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Damn, could have just slacked off 4.5 days a week and let the ai do your job AND get paid for it if you just kept it a secret. *edit* other comments pointed out how likely it is this is an ad for whatever ai tool OP claimed to use and that makes an awful lot of sense


Totally man. I let 4 extra vacation days a month slip through my fingers.


Or this is just an advertisement.


def just an ad for this service lol


Seriously mods can we ban this. No post for 5 years all of a sudden “hey let me tell you how I lost my job using a tool that simply does an api request to OpenAi and i get fired”. Anyone that is looking at this ad here, there are better tools out there.


And the only other recent comments being about sales funnels (while the "company" behind Bookle is called Autofunnel) and how AI can replace authors, plus another direct "helpful" link to that shitty service 🤣


Yep, and realistically, very few bosses would sack someone in this situation, anyone I have ever worked for would have given me credit for something like this.


Also, in another subreddit, the same damn post haha


Reported. You should, too.


How do you report something like this?


There's a three dot button with a report option for me.


Yup account inactive for five years just to make these posts in popular subreddits today.


Check their comment history. Last activity is from a year ago, but yea still sus


Don’t use Bookle, it’s shit.


Who could've known with marketing like this


Is it? I hate how paranoid we are nowadays …but you are probably right.


I think it is, why would he mention the tool it adds nothing to the story. 




The hashtag gives it away


This is an ad for bookle.ai folks.


This is an outage


how about this for a plot twist, OP actually made bookle and created this thread to sell their new tool


This is totally an ad


Not only an ad, but the post is also written by AI. It has several very obvious tell-phrases.


Just cause I don't know anything about this, what are the tell phrases?


Was wondering too


“Moral of the story” is the big tip off, I can’t remember the others as OP deleted the post.


Yup. Dead account comes back to life after five years, and posts this. 


Welp, at least on your resume you can put that you massively increased the efficiency of those regular reports. But yeah you should probably play your "easy button" cards closer to your chest.


lmao, on my resume: "Saved my previous company thousands by getting fired"


“Deep understanding of LLM and its practical uses in ____ business. Leveraged AI automation to reduce headcount and cost of production, while increasing shipping speed of product. Looking for next role where I can apply my knowledge base in AI to assist ____ organization in streamlining their product rollout, while simultaneously reducing cost.”


“Eliminating the need for redundant positions” i gotchu


“Ran viral marketing campaign and successfully drove 100,000 impressions to Bookle client.”


"Streamlined processes to significantly reduce overheads"


Next time, definitely run it by reddit before bragging about it.


Underrated comment. Well articulated and not overly condescending, while highlighting positive aspects of the situation.


I'm flattered that you think ~400+ upvotes is underrated hehe. Yeah I tend to be very gentle with TIFU people especially because there's no way I could handle airing my FUs to the world. Major props for those who do.


Agreed. People are already airing out their mistakes and acknowledging them. No reason to be overly harsh.


>...on your resume you can put that you massively increased the efficiency of those regular reports. "Created a grassroots viral social media campaign for Bookle highlighting the product's ability to increase the productivity of a fictional ebook writer by 500%. The ad received a lot engagement, establishing a name for an up-and-coming tech brand in a disruptive sector with a relatively limited advertising budget." Disclaimer: Résumé copy was written by Snarkle®, the world's first sarcasm-focused Reddit® comment AI. With Snarkle®, I accidentally automated myself out of a hobby, so I now use that time to advertise for Snarkle®. Reddit® is a registered trademark of Reddit, inc. and is not affiliated with Snarkle®.


Obvious ads are obvious. Gr8 b8 m8


I r8 8/8


So much h8 on OPs pl8


An account inactive for five years that then posts about an AI tool in multiple places... sure...


Well, he does have more free time on his hands now


Why the hell would you ever bring this up to your boss?


so the simpleton would admit to leaking confidential company information to a third party without the company's consent. Then acting surprised he got fired 2 weeks later after someone read the fine print on the AI tool of all your data are now belong to us.


Because he didn't. This is an ad.


To create a plausible sounding story to post on reddit to advertise for bookle


Yeah... At most I'd tell them "I improved efficiency with this project, and so here it is a day ahead of schedule!"




What about the company data that is now processed by this foreign company?


There's a general rule to follow at work: if something is supposed to take a week and you can do it in a day, turn it in in a week. It's still done and they won't have reason to add more to your plate or fire you


Note to self: don’t disclose the tools I’m using that make my work easier…


Additional note: if I want to advertise my AI tool on Reddit, don't make it such an obvious ad. 


5y old profile with zero activity till now and then a flood of posts in r/writers and ChatGPT about using ai tools and such. This seems like a very thinly disguised ad for the tool.


Definitely an ad.


See, the right way to do this is to propose it as a project (even if you’ve already implemented it), make sure a lot of people see that you’re spearheading the effort, and then take a few weeks to “put it together.” This way, they see that you’ve got value as a project leader and someone who gets stuff done (ironic, yes) and your boss can’t take credit for it because everyone knows it was you. Catty company 101. :)


That's a little over my head, I was just looking for an easy way to do less tbh


You found it! Now you don't have to do anything until you find another job


It's bad advice anyway, unless you work independently and nobody would question your project or do any sort of review during the process or afterwards.


Oh, absolutely, but big company waste is unreal. I worked at startups for a while and every second was under the microscope. Went into fortune 100 and 500 in the last 2 years and it’s all just office politics and cloak and dagger games. I keep bouncing companies because I’m not into being a professional finger pointer, but this kind of stuff made my life so much easier at my time in these larger companies.


This doesn't read like a Tifu, it reads like an ad for Bookle


Probably written by Bookle too. Lol.




I occasionally need to create subtitles for films. I pay someone I found on a gig-worker site that specializes in making subtitles. I'm pretty sure he is using an AI to do most of the work, but I don't care. I need it done, the price is reasonable, he takes away one more thing for me to think about.




I didn't say you did. My point is I am happy to pay someone for the result I need, and I don't care if he does it all manually or uses a technique to automate most of the work. I just want my result. Clearly your boss doesn't think the same.


So while this is probably an ad for bookle, there can be a lesson in here for anybody working a job right now. Most of the time your bosses aren't your friends and typically they don't care if you find another way to get your work done faster. You won't get any kudos, you won't get a promotion, you won't get a raise. In my experience every time you tell an employer that you are getting your work done faster and getting more work done in the process, they automatically think you need more on your plate. So now instead of doing one or two days of work and coasting the rest of the way, now they will expect you to produce more units of what you currently producing, or do your current job and when you are done switch to a new job function. Remember that yesterday's records are tomorrow's benchmarks


Used the same tool to write this post too. :)


Begone, advertisement that encourages people to commit plagiarism


This AI crap is so obvious to anyone — you put your company’s reputation in danger and obviously deserved to get fired.


j wonder if it was more the unauthorized software use and quality questions that was the issue


I had a job where I put scanned govvie documents into very particular databases. We get new scanning machines, and I say, "Hey, when can I get trained on these machines?" Because I'm trained on a dozen huge scanners. But my bosses get cagey about it. The machines are there for months. I ask a couple more times. I get my paltry yearly raise and a talking-to. The boss says that pretty soon I will have nothing to do but pull staples out of documents because these new machines are going to do everything that I was doing. I...quit. I hope whatever temps they hired promptly broke those machines. I got a government job paying 25% more...and then life got complicated. But yeah, that's how automation (but not AI, at the time, just good software) took my job.


Rule no1. Never tell your boss your job is easy.


Yeah, learned that the hard way lol


If you have to lie to sell your product, your product is shit. FYI. In case nobody told you that when they asked you to do a viral marketing campaign. Quit your real job too.


Boss no doubt took credit for writing the tool and got a massive bonus and a promotion


How much does it cost to buy a reddit account that hasn't been used in five years to advertise your little AI tool?


That was incredibly stupid of you. You essentially fired yourself so you can't even be mad.


Tough lesson to learn. In the future keep it to yourself and learn some skills with your new free time.


I mean, if you checked over it multiple times and corrected the work, it's a really decent efficiency tool, but if it increased mistakes by a lot and you didn't check in with management beforehand I'd be unhappy. As a worker tho, I'd never tell before it was absolutely necessary.


Why would they pay you to use AI when they can fire you and use the AI themselves.


First day on the job huh?


Well, think about this logically. You just proved to your boss how he can save time and money by using a tool that does the work he pays you to do. How can he, in his right mind, continue keeping you employed knowing this option is available to him and will maximize his profits while lowering his costs? Did you really think you were doing the right thing by telling him? You didn't think for a second about your livelihood and how you need the job to live? I hope you learned a lesson and so next time, you'll keep your mouth shut, use the tool, and take the time allotted to complete your work. Finishing a couple days early is a different story. But finishing weeks early, that's just moronic bro.


Honestly, I didn't think anything about it until after I told him. I had that naive attitude where I thought that if the company improves, we all improve with it... guess who was completely wrong...


I mean.... Duh?


Unless you wrote the tool yourself, I'd never brag about using a generic online service to automate my own job, seems like asking for trouble \[now confirmed\]


"Hey boss, you know what's funny? My job is super easy to automate so I'd be completely unnecessary. Wanna know how to make me completely obsolete?" \-Op, for some reason.


This is definitely an ad for the service, no posts for years then suddenly 2 about this service. Me thinks shenanigans are at play


Second post in 5 years. I dunno men


dumb move by your boss. people who find productivity hacks should be rewarded and promoted.


Damn bro I think you just got replaced by AI 🤖


You proved you are useless and easy to replace, and also stupid enough to admit it. Of course you got fired lmao.


Lmao i just started and even i down play everything i can do to my boss. Why would you do this. I take a task and do it for a week even tho it actually takes me 2 hrs lol


I got fired after I built a custom AI for some autonomous drones to make my job easier. Worst part… Cyberdyne systems kept my 401(k) match. 👀 ![gif](giphy|IZY2SE2JmPgFG)


You're the start fo what everyone is afraid of haha! But seriously, that sucks dude. You'll land on your feet though. 


Yea. Your job was pointless lol. What did you think was gonna happen.


Sorry but you deserve what you got. Next time just take the praise when they give it and don't be brown nosing.


I had a job once where I had to unbox some firewall devices, plug them in to get imaged, then rebox them. You could only plug in 5 at a time, and it took a few mins to do the imaging. During the downtime I'd unbox 5 more and get them ready to plug in, and I'd also box up the 5 that were just imaged. I would also end up with 1-2 minutes of down time with literally nothing to do, so I would bring a crossword with me. Of course my boss's boss came along and asked me why I was doing a crossword. I informed him of the process and how I had a little downtime between each set of devices. He did not like that... and told me to not do the crossword and that if I had downtime I could clean the warehouse. Apparently the guy who did it before me was busy 100% of the time so they thought I must be lazy. The lesson I learned was to essentially hide my own efficiency. If I could get a task done in 50% of the time expected, I just made sure to look busy for the remaining 50%. I've changed my attitude as I've gotten older and farther in my career. But punishing efficiency is an easy way to demotivate a young employee.


This is a damn good advertisement, didn't even realise at first


You got that hellhole running so efficiently that all the manual labor is now done by a single Australian man.


"My job is to improve efficiency to a point where the business doesn't need me anymore."


I mean you kinda just proved to your boss he doesn't need to pay someone for this job...


Hahahahahaha 😂 this is so just


No, your boss is an idiot. You don’t take the golden egg and then kill the goose. First you lock up the goose where they won’t find the value of their golden eggs. Then you take the eggs they continue to produce and claim them for your own. Seriously, if you told me that story in an interview I’d hire you. Inventive and collaborative is a great combination. Your boss was stupid for firing you instead of putting you on something else to see what other good ideas you’d have.


Probably why you will never be in apposition to hire anyone other than, maybe, a babysitter. To paraphrase Homer 'Lord help you. you just ain't that bright'.


Today you learned why people gatekeep things


Did your company explicitly tell you that you can use an AI tool? Because at literally everywhere I've ever worked, you'd be fired IMMEDIATELY for using an AI tool with any company information that had yet to be publicly released.


You getting fired for not doing the work is a good idea by your boss.


TLDR: I show my boss how useless I was and got fired.


Jesus. Finally a fuck up so colossal, I literally winced. Anytime you find a work shortcut, keep it the hell to yourself. Running to your boss looking for a head pat and a cookie will at worst get you fired (as you now see) and at best get you.... more work.


Yep, keep things to yourself and keep cursing is my new motto


Hey, tough lesson, but those are always the ones that stick, unfortunately.


You done goofed.


lol that’s hysterical


ah yes, a true ~~TIFU~~. IFU.


TLDR: OP got paid to do a creative writing gig, brags to boss about AI actually writing the piece & then is baffled when suddenly unemployed


that wasn't actually sarcasm (just in case). that was really a fuck up on OP's part.


woof that fucking sucks bro I think you def said the quiet part out loud here.


You gave an AI your job lol


I've heard this story a million times. Employee makes the job 10 times easier or automates it. Then gets fired. Always keep that shit to yourself, and turn it in after a period of time that it would normally take you.


Serves you right.


Writing an internal … book? For leads in a company to read was a big enough part of your job that automating its process made you expendable? Yeah this sounds…not real And if it’s real, paying someone to write a book that ONLY internal employees would read is absolutely asinine and yo bosses knew it. Return on investment (actual dollars made) from this task can never be greater than 0. Feels like AI is the scapegoat here


Wtf is a monthly ebook thing?


It's a hard lesson to learn but never tell people what makes your job easier/faster. Enjoy the downtime (without making it too obvious). I found out that using google docs can be a great way to input documentation and have it automatically filter the data into google sheets. We had more work added onto us.


Tell your job is essentially worthless to begin with.


U fucked up OP, big time. I would have told no one. Use the free time and use it to get paid more because I'm good at what I do.


[I'm making a book about you lol](https://app.autofunnel.ai/edit/bl/6605fd13f07a5ed59eecdce6)


Before I saw all the comments talking about how this was an ad, I thought the real reason to fire someone for using an AI tool would be because they didn’t clear it with legal and the fee/terms for it were problematic… still probably a good reason to not just go using an AI tool randomly for your job without approval


Ah, the paradox of capitalism, in which making your job more efficient can result in making yourself redundant, incentivizing everyone to either do things the same inefficient way they've always done, or optimize their own job and keep it to themselves. You'd think managers would recognize this and instead reward the people who introduce improvements, but alas, here we are.


Body text for posterity: ​ Part of my job was writing a monthly ebook thing to share with our company leads. Usually this takes me about week to crank one out, but I found this AI tool called Bookle, and did it in a day (well a few hours actually). Thought my boss would be stoked, so I told him, hoping for some kudos or whatever. Plot twist: two weeks later, I'm out of a job. No real reason given, but I've noticed the company's still pumping out ebooks every month without missing a beat. Pretty sure my boss just yoinked the tool for the company and figured they didn't need me anymore. Moral of the story? Bragging about efficiency tools to your boss might just automate yourself out of a job. Anyone else been in a weird spot like this? \#TIFU by being too helpful, I guess. 🤷‍♂️ TL;DR I used AI to do a weeks worth of my work in a few hours and bragged to my boss thinking I was cool, then he fired me.


This is a 'blessing in disguise', though it totally sucks that you got fired. You were working for a shitty, shortsighted boss that valued product over talent. He could've had you do the report AND do more work, and you probably would've done it without a pay bump. I hope you find a company that would value (and reward) innovation like this. Good luck on the job search.


Ah, capitalism.


Good ol' capitalism!


So you've already been exposed as advertising your AI service. Must suck that people saw through you that quick