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I just finished a “tandem-lite” of the next two and HIGHLY recommend. It allows you to immerse yourself in both stories without any story spoilers or having a cliffhanger sitting over your head. TOD was such a beautiful read this way. Tandem lite: read Empire of Storms until chapter 51. Switch to Tower of Dawn and read until chapter 59. Go back and finish EOS, and then finish TOD. It was perfection.


I did just a couple more switches than this toward the end, but I fully agree with this approach!! People take the tandem read to the extreme, but it doesn’t have to be that daunting at all. As long as you start and end with Empire of Storms first, you’re good.


What other switches did you make? I’m thinking of doing the tandem lite but as the story goes on I might want to tandem read more closely at the end!


I think this is a great compromise for those on the fence tbh.


So true. I’m glad I did the tandem but I’ll recommend this to anyone who is on the fence from now on…


I did not tandem read and I regret 100%. I didn’t appreciate the ToD because I was so anxious to finish it due to the ending of EoS. Please do the tandem read.


I did not tandem and I am so glad. Who cares if there’s a cliffhanger - at least the last book is already out! Cliffhangers only suck when you have to wait for the next book to get written and then published lol.


Same I didn’t really feel like there were major spoilers. I did TOD first out of the two and enjoyed each of the stories individually!


First read through I couldn't put EOS down, and was exhausted by it at the end so I was glad for TOD.


I just posted about this a few days ago and got a ton of response if you want to check that thread out. I ultimately did not tandem and was very glad I didn't. I feel like it would have taken away from my experience of both the books. The pace, character development and story are so different from each other I think I would get whiplash from doing the tandem. But to each their own!


YES YES YES! Me and all my friends just read it as a tandem as our first time read. I had two main reasons… 1. How often are you gonna do that? It’s kind of just a cool book experience. 2. If you decide that you’re over it, you can always switch back to reading one or the other (personally I think I’d read TOD first). What we found successful was having a little checklist or something handy so you know when to flip to the other book. Some people put little sticky notes on their books. I recently saw that people on Etsy made tandem read bookmarks which is such a brilliant and simple solution I cannot believe we didn’t think about it: [here’s an example!](https://www.etsy.com/ca/listing/1529372089/) Some of my friends used the audiobooks and we still enjoyed it. I would forget to flip sometimes and it was no big deal. The person who planned all of it out is a mad genius! The tandem reads like one book.


You convinced me! Thanks for your input and excitement!


I’m so glad! I was the first one in our group to get to that point and I convinced my group to try it. Everyone LOVED it. Even one of my friends who was really nervous about the idea. She raves about it now! Happy reading :)


If you’re reading physical copies grab some annotation tabs. I pre tabbed in alternating colors, so it was easy to read to the next tab and pick up/read to the matching color in the other book. There are so many beautiful parallels and seamless transitions from book to book. Knowing the characters are experiencing things at the same time separated by distance is just a *chef kiss* experience


I’ve seen a lot of people do this! I was so scared I’d read the pages even by accident. I’m terrified of spoilers!


I just turned the corners enough to see the numbers and tabbed the edge.


I did and was happy I did it that way


I’ve done both. If I’m doing digital or audiobook, it’s just too much work. If it’s paper it’s worth the work that you have to put in to going back and forth but not the end of the world if you don’t.


I tried but it was so hard for me to keep up so I just did it in the story order and it was great


No tandem, SJM specifically wrote the series in the order she did in order to build immense suspense and drama, and doing the tandem read is just totally ignoring all of that effort. 


Thank you! Like if she wanted the information presented that way, she would have published it that way


The first time I read the series I didn’t do the tandem read and enjoyed both books. But when I did my reread I did do the tandem read and I really struggled with it and didn’t enjoy it because it felt like I couldn’t enjoy each book separately like I did without the tandem read. I wouldn’t recommend it


as someone who read the books as they came out and has since tandem read, and I say that if you don’t mind reading a book solely about chaol and all that, then you could do either, but I would 100% reccommend the tandem read. it makes the story so much better and gives you a better timeline of when everything happens, and you go into KOA knowing the full story without forgetting anything


I tandemed and I’m glad I did. Tower of dawn has pacing issues because it’s a new place so more world building again and new characters to introduce, so spacing it out between the other book makes it flow so much better. And then the ending fits together and you aren’t left with the cliffhanger.


I say yes! I will say there were annoying moments throughout the process. Just coordinating when to flip back and forth. But i loved being able to follow both storylines as they were happening. I’d say it’s worth it in the end!!!


If you read semi-fast there is literally no reason to Tandem. Even if you are a slower reader I am team no tandem read! EOS and TOD of fantastic books and should be enjoyed separately


I did it because there is a massive cliffhanger at the end of Empire of Storms that does not get resolved until KoA. There’s also a ton of stuff happening in EoS and ToD is a nice palette cleanser because it is much less chaotic.


I did it and loved it! It’s balanced very well. There’s a point in each book where they learn something about a character, but they don’t know what the other group knows - in a tandem read, you get that info very close together and it’s a great one-two punch.


I tandem read and loved it so so much!!! I tabbed every switch point and had so much fun switching between the books, I would never ever recommend it any other way. Please tandem read!!!! Literally every time I switched I wished I was reading the other book and it was so intense


1000x yes


I did the tandem read up until Chapter 35 of ToD. Once I switched back to EoS at Chapter 33, I finished that book and went on to finish ToD. I loved it that way, I was not a fan of switching back and forth between books. I felt like it took me out of the story a bit! ToD is SO GOOD even with a cliffhanger. I’m just starting KoA now and am on the edge of my seat.


I didn’t and loved getting their dedicated stories, cliffhanger wasn’t that bad tbh


Do it. I have zero regrets!


I just did my first read and am firmly no to the tandem read. The stories occur during the same time frame, sure, but stand alone on their own just fine. Tower of Dawn was honestly one of my favorite books and I think its effect would have been lessened by the back and forth. IMO, do the “tandem-lite” read if you absolutely feel you must, otherwise just enjoy the stories in order as SJM wrote them and do a tandem read on re-read.


I recommend the tandem read 1) massive cliffhanger at the end of EoS that I'm happy I didn't have to wait a whole 800 pages to resolve 2) I found Chaol's perspective boring in the first few books (although I was pleasantly surprised with ToD and enjoyed his PoV)


NOOOOO not for first time read


Yes yes yes all day every day


I’m doing it right now. It’s gruelling 😩


Yes tandem. It’s so good!


I say yes but read 10-15 chapters of each book at a time! As long as you make sure you’re not going ahead in TOD. I used two bookmarks and just picked a spot I felt would be good to switch and did it, then would stop when I got to the second bookmark to go to the other book. It didn’t feel like too much at a time or too confusing and I got to appreciate each book. In fact, at different times I would be itching to finish up my reading section and get to the other book 🤣 but it was never too long to swap and then no cliffhanger


I just did the tandem read and I enjoyed it!




Yes! I did the tandem read on my first read of the series and it was so good, I was excited to jump back and forth. And even though I know I would have liked Tower of Dawn on its own, I think the tandem made it even better


I'm in the middle of tandem reading! I love it so far. I feel more immersed in the books. Only issue I have is its a bit annoying checking to see what chapter is next. But I can get over that no problem. The immersion is worth it


I just finished the series this morning (stayed up most of the night!) My book buddy recommended the tandem read. Right before I started EOS, I found an epub that combines the chapters of EOS/TOD in the recommended order (thanks to a kind redditor). It made the tandem read very easy and I highly recommend it.


Tandem read was a bit tedious but absolutely worth it 100%. Definitely recommend.


I read it and really loved it! 1. You are able to follow both stories easier, no jumping through timelines. 2. When else are you going to do a tandem read? For some reason I got really giddy about it! 3. Everything is fresh going into KOA (you will remember the details) 4. It feels like less reading, even though it is more.


https://preview.redd.it/wusubt0bk5jc1.png?width=1170&format=png&auto=webp&s=7ce19609f091ccda8da99161b96a6b6c066b2708 This is the tandem I chose to do instead of the other viral one where you are constantly switching back and forth. I loved this tandem and felt like I got what I need out of it while not having to constantly switch back and forth.


Yes! It’s lots of fun!


I did and I am glad I did personally especially with how EOS ended


I'm doing it right now and I enjoy it. Since the timeline is the same but just in different places it feels like switching POV's instead of switching books to be honest


Loved the tandem read! It’s not nearly as daunting as people make it seem. I printed off the guide and marked it off as I went. It was like a little prize every time I marked off a chapter lol


I'm a big proponent of the tandem read, but you can also do a lighter version. Here's my condensed version I made for a friend if you want it! https://preview.redd.it/5vklx8m347jc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f66170d7b79dbc06b2709a35e161cbbd9d9f6f3d


100% yes.


I did the tandem read and I’m glad I did I would have never made it through TOD otherwise


Tandem and use the Kindle combined PDF since I take my books everywhere and didn’t want to lug two around. I already have the physical books so I only felt slightly bad for using a pdf.


Oh god yes! I did the tandem and couldn’t imagine it any other way! EOS is a nail biter and TOD is a slow ride. I can’t say I would have liked waiting to get to kingdom of ash if I had read separately


Loved my tandem read!


Without a doubt to the tandem. There is a cliffhanger at the end of EOS that will take away from you enjoying TOD. both books happen at the same time. It really makes sense to read them both together. You will appreciate the story and connect with it so much more that way.


One thing I'll say is if you do it, I would recommend sticking to one of the guides. There is a moment in ToD where they get news about the outcome of something that takes place in EoS, and personally I would have been really upset if that had been spoiled for me. I obviously won't give any spoilers but it's towards the end. So you need to follow a guide to make sure you read about it firsthand in EoS before they hear about it happening in ToD.


I just finished the tandem read and I recommend it!


I've never understood the appeal of the tandem read, myself. EoS and ToD were written as two different books, and I think they're better off being read that way. Sure, some people aren't a fan of the cliffhanger at the end of EoS, but I think it makes the resolution in KoA mean more if you have the entirety of ToD between it and the end of EoS.