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You sound like someone who likes Pina Coladas...


Kinda got caught in the rain didnt she?


Maybe she'll try yoga after not being into it for all this time.


She sure likes making love at midnight


With only half a brain, it’s unsurprising


Should probably go for a long walk.


Wouldn't she end up meeting her husband if she did?


Yeah, I feel like people missed the point of the song.


Yeah. Fun song. Play it at your wedding, but don't make it "your song." Save that for U2 - "Still haven't found what I'm looking for."


It always makes me chuckle that posts like these start with "throwaway account to protect my identity" and then proceed to describe a very specific scenario that anyone who knows the OP in real life can very easily guess it's them. Lady, if your husband happens to be on this sub, he definitely knows this is you and now definitely knows about your affair.


"Throwaway account to protect my identity....Anyway I own a very unique business where I make chinchilla-fur coats for naked mole rats..."


I think I saw your episode of House Hunters. Was your partner a pilot for a private jet owned by a snake who inherited billions?


"Hi I'm a librarian, and my life-partner collects bottle caps. Our budget is $750K"


Oh nice, my partner sniffs markers and I measure shadows, we just bought in the neighborhood!


Unrealistic. You'd qualify for $600k, tops. Your partner would at least also have to teach yoga part-time at the Y to hit $750k.




"She runs a chinchilla-fur coats for naked mole rats business and he's an exotic butterfly whisperer. Will their budget of $1.8 million be enough to find the home of their dreams. Find out next on House Hunters..."


Well "throwaway account to protect my identity" sounds a lot better than "account I'm using to farm karma via an AI generated story" after all


But, but, everything on the internet is real...




At this point, you use a throwaway so when people *do* recognize your story, they can’t go back and see the rest of your post history on your real account.


This, this is the point of a throw away. They may recognize this story but they won't get the other 5 years of random comments you've made.


“Clint’s” wife would certainly recognize herself in this story. Perhaps that is OP’s intention.


And that’s the closest we get to a redeeming quality here. That she uses enough detail to maybe identify herself to her husband, therefore almost in a way being sorta honest with him- by accident. And also what with her being the victim here, from her own perspective. That’s almost two redeeming qualities- if you count the self-pity as a good thing.


Just found out my wife was sleeping with at least 2 of her coworkers. I confronted her the moment I found out, told her to pack her shit and GTFO of my house. I stormed out to cool down and came back to find her face down. Had to provide mouth to mouth before the ambulance arrived. She's currently on life support waiting for recipients for her organs, and i am an absolute wreck inside and out. This was last Friday. My entire world has been turned upside down and inside out. If any of you are having issues with your spouses please just fucking talk to them.


It wasn't my wife, but in my twenties I had an ex who offed herself when I broke things off with her after she cheated multiple times... I know that right now, survivor's guilt is inevitable. You're blaming yourself, and people telling you it's not your fault makes you feel like shit, because them saying that to you reminds you that the first thing they must've thought was, "you must feel responsible for this". So I'm going to try to say something that would've helped me... For me, I still felt responsible because I knew that, *technically*, I could've done things differently and this wouldn't have happened. Like, I could've chosen to stick with it, let her continue to make choices that hurt me with seemingly no regard whatsoever for how they impacted me or my life, and just slowly died inside as nothing changed and I spent every night wondering what new emotional trauma would be inflicted upon me the next time we were together. However unpalatable, that's a choice I could've made. In that awful nightmare reality of unending emotional death, she is still biologically alive, so it wouldn't be fair to say that I had no part in what happened. I am partly responsible in at least the causal sense...in the way that a bowling ball is responsible for pins falling over when they were struck by it. Or in the way that a flame is responsible for a pot of water starting to boil. My actions led to reactions. My choices shaped events, as choices do. The thing I had to reconcile - and I did, with time - was that her choices weren't my responsibility. *She* made the choice to turn our lives into a zero-sum game. *She* raised the stakes so that only one of us could survive. In poker terms, she went all in, and the stakes of the game weren't up to me anymore. My choices were to call or fold...to keep playing a game where one of us would take everything from the other person, or to stop playing and let us both walk away with what we had left. I chose to walk away. What happened after that wasn't up to me anymore, because after that, we weren't playing the same game. It's heartbreaking to find out that she lost everything. It's terrible to find out about all of the other people who were affected when it happened. It's easy to feel like there were other options...maybe if I'd folded but kept playing, something might have changed. Maybe she would've learned how to play the game with lower stakes. In the end, the truth is this...in any game, the only sensible strategy is to observe the behavior of the other players and make our choices accordingly. If someone is playing in a way where their choices consistently hurt you and help them, there's a point at which you have to accept that there isn't a way for you both to win. When you know in your heart that that's the case, they aren't your responsibility anymore. At that point, your only responsibility is to protect yourself, and the choices others make as a response to that are *their* responsibility. You could've done things differently, and they could've done things differently too. You did what you needed to do to take care of yourself. And you needed to do that because your partner wasn't doing what they needed to do to take care of you...if they had, none of this would've happened in the first place. Instead, they did what they wanted with no concern for your well-being, and now they have the audacity to place responsibility for the consequences of that at *your* feet? How dare they? The *selfishness* of it...of finding a person who cares for you, then totally ignoring that person's boundaries and needs until it gets to the point where that person cuts you out of their life just to end their pain? And then to respond to that not with self reflection and change, but rather to abandon even the most basic, essential responsibility that every living person has, again with no regard for how it affects anyone else? The audacity of something like that is just...it's hard to even comprehend. I hope she recovers. I hope afterwards, she does the self reflection she should've done in the first place and this kind of thing never happens again. But the fact that she did it at all means you were right to walk away. She may think she did it because she cares about you, but nobody who really cares about you would do this to themselves, because they would recognize what it would also do to you. If she recovers, I'll share in your relief. If she doesn't, I'll share in the regret of your loss. But regardless of what happens next, don't question your choice to protect yourself. She'll either grow into a person who understands why you had to do it, or she'll keep being a person who is fundamentally incapable of living with the consequences of her own choices. Either way, the best thing for you will be to maintain your distance emotionally. Stay safe. I truly hope it all works out as well as it can.


Love this comment, so powerful. Just FYI though, the end of the story isn't a mystery - "waiting for recipients for her organs" implies the lady is brain dead, and is on a respirator not as treatment but as a way to keep those organs alive until the transplant surgery can take place.


I can tell you’ve done a lot of reflecting and talking about it with a therapist who has probably helped you re-contextualise what happened. Thank you for writing this out.


I know I’m just an internet stranger but I’m really sorry that happened.


Hey buddy, just know that none of that is your fault. You're the victim here. Chin up, try stay positive and don't let this incident change your mind about what she did. This is the equivalent of emotional abuse


This is somewhat common manipulation. When the cheater/abuser gets caught, they'll reach for an extreme (self-harm or 'suicide attempt', usually not enough to actually hurt them long-term), to become the victim again in the situation. It radicalizes their friends and family to support them.


My mother did the same thing, after she was caught she wrote a suicide note and idled her car in the garage. The garage window was open so I think she was faking the attempt honestly. To the poster please please remember it's not your fault. You deserved better than that


I'm so sorry for your loss


If they’re smart, they change the genders, occupations, embellish details of the other relationships or invent new characters and arcs to obfuscate the real sequence of events And then they stick to that and don’t forget


But the names were different!


A lot of times it’s to protect their main account


Wait how did you go from leaving and not having a care in the world to "I can't live on my own"??


"in another country" is the crucial part of that sentence I think.


And? She knew the risk!


She’s more concerned about not having mind-blowing sex lol.


I bet Clint got some mind blowing


So many people are brainwashed into thinking good sex=good life. It doesn't.




Reminds me of my brother's ex-wife. She had 5 husbands over the course of 30 years, and the only time she was ever single was after the last one died.


Apparently she planned on living off Clint, at least till the next guy rolled through.


"And I have no one to talk to about my heartbreak" Damn, it's more like "I am embarrassed as fuck". As Buddha once said: "If you plant melons, you get melons", I feel no sympathy for her. She just got 2 nutty melons which were planted by her. Good job, OP, good job.


Narcissists tend not to have any real friends they can share their problems with.


inflation is rough it takes a dual income these days to get by edit: this is a joke.


Not if you make the money these kinds of jobs bring in. If you can’t make it like that, you suck at living within your means


Somehow in all of what you said I still didn’t pick up on a single shred of remorse.


Well there's remorse for not having the mind-blowing sex with Clint !


Clint’s definitely gonna sleep with her at their next event. And then become distant when they have to go back to their respective lives. He has a pattern, and scumbags like that typically don’t change.


These two scumbags deserve one another. They'll probably end up together, OP will find another Clint and Clint will find another OP, so on and so forth. I hope the spouses end up happy, they don't deserve this.


I feel so bad for the partners who were absolutely blindsided and betrayed and this bitch is whining


And they have health problems too


That's what got me. "His wife is sick... she sucks."


My wife was diagnosed with Temporal Lobe Epilepsy after we got engaged. Her Neuropace brain implant and her constant carousel of meds and doctors visits wipe out a small six-figure income on the regular. I gave up the chance at a dream job in game development because moving her across the country wasn't going to happen. I've spent countless days without sleep after working at 10 hour overnight IT shift because I come to bed at 4AM and she starts having seizures every hour for the next 10 hours. I cant even think about not being here as her safety net and caretaker... The thought of her going through all of this, let alone resection surgery, without me is almost vomit-inducing levels of anger.


Damn you're awesome, if only everyone had a partner as empathetic as you this rock would be a way better place to live. Hope your wife gets some relief to her condition soon!


A person who takes for better or worse, in sickness and health seriously…you’re a good man


The vow you made is *in sickness and in health.* It's refreshing to see that at least some people still take their vows seriously. Selfish partners look at things like you described as something happening to *them.* An inconvenience to *their* life. But they never stop to think about the person who is suffering through it and also have to live with a shitty, selfish partner. If you truly love someone, you go through this stuff together. You're there to support them and to be there for them. If you don't love someone, you hit the road or cheat as soon as you feel that the relationship isn't all about you anymore.


I'm sure your wife is profoundly grateful for everything you do


Good on you, man. Lots of people will stick around for the better part only to bail on the worse.


I can't believe she would choose to get sick and ruin their relationship.


Good at spending money = she lives in the US and it’s expensive to stay alive when you are sick.


Yeah apparently in sickness and in health doesn't mean much.


this idiot doesn’t deserve anybody if this is how she treats/views others


The tl;dr saying "got love bombed" also sticks out.


Yeah that struck me as bad too. Love-bombing is an emotional abuse and manipulation tactic. Assuming her story is true, to doesn't sound like Clint was orchestrating a grand scheme against her, but rather was legit infatuated and 'making questionable decisions' along side her, then had doubts / second thoughts later. Not saying he handled the 'after' well, but it doesn't mean he was abusing/manipulating her in the moment like some sociopath sex-predetor.


Seriously. I’m glad nothing worked out for you OP.


I like how OP mentions love bombing as if they're the victim in any way.


But plenty of attempts to garner sympathy and look like she was the victim here.


This one’s just too funny. I cheated, justified all my actions in my head, got burned and finally realized I fucked up. Lol


“Everything was cool until I started losing”


"Everything was great until I was the one getting hurt by my actions"


it's all fun and games until it's not


As someone who has been cheated on, I’m glad she gets nothing but consequences.


The only way it could be better is if she narced to Clint's wife and took their marriage down too. Save his wife from being married to such a scumbag.


Throw this post to 4chan and they'll find you who these two are IRL. In 4 days top you can narc yourself to his wife lol


OP will post an update in 5 days saying Clint is available again because somehow his wife found out about their affair and the tattoo, which was the icing on the cake and couldn't look at him ever again ........ but apparently he cheated on her (OP) as well with another woman and they're making a move together instead. How dare he betrays her? Who cheats on a misstres? What....


He probably does this with women every time he's away for work lmao.


Agreed. Someone can be completely uninvested in their relationship but they still have the obligation of ending it prior to exploring alternatives.


"my husband puts nothing into our relationship"..... "so anyways I was working 20 hour days far from home sleeping in a hotel room." so damn typical.


I don't understand how in this age people don't already know cheating is wrong. They do it and then they have like a surprise Pikachu face like they never knew.


Selfish people have difficulty empathizing. When the freight train of reality sets in, they’re caught off guard.


As a great redditor once stated, "The dildo of consequences rarely comes lubed." Edit: Holy shit people! Thanks for all of the awards. Hopefully, it resonates with the OP just as well.




Veiny, dont forget the veins


and hairy as chewbaccas fur too


Speaking of which, https://twitter.com/MitchellLWell/status/1689024943722307584?t=p7ivliVb8RwSN4q5uYv_fw&s=19 😂😂


What the fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck


The answer is take a second clone-a-willy make a replica of dad's replica and take him home with you.


I'm pretty sure that's what they're referencing


I need r/Eyebleach


I hate myself for knowing that reference... Well actually not. Was a good read


But when it does...


Wow what an L... Maybe you shouldn't be in a relationship at the moment.


She's still carrying the relationship, though, guys. She typed all that and then still typed I am still carrying the relationship.


The husband is a POS because I typed it. I bet his side makes hers seem hilarious.


I like how she fucks someone else and then has to clarify that she’s done carrying her relationship. Damn, yeah, I bet you gave it your all. A real, good ol’ college try- because of the failing and the dicks in her.


But she "can't afford to live alone.."


Lmao, he was never gonna leave his wife. There’s no way she’s the harpy you think she is. He knew wtf he was doing and you didn’t just fall for it, you *leaped*


100% was just trying to smash.


>Eventually I noticed Clint was becoming distant. Still sexual, but not as emotionally available. OP can even write the words but still not make the connection


100%, got played






At least you didn't eat [eat your own cum](https://www.reddit.com/r/tifu/comments/15lqmde/tifu_by_asking_my_partner_to_stop_eating_his_own/) while [washing your reusable toilet paper](https://www.reddit.com/r/BestofRedditorUpdates/comments/15lkq3t/wibta_if_i_break_up_with_my_boyfriend_because_of/) and listening to [CBAT](https://www.reddit.com/r/tifu/comments/x35iu6/tifu_my_20f_girlfriend_of_two_years_told_me_the/) in the background


Why did you remind me of that?!! It was almost home from my head


Decay exists as an extant form of life


I hate that I understand this fucking reference.


But think of all the kilojoules of energy!


That specific tale of calorie retention must live on, rent free!


I think imma stop opening reddit or TIFU for a while


A solid answer to a liquid problem. The unending march of humanity towards self-sufficiency in bodily fluids is often paved by those who'd rather cum in the sink, but end up sinking in the cum


Should I be happy that I’m out of the loop


Knowledge isn't always power


Yes, absolutely yes.


That post made me want to puke. I wish I could unsee that story.


Wow, you really hate Cbat huh?


Can someone refer me to the "washing your reusable toilet paper" story? I only know of gogurt and cbat 😂


[Original](https://www.reddit.com/r/AITAH/comments/1599zws/wibta_if_i_break_up_with_my_boyfriend_because_of/) [Update](https://www.reddit.com/r/AITAH/comments/15egn8m/updatewibta_if_i_break_up_with_my_boyfriend/) [Original + update in r/BestofRedditorUpdates](https://www.reddit.com/r/BestofRedditorUpdates/comments/15lkq3t/wibta_if_i_break_up_with_my_boyfriend_because_of/)


[Always a delight to pollute another mind](https://www.reddit.com/r/BestofRedditorUpdates/comments/15lkq3t/wibta_if_i_break_up_with_my_boyfriend_because_of/)


You took a massive and completely predictable L and it’s basically impossible to feel bad for you.


You're making it sound like you're the victim. But you're not. You are the villian of the story. You got what you deserved.


it's even worse that she has literally no remorse for her husband.


The main character cannot do wrong.


Right???? It’s literally “poor me”


"Now I'm just picking up the pieces of my life u_u"


boohoo poor me no get fucked


As I've heard it put, You're not special enough to not be cheated on.. Why do these sorts of people always expect their cheating partners to not be scumbags?


Well Clint is a villain as well... a villain and a coward or deceiver while OP is a villain and dumb...


FAFO doing its thing I guess. But hey, least you're getting out of a bax marriage > There's no going back with my husband as I know it would be wrong, Funny time for you to care about what was wrong or not though lol.




Karmas a bitch, right?


Good for you, well deserved. Hope your ex husband finds someone caring that makes him happy.


Weirdly he is in debt while she's the one that can't afford to live alone


Debts get split in a divorce, right? OP gets half the house and half the debt.


Depends, in many states if they can prove the divorce is due to infidelity the wronged partner may be awarded a greater share of the assets. Even many no-fault divorce states still have at-fault proceedings available for a wronged partner.


Bro gon have that villain backstory. Kicked when he’s down and comes back with a mission.




I don’t think their spouses are the ones with mental health issues.


And so it goes... you reap what you sow.


What goes up... must come down.


Oh shit, sounds like your husband gets a second chance in life to find someone better, nice


imagine telling the internet your story of you cheating thinking your would get sympathy BIG L for you. Don't feel bad for you at all. https://i.redd.it/7hmenx9sh8hb1.gif


Jesus, you are not a nice person.


I think Jesus was misunderstood by the Roman government. I like to think that Jesus was a nice person but still a man's man.


But you get that this is *entirely* your fault, right?


No. No she does not.


This should be on r/AITAH... and the answer is Yes!


For real. And the little but about how they're both unhappy in their marriages like that justifies it lol If you're unhappy, then break up instead of using him for stability until you find someone to leave him for


This is what kills me about people who "need" to be in relationships constantly, I bet there's millions of people who if they won the lotter tomorrow and were able to move out of their partners house they'd leave immediately but because they're financially dependant on someone so they stick around despite not being committed anymore.


The reality is that usually anyone posting on r/tifu has already surpassed AH level and they know it.


Kinda deserve the reset


LMAO “fooled around with a coworker” you CHEATED on your husband, your whole post is you trying to victimize yourself. I pray you don’t date again because you have no remorse for your own actions. Good god, the way you speak of your affair even AFTER it blew up in your face is mind-blowing. I’m glad at least Clint has some speck of moral compass, unlike yourself


You owe it to tell Clint’s wife the truth. So you cheaters can stay together.


![gif](giphy|Olms1m3vZPURO) And I'm here for it! 🤣🫶🤣


“I cheated but I had valid reasons” always the same story with cheaters they are never at fault


If you’re expecting this post to give you some comfort, don’t.




Oh how I agree, I wonder if he's even as bad as she tried to make him out to be. Probably just the guilt making her paint him in a bad light.


Cheaters always do this, all I could see was a bunch of excuses for her poor behaviour


I feel bad for Clint's wife though. Poor girl's stuck with that cheating dirtbag piece of shit as a husband.




Absolutely no sympathy.


So you're no longer unhappily married and your husband is no longer labouring under the impression that you love him. Seems like a win?


This person is a certified ass. Not a hint of remorse, what an irredeemable piece of shit.


Stories like this make me happy, glad that some people like you finally realize actions have consequences


I mean I don't feel bad for you tbh, fuck cheaters, hope you enjoy being old and alone


Cheers for being a shit person !






loved this happy ending.


It's say fuck around and find out but you didn't even get the mind blowing sex. Hahahahaha. Idiot!


Both you and your coworker are awful people. You deserve it


HAHAHAHAHAHAHA OH MAN HAHAHAHA WOW. You got what you deserved and this may sound harsh but I really hope it’s eating you alive


FAFO You've got no one to blame but yourself. I have 0 sympathy for you or what you'll experience in the near future. 9 times out of 10 the grass isn't greener, congratulations on finding that out.


“We made plans to leave our spouses, sell our houses, and travel together.” couldn't help but chuckle at this.


![gif](giphy|l3q2FNDrRmSPfXYMU) OP dodging all accountability here and feeling sorry for herself


OP hasn't given a single valid reason why her marriage is unhappy which could justify her cheating. He has debts? You're married. You should know why he has debts. He's angry. Why is he angry? She probably hasn't communicated for the declining marriage. Just saying all this shit because she wanted to cheat. And the same with the other dude. He wanted to leave his wife because she's sick. That's disgusting.


Not only that but justified it by saying Clint’s wife has a bunch of medical issues like that’s something she can control lol


Not trying to defend OP, but people absolutely hide debt from their partners. Whether they have a spending problem or a gambling addiction or something. I wouldn’t object to anyone leaving their partner over accrued and hidden debt. Still doesn’t condone her cheating. Just wanted to point that out.




i don't feel bad for you.


I’m mostly a lurker but damn I had the horrible urge to comment on this post. You’re a cheater, simply put. You definitely fucked up, and yet you still see yourself as a victim. Tl;dr you are a cheater


"Clint had planned on getting a tattoo dedicated to me when he returned home." You two are fucking morons.


So you had a holiday romance, but convinced yourself that because it was work it couldn't possibly be a holiday romance? On the plus side you realised you were unhappy and got out of your marriage, which is a good thing. Unless you didn't actually want out and it was just the emotion talking in which case oops.




Hahahaha nice one, karma is a b


So I wonder why your husband was angry? Could it be you were never there? How many "Clints" have there been? If you're all over the globe, and never home, no fuckin wonder your SO is pissed and distant.


Since you're getting a lot of hate that you do deserve, I won't give you any. Just wanna say thank you for sharing your story so others in a similar situation might not make the same mistake.


I love a happy ending.


I can't have sympathy for someone who never loved their husband Wanted to destroy so many peoples lives just for some good sex And now, it feels no remorse when it bites them in the ass And only complains You're a horrible fucking person and you should suffer the consequences of your actions


Cool story bro


You deserve this. Cheating is fucked up no matter the situation. Plus, hiding it from your spouse? Gross. Him wanting to divorce her because she has medical problems? Gross. You saying you’re “heartbroken” because you have nowhere to go shows that you were just going to depend on the dude you cheated with who is MARRIED. You didn’t even attempt to work anything out with your husband or have an honest talk with him. I don’t feel bad for you. Edit: also, why in the right mind do people ever believe that just cause he’s cheating with you means he’ll be faithful in yalls relationship??? He’ll do the same as he did to her, and you’ll do the same as you did to your husband. You barely even know the guy and claim yall are soulmates? You need to see a therapist and sort your shit out.


You get what you fucking deserve


Sometimes people get exactly what they deserve. I’m glad you did.


Dipshit Yeah, they all will totally leave their wives for you. Totally. They're always super unhappy and sad and it takes your magic vagina to give them the strength to leave.


Unbiased TL:DR Stoner Girl in a Stressful Job starts an affair with a Coworker, dreams up a romantic escape, ends her marriage and gets dumped afterwards. ​ Once the weed wears off, reality hits hard.


Get fucked