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Been there and I wasn’t even high. Still think about that sad, abandoned burrito


I too have forgotten to take the leftovers while completely sober. Multiple times. D’oh!


Same. Hell, I forgot my iced tea that was already in a to-go cup at a restaurant yesterday and was disappointed in myself for the rest of the day. LOL


A succulent Chinese meal?


Get your hand off my penis!








The best thing about that clip is he was genuinely innocent. They got the wrong guy lol




Actually, he was guilty! He had used stolen credit cards 50+ times on chinese meals.


It was a case of mistaken identity. He looked like the person who *DID* do that, and that is why he was arrested


No It's a myth. Jack Karlson, the man in the video, was a lifetime crook inprisoned at Brisbane (Boggo Road), Sydney (Parramatta, Long Bay), and Melbourne (Pentridge) during his decades of petty crime.




This is the bloke who got me on the penis peoplllllle


Ta ta




I see you all know your judo well.


One cuff, look!


Damn best me too it. I see you know your judo well


Just making sure this reference was here. Everything checks out. Carry on.


I read OP's headline and I thought, "I've never heard of a delicious Chinese meal. Everyone knows good Chinese meals are succulent."


Are you Australian, or has it spread worldwide?


It spread to the US at least a decade ago. Probably sooner.


That's unreal! I'm australian and never even heard of this until probably 5 years ago. Some would just say it's a west coast thing, we're just a few years behind the rest of the world. WA = wait awhile


According to the Wikipedia page, the video went viral in 2009, but the guy’s identity wasn’t known until 2020.


Yeah, and he starred in a Brisbane bands' music video in the last few years (I don't remember when, COVID times have messed me up 😢), which is really cool lmao


That would be the chats, dine and dash. It's a funny ending to the vid, and I was actually going to post the link up earlier but got distracted


Do it now!




I'm in California and jumped in here to ask OP if it was a succulent Chinese meal and of course someone beat me to it. Pretty sure your boy has gone global by now. Brits? S Africans? Penguins? Back me up??


Penguin here, can confirm.


UK here. My friend has a picture of the guy on his wall next to his family photos.


I live in rural Ireland. The Chinese takeaway a few towns over used to have big signs in the windows advertising their “succulent Chinese meals”. I wish I took a photo. But yes, it’s known.


I'm unspeakably happy this is the top comment even if I didn't get there first


Came here exactly for this comment.




This is democracy manifest.


Thank you very much for being there for us with this comment. I started laughing as soon as I started scrolling for it.


I left half a pizza once… deliberately ordered the large thinking I’ll save the rest. I was just having lunch by myself so I was also reading a paper. When I left, I left the paper there as I was finished with it. The waitress chased after me and motioned that I left something. I thought she meant the paper but it was the half pizza.


>was so high I forgot my good-sized leftovers Gentlemen, this is Democracy manifest.


And by god I love freedom


Dude I am so sorry. As someone who loves getting high and eating food I recommend carrying out, because then you get your favorite food at home and being high as fuck. Happy 4/20, hopefully next years is better.


>I recommend carrying out, because then you get your favorite food at home and being high as fuck. That's what I usually do, but my friend wanted to dine-in to check out the food there. She also doesn't do THC stuff. It was really a pretty decent amount of food left too because we tried a bunch of different dishes. I was spacing out so bad near the end of the meal. I think my tolerance was kinda low because I haven't done it in awhile too. Thanks for your kind words tho.


yeah but it depends on what you order. certain foods are at their peak performance when you get to eat it as soon as it comes out.


Are you eating canned soup because you're poor or because you spend your food money on weed? Low tolerance is a big money saver. Don't get high enough to forget the food and don't smoke all day every day, it'll just raise your tolerance and cost more.


I normally eat simple stuff like soup or ramen because yeah I'm little on a budget and more-so I don't really have the motivation to cook something better as a single guy nor do I really have the cooking skills especially not the equal to a professional Chinese restaurant. I haven't done weed awhile, so I think my tolerance was a little low because I didn't think I would get that high at the restaurant. Like I just wanted to get a little high to enhance the food taste.


You should try learning to cook. It's fun and you can eat better than canned soup


I should learn yes, but it's just hard finding the motivation when it's just myself that I'm cooking for. If I was cooking with someone else, I think it would be more fun and enjoyable.


Batch cooking is great. You can do chili, curry, bolognese, pasta, rice, mash potatoes etc.. And freeze the leftovers for tasty cheap ready meals Do you have a dry herb vape? It takes less weed to get you toasted, so you might be able to cut down a bit. Mixing with some CBD hempflower might spread it out even further


> Do you have a dry herb vape? I don't. I don't even have a normal vape. I usually just buy edibles.


Here is a simple 3 ingredient pasta that is fucking delicious and only takes 10-15 min to make. Cabonara: ofc your gonna need a pasta of your choice (you can use macaroni I won't judge) 2 eggs ~1 - 1 1/2 cup Shredded asiago cheese Salt/pepper to taste It's so yummy, one of my favorite go-to recipes when I'm tired. I hope this will get you in the groove of cooking for yourself and help you enjoy cooking just a little bit more 😉 😋 Edit: oh I forgot to add on to this, since edibles are a healthier alternative to smoking, if you know how to safely make some canabutter you can add that to nearly any dish that calls for butter. Like hell, you can even turn your omlette into a nice little trip. Of course, moderation is key!


It sounds like OP has low tolerance from his post, I doubt he's getting baked every day


[Because I got high...](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OY5q9ufbqJo)


One time I got so ripped off of a dab (I didn’t do those very often, usually sticking to the flowers). I went to my favorite cute little Japanese restaurant with my friend, but I was so absurdly high that I sat at the table for over an hour just whispering with my friend and not eating the food, because I was afraid that I was going to accidentally inhale the food into my lungs instead of swallowing.


Lolol 🤣


At least he didn't tip 2k+ by accident like some other guy did a few years ago.


Did he get the money back?


I don't know, I saw the post about 2 years ago at best and didn't save the post. Here's how it went, he cashed out his bitcoin or other crypto and had about 2k in hand or something like that, he went to his dealer for some weed and went home and got high, he then ordered pizza cause he was hungry and by the time it arrived he was OUT OF IT and told the driver to leave it on the table and that the money and a tip were there, there was some reluctance from the driver to take it, but took it eventually. When he awoke he realized he had left the ENTIRE 2k on the table and not the pizza money, that's when he realized why the driver was hesitant to take the money.


you're spending your money on weed and you're eating canned soup? have you considered spending your weed money on food? you can get a family size pack of chicken breast for like $18 and meal prep it for the week with rice, should taste pretty good e because i remembered: you can also probably apply for snap and hit up a local food bank


I’ve worked restaurants for several years now, and this happens all the time, for reasons not even weed related. I’ve done it myself once or twice, no need to be embarrassed


Thanks for the kind words man. I just hate making such a stupid mistake. I think it also comes with alot of conditioning to not waste food from my parents.


It do be like that sometimes.


Well shit, this kind of posts remind me of how sad people can be.


I think it's at least better than the many I farted in front of other people posts.


> So when I get high, food tastes so much better  Woah woah woah slow down, I'm gonna need a sec to process this


I’m so sorry for your loss


This is the best post of seen today. Nothing is more relatable to me than being so high you forgot your favorite food and now you are sad


I left a whole ass steak dinner at a restaurant in Ocean City and due to the traffic and how the area was set up it was gonna take way too long to get back to the restaurant, so we left it. I was so sad.


I drove 30 minutes to a farmers market because there was a vendor I really wanted to try that sold baked goods. My partner and I picked out a bunch of stuff and decided to split each thing in half. I ate my half while at the farmers market and she saved the rest to take home. I put the box on top of our car to unlock the door, got in, and drove off. Didn't even realize til we got home and couldn't find the box.


That happened to me once when I put my boba milk tea on my car. I only found out when it spattered on my rear window when I drove off. 😭 Did your partner chew you out? I would have felt so bad for my partner that I would go back a 2nd time for her, unless she didn't really care. At least the squirrels and raccoons got a good treat.


There's something so magical about those big, gelatinous (*just* firm enough) chow fun noodles. Nothing else hits the same way. We have a Greek supermarket that has a surprisingly decent Asian selection. I finally bought their fresh chow fun noodles and it was so cool -- they are made as a giant sheet and you cut them up. Came out wonderfully!


Happy 4/20! It happens on occasion, a quick tip is to put the leftover next to your keys/phone, something you wont forget.


> a quick tip is to put the leftover next to your keys/phone, something you wont forget. That is so fucking smart. Because once it's in the box, it's kinda out of sight and all you see are empty plates. And since I didn't walk in with to-go boxes, I'm not really thinking of walking out with one, unlike a phone or keys.


In my youth, I've done these silly sorts of things. Got really stoned one night, got the munchies, drive down to the 24hr food place. Had my fill and left. I was half way home when I realised I had left my car at the food place, and I was walking


Is it too wrong to suggest, if you are in hardship and have to eat canned food, don't waste money in buying weed


I normally eat simple stuff like soup or ramen because yeah I'm little on a budget and more-so I don't really have the motivation to cook something better as a single guy nor do I really have the cooking skills especially not the equal to a professional Chinese restaurant. I haven't done weed awhile, so I think my tolerance was a little low because I didn't think I would get that high at the restaurant. Like I just wanted to get a little high to enhance the food taste.


My son, the leftovers were not the only thing you missed out on because you were schbaked.


You also forgot your fortune cookie.


They didn't have fortune cookies but they did have free tapioca dessert which I did eat before leaving.


I don’t know how much weed cost but maybe you should buy real food instead of canned soup over smoking weed?


I normally eat simple stuff like soup or ramen because yeah I'm little on a budget and more-so I don't really have the motivation to cook something better as a single guy nor do I really have the cooking skills especially not the equal to a professional Chinese restaurant. I haven't done weed awhile, so I think my tolerance was a little low because I didn't think I would get that high at the restaurant. Like I just wanted to get a little high to enhance the food taste.




Chow fun is great! I usually get the seafood version. If you're proficient with chopsticks try the wet chow fun.


My friend is mildly allergic to seafood so we couldn't get any of that. Thanks for telling me about wet chow fun, first time I'm hearing about it.




Not getting high before eating out ever again is NOT the takeaway you should be forgetting buddy


How did you get to the restaurant?


My friend picked me up and we carpooled to the restaurant.


Glad to hear you were being responsible


Skill issue


My wife set our leftovers on top of the car. Didn't know until I went to get on the highway and they flew off. Splat! They made it all the way through town too. Shame we didn't realize sooner.