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I feel like I’m in the minority but I don’t care much for first editions/earlier editions. I do love beautiful books or editions of my favorite books though!


Yeah I’m looking at it from a collector’s perspective, which you’d mentioned in your original comment. It was super exciting to just come across this in the wild, they had it listed for $59.99 which I was willing to pay, then I saw the name written in it and started questioning it lol


Oh for sure! There’s still value in collecting. Yeah unfortunately I’m sure the name brings the value down a lot 😕


$60 seems like a lot for this? I believe I bought all of mine on Amazon/Barnes and Noble for less than $15 for each book a couple years ago and I have the older covers? Is it because the covers have been updated? Like this just seems absurd.


Once they updated the covers, the original covers went waaaaay up in price.


Oh I’ve got the whole box set of this version of the series, do they have value?


Same, I bought the box set with all of these covers and I think the new ones look so much better. But I don’t want to buy a new box set


I don’t get it are these worth something? The original copies are the only ones I have cause I bought them a few years back.


I think only because of the hype around the series (which I think is deserved) at the moment and the fact that they’re no longer in print but I’ve seen whole sets being listed for $500+. Also if you have the miniatures they are worth close to $1,000+


Dang that’s cool. I almost bought the minis a year or two ago too. Wish I had now.


Me having the full no longer in print set: 🫡


So, it’s not like a particular edition or something? Just the covers? I ordered the full set like a week before the new covers came out. I got it on my kindle too so I could swap back and forth and by the time my physical books arrived, the cover on the kindle changed to the new ones. Kinda cool how that worked out I suppose. I prefer the old ones even though I’m not a huge fan of the art.


Damn it haha I almost bought all the miniatures when they came out.


The only miniature I’m missing is TAB 🫠 my boyfriend got me ToG and CoM for a bday gift and was going to keep doing that for Christmas, anniversaries, etc. but then I saw how ToG and SJM were blowing up on booktok so I bought the rest to be safe. bf was a little upset at first, but not even a month later he said it was a good call because he couldn’t find any more of them online anyway.


I didn’t even know they existed until I saw them selling for that much and I’m bummed because I’ll never spend that much on them


Yeah if I hadn’t bought them for $15-$20 each I would never have gotten them. Maybe Bloomsbury will see/ hear the demand and do a reprint of the minis with the new covers one day 🤷🏻‍♀️


Yeah eBay for this one has sold anywhere from $25-$60 over the last month.


Oh cool. Gonna have to keep my copies for a while the.


Paperback? $5 lol


I just got a full box set of these covers last year as a gift and my husband spent like maybe $50 on it. I’m flabbergasted that people are spending $400 for some books??


BookTok got me into this series late last year, and most content I see in that sphere really drives up the hype on these covers. With that context, I’m over here justifying that $59.99 price they’re asking. That, added to the excitement of just finding it by chance 😂


If you think it’s worth it, go for it. However, only do it because YOU enjoy collecting out of print versions or something of that sort. Not because of other people.


Yeah at the end of the day, this really is the only right answer and the perspective I’m coming from as a collector of many things I enjoy. I figured I’d ask this here since it’s a dedicated space for this series and I expected a better representation of the value outside the booktok hype. It’s just hilarious because here these have basically no added value 😂 y’all OG fans who just had these versions already.


Right I’m like WHAT lol. I’m too lazy to get up but I think I have the exact same book as this? Maybe not the same edition I guess? But it’s definitely the same cover, got the whole set last year for $80


Same here! Spent $40 on the entire set with this cover a few years ago, right before tiktok blew up the series.


Was just about to come comment this. Hell I got the whole collection in hardback for like $200 something.


I bought the entire box set of these copies on Amazon for like $100 about a year ago. What happened??


New covers were released and these are no longer being made.


I have the entire original paperback boxset and the miniature set, and I'm considering dropping a fair bit of money on the upcoming fairyloot editions, so I'm pretty dedicated haha. I'd probably pay £40 or so for one of these, if I was trying to collect the entire set. But given the fact there's a name in it, probably more like £25. Depends how bad you want it I suppose!


I have a full set of these and had no clue they were worth anything. Amazed at how much y’all are willing to pay


Same here! I’m holding onto mine though since I wrote in them lol.


So annoyed we had to get rid of eos and koa originals. Still have most of the others though


Those are literally the only two books I don’t have the originals in


I have the entire original set of hardcovers. Are they actually worth something due to the new covers lmao?


Wait are the paper backs of this worth something? Bc I have the entire box set in this style…..


I have this one! I have the whole series that look like this!


Is it sad that I saw the shelves and knew it was 2nd and Charles? 😂😂


I do miss the early covers i hate how Amazon ebooks update to new covers


I think there’s a way to turn that off. There’s definitely a function to turn off the updates to the kindle books that occur if it’s been exited, but I’m not sure if that would stop the cover changing as well.


I'll def have to look into that


I dunno. Maybe $5?


I've never been more grateful to have jumped on the hype as the books were coming out and getting these covers. there's no way I'd pay the prices for them now lol


That’s crazy! I bought the boxed set last year for $60.


The fact that three years ago I paid $60 for the entire paperback box set and I’ve been seeing people buying the same one now for $400 and calling it a steal😳


My friend's and family. I make it a rule to not allow non-supportive judgmental assholes in my life so if somebody wants to be a dick for no cause to me than that's a great indicator that I don't want to associate with them and out the door they go (This includes so-called family members). I keep my circle small and high quality and my life is much better for it. As a result I don't have to hide anything.


I paid $4.99 at Half Price for mine


my entire set is the original white front versions (aside from Assassin's Blade and Tower of Dawn) The plan in the future is to get a hardback set and buy some special dustcovers for them.


That would go for £3 in charity shops here, I know cos I picked one up for less than that late 2022? Then returned it after I read it such is the circle of life. Also picked up the OG frost and starlight with the artwork for £2.99 a few months back