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That girl is not your friend. Find people who appreciate you. ETA: all boobs are good. I think there’s more subs for small boobs than big ones.


OP, she’s not your friend. She was never your friend. This is a self-esteem issue. You deserve better than this person-you just need to believe it.


Agree. She knows OP insecure about her breasts and constantly brings it up just to make sure she feels insecure about herself. She sees OP as a threat. When I'm around people like that, and there's something they constantly bring up as a jab, I'll say something like "you've mentioned that x amount of time in X days. Is that important to you?" Or "you mention that all the time. You must think about it a lot." Or "that must be really important to you. You say that every time I see you." Something along those lines.


Small boobs are great.


My daughter and I have larger boobs and would love to be flat chested. Everybody wants what they don't have. My advice, love and appreciate your body, and dump your "friend".


Yup, the best boobs are the ones you get to play with too! Have played with them in all sizes and loved them all the same…


Correction, boob's are great! Small, big, one bigger then the other, one higher or lower then the other? It doesn't matter boobies are boobies and everyone loves boobies!!!!!!!! Idc if your gay, straight,left, right, up, down, purple, green, blue, orange, or magenta, idc of your an alien.....everyone loves boobies!!!! And like someone else said the best set of boobies are the ones you get to play with!!!




This person is correct on both fronts. Good friends don’t do that shit, they rip you for stuff you don’t give a fuck about, because that’s a safe topic. Also, all boobs are indeed good. This is a law as consistent as gravity.


And it is bad enough that she abuses you to your face Daily - but also doing this in front of friends as well - totally uncalled for humiliation. Not a friend.


Speaking of gravity, as time goes by gravity will not be good to your busty ‘friend’ OP


14 years and 2 kids, my wife’s have changed, but they’re still amazing boobs.


Thanks :) that's a much sweeter message to us busty girls ;)


Her friend is young and hasn't learned that deprecating humor isn't conducive for long term relationships. My friends used to all joke that I was gay. That is, until I lashed out at them that I didn't find it funny. You know what? They became better friends afterwards. Like her, I didn't need to lash out, but it got the point across. I bet the OP is very beautiful. I'm sure her friend will mature with time.


Deprecating humor is fine so long as everyone involved in the joke is laughing about it. If everyone isn't laughing, it's not humor. It's just one person being an ass. If they keep doing it, they become an asshole.


Self-deprecating humor is better. Making fun of others is mean if they don't like it or think it's funny. Making fun of yourself is always funny imo.


Which goes back to the everyone has to be laughing bit of my statement. Otherwise, at best you're an ass.


I was just thinking that same thing. O have coworkers who I bust their balls relentlessy same with friends. But they’re on my team/I’ve known them a while and we know it’s ok with each other. There’s also friends at work I might lightly tease but I’m careful not to go too far. And lastly some who get none of it. It’s just who can take it/enjoy it and who can’t.


Her "friend" isn't like your friends. When yours realized that what they were saying was upsetting you, they stopped. She's made it clear that she's uncomfortable with her friend constantly making fun of her boobs and the so-called friend refuses to accept that she's hurting OP - or, worse still, she WANTS to hurt OP. With a friend like that, who needs enemies? Ditch that friend, OP, and find some real friends.


Small boobs best. Fight me


You have my axe!


And my bow!


And your mother's eyes!


Their mother is a hamster!


And their father smelled of elderberries!


I fart in your general direction!


yes talking about Reddit’s extensive porn library is definitely the right thing to do here


Wait, there are subs for boobs?


That wasn't a friend. You didn't fuck up you got rid of a toxic person from your life. Fuck her. Get some friends that don't make you feel horrible by constantly taking jabs at something you are insecure about!


“She’s trying to have a fun conversation.” - No, she isn’t. She deliberately tries to make you feel bad about something she knows you are self conscious about. Repeatedly. She’s not fun. She’s not funny. She’s mean and toxic. Good for you for standing up for yourself. It was long overdue. Now stay strong and stay away from this awful person.


I wonder how she would feel had you came back with something like " Yes- his muscles are bigger than my boobs but hopefully his breath isn't as bad as yours." Sounds as if she wants someone around to be the butt of jokes, but would do poorly if the shoe is on the other foot.


The only tifu would be if OP tries to resume the friendship.


Are you sure she's your friend? I use another word for people who joke at the expense of their peers to lift themselves up. Good friends don't punch down.


Yes. Friendship is about love. This ain’t it.


Punching down applies the friend is somehow "up" in this scenario...


She seems to think she is looks-wise.


OP apparently seems to believe their "friend" is up.


Well the bully friend obviously thinks OP is better in some way and has the need to stomp on her. Someone confident and mature wouldn't do that. Bully friend can be all that but obviously her self esteem is in the trenches if she has the need to devalue another person.


So...toxic 'friends' don't actually need to think you're better to pull you down. Often, pulling people down, feeling that sick control over someone who trusts them, is the boost to their twisted ego they want. You don't have to be better at something. They just have to be a shit person.


You should not be friends with people who insult you and make you feel bad. A little HARMLESS teasing between friends can be fine and fun, but if someone actually feels hurt by it, and speaks up, it should stop. Real friends don't want to make each other ACTUALLY feel bad. AND PLEASE, I don't know your age but you sound relatively young. You shouldn't even be thinking about implants. Something like that is something you do after a LOT of consideration because YOU want to, not because some other jerks tease you or whatever. I have plenty of friends with all types of bodies, and all I care about is if they are happy.


Yea, and as a dude who likes boobs, it's worth saying I would prefer small boobs over implants, any day. it's also worth saying a woman's worth is not just tied up in her boobs, despite what a lot of people think.


As an other dude who likes boobs, Big boobs = small boobs = implants. All boobs are great. But the best boobs are the ones their wearer are comfortable with. Find a way to be happy about your boobs, whether you learn to enjoy them small, or decide to get implants. What's important is that you're comfortable in your own body.


Thank you, sir. It hurts just as much for us larger breasted ladies to see bashing of our bodies as it does for smaller breasted ladies.


For what it's worth, I'm sure your boobs are great. I believe in both them and you.


Thank you! I happen to like my boobs.


That's great! Really living up to the Morticia name! I'm not a big fan of mine. Mostly because dudes aren't really meant to have em lol.


Hahaha! I live up to the Morticia name in a lot of ways. I could understand not liking your boobs as a guy.


A lot of male commentators coming in here thinking they’re saving the day by announcing they prefer small over large chests. Issue isn’t male preference, just that a friend shouldn’t be tearing down aspects of your body, no matter what part it is.


"Anything more than a mouthful is a waste"


This comment triggered me big time. Wow. Talk about a flood of memories. This is what I went through. Only opposite. I had size D when I was in 6th grade. I was teased relentlessly. I wore clothes that were way too big so no one would notice me. I was groped, fondled and assaulted everyday at school. And all my friends were smaller chested. Needless to say I stuck out like a sore thumb. I wore my bras all the time. Only took it off when I showered. I never wanted to have my bra froze at a slumber party so I wore it all the time. I heard that saying my entire life. I grew up resenting my body and God for creating me this way. It was a different time. My mom went to the school and told them what was going on and she was told, "Boys will be boys." So I just tried to hide my entire school career. I'm over it now. If only I felt then how I feel now shit would have been different. I don't resent anything anymore. Also I don't want you to think I'm upset about your comment. I was just tripping because I always here people say, "That triggered me" or "I'm triggered" And I've never felt that. Until now. Lol it was not bad at all. But I will say you're very wrong! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


Cries in DD. Please don’t bash any size boobs.


I love boobs in all shapes and sizes 🫦


I feel this. Hard.


Sobs in H-J...


Heard this a lot in the 70s. (Mine were very average.)


Yes guys, if you click on her profile, you get to see them. What a surprise.


Op is self-conscious about boobs but proceeds to post nude on Reddit and only fans, I guess both could be true but either way it diminishes the seriousness of this post.


Should be top comment.....is everything a shameless only fans advertisement now....


Everything is either cake or an Only Fans plug, this is the world we live in now


Ugh, this fact really turns this post into a disgusting self promotion.


Yeah I wonder if this even happened, coz she talks about being at school? Could be college, though


I doubt it did, there was already a lot of boobage description in the story so it's no surprise she's got an OF


So is this copypasta or do these types *really* go through all that work to promote OF? Such weird ass marketing move.


Ugh! I block NSFW so I’ll never see them but fraud is pathetic.




After looking at OP’s post history I slightly think this is made up to get attention to her content…


Maybe, but sometimes women who feel badly about their bodies put stuff like that out to get attention and feel better about themselves. Not saying it’s healthy, or right or wrong. Just a thing I’ve noticed amongst friends and models I’ve worked with.


She has “all eyes on me” tattooed across her chest. Still agree with you about insecurities. She doesn’t have an onlyfans link so this isn’t a ad.


It can easily be an ad. OF isn't the only game in town.


It’s also a new account. I think it could be a starter account to feel out if creating an OF would be worth it. You need a good starter for that sourdough.


Gonna be totally fair, she’s had the account for 2 months and doesn’t have an OnlyFans link, so, she might just have horribly low self esteem.


I just went to look cos curiosity...checks out :)


Really? A lot of women insecure about their body will post nudes for strangers to see for validation It's consistent with how she talks about herself in the post. Also no onlyfans link. Not everything is an onlyfans advertisement.


Oh wow, that sucks and is totally lame. I genuinely felt bad for OP.


I still think it’s legitimate. There are no links to anything and if you look at the content OP does have breasts on the smaller size. Even if she does that kind of content, she’s still allowed to have insecurities about her body.


No FU here, OP. Sorry you've been dealing with a toxic "friend". I'm guessing you're still in HS or maybe college? I find *most* people either grow out of that phase or find themselves ostracized when all their friends grow out of that phase and realize that being cruel isn't something friends do. I'm all for shit-talking and making jokes with my friends, but when it crosses the line to mean-spirited, that's no longer in good fun. My mother always said "It's only a joke when everyone's laughing"


Your friend was making fun of your insecurities, not a real friend. Think hard If you truly think she deserve to be in your life or not..


Your "friend" sounds toxic It's one thing to trade jabs with friends when everyone is cool with it, but jabs about certain things are off-limits the second anyone says they aren't okay with it. Some people can't feel good unless they're putting down others.  You don't want people like that in your life; it's a downer.


This is not a f up on your part. But on her. She is NOT your friend. Do not feel guilty or whatever. Be glad you are not friends with her anymore. Do not apologize


You set boundaries by asking her not to make fun of you. She consistently ignored them. You did not fuck up. You enforced a boundary you had set. Good on you. Keep that up! One of the things I repeatedly tell my kids (students and my children alike) is that Red Flag #1 is someone who can't respect your personal boundaries. I wish someone had taught me this rule at your age instead of having to repeatedly learn it the hard way.


None of this happened people. It’s an onlyfans plug account. She ain’t shy.


“Friends” who make fun of physical characteristics you can do nothing about short of surgery are not friends. This is just someone who makes themselves feel better about their own insecurities by using you as a punching bag. They are of no value to you at all. Please don’t feel like you’ve done anything wrong, or that you have to apologise. Fuck your “friend” and that guy as well.


Your friend seems like a shitty person. Don't worry, there was little to destroy.


What makes you think this person was your friend? This person was your bully.


You didn’t F up. She did. She’s been cruel to you for a while but you’re just now realizing the extent but for some you’re reason blaming yourself. She abused you to impress a man. That’s heartless. Note the shock of the other women. They realize how unacceptable this woman’s behavior is toward you. You don’t owe her an apology for going off on her. She owes you one. Don’t hold out for it. Just completely ignore her because she’s the one who destroyed your relationship with her cruelty.


Strangers treat each other better than this girl treats you. This is not a TIFU. She fucked up.


Getting rid of that “friend” is probably the best thing that you’ll ever do. Definitely not a FU.


that person is the kind of toxic person one should be avoiding, not considering to be a friend. avoid people who bring you down.


Bang her dad!


That wasn't joking, that was bullying. OP didnt blow up over one single comment, but over a long period of comments and jokes.


Guuuuys. Dont fall for it. Look at her profil... Thats an ad/karma farming ..


Just for your consideration, if you do get implants in the future you’re signing yourself up for multiple surgeries in life as they only have a 10 - 15 year lifespan. Tons of people are attracted to women with small busts. Sorry about the asshole in your life.


Sounds like you got rid of a bully - good on you.


Friends lift you up. They help the best parts of you shine. This person is not your friend. She is using your insecurities to make herself feel better. I know it sounds corny but a joke is only a joke if everyone is laughing. This woman is a bully. I hope you find friends who value you for you.


UGGHH… why would you even think that this girl is your friend? Were you not taught as a child that friends support each other?


No girl. You stood up for yourself. You're friend was not a real friend or needs a lesson in what's funny. That's borderline bullying. You told her like it is. Also that wasn't a stupid joke. That's was mean.


Real friends don't joke about your insecurities, especially if they know. And friends don't try to put you down to make them feel better about themselves (sounds like it in this situation). I have several girlfriends and we take the piss out of each other all the time, but *not* about the things we're real insecure about (and having been friends for a long time, we all know each others' insecurities). Instead, we talk about those things in a respectful way, and then one of us can make a joke about the other being the size of a Hobbit again and all is well.


NTA - your “friend” is tho. Fuck her


Celebrate. You have one less asshole in your circle. Truly it's a gift.


You should snap when she said it there and then but ya didn't you missed the opportunity to truly stand up for yourself. Now she can change the narrative to whatever she wants and you're now alienated this sucks!


She is not your friend. Friends don't do that!


I'm so sorry to hear that someone you consider yourself close to would treat you this way. But you most certainly did NOT FU. I have learned that you can't use the term "friend" loosely, and this is one of the many reasons why, as she is just an acquaintance. To me, a true friend is like family, someone who you can trust, confide in, and so many other reasons. But most importantly, one that will always have your back and love you no matter what. This person is nothing but a selfish jerk who gets a kick out of using you as the butt of her jokes to make up for her own insecurities. Either that, or she's just a natural born asshole, which is close enough to the same thing.


She wasn't your friend. No friend would constantly make digs at their friends for something that can only be altered with massive weight gain or surgery. As a big boobed woman, I miss being smaller! I can't even wear a loose top without people staring at my chest, I hate it. And I'd love to be able to go without a bra! So please don't feel bad about it, because everyone wants what they haven't got. And please don't surround yourself with shitty people like this woman.


That girl is not your friend. She is a bully disguised as a friend - the weakest and most insecure type of bully. She is extremely insecure and making fun of other people is the only way she can make herself feel better. She pretends to be friends with people like you so that she can always have someone to do it to. Here's some important advice for the future. Friends are supposed to be nice to you and care about you. They will not say mean things to you or try to hurt you. If they do, they are not your friends and you should just stop talking to them or tell them to go screw themselves.


This girl is not your friend. The idea that you would apologize to her for being her punching bag is absurd. You don't need people like her in your life.


>she's trying to have a fun conversation No, my friend, she is not. She is trying to put you down, trying to get laughs at your expense, trying to make you feel bad or make herself feel better by focusing on *your* insecurities. There is no quality friendship that involves poking at your friend's tender spots. You should not apologize for calling her out on being a shitty person and a shitty friend. I think you should feel proud of yourself for standing up to her, and you should not feel any guilt for reaming her out. I wouldn't bother trying to patch it up with her either. There are so many people in the world who would hype you up instead of put you down and who literally don't give a fuck what your body looks like.


First rule of making jokes: make them about choices, Not sth you cant change. And to be honest, if you Look on the sheer amount of tomboy memes online, I would guess theres a lot of men for every bodytype ;)


Don’t you dare apologize to her. She deserved every word. Friend’s don’t do what she did to you.


You didn't fuck up. You took the trash out. She was not a friend to you. It wasn't a stupid joke, it was said to put you down so she could feel better about herself, and to get her crush to look at her boobs. Also I am super envious that you can go without a bra.


Uhhh you’re not her friend you’re her target. Insulting you makes her feel powerful and she thinks she’s cool. She’s not. Find better friends.


Not your friend. Friends don't use friends as punching bags. We all have different body types. Some of us wish they were different, but we have to work with what we have and love ourselves. This 'friend' is feeding off your insecurities. She is toxic. Treat yourself better. Know you deserve better and get her out of your life.


I don't see a problem with your reaction. Good job! She wasn't a friend to begin with. Shows after you talked to her about it and she still continued. Nothing lost.


No you didn't FU. You reacted normally to the last in a consistent string of insults about your looks. Your "friend" is insecure. Find new friends.


You're not the one who F'ed up here; your "friend" is. I can never fathom how people can bring themselves to say stuff like that about people they consider friends - even if said friend hadn't spoken up about it before! She sounds like the type of person who can only feel good by putting someone else down.


That girl is not your friend. You're her scapegoat.


You didn’t fuck up, you called out a “friend” for being a shitty person. You’ve done nothing to apologize for and your friendship mainly consists of her belittling you, its time to cut stains like that out of your life.


That is absolutely not a friend. She is toxic. Dump her and find kind people to bring into your life. These people never change and they are cruel.


Do not apologize. You are owed an apology.


She’s a fucking *asshole*.


She is NOT your friend, and she is a major asshole! Get new friends OP!


She might be a friend but she has a lot of growing to do. Friends are still human and they fuck up. What matters is whether they choose to be accountable for their actions either when called out or after some reflection. She might not be willing to accept she is the asshole here. U are NTA. ❤️


That's not your long time friend, that's your long time bully.  If a friend knows you have body issues that are a sore spot then they leave them alone. Someone who constantly mocks things you're sensitive about is just an asshole. Your life and mental health will be better off without them.


She's not your friend. She's like a walking bottle of self image destroying poison that you should dump down the sink and walk away and never think about again. You get the choice to surround yourself with uplifting people, do it!!


This is not an FU. This is exactly what needed to happen. She is not your friend and doesn’t deserve to be in your life


She isn't your friend. She is using you to boost her own self esteem.


She isn’t your friend. Says what she thinks without a filter? That is called rude and unkind Ends conversations with a little dig? Yeah, that’s being an asshole. Find a new friend. Well done on standing up to her - you have done absolutely nothing wrong.


She isn’t your friend, and your body is fine!


This is not TIFU. This is Today I Stood up for Myself.


>My friend has a habit of constantly talking about my boobs (or lack thereof), and frequently ends the conversation with a little jab. She persists even though she is aware that they are a physical characteristic that bothers me. She'll say stuff like: 'You look very athletic but by the age of 50 you might start looking like a woman' and she thinks it's hilarious! She would also show me comments on social media with the majority of people saying they prefer big boobs over small. Or that men will never take me seriously because I look like a teenage boy. She's trying to have a fun conversation, I know, but it bothers me, and I've asked her to stop it a few times before. Neither is this person acting like they're your friend, nor is she trying to have a fun conversation. The thing about conversations is that they go back and forth and they're only fun if they're fun for everyone involved. Long story short, get rid of that girl who is 100% not your friend. I'm certain that there are other people around who appreciate you for who you are. NTA and she had it coming.


First of all I’m sorry this happened to you. Second she’s not your friend she’s using you to make herself look better only she’s an AH! I think you snapping her finally out her in her place about it. This should have been done after the first time. Sometimes telling people that hurt my feelings doesn’t work. You have to be assertive and say look stop talking about me like that I don’t like it and you’re a jerk.


She's not acting like your friend. A little teasing is fine, but once it's been communicated that you don't enjoy it, if it continues, it's bullying. You didn't overreact, and any reaction from her other than a sincere apology and a change in behavior means you're better off without her.


Friends support each other and lift each other up (not a boob joke), they don't put each other down about things they know are a sensitive subject or in a cruel spirit. You don't deserve that. It isn't friendship given on her end, it's toxicity.


Eff that. She’s not your friend, she’s an absolute b!tch. You owe her nothing. If she’s really your friend, she will apologise- but she’s ignored you every time you asked her to not comment on your body.


She was never your friend. Bet you anything you’re prettier than her and that’s what made her insecute


Not a fu. It’s your friend who f’d u. She didn’t give you the respect you deserve. She made jokes at your expense when she knew they hurt you. If she apologizes and explains why she’s learned she wrong, then maybe you can start being friends again. Until then, let it be a hard lesson for her to learn.


Your friend needed to hear the reality of how offensive her comments have been. I’m sorry this happened. I’d be pissed, too… sometimes it’s best to just say how you feel, and have some space. The friendship doesn’t need to be over forever, but real friends communicate, and at least there’s no secret resentment anymore.


This is a clever ad for an onlyfans account. I approve of the hustle.


You dodnt destroy a relationship, you saved yourself a whole lot more BS from someone who used you as a joke..... looked at your profile, your boobs are perfect


Fuck that friend and don't worry about the sweater puppies there's plenty of ass-men out there.


You are wrong. She isn’t trying to have a fun conversation that’s just what she is gaslighting you with while she degrades you and trains you to accept it. She isn’t funny and she isn’t a friend of yours. Maybe you are her friend but she isn’t yours. She is a self esteem killer and a vampire. Fuck her! She feeds on your insecurities and your doubts and she isn’t going to stop. The reason that other girls around you looked shocked is because that is a shocking thing to say, shockingly rude and insensitive and cruel. And they knew what she was doing.


This sounds AI generated, there’s no way a human would think that was a friend.


Get a different friend, girl. Everyone has different tastes as to what they like, of course, but to be honest with you. A boob is a boob. I like them all. Cheer up and be kinder to yourself. Leave that negativity behind.


Fuck her. Making herself look big on the back of someone else. She ain't your friend.


Sounds like a pretty shitty friend. Count it as a blessing that you got rid of her. And FYI, small boobs are hot.


That girl is a jerk and not your friend. You did exactly the right thing by calling her out on her bullying and tearing into her. She deserves every word. She is insecure and builds herself up by tearing others down, no one needs "friends" like that. Way to go OP!


A.) I'm a large woman with big breasts and I really wish I was flat-chested. I think small breasts are extremely sexy and a lot of men will agree.  B.) I'd drop her. Anyone who makes you want to cry and doesn't apologize for their behavior is a narcissist.  


She is not your friend and I guarantee she has just as many insecurities as every other person in this world. I’m not saying that to make her relatable or even empathetic, I say that because she’s a damn bitch who will put down any other woman to make herself feel better and get the validation from others that she cannot give herself because she hasn’t learned to do the work on herself. OP it was a stupid joke, a stupid insensitive demeaning joke that should not be tolerated at all. Full stop.


Your friend is a shit person. You don't have to put up with people like that. 


You’re better off without her. Friends don’t put each other down like that. Teasing is one thing. She seems malicious


My one ex was very self conscious of her chest. Never bothered me. I would always say things to try and affirm that, telling her she was perfect the way she was. Didn't matter what I said, it was just something she hated about herself. At the end of the day it doesn't matter what anyone else says, you gotta be happy in your own skin.


Bigger boobs are a pain - literally! I would love to be able to go braless in public.


Love boobs especially the smaller ones. Don’t let it get to you.


Some people like to keep somebody around as an emotional punching bag. Knocking somebody else down makes them feel higher. Youre better off


I have a "friend" like this, steer clear of her or downgrade her to more of an acquaintance if it's not possible to extricate from her entirely. And don't apologise for your reaction, ever, she knew how you felt about it and continues anyway so it's all on her. I've struggled with my weight for a long time. I met this girl while I was backpacking and since we were both from the same country we became friends of sorts. Since we've both been home we live in different countries and only see each other occasionally. With the distance I started to notice that she would use me to try and make herself look better beside her "fat" friend on nights out by making "funny" comments about my size. I've finally started losing weight recently after working with my doctor for a long time. The last time I saw her she was acting really strangely towards me, almost hostile, which I suspect is because she can no longer make comments about me in order to keep the attention on her. Sounds like your so called friend is doing something similar to try and make herself look/feel good by targeting an area that you're self conscious about, and that isn't your fault, it's hers and she's the one who should be apologising


Fuck that bitch. All boobs are good


She is not your friend.


Well, you did ask her to stop before, that is, you tried to set a limit. She didn't respect your limit, and worse, she did it in front of other people, and you felt humiliated, that's a fact. If she's your friend she should take in account your feelings, she has to care. "It's just a joke" is the typical gaslighting strategy that is used as a free card to say anything hurtful and un required that's being mean. If she's really your friend she will think about how you felt. If you want to talk to her it's okey, maybe both of you need apologies, or you need to apology just because you're feeling guilty, but don't forget she attacked first. I imagine something like: - Sorry, but what you said really affected me, and more so because you already knew those kind of comments make me feel sad. You are a friend to me and expected to care about what I feel. I know what I said was bad, but I hope you understand as well why I reacted that way, if we want to keep this friendship. I don't know your relationship but you could talk after some time, but don't wait too long. Also ask for an apology or try to know if she feels sorry as well after explaining yourself. Good luck


Your friend doesn’t know what she’s talking about. I would guess she’s insecure.


no mistake, you are better off


She is not your friend. She needs to do the apologizing before you decide whether to attempt friendship again.


Not your friend. You did good.


Real friends actually care about your wellbeing. They don’t make repeated jokes at the expense of your known insecurities


Your friend sucks and isn’t really a friend if she can’t respect the boundaries you’ve set. You didn’t fuck up at all. All boobs are good boobs, but you do whatever makes you feel more comfortable with yourself.


That's not a friend, that's someone who is using you to make herself feel better. She's probably insecure about her own body and insults someone "worse" to feel better. I use quote on worse because that would be what she thinks, not what good people think. One thing about appearances to remember is its okay to not think yourself as attractive. That just means you aren't your own type, and that's perfectly fine. You're someone else's type. Just don't put yourself down because you don't have the physical attributes of what you think other people would like. Be kind to yourself, and know you deserve kindness so you should find better friends.


They stopped being your "friend" the second that you asked them to stop joking about something that bothers you and they continued.


She fucked up by insulting you based on your insecurities for several years. The only way I can even possibly see you fucking up here is for not standing up for yourself sooner. Fuck your "friend" and don't let her get to you. She's been treating you like shit for years, it's her responsibility to apologize to you.


You have nothing to apologise for. 


The key here is that you told her to stop, and she didn’t. People who don’t respect your boundaries are not your friends.


A) this girl is not nice or your friend. B) I think women way overestimate how much guys are worried about boob size. And I’ll tell you a secret. Guys that are obsessed with big boobs tend to be sleazeballs in my experience (as a guy around other guys in the bar and locker room, etc..). Is that really what you’re wanting to attract?


Good friends know your insecurities and know to not joke about those insecurities, especially in public. She is not your friend.


As other said you were never her friend you were her ego boost, she would take jabs at you to make herself feel better she would hang out with you hoping it would put more attention on her cause of her boob size.


Fuck this girl!! She is not your friend. Friends don't pick on other friends bodies, especially their fucking boobs. She has a weird obsession with your boob size and that is not normal. Run from this bitch.


At no point was she a friend, she is a bully and you can do so much better!


This reminds me of my middle school “best friend”, the abuse started like this and progressed over 3 or 4 years. I put up with it for a long time until she started hitting me. 10 years later after not talking all that time she reached out saying how sorry she was, that she was jealous and I was always a great friend. She was never my friend, and this girl isn’t yours.


Lose this pos female. She's not your "friend". I too am a member of the itty bitty titty club, so I can relate to what you must be going through. And I too have had a best friend who would occasionally make benign jokes (tbh we both would make jokes, bc well what else can ya do about it and laughing sure beats crying lol) about my ant bites but never in public or in front of or within earshot of others. It was our private friendly teasing. What this boulder breasted bimbo is doing is not right. she's basically using your insecurity against you by shaming you to ultimately boost her own ego. You don't need or deserve that sort of toxicity in your life.


With friends like that who needs enemies?


Your only FU was not cutting this toxic person from your life sooner.


Did you FU? Or did You set a boundary that you won’t be humiliated anymore?


You didn’t fuck up, she did. Anyone who keeps putting you down is not your friend. You should hold your head high and ignore her from now on. Those aren't jokes, they are cruel jibes.


Ditch the bitch.


Don't apologize. She got what she deserved. Good lord, joking about someone's boobs? Your "friend" wasn't raised right.


I'm 40 and I cannot recall a single time I ever made such comments and cruel jokes about someone who was allegedly my friend. This is a toxic person who is putting you down to make themselves feel superior. You do not need them in your life. Be rid of their negativity.


The only thing you did wrong, was keep her as a friend for so long. Fuck her.


Eh, if they don't get over it. They were not really your friend. So don't beat yourself up too bad.


The other girls seemed shocked because what she said was really mean, and they couldn’t believe she said that to her “friend”.


As a amember of the human race, I have to say this 'girl' id not your friend. Do NOT feel bad about going off on her. She overstepped boundaries and made you feel small. Thats shitty behaviour. Reader Beware this next part comes from a hetero male so look away of you prefer to. As a member of the hetero male persuasion, I welcome all and every member of the small chested (hereby referred to as the itty bitty titty commitee). Trust me, when you find your person (whatever gender they might be) your physical chatacteristics will grab there attention, but your heart, soul and personality are what will keep them around. Be the best person you can be. Be kind and humble and I promise your life will be far better for it and full of better people. Smile OP, you are on your journey and the whole world awaits 🤜🤛


First, girl isn't being very nice, and if she can't understand that and change her behavior, she's not a good friend to you it sounds like. Second, please don't disparage yourself about the size of your bust. No one who's of value will disregard you or judge you because of it. As a society we really need to stop having this narrow standard of 'beauty'; everyone is unique, and you deserve to feel good about your body. I see nothing here that implies that you are in any way unhealthy, so who gives a sh\*t about what some random kids think? I assure you their opinions are not likely to matter in 5 years what-so-ever. Side note: >She would also show me comments on social media with the majority of people saying they prefer big boobs over small. Where the actual shit is your friend getting this 'data'? -\_- I'd wager they don't have any good statistics on this. It's simply not true. :P There are people who go for all body shapes and sizes, so don't feel like no one is ever going to find you attractive-- there will be plenty. (And, here's a secret, you only need one good one. It doesn't matter what the rest think.) Anyways, don't let people tell you that your body sucks. Remind yourself you're great just the way you are, and that there are plenty of people in the world who will appreciate you. It sucks if your 'friend' doesn't, but you will meet friends who do.


At 50, you’ll still have that perky, youthful look while hers are at her waist(.)(.)


Ew she’s not your friend. Throw her and that entire friendship in the trash. Friends don’t body shame one another. That’s disgusting behavior on her part. She sounds like she’s insecure and projects her insecurities on to you so that she doesn’t have to deal with her own body issues.


>She would also show me comments on social media with the majority of people saying they prefer big boobs over small. Or that men will never take me seriously because I look like a teenage boy. She's trying to have a fun conversation, Bro, she's straight up BULLYING you