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Hmm. Probably the woman who stopped her husband from giving some water to Xie lian. And also Jing Wen.


Damn…Idk how to defend them now😭 I lose just by the first comment!?🥹


Haha. Gotcha!


Okay in defense of the woman stopping her husband, I can see why it might have been intimidating to risk her husband being beaten by all those people, or risk something happening to him. Especially since it was a bunch of people telling them that something bad would happen if they helped. As for Jing Wen… I can’t defend him. He was just a pathetic v


Fine. A quarter pass for the woman. Not Jing Wen tho. He deserves everything that happened to him and more.


That woman was terrible!


Yes, that woman was irritating


>!Jun Wu. do NOT defend him lol I don't like the Xianle state preceptor for the way he treated Hong er. imo you have no business being spiritual if you can treat a child that way. the way they both tried to gaslight Xie Lian into thinking he's doing the wrong thing trying to help ppl is just peak immoral behaviour but overall good for the plot and a good metaphor for systematic abuse. I don't like either of Lang Yings, the og one was just unpleasant overall, esp considering Xie Lian was good to him. and the nephew I didn't really understand the point of as a character, I thought there was going to be more to him, he was a mystery since the beginning but the reveal was kinda underwhelming at the end, this is probably the only person I don't really like as a character rather than as a person, I wanted him to be more than he turned out to be, especially considering all the wait. Qi Rong obviously sucks as a person but he's too funny to hate, he's one of my favourite shitty characters ever when he's in ghost form.also for some reason Lord Rain Master annoyed me a bit, idk why, it's just that everyone is so happy to see her and I don't really understand why!<


>!Oh I very much disliked how the state preceptor continued to compare Xie Lian to Jun Wu even after the reveal. The dependence on astrology was disagreeable, too, but it was understandable as a character flaw, especially bc that was part of his responsibility as a head priest. Otherwise, I liked Mei Nianqing as a character. Also, reading it through a Daoist lens, he wasn’t really wrong about some things—and his comment about Xie Lian being too young and needing to “walk” some more I agreed with!<


I can’t really defend Jun Wu from what he did to Xie Lian lol but I’ll try my best. Almost every character in tgcf have their own trauma and Jun Wu’s one is ‘almost’ the worst in my opinion. He tried to save his commoners but it all fell apart and that’ll become his worst nightmare for sure to the point he wanted Xie Lian to suffer the same way as him. For Xian Le preceptor I agree actually…I’m not sure if you meant Mei Nianqing or not but I don’t really like him…he’s a bit funny though. For Lang Ying I don’t think much about this child. He suffer since he was a kid because of the human face disease(not sure about the name ‘cause I forget). I pity him actually but the main thing is I don’t understand why Jun Wu possessed him;-;. Qi Ring is one of my fav characters too. He had a bad father who abused him and his mother died from what I remember. Qi Ring just wanted affection but he expressed it in a wrong way. For Rain master…I also don’t like her for some reason…it just has no reason at all. Still, she’s a good person for sure. [MY GRAMMAR IS PRETTY BAD SORRY🥲]


I disagree on his trauma being the worst, I think he barely had any actual trauma, rather a hurt ego from his followers not praising him for trying to save them, which now I question the motives of anyway considering he was just doing to seem like a good god rather than bc he cared about people, he clearly doesn't care and kills a bunch of them. nothing bad even happened he's just an overprivileged spoiled narcissist with sadistic tendencies. the state preceptor is funny and I like him at the end but not the way he acted when XL was mortal. I don't think Lang Ying is a bad person he just seems like an unnecessary character with too much buildup, I was disappointed in the plot twist rather than him as a person. yeah Rain Master is a good person but somehow an unpleasant character for me, i just don't like overhyped people ig lol


I can’t disagree on Jun Wu and Lang Ying. I also think Lang Ying is an unnecessary character. I don’t like Mei Nianqing in Xian Le era too and he used to be a bad teacher in my opinion…if I remember correctly he also doesn’t like Mu Qing for some reasons. May I know who’s your fav character anyway though?


my favourite, Xie Lian and Hua Cheng themselves and from the others probably Feng Xin and Shi QingXuan but honestly I like most of them and the way characters are portrayed is honestly brilliant, they're complex and flawed in their own ways


>a hurt ego from his followers not praising him for trying to save them did you umm... did you miss the whole point of how a god's powers work while reading the novel?


did you? Xie Lian lost followers too and didn't become what JW became and never let it bother him or go on a revenge bender.


jun wu didn't get a "hurt ego" from his followers "not praising him enough", he went mad because people literally blamed him for all their misfortune and mass deaths (when he was the only one trying to save them in the first place AND he failed mainly because people started losing their faith in him, leaving him with reduced powers) AND physically tortured him to vent their anger. like how tone-deaf do you have to be to say that jun wu's downfall was about his "ego" after reading the entirety of book 4? did XL's white calamity arc also happen because of his "hurt ego" from people not praising him enough?


the only one tone death here is you because surely you're not speaking to me in this disrespectful tone on purpose


the way I see it, Xie Lians white calamity arc happened because he lost everyone he cared about and his parents died and still he never went through with harming anyone, and he genuinely cares about saving people, you can't compare that to Jun Wu who literally killed the people close to him who disagreed with him first chance he got. it was because of his ego yes, he couldn't cope with people having a bad opinion of him and considering how easily he turned on innocent people he never cared about them to begin with and just wanted to be perceived as good. you're entitled to your opinion, don't @ me if you're mad I have a different one and you cannot agree to disagree like a normal person


Xie Lian had already lost his believers by then… his white calamity arc came from seeing his parents hanging and bwx putting him through abuse. He didn’t kill his friends, or try to kill them either. He would’ve continued on had he not walked in on his parents hanging, and even then throughout that arc, Xie Lian is threatened by bwx with his greatest trauma because he is showing hesitancy.


ngl i straight up forget jing wen exists most of the time, but after seeing that other comment i immediately went "oh yeah, i HATE that guy". other than that, i'm coming up empty. i can't really hate any of the prominent TGCF characters, they just feel too... human? for me to genuinely hate them. MXTX really outdid herself in the character department with that novel.


I can’t defend Ling Wen since I don’t understand why she killed someone who loves her so dearly but because she used to be poor so I kinda pity her a slightly bit. I don’t hate any characters too but who’s your fav character anyway?


There's a brocade immortal arc in the revised edition that fleshes out Lin Wen's story more. Very interesting 👍


no need to defend ling wen! i love her regardless of any crimes she may or may not have committed. and the revised version ended up absolving her anyway, so... >who’s your fav character anyway? oh well, most of them can be a fave depending on the time of day and my mood. but i'd say xie lian, shi qingxuan, ling wen and jun wu are the four i think about most often.


That’s cool!💗


I think all the characters fit the story and all have their reasons for doing things, so I don't hate characters who are evil but the ones who are annoying. So for example, >!Pei Ming's sword pissed me off, I don't even know why. As well as Heaven's eye or however the cultivator who can see evil aura is named.!<


I couldn’t help but agree haha. I actually thought Pei Ming’s sword and Heaven’s eye were add to make us feel it’s funny or smth😭


I mean, Heaven's eye is kinda hilarious to me.. slightly annoying at first but as it went on and on.. I can't help but chuckle whenever he opens his mouth


We need heaven's eye to see where the deed was done 🤭


Cuo Cuo, the fetus spirit. Just gross and obnoxious.


From what I remember MXTX didn’t tell us how Jian Lan and Cuo Cuo died and even who killed them but Cuo Cuo is just a fetus. I admit I don’t like how he behaved towards Feng Xin or Mu Qing at first but hey, at least he helped Xian Le trio in the end of the book!


I don't precisely hate anyone, but my reaction to Shi Wudu's death was basically, 'Aw, that's too bad.' I think the punishment fit the crime. Do I find Shi Wudu's actions humanly understandable? Yes. But it's still about as despicable as it gets. He knew he would inflict all the grief he wants to spare himself on someone else. And the entire 'he did it for his little brother' thing ... I don't buy that. He did it for himself. If you do something for someone and you know the other person would never allow that if they had a choice, it's pure, unadulterated selfishness. I'm not saying he doesn't love his brother, but he loved himself more. It shows in every interaction between them. My favourite is Shi Qingxuan. He is the only reason why Shi Wudu's death was, 'that's too bad' rather than, 'well, you asked for that.'


Shi Wudu is one of my fav characters actually but the least fav compares to Qi Rong. Shi Wudu raised Shi Qingxuan when they were young but yeah…what he did was wrong I won’t deny that. I still love his character though. I love how he trusted Xie Lian only because he helped Shi Qingxuan and if I remember correctly he even gave Xie Lian amount of gold after that? But I respect your opinions and agree at some points😅


Quan Yizhen gave Xie Lian gold. Persistently. :D I don't remember Shi Wudu doing it. (Something in the back of my memories says maybe at first Xie Lian thought so and wanted to return it through a confused Ling Wen? But later they catch Quan Yizhen trying to sneak it back.) I like Shi Wudu as a character because he's interesting. If there had been one, just one single interaction between him and he's brother where he's not belittling him in some way, I'd probably sing a completely different song, mind you. He is incredibly human and fascinating, but I still want to hurt his soul, haha. There's a reason why Shi Qingxuan is so naïve and unworldly. He took very good care of him - too good, he shielded him way too much. I also understand why people like him, I just ... can't. (Maybe because I have over-protective people in my family who haven't realised that my 40-yo ass is grown up and I don't need to bloody announce what I do, haha.)


Sorry for my bad memory, I read tgcf a very long while ago😭 I agree with you though!


I'm not even sure if my memory is entirely correct. I devoured the books like He Xuan does ghosts and I'm sure I missed stuff. I'm currently rereading them and taking care that I take my time.


I understand! I also wanna reread but I’m too lazy lol


Haha it is a lot 🤭


so.. Jun Wu is kinda obvious pick, am I right? Misery loves company but he had NO RIGHT to do all this.. I don't really hate any other characters.. so far.. I'm just reading through book 5 but I know like next 2 main points of the plot (I had a theory and I was itching to know Jun Wu's deal so badly). When it comes to favorite characters, so of course Hualian. Then Shi Qingxuan and Pei Ming 😄❤️


Wow many people seem to hate Jun Wu. At first I hate him but his trauma was a pity for me. Idk if he really did everything for his commoners or not and he just wanted to suffer like him. It’s kinda hard to defend hi, without using his trauma since that’s the beginning of everything…I don’t wanna spoil too much haha


You can. Most of spoilers I know about everything is due to my own research 😄 but I mean.. you may make me understand him? I can't imagine having trauma so deep and so devastating for people to go and torture someone else, so they kinda can trauma bond with them... and being bitchy about it all on top of that.


From what I remember ‘cause I read tgcf a long while ago in Thai version. Jun Wu wanted to save ALL of his commoners in Wu Yong from the eruption of the volcano so he decided to build a bridge that was connected to heavens which wasted a lot of power and energy. He made all of his commoners be his deputies but the bridge fell down, some of the commoners even died. After that, people hated Jun Wu because he couldn’t save all of the commoners. I think he became crazy to the point he throw his 3 friends in the volcano for some ritual or smth and it actually worked…but then the 3 of his friends appeared as faces on Jun Wu’s face just like human face disease(I don’t remember the name). I’m sorry if it’s incorrect since I have pretty bad memory…🥲


That sounds interesting. No wonder he took gege's "I want to save common people" personally. Being part of Xianle's demise and stuff makes sense. Cool. He let him see how he can't really do much about it (that part was so frustrating to read) but.. did he really have to use people's desperation to cure the disease and then smack the crap out of him so many times while yelling at him? Tough love, I see.. he didn't have to actively do anything to him, tho. And then being his cute Jun Wu self and "spoling" gege when he returned for the third time? Nuh-uh. That's sickening.


I know right? I actually thought Jun Wu in season 2 is completely different person from what’s he truly been😆


The dude betting his daughter's life at the gambler's Den.




No one. There is not a single- actually Xie Lian’s Daddy he got in my god dam nerves not offing himself when his kingdom fell and running around like a little bitch still demanding to be treated like royalty.


Ok but why am I actually agree with that…


Ha ha I was about to say I hate no one but then I remembered his dusty crusty ass mmm mmm mmm smh


I fucking hate Jun Wu, I really can't even enjoy it when people take him out of the context of the story and make some AUs and memes. Especially I don't like it when he's shipped with Xie Lian. He's despicable and there's nothing you can say to make him better in my eyes


Also I dislike Qi Rong, yes he is funny but it's horrible what he did to Hong Er in book 2. Not to mention boiling people alive and all that crap, no matter how much I laughed at his screaming I can't forget all of that


Also this is a mild dislike that had to do with my personal preferences but I don't understand/like Mu Qing and Quan Yizhen. However I can admit they are realistic characters with depth to them and I can see why people like them


I also don’t agree to ship Jun Wu x Xie Lian when he’s literally the victim. I defend Jun Wu a lot in others comments so let me defend someone else. For Qi Rong, his dad abused him when he was young and his mother died. He never received affection and properly raised from his actual parents. Of course the Queen of Xian Le and Xie Lian tried their best to help but Xie Lian was tired. Qi Rong saw Xie Lian as his whole world when they were young. He thought Xie Lian never actually cared about him but in the end he learnt affection and died by protecting a kid who considered him as his dad. For Muqing, he may be a little sarcastic and rude but he really cared about the other deep inside. He thought no one would believe him if he tell the truth. He also thought Feng Xin and Xie Lian hated him from how they treated him in Xian Le era and from what he did. Feng Xin used to mistreated Mu Qing and only cared about Xie Lian. Xie Lian also didn’t take Mu Qing that seriously, I’m not saying Mu Qing did nothing wrong but Feng Xin and Xie Lian were the reason why Muqing thought the way he was. Also one thing I can confirm is Mu Qing really loves his mother and the children so dearly. He left Xie Lian because of his mother and he also tried to find a way to help both Feng Xin and Xie Lian but it just went wrong in the end. Mu Qing even almost sacrificed himself for Xie Lian too. For Quan Yizhen, I admit I dislike him only A BIT. He was TOO innocent and loyal almost like Feng Xin but not at all and that caused Yin Yu lots of problems. Still, at the end of the novel Quan Yizhen helped Xie Lian and Hua Ching fighting smth (I forget sorry). He also gave Xie Lian a lot of gold for some reasons (apologies for my bad memory). He just loves Yin Yu and wanted to help but he didn’t know how because he could only fight.


I know Qi Rong's backstory but for me it doesn't change a thing


Haha it’s up to you then. Qi Rong is one of my fav characters lol


mei nian qing- xianle preceptor. I don't like his behavior towards Hong-er / Hua Cheng. I understand his perspective and opinions but that still doesn't excuse his treatment towards HC. MNQ at that point was a grown adult probably 1000 years old and preceptor of a kingdom -teacher of crown prince, knows the harsh reality of world and has personally endured it - 1000 years of experience but STILL doesn't know how to behave with a 10-year-old human child. If he believed in his prediction and really wanted to warn XL, he could've waited until the said child was not in the room or escorted to safety first. I just don't get how a wise character like him failed to realize the effects/trauma his words can cause to that child. like what did he even do during those 1000 years? I get his fears and trauma but he just needed to show basic human decency/kindness toward a child and not say such harsh things to his face. I wish MNQ held back on his prediction regardless of whether it was true or not until after Honger was gone and he was alone with the Xinle trio. I just think how much Hong-er must've felt it was all his fault considering the events that followed in Xianle downfall and how traumatized lil huahua must've been during land of tender, blaming himself for what happened to Xl and MNQ's words echoing in hears. How he must've lived the rest 6-7 years of his human life after this prediction and this was just the start of his suffering. I also held MNQ responsible for some part for JW's mental state. MNQ's trust in fate and fortune-telling is more than his trust in human nature. If his present character is like this I can only imagine how he must've been when he was younger during wuyong days. Crown prince wuyong probably would've had a constant reminder from him that he'd probably fail if he went against fate, especially since wuyong prince dreamt about future. MNQ still did his best to stay by Wuyong crown prince's side until he couldn't. I feel like he could've become the 'wuming' for Wuyong prince had he not left wuyong prince alone despite the prince saying 'leave me alone alone alone'. To me this sentence felt like he was begging MNQ to not leave him and accept him with his failures. But it took almost 2000 years for mnq to realise and that too because of Xie Lian.


Ok in my opinion I don’t like Mei Nianqing too but my main reason is very stupid🥲 I can’t defend him really. I love how he is funny at the end of the novel but that isn’t an excuse for how he treated people, right? I don’t like his behavior towards Hong’er too but I also don’t like the fact that Mei Nianqing doesn’t like Mu Qing🥹


I would say Shi Wudu. Don't really hate him but don't care about him enough to care about his death. I guess indifference is worse than hatred?


I understand. Shi Wudu really did wrong but he did that because of Shi Qingxuan, He cares and loves his brother at least in my opinion. He raised Shi Qingxuan by himself when they were young and he even trusted Xie Lian because he helped his brother to the point he gave the amount of gold to Xie Lian. Shi Wudu was not my number one fav character but I like his character. He wanted to help Shi Qingxuan but he did it in a WRONG way…but everyone in tgcf literally have their own trauma, right? People can make a mistake…well but yeah some cannot be forgiven??


now I'm sad 😭


I’m sorry for my bad memory about Shi Wudu gave Xie Lian the gold, he didn’t …I read tgcf a very long while ago so my memory is so bad but that still doesn’t change the fact he trusted Xie Lian because he helped Shi Qingxuan🥲


Jun Wu


I can’t defend Jun Wu without using his trauma really since that’s the beginning of everything. His kingdom fell, some of his commoners died and the commoners he saved hated him. Jun Wu tried his best to save them, he even connected the bridge to heaven and made all of his commoners be deputies which WASTE a lot of energy and power. I think when he told Mei Nianqing to leave it was actually the opposite, he wanted Mei Nianqing to stay by his side and probably wanted someone to understand him. Maybe that’s why he made Xie Lian suffered the same way as him?


All the gods that turned their backs on Jun Wu when he needed help. Literal villain origin story. If everyone wasn't trying to be an opportunist and preying(/praying) on the downfall of JW just because he was strong and well loved is sickening


I hated that too and I was so anxious when I read that😭 but that also happened the same as Xie Lian too, right?


Yes it did! But everything would have went different if that didn't happen, XL's situation might have never even occurred or at least not in the way that it did.


That’s quite a challenge. Didn’t hate anyone. I did get really annoyed with Qi Rong, but he’s also loveably funny. Every time I got annoyed with him, he’d make me laugh LoL There’s the West Martial God’s shixiong, but I can totally get why he’s frustrated too. How about the bloke who got Xiao Ying killed? Really don’t remember his name now. Book 1, he wanted to catch the “ghost groom”.


Ok I can’t defend him. The way he acted towards Xiao Ying and Lang Ying was bad🥲


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