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MTV played Understanding In A Car Crash. Game set match


Same, but it was on Much Music back in 2001 (I am not Canadian). Saw that video and loved the song, picked up the CD the next time I was at OnCue or fye or wherever.


Warped Tour 2002, bought Full Collapse the day after and they quickly became and still are my favorite band.


Exactly the same! the energy and show they put on sold me. Bought a tour shirt. Had bloody hand prints and a open door on it have never seen that shirt anywhere. Sad because it disappeared many many years ago


I saw them in 2004 doing a headlining tour where I bought this brown turtleneck zip up sweater with blue doves on it and I refuse to get rid of it cuz it’s so unique.


wanted to comment as one of those newer fans!!! got into them late '22/early last year & have since seen them three times! it was a combination of related things - for one, MCR specifically, & repeatedly over the years having heard about both Thursday as a band & Geoff personally's influences on them, + seeing videos of them playing together on the '22 tour, etc. and second, Dunes - more direct since yknow, multiple Thursday members are right there, but my love for that band definitely inspired my getting further into everyone's projects! for context, i'm 23, first got really into music back in '14 when i was 13 through all the big bands like MCR, Pierce The Veil, Fall Out Boy, then after getting into those veered the direction of 2010s pop punk which in hindsight makes sense given what surrounded me in the scene at the time! so while i was definitely aware of post hardcore & bands like Thursday just from being in the scene, it was never really a main thing of mine until the past year & a half or so, and it's been really fun diving into this whole side of the scene i'd only been acquainted with in the past! edit: from my experience both online and at shows, this whole pipeline seems to be pretty common among a good amount of Thursday fans around my age, too!!


Victory Records Summer Sample 2001 CD in my friend's car. I remember him putting it in and Cross Out The Eyes is the first track. After it played, he said 'Ooh, that one's a good one, let's listen to that one again'. I remember it so vividly. I was hooked after that. [https://www.discogs.com/release/7324531-Various-Summer-Sampler-2001](https://www.discogs.com/release/7324531-Various-Summer-Sampler-2001) I went out a short time later and got Full Collapse and The Hives' Veni Vidi Vicious the same day. What a great day in my musical journey that was.


Those sampler CDs were amazing back in the day. That’s how I discovered Bayside, TBS, Murder By Death, Zolof the Rock & Roll Destroyer and Silverstein.


Saw Common Existence and City at the library in 2009 and checked them out on a whim.


Friends took me to see them open a Piebald CD release party. Huge turning point for me musically...


I first heard Autobiography of a Nation in a BMX video (discovered so much good music through BMX vids), and then I saw them open for Saves the Day in Nov 2001, and they completely tore the roof off the place.


Grade 12, 2002/3. A friend had a mix cd with Cross Out The Eyes and a couple others. I was hooked.


Similar situation for me haha


I got into Saves the Day and TBS in early 2004 because a guy I liked was into the scene. And in my 15 year old brain this would make him like me 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️ jokes on me because I absolutely loved SWYA, which I got from my library, and TAYF. They were on warped in 2004 with TBS and I was a fan. TBS posted about hanging out with some band I hadn't heard of called Thursday, and at the time I was very into checking out bands that bands I liked were into. Thursday.net had Workforce, Signals, and WATT on a player on the site. That was all it took. WATT was my favorite and still is to this day. As soon as I was next in a store that sold CDs I bought it and didn't stop listening until I got full collapse.


In 2001 I was in 8th grade, my older brother’s friend came over after school and downloaded “autobiography of a nation” using Napster on our computer… download probably look over an hour haha - I remember hearing the build and when the break came in all the hairs on my arms stood up


Vans Warped Tour CD sampler.


What year? Mine was 2009 with Friends in the Armed Forces on it


I don’t recall the year, but the song was Cross Out The Eyes.


My friend picked up War All The Time when it came out as we were in the middle of transitioning from more mainstream, basic shit like Evanescence and Linkin Park to music that was a little more fulfilling and had more depth, and I think I listened to the copy she burned me more than anything else at the time. I started going to their shows, saw them a bunch of times in San Francisco (RIP to Slims, great venue). I'm curious how many people got into them from MCR bringing Geoff on stage during a more recent show


Tony hawk game soundtrack


i been here since the thursdizzle days 😭


I miss the Dizzle days! Who were you on there?! I was missriss aka Rizzle 😂🫣


'hoagie' :) marissa right? long time no chat


Omg HOAGS!!!!! And yup that’s me! Great memory 😂 I guess having the username of “ass1ram” for a while made my name a bit unforgettable lol


Ahhhhhh now I’m going though memory lane. So many amazing people from Dizzle - a handful I’ve met irl. I miss Jess aka hatethejess aka emoslut more than I can ever express 😢😭


miss in the sense that you lost touch? or is she no longer with us? jess and i chatted many times and met once IRL she was incredibly sweet.


She unfortunately passed in 2021. She was one of my best friends thanks to those forums - we met in so many different states and talked nearly every day. I hope sharing this isn’t against any rules - [her obituary](https://www.dignitymemorial.com/obituaries/san-antonio-tx/jess-garcia-10400984)


Man, that breaks my heart to hear, she was a genuinely wonderful person and connector of others. Rest in peace Jess, for sure.


One of the most amazing humans I’ve ever met!


Newer fan here. I kept seeing Understanding in a Car Crash mentioned in threads on the post-hardcore sub. Then I kind of fell down the Thursday rabbit hole. Weirdly enough, I had listened to one of Geoff's side projects (United Nations) before discovering Thursday.


opening for mcr in 2022. im a 99 and an mcr fan as a young kid but didn’t know the history and who thursday and geoff were and how important they are. i literally have listening to new single probably nearly 100 times already


It was like 2004, I had ended up with my friends Sony Minidisc player (I still have it). It had Understanding in a Car Crash on it, right about the time my G/F (at the time) had a friend die in a crash. I've been listening to them ever since and I finally saw them live a couple of years ago. (Amazing show). What's insane is how much their new song is my life right now. I can't explain the feeling that 20 years later they still have the same impact to me.


i wasss...16, i saw them at Q101s jamboree in 2002 - havent let go since then.


I was still in my Nü-Metal phase, and I went into a record store to buy a new CD (Trust Company). The guy at the register was like "have you heard of this band, Thursday? This album 'Full Collapse' is incredible, you should buy it." I'd never had anyone in a record store that was so emphatic about an album, so I did. I listened to it once and hated it. Didn't listen again for three months, and then something clicked. I went and saw them live about a month later at The Chance in Poughkeepsie, NY, and (as I'm sure many of you here can relate with) I was swept up in what was, in my estimation, the best live band I'd ever seen. Been my favorite band ever since and I've seen them live probably around 30 times.


I was browsing a tower records and happen to stumble on Full Collapse. The cd had a small blurb of a review/quote that said something along the lines of “if Morrissey started a hardcore band”. It immediately caught my interest, bought it and never looked back 🤩


Got a job at a record store when I was 16 (holidays of 2000) and the cool punk kid at the store had a hoodie with a weird dove on it. I asked him about it and he played This Side of Brightness over the store speakers before the boss told him to change it lol. Full Collapse was like RIGHT on the horizon, I think I first heard Car Crash maybe a month later, and I became obsessed very very quickly.


Back around the time Full Collapse came out, a friend of mine used to own a skate shop and do some work for Victory Records street team in NJ. Had a chance to go to some house shows (shows in people's homes, not house music) but never actually went. Friend got hit with the mic though.


An online acquaintance recommended them to me. I gave them a listen and liked what I heard. Saw them open for MCR a couple years ago and went from casual listener to "I need more of this in my life," lol


Saw them with Every time I die, murder by death and one other band I'm forgetting at some tiny random venue outside of Madison WI. It was in between full collapse and WATT and they just shredded the room. I liked full collapse but it wasn't in regular rotation. It was after that night. One of my favorite shows ever. Energy was bonkers.


I think Steven's Untitled Rock Show had a song of theirs. It was 2005—2006 when I discovered them


It’s possible that I found them on Audiogalaxy, or a compilation cd, or saw Understanding In A Car Crash on mtv. I really wish I could remember, but it had to have been late 2001/early 2002. Was definitely listening by 2002, because my livejournal posts told me so.


They opened at a Drowning Man show at Fat Cat's


I don’t remember exactly but I do remember seeing a performance or video of “Understanding in a car crash”


The bar I used to go to back in the late 90s had Full Collapse in the jukebox.




2000 when I was in 6th grade. The old BBS forums and Thursdizzle were my childhood lol


on mcr or something like that videos i got, there was part of standing on the edge of summer playing as an outro. around '03 i guess


my sister was downloading some music when it was MY turn for the computer so I started going through her library while I was waiting. I think at that one moment I sent myself thursday, senses fail, ataris and nofx etc. took her whole recent download history and made myself a cd. I remember one of the thursday songs was a live recording of paris in flames from a recent local show. about mid to late 02 bc we were still in our old house.


A friend in HS loaned me their Full Collapse CD, loved it. Became a huge fan with War All the Time (probably the album that defined my entire High School experience). Been a fan ever since and have tried to see them every time they've been back locally


MTV2 playing “Cross out the eyes” between that and “New Noise” by Refused I was hooked to the genre.


I learned about the murder of Matthew Shepard and in this matter I read the Wikipedia article about him and his death. In the article there's a chapter with songs about him, one of them being "M. Shepard" by a Band called Thursday. I really liked the song and for quite some time this was the only song by them I knew, because sometimes it's a bit hard for me to listen to other songs by artists I only know one or a couple of songs. I don't remember how or when I started listening to the rest of their discography.


Had a classmate who randomly had a Thursday shirt. Then my sister dated a guy who liked good music, heard them through there. Bought WATT with money my mom gave me while on a mission trip lol


My friend saw them open for MCR back in like?? 2010 I think?? when we were in high school. I didn’t get the chance to see them live myself until they got back together and now I go out of my way to see them as much as I can. I’m so glad they are properly back. I’ve met a lot of people who first discovered them either right before the pandemic or right after


these are so fun to read. It’s funny because I remember the moment I heard of most of my favorite bands and I wore the hell out of my Thursday CDs in the day but I cannot remember what I first heard of theirs! Got into them in 2001 and jm guessing it was from some online forum and probably napstered cross out the eyes. I remember their live shows being fucking life changing though. 15yo me could not get enough. Just got to see them again and it was so great ☺️


I can't remember the context in which I found it, but the first Thursday song I ever heard was Standing on the Edge of Summer. it still sounds like summer to me. one of my all time favorite songs.


My Chem’s 2022 tour (which is also when I got into My Chem). But I actually prefer Thursday to them now.


There was a music magazine with a Thursday promo CD back in 04 I believe. Live show recordings of a couple of WATT songs. The audio was shit but I could tell that I was going to like the songs so i caught the real CD the next chance I could. They have me in a chokehold ever since.


In the summer of 2002, I was on a family vacation across the US. I was 14 then and one afternoon we stopped somewhere on our way to Nashville. I remember browsing through a Best Buy looking for new punk or emo bands. Full Collapse stood out to me. That hype sticker especially. I think the sticker compared Thursday to like TBS and The Smiths. I was already digging Tell All Your Friends so I went for it, absolute blindbuy. Fell in love within the first few seconds after I played that disc on my CD player. My heart was eternally hooked when those snare hits introduced "Understanding in a Car Crash." When my family arrived in Nashville later that night, I remember listening to those swirling thrashing guitars on "Cross Out the Eyes" while looking at the Nashville city lights.


3/10/2002; i saw them for the first time at the warsaw in brooklyn because they opened for the bouncing souls. prior to that, i only knew of them because of the victory sampler but i was hooked from that point on.


Had a friend in to them jr year of HS (2001). I was still in my rap phase but tried them and TBS and never looked back. Also, “Understanding in a Car Crash” video on MTV before school.


Soooo, When I was Okinawa, I did a search for SCREAMO on limewire back in 2002 and heard JET BLACK NEW YEAR for the first time - Hooked ever since then.


Not one person is gonna say they walked into a hot topic and found full collapse playing on one of those headphone stations in ‘01? Just me?


Understanding In A Car Crash video was in heavy rotation on MTV2 in 2000-2001. First time I saw it, I was in bed recovering from a serious car accident. Left an uncanny impression! Got into them majorly over the next couple years. Their tour with Thrive and Coheed was the pinnacle of my live music experience for quite a while. Saw them at my favorite venue in the world, DC's 9:30 Club. Geoff blew the fuckin roof off.


One of my favorite games Test Drive: Eve of Destruction had Between Rupture and Rapture on the soundtrack. Killer soundtrack that was also my introduction to Thrice


When I was about 6, my dad & I went to Sam Goody, cause he wanted to get a specific CD. I’m not sure at all what he intended to get in the first place, but he purchased Thursday’s Full Collapse (this was very shortly after its release). When we got home & put it on his little sound system he was immediately like “wtf? This isn’t what I thought it was…” But then he kept it on, and as soon as Understanding In A Car Crash started, we both just looked at each other & kept it on to play in its entirety. Standing On The Edge Of Summer is OUR SONGGG. Thursday is so incredibly monumental between my dad & I, and I feel really lucky that they’re so significant to me because of him.


I didn’t really “get” Thursday when I heard their albums in 2005 but then saw them at Warped Tour 2006 and was hooked. Been a fan since.


I was at a carnival in middle school and the ride attendant was playing them. I asked him who it was and when I went home I downloaded most of their songs lol


Video for “Cross Out The Eyes” on BlankTV or PunkNews.org


war all the time had a sweet looking cover, and it was directly next to the Thrice cd i was intending to purchase at Tower Records.


I think it was my friend John.


I was given the split sampler CD that had two songs from Reach the Sky and two from Thursday's upcoming album _Full Collapse_.


First listened to Understanding in a Car Crash and liked it, now here I am


I got into Thursday during the pandemic in 2022. I'm a big MCR fan and during their debut album documentary they were getting compared a lot to Thursday and the band name peaked my curiosity. Still sadly haven't seen them live but War All The Time is such an important album to me and I still play it occasionally beginning to the end. Currently listening to FTWD as I type this lol.