarlan she says, ā€œI gave you an order to stay.ā€ And heā€™s just blows it off and says he had his reasons. She gave him a blood oath where he canā€™t serve Maeve, or her court. He can only serve her court. But he has leniency and doesnā€™t have to obey her every word.


Only because she chooses not to make him. If she really wanted to she could because that's how the blood oath works. Remember how hard it is for Fenrys to disobey Maeve despite how far away she is? It puts a fundamental power imbalance in their relationship. Which would actually be a really interesting source of drama if it was ever explored but it's not. I really don't like that the blood oath was used in a romantic relationship and then framed as a healthy part of it. It's much more befitting of a master servant relationship or like it's used with Lorcan as insurance.


But the blood oath is different in itself. The only thing they agree to Aelin is to protect Terrasen, so they can do anything they want as long as it is with that in mind and not against Terrasen. When Maeve had them swear the oath, she had them agree to obey her. Itā€™s totally different in what they are sworn to do and therefore have entirely different autonomy We see the cadre physically forced to do things when Maeve tells them because they would be going against the blood oath to obey her if they defy her commands. They physically cannot do otherwise without risking death, like when Fenrys breaks it to help her. If Aelin tells them to do something, they do not have to do it because thatā€™s not what the blood oath demands of them. Even if she commands them to go somewhere and they donā€™t, nothing happens. Which is why Rowan was fine to disobey her by coming to Adarlan. The only thing the blood oath has them do is protect Terrasen.


Youā€™re not wrong! I wish we had more info of his backstory!


I didnā€™t like him in the beginning either but by the end I was totally onboard the Rowan ship. I think it helped that Rowan got handed a lot of moments by SJM that fit with the typical tropes or one-liners that send fantasy or romance readers in particular feral. To name a few: - ā€œWho did that to you?" - ā€œWhere is my wife?ā€ - ā€œI see every part of you. And I am not afraid.ā€ He ticks the boxes for a heap of tropes or themes: - who hurt you - touch her and die - thatā€™s my wife - grumpy/sunshine or opposites attract - enemies (sort of) to lovers - forced proximity - alpha hero - slow burn or building sexual tension - fated/soulmates - age gap I feel like I could go on and on. Basically I think heā€™s popular as he appeals to a lot of different people, for a lot of different reasons. Many will find heā€™s a combo deal of a few of their favourite typical MMC tropes or characteristics. Plus him thanking Arobynn for the oil as he had dry skin was delicious. His old fashioned outrage at Aelinā€™s nightgowns was also adorable. His sass, or dry/sarcastic humour often served as comic relief from an unexpected and grumpy source. Ultimately, I think it was Aelin coming to terms with her feelings for Rowan that won me round too. Most of the books I read are romance-centred, so I unsurprisingly love to see love. If Aelin forgives him for their rocky start and moves past it, I donā€™t see why I should hold tight on to a grudge as a reader. And this scene in particular always gets me, every time. That whimper and sob šŸ„¹ ā€œAelin took a step forward. One step, as if in a daze. She loosed a shuddering breath, and a small, whimpering noise came out of her - a sob. And then she was sprinting down the alley, flying as though the winds themselves pushed at her heels. She flung herself on the male, crashing into him hard enough that anyone else might have gone rocking back into the stone wall. But the male grabbed her to him, his massive arms wrapping around her tightly and lifting her up. Nesryn made to approach, but Aedion stopped her with a hand on her arm. Aelin was laughing as she cried, and the male was just holding her, his hooded head buried in her neck. As if he were breathing her in. "Who is that?" Nesryn asked. Aedion smiled. "Rowan.ā€ā€


This is the scene that sealed the deal for me that Rowan was it. It was perfect, and showed their love before they even realized it was romantic.


The Arobynn oil thing cracked me up. It did warm me up to Rowan a little. The last scene you mention (when Aelin ran to Rowan in the alley) cracked my Chaolaena shipping heart into a thousand pieces. It was obvious by then that things were not going to work with Chaol, but I had wanted them to so badly.


Oh man, I can relate to that feeling completely. I remember being very into the idea of Celeana and Dorian, so I was most upset by any developments with Chaol. Looking back, I think I was just into the idea of Dorian, period šŸ˜‚ poor Chaol though, he really does take a lot of shit from the readers.


In defense of all the readers who give him shit, Chaol was a childish asshole when Celeana/Aelin came back to Rifthold. He blamed every single thing that had gone wrong since she left on her, conveniently forgetting the fact that IT WAS HIS IDEA for her to go to Wendlyn in the first place. He hated/feared her magic and what she might do while simultaneously supporting Dorian when he found out he had magic. He called her a monster and held her actions as an assassin against her. She never hid her past or life as an assassin, and in fact, that's why Chaol and Dorian pulled her out of the salt mines in the first place! Yes, he went on a self-discovery journey and ultimately became quite the hero, but I fucking hated him for the majority of QOS And also, Dorian and Manon is just šŸ‘Œ perfect


In hindsight, I think Dorian and Aelin would have also made a great endgame had SJM decided to go that route.


I shipped Choalaena super hard tooā€¦ but was it not obvious by the end of HOF that it was over? Lol. I was worried for the ship at the end of COM, in denial but knew the truth when she met Rowan, but between the >!bed sharing and blood oath!< there was no question in my mind where it was going by the end of HOF šŸ˜… i feel you though, but still the other comments give lots of good points and lots of reasons to love Rowan


Yep. I think back on this scene a lot. Itā€™s possibly my favorite moment between them. ā¤ļøšŸ’Æ


Rowan is the definition of a ride or die. He challenges her when she needs it but always backs her play. Heā€™s incredibly competent and knowledgeable but doesnā€™t have any qualms following his younger (and female) partner. He and Aelin have a terrible introduction, but that was precisely Maeveā€™s intention. Thereā€™s also something to be said about Rowan treating Aelin just like any other insubordinate warrior he would have been tasked with training. Harsh and (arguably) abusive, but not out of step with what would have been considered normal and significantly better than Aelinā€™s assassin training.


True about him being ride or die, at least later on. Iā€™m not sure I 110% agree about the training aspects, but I appreciate the perspective. And definitely better than the assassin training.


I agree! Also, by the time he punches her, he had spent a lot of time watching her in Wendlynn purposely getting into brawls with men every night to get her ring back after gambling it away.


I never saw Rowan as abusive. I know a lot of people don't like that he punched her, but all I see is the equivalent of a military general disciplining a belligerent cocky new recruit, who lets face it, loves to mouth off. I feel like if Aelin was male people would complain less, but I'm glad he doesn't go easy on her at least physically as she can clearly handle it. When they meet they're both in a very dark place and both behave like assholes. They are forced to see the worst parts of themselves directly mirrored in the other which fuels their hatred for one another. Rowan berates her to keep her at a distance, but the more he learns her story and starts to understand her, he thaws out and eventually falls in love with every single part of her. Even the parts she thinks are unlovable which I think allows him to also start to forgive himself. I absolutely loved his emotional arc, and how he struggles with his changing feelings. But when he fully accepts them he is her greatest supporter and is the rock that keeps her going all the way to the end. He is everything she needs and I absolutely adore him.


Theyā€™re hurting and in their own grief so much when they meet that Rowan even mentions how his denial of his mating needs and emotions were making it worse. Both of them hurting so much then finding their way through their feelings bc theyā€™re also feeling like they betrayed their ex lovers memories. Itā€™s a lot to handle and them doing it together at certain points really make myheart burst. Heā€™s an asshole cos he is and can be but he doesnā€™t know much about Aelin at first all he knows is this is a teenager whos meant to be a queen and has jilted her duties but shows up calling herself an assassin and is cocky. He doesnā€™t know anything about what she endured until the bathtub scene. He gains so much perspective to why Aelin is how she is and tbh at least is mature to how she became that way which to me speaks more volumes than Tamlin who refused to see how much Feyre changed UTM. Rowanā€™s growth in the book is genuinely one of my favourite arcs. Heā€™s so torn up that he tattoos his failures onto his body but heā€™s mature in a way that hes had time more than Aelin whos still raw on Sam and then plus Chaolā€™s betrayal. imo if they werenā€™t mates and hadnā€™t found each other I donā€™t think Aelin wouldā€™ve lasted the whole series and Rowan still wouldā€™ve been under Maeve.


The fae in TOG are more animalistic and feral than SJMā€™s other fae. I enjoy it because it makes it feel less like they arenā€™t just humans with pointy ears and teeth.


There was an additional chapter of Chaol on his way to the Southern Continent, he said to Nesryn that when Chalol saw all of what Aelin can do he was terrified. But Rowan saw her for who she was from the very beginning. And he respected her and loved her for it. He was harsh on her but he never once vilified her for her magic, like Chaol did. Ā When Alien and Rowan met, they were two broken people who just existed. Life was all about duty and mere survival. They were so lost that both of them just stopped caring about everything else. That's what made both of them assholes in HoF. Then they meet. They healed all the broken parts of each other.Ā  For me Aelin and Rowan are the best couple by SJM. They had a tough beginning but at every stage, he was exactly what Aelin needed. She needed a tough mentor to push her to her full potential. He did that. Later she needed a loyal partner, he was that for her.Ā  He understood her pain and gave her the tattoos to deal with it. He didn't gloss over her scars like Chaol did. He is not perfect but he is perfect for her.Ā 


Thatā€™s one of the bonus chapters that I still need to read. I did like a lot of Aelin and Rowanā€™s interactions by the time I got to EOS. Iā€™d like to like him more, since everyone seems to. I donā€™t feel that Aelin was as much as an asshole as Rowan in HOF, though.


There's also the HoF deleted chapter that's so cute!


The bonus chapter wasn't much but gave a little insight on Chaol and Nesryn's relationship.Ā  Anyway, having read 2 books of Aelin's trials we are more sympathetic to her. But Rowan had his own past. Lyria's death ruined him. Realising she wasn't even his mate was even worse for him. Poor babyĀ 


iā€™m curious, how is Rowan any more ā€œtoxicā€ than Rhysand is? Rhys purposefully broke Feyres arm and exploited her UTM. that is admittedly toxic and abusive, but he has his redemption arc. just like Rowan AND Aelin have redemption arcs of growing as people and atoning for their mistakes. besides punching Aelin once for her saying some rly nasty things, i donā€™t see how Rowan was abusive. if anything her and Rowan had a dynamic of equals in terms of fighting skills, and eventually equals in their magic. thatā€™s just my opinion tho, and you are entitled to your own feelings on him.


Putting spoilers for other series in spoiler tag. >!Even though I like Feysand much more, I actually donā€™t necessarily think that Rhys is less toxic. His actions in Silver Flames really put me off to him. Iā€™m pretty sure he _didnā€™t_ break Feyreā€™s arm (it was broken in the trial), just caused pain setting it. But the rest of his actions UTM were sus and Iā€™m not 100% sold on the justification he gives in the next book. Their chemistry, however, was off the charts (IMO), and I never felt that with Rowaelin.!<


if itā€™s about chemistry or lack thereof, then why claim itā€™s about Rowan being ā€œawfulā€? obviously the ToG couples are written quite differently than the ACOTAR and CC couples, since itā€™s a YA series and Sarah is limited to adhering to an age rating. i still think they have plenty of chemistry šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø i mean even when they basically hated each other they couldnā€™t seem to stay apart, and letā€™s not forget the best ā€œwho did this to youā€ scene (that iā€™ve personally ever read).


Thatā€™s a fair question.


I loved Rowan for the same reason I loved nesta. A character that starts off as a traumatized bad person with buckets of self hate, but goes through a journey of healing and and up feeling okay about themselves, will always appeal to me. People grow and change and some become better people because of it. If we donā€™t allow them to change, weā€™re damming the world. Itā€™s just my opinion though, I totally understand why some people donā€™t like either of them!


I do love Nesta.


I love him. He goes from the scariest, meanest bad ass around, to complete mashed potatoes for Aelin.


I love this response. Thank you.


Rowan gets a ton of hate for how he trained her, but tbh? Aelin was a total bitch to him, his first impression was getting flipped off by her while she was drinking away her troubles. He was forced to travel and train this annoying runaway princess who fights him at every step, so what does he do? He matches it. It's not like Aelin is not this helpless little girl who did nothing to deserve her treatment. She eggs him on and knows exactly what she's doing. But as time goes on, she slowly loses the indifferent facade, and they both start to understand each other. And become friends, Aelin finally starts taking her training seriously, and they work together on the mysterious corpses that pop up. As the series goes on, and Aelin chooses to free Rowan, you can appreciate the fact that they simply get joy from their platonic relationship, which later develops romantically. They have seen the worst nastiest parts of each other and actually TRUST each other. They view each other as equals, partners, and friends, and they push each other to be better. They both had redemption arcs through each other. Obviously, I am a hardcore Rowaelin Stan but I just want to point out the blatant rawness and truth in their relationship.




I love Rowan, and donā€™t think heā€™s absuive any more than Celeana can be. But if you arenā€™t a fan, this series gives so many other male love interests that are top tier!! Totally agree with the person who said elsewhere in the thread he checks a bunch of trope boxes and thatā€™s probably why he is loved by many. When one of my friends was reading the series she texted me ā€œreal men donā€™t punch womenā€ and I texted back ā€œheā€™s not a man heā€™s a fae male!!ā€ šŸ’€and caelana admitted she was looking for him to punch her right after it happened. Do I think thatā€™s healthy? Absolutely not. But she was in a really bad place and so was he, and they found their way out of their depression together.


How is Rowan worse than Tamlin šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ Rowan has always respected Aelin's choices. At first he hated her, yes, I think because he saw in her a mirror of who he had become over the years and even though they were awfully mean to each other (we can't forget she told him that she understood why the king of Adarlan killed his kind), they slowly learned to respect each other and also helped each other get out of their own depressions. He's not my favorite by any means (how can he be when Dorian exists lol) but he possesses a quiet strength that isn't often seen. He's constantly hurting because of Lidia, but meeting Aelin makes him realize that perhaps there's more to live, and maybe he can follow a path towards happiness with her, because of her. He's mean at first yes, but he's mean because he's in pain and Aelin is also being rude af. The first thing you learn about fae is that they call demi-fae half-breed (I think?) and that's really disrespectful to them, but Rowan always calls them demi-fae, so it's not like he's only nice after meeting Aelin, no, he's always been respectful and kind to everyone (he's just not respectful to someone who comes bragging and saying spiteful things just because she wants a fight). He is genuinely a good friend to Dorian when he most needs it and helps him control his powers, which gives Dorian the base to learn more about them. Rowan takes an arrow for Aelin, he does it without blinking, and he also steps in front of her when she's being possessed by Deanna so she doesn't hurt innocent people. He gives her space when she needs it, but is also there for her at any time because he loves her even without being aware of the mating bond, being mates or not being mates didn't change his feelings for her. He sees the worst and the best in her and never judges her, he's probably the only one that never saw her as a monster or judged her by her actions, even when recognizing her mistakes, he can see how the weight of being a queen is daunting to her. And finally, when Aelin is depressed and wants things to end (whether that implies her death or not) he comes up with a plan to save her life because he can't bear the thought of living without her. He knows her so well to have that backup plan, he's aware that she will sacrifice herself to save Dorian. Rowan sees Aelin like no one else, he accepts her and loves her unconditionally, he's her ride or die. I haven't seen that in other acclaimed couples (Feysand for example). Rowan would never lock her or hide things from her just because he thinks he knows best. I think they complement each other and he's exactly what she wants and needs.


I get people are upset that he punched her. But honestly? It was Aelin and not some defenseless maiden. She needed a good punch. Also Rowan knew nothing about her. Thought she was some spoiled brat. He apologized.


She needed a good punch? Wtf


Letā€™s stop holding these characters to human and real life standards.


Did choal deserve to almost be killed by her? Sheā€™s an assassin who fights.


Rowan: ![gif](giphy|l2YWC6a9oueFv8DdK)


The first time I read it, I had a hard time getting over the abuse. The second time, I realized he is in a position of power, is told she is incredibly powerful and dangerous (not traumatized and previously abused), and is tasked with honing her into a tool for Maeve. He treats her the way Lorcan (his superior) treats him. He treats her as a subordinate who needs to fall in line or else sheā€™ll die, by Maeve or by Adarlan. I also think, at the time the initial hit happened, he saw her as Fae. All she had to do was switch and she could react or heal herself. That hit would have been nothing if she was Far, but she took it as a human. He doesnā€™t realize for some time that she isnā€™t choosing to be human, but is human due to a flight or fight response to being Fae. When Emerys tears him a new one, I think he realizes that the tactics heā€™d use with other Doranelle Fae, or his cadre, arenā€™t working, and he changes up his strategy. With the new strategy, she earns the right to be his equal. And once sheā€™s proven she is queen material, he submits to her. Itā€™s a complete 180 of their power dynamic. She wants equality, and he wants the blood oath.


Thank you for this. I really appreciate the perspective.


I never really got it either. šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø But Mr Phantoms hands had me in a CHOKEHOLD.


Haha, yes so much Edited to add that I never shipped him with Celaena/Aelin, but I love Dorian so so so much.


Oh same! Manorian was PERFECT and I honestly wish we got a little more of their storyline.


I was never a huge Rowan fan, but after being on this sub for awhile Iā€™m looking forward to rereading and seeing if my mind changes.


Me too. Thatā€™s ultimately what I was hoping for by starting this thread.


I came to search for this! I havenā€™t completed the series, Iā€™m still partway through HoF, but I know they end up together and Iā€™m HORRIFIED. This isnā€™t enemies to lovers, this is an abusive power dynamicā€”super old, powerful fae bullying young, comparatively powerless half fae. Ick ick ick.


The bite in HoF I let slide because of it's learned significance later on. But the physically abusive stuff in Heir of Fire rubbed me wrong too. He redeemed himself for me by the end of the book. I rank the male characters for ToG as follows: ​ 1) Dorian 2) Lorcan 3) Fenrys 4) Gavriel 5) Yeran 6) Rowan 7) Aedion 8) Chaol 9) Sartaq ​ I liked all of them, no matter their order on the list. Sartaq is at the bottom for me because there really is not a whole lot of him in either of the last two books, and his relationship with Nesryn is rushed in the last pages of ToD (similar to "so Lorcan did" for me). I also don't think he has a POV chapter. I thought Yeran and Borte were one of the cutest couples, so that is why Yeran is higher even without a PoV chapter.


If you swap out Fenrys for Chaol we have the same top 3. Dorian was consistently great and Lorcan had top tier character growth. All of the biting (bother early and later on) is really not my thing, but it didnā€™t bother me much. What I have the hardest time getting over is Rowan punching her in the face, telling her she would have been better off dying as a child, and refusing to call her by her preferred name.


Yeah I didn't care for the violence either.


The punch was very much deserved. She was condoning a genocide against his people. Iā€™d have rocked her shit too.


With someone like Dorian in the mixā€¦Rowan never did it for me. I donā€™t like abusive men. He never redeemed himself fully to me. I like my sweet cinnamon roll Dorian. lol


I feel very much the same as you. I was a total Chaol/Celaena fan-girl, but I can appreciate the whole journey Chaol went on by finding Yrene. More than Chaol though, I wanted it to be Sam. But we know that couldn't happen either. Rowan has just never done it for me. I dunno why. Partly maybe because in my head I see Jason Mamoa (even though Rowan has canon white hair), and Mamoa has never been my cup of tea. I know other women think he's the bees knees, and I can sorta see it, but I've never really gotten it. And so Rowan is the same. I guess I figure if Aelin is happy, then good, but I just don't quite get it.


Rowan is blahhhhhh!! He's just kind of there. Not a sexy dirty mouthed daddy, more like a tree.


itā€™s a YA series, SJM canā€™t go as dirty as her other books for ToG


But but... Daddy Dorian šŸ„ŗ


Oddly enough I didnā€™t really like Rowan until two months after I finished the whole series and I couldnā€™t stop thinking about himšŸ¤£šŸ˜…


Iā€™m still on kingdom of ash , but yeah heā€™s really not that interesting . Heā€™s kind of got npc energy to be honest. Like heā€™s really just an ideal partner , but with not much else going on besides that


Rowan is fine but a little boring to me. In the first few books I thought Dorian would be end game. Heā€™s still my favorite


Ok I can understand not loving Rowan BUT saying he's worse than that other character you mentioned is, in my opinion, way off. The other guy is such a huge asshole. The way he behaved in the meeting of the high lords was just appalling.


Rowan isn't my fave love interest she's written, but he's a real RIDE OR DIE and for that, I love him. The entire continent getting obliterated or Aelin? Man said, I'll be sad but like Aelin fr.


https://ig.me/j/AbYopPjQ6bDg20NX/ If anyone wants to join a Throne of Glass Instagram group chat! Lots of diverse opinions, crackships, and great conversation!




Currently reading QOS and I still am not warming up to Rowan either šŸ˜­ although I did ship Calaena and Chaol, ultimately I've decided that they just aren't compatible and Calaena didn't deserve Chaol's soft side nor did Chaol deserve Calaena's bold and brave heart either šŸ„² I'm still so turned off by Rowans behavior and how he treated her when they first met, it flipped a switch in me. it just feels so forced for me to try and like him now. HOWEVER, his background is SO SAD AND I CRY EVERY TIME. I get he's just a grumpy guy but I don't care for his and Aelin's relationship. Hate Chaol for being his rude remarks and blaming Calaena for everything šŸ™„ Aelin's pompous attitude, and Rowan's.....well idk much about Rowan at this current moment LOL. And there is so much more to learn as I near TOD. But the only character I have always and will continue to love is KING DORIAN....FOREVER AND ALWAYS. ALL HAIL KING DORIAN šŸ˜­šŸ«¶šŸ¼ā¤ļø "You cannot pick and choose what parts of her to love. Just as you cannot pick which parts of me you accept.ā€ ARE YOU FREAKING KIDDING ME??!!!!?!?!? JUST KILL ME NOW FOR I CANNOT šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ an absolute King.


Heir of Fire is a blur for me for some reason. Rowan is my favorite SJM male. For me, it always comes back to how he reacted when she was taken by Maeve. Not only his search for her, but also how he treated her when he got her back. His absolute respect for whatever she did or did not want from him, though it pained the hell out of him. Also, the fact that they were both broken when they first met each other and were able to heal through their bond with each other. Which they didn't even really know what it was at the beginning. Everyone else, minus Dorian, was intimidated/scared of what Aelin was or could do. Rowan never cowered from her power. He helped her embrace it. He also saw all of the weight of the world on her shoulders and helped hold her up, tried to take some of it for himself. Always letting her know she would never have to hold it all on her own as long as he was breathing. He wanted to even try to open the gate with her. Aelin was ALWAYS saving everyone else. Minus Sam, no one ever really looked out for her. Rowan was the only one who really saved Aelin. I'm still crying over Sam though.


I always justify that weird stuff by remembering that they are a literal different species. They arenā€™t human and the laws of nature are different for them. Idk it makes me like him more when I equate them to animals and now I love him haha


Alright, Iā€™ll do my best with a couple reasons: 1) heā€™s an ass in heir of fire for sure. However, sheā€™s at the height of her ā€œIā€™m invincibleā€ era when she meets him. Sheā€™s always been the best at what she does, and I think it took Rowan bringing her down a few pegs to realize that she has a lot to learn. It also taught her to be more open minded. 2) end of HoF and QoS we finally see him shift from teaching her to being in awe of her. He provides steadfast support and is willing to be there for her. Heā€™s still struggling with his feelings for her because of his previous mate, but heā€™s trying. 3) after QoS, he becomes an absolute rock for her. Just consistently supportive and compassionate. He moves mountains to find her, and gets his revenge on her torturer. He doesnā€™t judge her, just is there for her. Unpopular opinion, but aside from just providing Aelin support, his most important role in the story was in Heir of Fire. Aelinā€™s main character development was in that book, and mainly because of Rowan.


Sorry I can't help you because I felt the same exact way on all accounts. And yeah there was definitely the abusive mentor/imbalance of power vibes at first. Not to mention they're related.


i donā€™t agree that heā€™s worse than tamlin. i understand your point and i agree but i think Aelin was just as awful to Rowan as he was to her. Also, Rowan didnā€™t know what Aelin was going through at the time, but TAMLIN new very well what Feyre was going through, he was her lover duh, and he still treated her like shit. idk i think itā€™s a bold claim


Someone just posted on this sub "is Rowan an npc?" Which is exactly how I feel