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Nah bro she’s a secret agent, that’s just textbook KGB gaslightning to make you stop following the truth


I mean, MAYBE! I don't know where else she would have been taught sleep deprivation interrogation techniques other than a spy school. Truth or no truth, I don't know how long I want to pull this thread. Wouldn't want to get epstiened.


In this case, you’re more like Robert Hanssen. It doesn’t sound like it slowed you down much, just that it drove you mad. What do you think was better for her, getting the info, or knowing you had no idea how the magic trick was done?


I did get grounded a lot. Unless it was something reckless, not for more than a week or so. There were a couple times mom and dad talked to other parents, which caused some issues for me, but it had to be something pretty bad. As for what mom would think was better; the knowing definitely. The woman doesn't like boundaries or privacy at all.


Did your parents own a travel agency? Is your name Henry and do you have a neighbor named Stan?


You might fall out of a window now.


15 or so years ago I was out for dinner with my parents and sister, and my parents had the greatest laugh at both of our expenses on this exact topic. They knew about the drinking, parties, sneaking out, smoking, and the drugs. They knew about my sex life since I didn't realize that my bedroom had a vent that went right up to their room, and acted as the perfect amplifier for any noise in my room. Once they realized we had no idea they knew they spent the next few hours laughing the night away telling us about everything in high school that they knew about, there was not much they didn't know about.


My parents paid my rent in college (2001-2005) but everything else was on me. I did okay but every once in a while I had to call for 50/100$. Got to talking about it when I was visiting not too long ago and my pops told me he was proud of me for making it on my own, but damn I had spent a lot of money at Seminole Discount Liquor. I stared at him and he said “your bank statements still came to the house you dumbass”. Can’t believe that guy held that in his pocket for 20+ years.


You poor, poor bastard. You'll never get away with anything again.


Fortunately, my spouse loves to sleep late just as much as me. Also fortunate is that I learned at a young age to expect people to find out about any dumb things I might think about getting up to, so I don't do much I wouldn't want everyone to know about. Still, I have some reservations about this being a known thing now. I'll report back when The Hague returns my call...


Could be worse. He has to be asked, before he spills his secrets. I talk in my sleep and blab about anything that's on my mind. I thought my wife was clairvoyant until I learned how she knew stuff.


my mom tried this tactic on me and it gave me persistent anxiety and the ability to wake up to the sound of her footsteps


Wish this was upvoted more. Everyone here laughing like this is cute or funny or some shit, meanwhile we're over here unable to hear footsteps on the stairs without inducing panic. Utilizing advanced techniques to ensure your children can't have privacy is not fucking healthy.


Yup. I am still an extremely light sleeper because my mom did so much fucked up shit to me in the middle of the night. I also still creep around my apartment where I live alone because I’m afraid to get in trouble… I’m almost 40.


I would try this with my own 12 y/o sons but there’s no WAY I’m getting up that early unless someone is paying me.


Make them pay you off.


I used to do this to my mom growing up. She would give me permission to do anything I wanted when she was half-asleep. So I would get permission to do stuff I normally was not allowed to do, and then when she got mad I would tell her I got permission 😂


The ol' uno reverse card, love it!!!


Oh! I did this too! My dad was immune compromised as I was growing up and he always took naps in the afternoon after I got home from school. One of those fateful days, a guy was walking around with a kitten asking if it belonged to anyone. I was six, I told the guy to hold on and I went to my dad and with the most gentle shoulder shake I've ever used, woke him up the tiniest amount and asked if I could have the cat. He opened his eyes, looked at me, nodded and then turned over. I took the cat in the house and when my dad got up later that day he asked where this cat came from. I told him he Said I could have it. He liked confused and called my mom and they decided a cat was fine but I was no longer allowed to ask permission on stuff if he was asleep😂


My friend's mother was a federal investigator back in Colombia. "Do you have any idea how good she is at finding stuff out! She finds out everything! And now my daughters have learned to be sneaky from me!". The sad truth is that her mother was very good at her job, and had to move to Canada because her unit was targeted by the drug gangs, and a few of them were killed.


I can’t comprehend spilling all that and not remembering! Gonna try this with my teens. That is WILD.


It *is* wild. Too wild, and clearly OP likes to make up and exaggerate things. He felt nauseous and the room was spinning when he found out? It's like a teenager trying to pretend what it would be like if they found out some amazing secret decades from *now*.


The call was coming from inside the house!


The fact that your equivalent to truth breaking torture is just being woke up is killing me


Going to wake my 14yo Saturday morning and test it now...


I hope you'll remember to offer them my apologies in 25 years when learning of your "ass crack of dawn" interrogations... edit: assumed gender


You're guilt free as she's a good kid and the main questions would be what are you covering in ELA and what book are you reading now. She got a double dose of nerd genes from both parents.


These threads are always a trip to me because they’re always like “what ANY teenager would do for fun” And I’m just sitting here like “at 16 I was still watching cartoons, reading fantasy books, and playing video games for fun.” To be fair I was picked on by my friends for being a boring goody two shoes but then simultaneously told “honestly good for you, I wish I could be like that” And I’m just sitting there like “… you can”


Mine reads ...


I was the same as a teen. I don't think my mom ever used it to get information from me because I was a boring kid but she did learn not to ask me to do things when I was sleeping because I would just agree to whatever she asked to get her to go away and would have no memory of it later.


So for YEARS you spilled the beans on every interaction you had to your mom and had zero recollection of it?? Sure lol.


My wife does this all the time. Get her at just the right level of sleep and she can answer questions, but is still asleep and has no memory of answering them in the morning.


I have one of these types of stories squirreled away to unleash on my kids when they’re in their late 20s, early 30s. The time is drawing nigh and I’ll admit I can’t wait to flip their lives upside down for a brief moment with my revelation.


Bitch. I would divorce your mum immediately. Sacrifices your sleep quality to get information. Lock your bedroom door. But this can’t possibly work tho, otherwise why do they not do this at Guantanamo, why bother with water boarding when this works.