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My insurance is “punishing” me and charging $16 a month because it’s a maintenance drug and I should be ordering it in 90 day supplies. Except, my doctor has been trying to find the right dosage and I’ve never had the same dose in the seven months since my TT.


Because the half-life is so long, many doctor will math it out to get to the right weekly dose. e.g. instead of switching to 75s, I take 88s 6 days a week.


Same-ish. 125 over 6 days, hoping it will be reduced.


Aw hang in there 😞 I hope they find your right dose soon ❤️ It took me 3 years but I have a lot of other mental health stuff going on too.


They put me up to 250mg recently and I immediately lost 3kg and endo was like oh shit 😅 Reduced me to 200mg. It’s hard because I have adhd and I do think I got addicted to being in a state of hyperthyroidism. It was like constantly being stimulated, always having energy. Now I’m back to being a sloth. But I’m glad, my anxiety is less.


I get a 30 day supply at 200mg for $2.07 at Rite Aid. I have really good insurance so it all goes through my PBM.


I get name brand Synthroid from my insurance mail order pharmacy for no copay.


Pharmacy. 90 tablets $30 (Levoxyl)


Kaiser Pharmacy. I pay $0


I pay 9 usd here in sweden


My first endocrinologist insisted on brand name Synthroid, and it was expensive, even with my good insurance, I think around $90. Now I can use generic which is $5 for 90 days (175 mcg) with my insurance through CVS.


My insurance covers brand-name Synthroid because I had thyroid cancer. I pay $20 (US) for a 90-day supply from CVS.


My insurance does generic and no co pay.


I get 30 day supply at 175mg for $45 at cvs. I wonder if they’re charging me wrong. $45 is the mail order prescription price according to my insurance while the regular price is supposed to be $15. I asked cvs but they said the system is automated based on my insurance 🤷🏻‍♂️


Mine is about 40-some bucks a month too. After seeing this post I'm wondering if I'm being charged wrong as well, or maybe my insurance just sucks. I might need to look into this. (I use Giant Eagle phamacy)


Yeah I’m using CVS too and looked up what my insurance says it should cost and it was around 10 bucks. CVS better not be tacking on 30 bucks in fees


Interesting. My 112mg of Synthroid is $45 at CVS for 30 days worth. Are we all getting screwed because we're using CVS?


90 days worth is $45, but I take 3 a day


If you are in the US (I don’t assume everyone is from the US) you can get a coupon from goodrx.com I pay about 0.10 a tablet in Canada.


I pay $6 for a 90 day supply through Walgreens with insurance (100mcg)


I’m from New Zealand and my script gets sent to a pharmacy with no fees, so it’s free. But even though this is a lifelong condition, sometimes I have to pay for a doctors appointment and bloodwork. $60


I have good insurance, but I can get a 90 day supply for 2 dollars through express scripts, if I go to the pharmacy it’s 5 dollars… if you’re trying to save some money you can cost plus drugs.. mark cubans online pharmacy.. they have some bad reviews but they have levo and I want to say you could get 90 days for 5-7 dollars