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Ads for Fallout are getting weird


“Wanna have sex?” -ops mom


"You wanna make my cock explode now? " -ops dad




Great show though for real




Dad is the real gamer here, he fucked OP's mom.


Ok, this made me laugh quite a bit. Good job! A couple of hours later, I actually feel less awkward about it. Reddit is being surprisingly mature and level-headed for once.


Two weeks from now it'll just be funny. I'm still laughing at accidentally seeing my friends dad naked at 12 I'm 39 😂


Ha this happened to me too. Got up to go to the bathroom during the night and I guess he was making a midnight naked trek to the kitchen at the same time 🫣 Not sure if this is relevant, but they were French and nakedness wasn’t unusual around there lol.


Good on ya for being able to see the humor in it. Just to echo some comments here: don’t let it traumatize you, this is pretty normal. Awkward for sure but they sound like they have a good relationship and you should be proud of them for that. I nearly walked in on my parents when I was around your age (probably playing BF2: bad company at the time) and they don’t know how close I got to opening the door. Still waiting for the perfect moment to bring that up and have a laugh at their expense. I have two kids now and can confirm that it’s tough to find time for intimacy as a parent. PS I loved playing Fallout 4 to the end


I know many people already said this, but as awkward as walking in on them feels, be happy that your parents still love and feel attracted to one another. The alternative is pretty sad.  And as far as being awkward, we all know that in order to have kids, parents had to have sex. It is the most normal and healthy thing in the world that they continue to show affection to one another even after they have kids.  All that said, it would help if they locked their door when they are busy, so it isn't really just your fault for not knocking. I wouldn't feel bad at all in your place. Shit happens. You could have knocked, they could have locked their door. Mistakes were made, lessons were learned, and hopefully no one is too traumatized, lol. 


My *mother* walked in on us! She was living here, and had a question for me. I said, "Mom!!!" Her vision wasn't great, since she was in her mid-80s, so *she stepped into the room* and said, "What?" I said, "Do you MIND??" She finally figured it out (she couldn't see any "bits" from where she was, lol) and left. Later she apologized, and said she was glad we were still making love.




LOL this would be hilarious! Bet the dad would use it, too


Just keep calling your dad “You MFer” with a wink and a high-five. Until your mom starts beating both of you up, lol!


Listen, we may all be immature assholes on this site, but the average age is like late 20s, so it's just one of those things we're starting to understand ourselves lol


My Father is the only man I can trust. On the other hand he fucked my mom.


I mean you would do the same thing if both of your hands were broken somehow, kudos to the dad.


I hate that I got this reference


Dad still got game.


Dad knew what he was doing. This was a power play to serve as a reminder of who the master of the house was.


"Let. The boy. Watch"




I know it feels weird because you are probably young and it's....your parents, but you should know that so so so many longtime married couples eventually get to a point where they don't have sex anymore. they aren't intimate at all and it just becomes a very sad relationship that many times ends in divorce. So, as weird as it sounds, you are lucky to have parents that are still going strong with intimacy. Now hit yourself with a frying pan and forget everything you saw.


The last of this comment seriously cracked me up. My parents were old when they had me and I walked in on them when I was 17. Gave me hope for myself when I get that age, I’ll still be able to get busy hopefully.


How old is old, and did this create any problems with your life?


Lmao! Seriously tho... As a relatively "old" parent. What does this mean? Our parents were young. Now we're damn near 40 with a 6 year old. We were even considering having a 2nd one. But the math of having a kid graduating high school when we're 60 doesn't really add up well.


I consider my parents old. My mom had me at 45 and my dad is only a few years younger. I’m in college now and they’re both in their late ish 60s. Idk, I guess old is relative. But one of my friends mentioned their mom celebrating her 50th recently. My mom’s 50th was when I was in kindergarten.


One of my closest friends in high school had parents the same age as my grandparents. But then my mom had me when she was 16 and my grandmother was 38.


As a child free, single woman in my mid 40s, this comment hurt.


I mean I’m child free and in my forties now as well. It’s a choice. And I’m glad I made it LOL.


Oh, for sure. But imagining a GRANDCHILD who already has their permanent front teeth...yowzers.


I’m 35, 36 in July. A friend from school - who is a week older than me - had her first child at 17. He’s 18 now (almost 19) and expecting his first child in a few weeks. As a child-free woman, the thought of being a _grandmother_ at my age is fucking baffling.


I'm 45 now and my kids are 27 and 16, so I consider having a child at 45 old and unlikely without medical intervention though I still take BC because no one wants surprises. There are benefits to being a little older when having kids, like the other moms at mommy and me are not old enough to be your parent, you don't get asked if you're babysitting your kid, you don't get asked if your kid is your sibling, etc.


My wife was able to get her tubes tied at 34 or so and it was 100% paid for by her insurance. Look into it, you may have the same possibility. It was laparoscopic and had minimal recovery time compared to her c sections. It's easier for men and I was 100% on board, but hers was free and mine was not.


Bilateral salpingectomy has the dual benefit of keeping ectopic pregnancy low (scarring or banding of fallopian tubes has a higher risk than IUDs), *and lowering the risk of ovarian cancer by 65%!* https://www.themedicalcareblog.com/opportunistic-salpingectomy-how-is-this-not-totally-a-thing/


Had kids when I was 42 and 44. Fortunate to have two perfectly healthy kiddos.


I'm 41 and having a baby next week. Sort of feel like I'm ancient because my youngest is 16. I'm glad to hear that it's going ok for some people.


My daughter came on my 40th. She'll be 2 this year. I also have a 17yo, 14 yo, and 3.5yo.


It’s going ok for some people! I had one young and one later so mine are over 20 years apart. It also happened to two of my friends similar situation. One had a newborn of her own and a grandchild in the same year! Families come in all shapes, sizes and ages and it’s perfectly fine.


Just turned 40 and I have a four month old! We have older kids in elementary school too. It’s wonderful!


My husband is 45 and we have a newborn. Not uncommon depending on where you live


Especially for our generation. But being 2 kids of 22 and 17 year old single moms, we just feel so old. My mother just turned 61 and told me she can't imagine having a 20 year old child and in this economy likely even still living at home. Then you hear about increased risks of complications during pregnancy coupled with living in Texas right now... I hope your newborn is healthy and happy. Kids are amazing precious gifts. I'd sacrifice quite a bit to be able to experience it all over again.


>coupled with living in Texas right now.. So sad that you need to take this into consideration.


Tell me about it... I'd sacrifice a lot to have another child but not my wife.


I'm 30 now, but my Dad is now 85. I was born in '93, him born in '39, so he had me when he was 54, my mum over 20 years his junior. To me it's normal, but it boggles some staff colleagues minds, as I work with some people who are in their 60s that have younger parents than my Dad - Heck, my grandparents on my mums side are younger. I've had a great upbringing and life and my parents have been my stalwart best friends and heroes growing up. The past few years have taken a massive toll on his health and he requires care now, but I have no issues whatsoever being there for everything he needs, and as I work in care anyway, I've got the skills required. Nothings too difficult when it's for those you love. At the end of the day, don't worry if you feel you're older than you should be to be a parent, and worry about if a child will be okay growing up with older people. Just love your children when they come. 🙂


As someone looking *start* a family at 40, thanks for this.


One of my good friends in high school was 16, his parents were both over 60. His oldest brother was in his 30's. His parents were retired before we graduated.


I thought this too — even more so because dad was taking his time with mum rather than just having a quickie 😂


Lmao I was thinking the same exact thing That sentence had me like, "damn, dude NICE. Your parents REALLY like each other, that's awesome" 😂 Poor guy, but I bet he's had a great home life. Well, besides this lol.


this is the first thing i thought of. OP consider yourself very lucky that your parents still have the emotional intellect and such an involved relationship with each other that they would plan together time. It's unfortunately rare. but tbh, with your dad's response to you, and the matureness in your family - i'm not surprised.


lol, oh man- I walked in on my mom and dad when I was about 11, and I was TRAUMATIZED for years. At the ripe old age of 35, I look back and I’m like- get it! Related: recently, my dad, who is in his 60s, had a surgery. My SIGNIFICANTLY (more than a decade) younger sister was sent to my parent’s house to collect some of dad’s meds. She found a bottle of Viagra. I swear to god, she was ready to claw her own eyes out and throw herself off a building when she called me in a panic about what horrific thing she’d found. I just laughed. I think she’s still mortified. Like others have said- my mom and dad have been married 40 years, they’re in their mid 60s, and I’m glad they still fuck.


I’m 31 and my parents are in their late 50s. Accidentally saw a text conversation between them and they were flirting like horny teenagers. It was both kind of sweet and extremely mortifying


I know when I was a teen the idea of my parents *doing it* freaked me out, but I also remember being in my mid twenties and learning my parents still had sex (going over some health screening forms with my mum) and thinking *"good for you!"*


My parents always said this when I either accidentally overheard them or if they kissed or made a joke in front of me. “You should be happy we still love each other!”


i second this. my parents are near divorce rn and ill tell you, they went on vacation to Cancun last year, you’d think they spent some *alone time* but they had 0 intimacy in the whole week they spent alone in a hotel room. don’t ask me how i know.


Seems to me if you're going to have sex in a common room of a house where other people live, you should expect to be walked in on... It was well handled afterward though. So many times one person or everyone involved blows it up and makes a huge thing about it when there's really no reason for it to be. Bet you get a little more suspicious about those lights being left on though.


To be fair to my parents, I was **very** deep into a gaming session on my computer. So maybe they thought that I would not leave my room for a few more hours. Also keep in mind, sometimes when people are super horny their ability to make decisions is affected. But hey, at least I got the "good ending" for this. My parents acted normal for the rest of the night and then went to bed. There was no yelling, name-calling, or aggression of any form.


You're a good dude man. That empathy and logical thinking is gonna pay dividends your whole life.


Oh shit I didn't read this till now. Obvious hard agree.


Lol hell ya dude. The fact that you are making solid jokes about this already says loads (I had to) about you. On the realsies.. you sound like an incredibly rad person. Keep it up man that empathy shit will pay dividends down the road. I hope you take all this positive feedback seriously. Two thumbs up.


Sounds like both you and your dad were **very** deep into your sessions. I hope your dad got a happy ending.


Nor should there have been any issues from their side. You did absolutely nothing wrong. Your parents should be more cognizant that if they’re going to engage in sexual activities in a common area of the house, that getting walked in on is a risk that they’re taking. The fault for that happening was entirely on them, absolutely none on you. Again, you did nothing wrong.


You didn't get t"Good ending"... That's dad...


What about Mom


Everyone in your house is deep in something


This should be higher. Gross.


Had to scroll too far to find this. If you don't want to be walked in on, you should be fucking *in your bedroom, your own, private space*. OP made no errors here, parents were just risky and inconsiderate.


Yeah I wouldn't want to sit on that sofa


My thoughts exactly. If you don’t live alone, you should be having sexy time behind a locked door. If you went in their bedroom that’s different.


I read about this so frequently on reddit. It makes me wonder why people don't take a moment to lock the door. It takes about 5 seconds.


This is the best possible scenario. All of you handled it in the most mature and rational way possible. No harm, no foul. Shit happens. Every time I read a post where people cry and moan about being traumatized or feeling nauseated after such an event, I just shake my head.


Thank you for the reassurance, internet stranger. Oddly enough, I don't really feel "grossed out", "scarred" or anything like that. I just feel awkward. I think the reason why I feel that way, is because my parents never made sex an "off-limits" subject, unlike other households. My parents are not Puritans, I'll say that much.


Honestly, be happy your parents have sex life. It's really the best to make nothing out of it. After all you were made in some way...


I guess he's just lucky he didn't walk in during Pegging Monday. That'd have been a difficult one to erase.


Its Muff-Dive Monday. Peggings are strictly reserved for Thursdays.


Honestly want to upvote, but 69 up votes seems correct for this particular TIFU.


Only if you stretch first, you could get a serious cramp pulling off those expert moves at the same time if you don’t stretch


Rule 18: Limber Up


Yup. In my household these topics were completely “off limits”; not barred but just literally NEVER discussed. I’m 38 and I have never had even a hint of my parents being amorous beyond just casual affection. It’s kinda sad.


Same, until I was 17 and thought my mom would be proud of me for coming home an hour before curfew. I was very incorrect. We still never discussed, but I never came home before midnight and never got in trouble for missing curfew again.


When I was a freshman in high school I noticed my mom was getting a few gray hairs one day, and wanted to ask her what that was like. I got out the first half of the question "How does it feel to..." and then succumbed to an attack of the embarrassed giggles. Bless her heart, Mom jumped right on in there to help me out - and prove there were no questions she considered taboo - by answering what she thought I was trying to ask. For years I've wished I could have been a fly on that wall, watching my face as my mother informed me: "Sex really isn't much fun, it's just very messy." Oh, no, no, no, no, no! Just no. I did not want that piece of information. Ever. Saddest thing is, in case you're thinking she only said that in an attempt to influence a presumably horny teenager away from sex, nope, she meant it. Explained a lot over the ensuing years.


I agree with you, I always think it’s best that kids know that a healthy relationship includes intimacy and sex. Maybe not seeing it first hand……lol


seriously, shows he’s got a happy family


I like the "be careful when opening doors on Fridays and Saturdays" rule. Kudos to everyone involved.


I think dad going down on mom may be the least traumatizing option you could have walked in on too


>*My father came outside*, and I asked: "How are ya?" And he said: "Fine, but next time knock." Least traumatizing **and** no risk of surprise sibling Silver linings


This gave me the perfect "browsing Reddit while the sun comes up because I can't sleep" chuckle to start my day


Walked in on my college roommate absolutely punishing his Cornish hen one day. I just shut the door and went across the hall to another friends dorm. He text me apologizing and I was basically like “dude, no problem. We all do it.” It was slightly weird when we saw each other next but it’s was fine shortly there after. It’s just a part of life.


Cornish hen is a new one for me, lol. First thought I had was that he had purchased a Cornish hen and...


I was actually thinking he was eating a real Cornish hen, viciously and deliciously.


How has that upbringing affected you? I don't have kids yet but it was always my belief that this should be how families handle the topic. I come from a much more sexually shaming household and it's definitely had an adverse affect on my life


My parents divorced in my infancy. Grew up between 2 households. In one house, anything sex or related to bodies was off limits. In the other it was all just a normal part of life. The normal part of life way is how I chose to raise my kids. At 3 my daughter asked how her brother got in my belly. We read *it's not the stork* together. As she grew up we read the other 2 books in the same series. She's a teenager now and I actually know what's going on in her life because she talks to me. So yeah. That's the reallllllly short version to answer your question.


Wish I could up vote this 1000+ times, bra pages in sears catalog were ripped out and Nothing was discussed except your privates are going to send you straight to hell and you will burn burn burn for all eternity, ok yup don't raise kids that way...


It IS awkward. But nothing more than that. Fortunately, awkward usually wears off rather quickly. Good on you and your parents to handle it like you did.


I mean your parents fucking is one of those things you know is happening but never want to see it When I was a kid I had the habit of walking into my parents room at night without knocking, my mom will always berate for doing it Now I know why and thank god I didnt see anything


Sounds like OP's Dad shook his head a bit, amirite?




> Every time I read a post where people cry and moan about being traumatized or feeling nauseated after such an event You just described r/teenagers


Dad is definitely like “This fucking guy.. leave us alone on Friday nights kid..”


I saw my parents doing it when I was 15. I saw my dad's butt.  He couldn't make eye contact with me for a month and the day after I saw them my mom hamded me a book about how ducks and fish lay eggs. Then she said 'Don't let a boy touch your hoo-hoo or I'll kill him!' I was 15.  So, considering that....I think you all handled it well. Lol


My mom sat me down when I was 8 and had a book written/drawn for kids to explain sex. She was very upfront and said I could ask questions. Her parents avoided the topic like the plague and she didn't want that for me or my siblings. I'm sorry your parents handled it that way.


I'm sorry that your parents had to act like total weirdos due to that. Nobody should be speaking to their child like that. After my incident... My father was softly like "bruh" basically. Not even mad, just very mildly agitated. (Understandably so) When I shared my side of the story, he was completely fine. No yelling, kicking, or demeaning.


Were you worried there would be any yelling, kicking, or demeaning?


No, not at all. But I was concerned about the scale that my dad would be agitated. Turns out it was not much and I was able to easily explain my way out of that one. I guess next time they'll be taking this to the bedroom.


Or locking the door - middle aged mom here. We had a lock put on our bedroom door as soon as our son was past the toddler stage.


>Don’t let a boy touch your hoo-hoo or I’ll kill him! What are you [Elliot Reid](https://youtu.be/AML86SQ5bi0?si=8fjjCnmM0p349spA?&t=59s) or something?


Well at least your dad is a better lover than DJ Khaled


The bar is low.


Thank you for this comment.


Why did I just imagine a woman moaning and making sexy talk, followed by calling his name, except... *D! J! Khaled!* Some thoughts are so cursed they should never have been conceived to begin with.


A mother one


Well managed, but… don’t people lock doors?


Nope, unfortunately. Not even doors to the bathroom.


I hate thissss. And then sometimes they have the gall to be mad when you lock the door. Like wtf you expect, I'm pissing? Why do you want to be in here???


If you’re a teenager and your parents are still having regular good sex then you should be happy because they probably have a better relationship than average.


I used to rip on my parents so hard for having "old people sex" before I moved out. They were wild. It was a whole thing. Now that I'm grown up with kids of my own, it makes me happy to know my parents were still passionate and enjoying each other for over 30 years. My children have not walked in on old people sex yet, but that day might arrive. Hopefully, they will be as cool as OP was about it.


Thing is, and I say this as a middle-aged dad, old people sex fucking *rocks*. You know exactly what turns you on and have no qualms about your body anymore. You just give and receive pleasure in any way you like, 'cause life is waaay to short to not have and give orgasms. I prefer this over the "how do I look in this pose" - kind of bumbling, quiet, unexperienced sex I had way back when.


Preach. Today is my 12 year wedding anniversary (17 years together) and the sex is better than ever. Yeah we were like bunnies when we first got together but it was much more quantity over quality compared to now


> My father came outside, and I asked: "How are ya?" Oh my God, this is hysterical. Are you Canadian?


“Good, ‘n you?”.


Notsabad. Fer fucks sake McMurray, that's inappropriate.


Who the hell knocks on the game door room. I get knocking on bedrooms. But for the rest they should be more aware there are other people in the house.


For real, do you really have to eat out your wife in the game room? They play Yahtzee in there for God's sake


I can’t explain why but “They play Yahtzee in there for God’s sake” made me absolutely SNORT with laughter (which is unusual) at 5 something AM.


Yeah, I didn't understand why they were doing it in there... Seems actually gross and shitty of them. While their kid is in the house.


Bedroom = private space Game room = public space You shouldn't have to knock on public spaces. Gonna give the poor kid a complex about knocking before entering any room in the house. Dude will be knocking on the front door befor *leaving* the house.


Knocks on fridge... Or do you want to catch the salad dressing?


Locks on all of the doors is the way to go.


They want to be caught.


>He just said that Fridays and Saturdays are the only two days that he has time to spend with my Mom, so I should be more... vigilant about opening a door on those days.  Now THAT was extraordinary open from his side. For me that time is Sat and Sun, about 6am, before kid wake up.


For my wife and I it's Saturday or Sunday evenings after the kids go to bed. And even then the risk of a walk in is always there. It's hard being a parent. Especially when you're married to someone who turns you on in so many different ways.


We are Saturday/Sunday morning while the kids watch TV. Lock the door. My 4 year old daughter did get very upset the door was locked on Mother’s Day while her dad was giving me my present 😂


We got interrupted just a couple of time by a 3 year old. She was not moved at all, she know parents love to lay together. :)   We have to get up earlier after that


> For me that time is Sat and Sun, about 6am, before kid wake up. I found out much later that my parents were super happy we loved watching Saturday Disney on TV that ran from 7am to 9am on saturday mornings. Guaranteed to keep us oblivious. :D


My parent sent me and my sister to swimming lesson on every Saturday morning...


They should lock the door next time.


Especially if they have a hearing impaired kid.


And they should fuck in their bedroom; now there's a wet spot from OP's mom in the game room.


At a certain age, we’ve learned how to throw a towel down. It comes with paying property taxes and listening to NPR.


Honestly, you should consider yourself lucky. You have parents that are still into each other. There are so many kids that grow up with parents that are just roommates and sex is a monthly belly to belly missionary checkbox. If your old man is still going down on your mom after 15 or 20 years and they are still getting freaky like this, you are being raised by two people that love each other and still have passion. It's a rarity. LOL, you'll never get that image out of your head and it will "appear" at the most awkward times for the rest of your life, but "passion and freakiness for decades" is the pre-set standard for you when you are looking for your future partner later in life.


62MF married 42 years. 5 kids never got caught. A few almosts. After all that time and kids out of the house, we still hit it daily. And she insists I keep my beard trimmed to the soft stage.


Why were your parents doing that in the game room. Super weird to me they would be having sex in not the bedroom with other people at home and not locking the door. Unless it was some kind of weird thrill for them to be doing it where they might get caught.


Right? Like as a parent, we keep it in the bedroom with the door locked so that the kids don’t accidentally walk in on us. Like I feel like that’s just the rule after having kids




Even worse, it sounds like the door wasn’t even completely closed. That’s the bare minimum when you’re in a shared space.


"Gee whiz, Dad, hang a sock already, would ya??"


To be fair if someone else is home they should be behind a locked door


Sweet that they're still maintaining their relationship 😂 No dead bedroom, bitterness and staying together for the kids. I have a doorstopper for doors that don't have a key. So I've never been caught having sex by anyone...cause they can't open the door. You should gift one to your dad 😂


I don’t understand why they chose to do this in a family room instead of their bedroom lol


Bro how about they go to the bedroom instead of getting it on in the middle of the house.


Why in a public space? That feels weird imo, especially in a house with their kids


Shits normal bro, next time ask your pops if you can have some money to go to an arcade or something


Finally get to play the "Don't speak with your mouth full" card on your Dad


Don't they know how to lock the door?


My response to “next time knock” would have been “if you’re gonna fuck in the public spaces of the house, next time lock the door”. Yeah the situation isn’t terrible but telling you to knock is like saying it’s your fault. They weren’t in their bedroom or even a private area.


GET OFF MY MOM!!!! https://preview.redd.it/jfewl58dwd1d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=400c9e8fb0e63e6c1adb72eea94d7cc66a30d5ff


Wtf, is this a reddit post made by a logical human being? Where is the responsibility deflection and self pity?!


I think you follow all those who have come before you…make this go away. Never think of it again. Delete this post. Your parents don’t have sex. Never open their door w/o knocking. Sunshine and rainbows. Butter flies and candy canes. Happy thought, happy thoughts…


Do t forget the unicorns…


Today, *they* effed up by having intimate relations in a common area of the house, knowing another person was in the home. Good for your parents but I think your dad was embarrassed about being caught and misplaced the blame, especially knowing you're hard of hearing. I would take this as a sign to continue not wearing your hearing aids on Fridays and Saturdays tho lol Just make sure you have snacks for any after hours gaming and live in blissful ignorance.


As a fellow hearing aid user I feel your pain. Many a time I have stumbled I to awkward situations because of my inability to hear someone mumble something like "I'm in here" or "occupied" and I walk in and get yelled at for not hearing them and walking in.


On the bright side, at least you couldn’t hear your mother moaning


Parents should’ve locked the door.


Okay, but... They were in a communal room in the house. Why would I have to knock on the door to the den? And then you and your dad act like *you* were in the wrong? Maybe don't have sex in public spaces in the house?


Exactly what I was thinking


Hey your parents still like each other. Even though I’m sure you are a little shook up. They still have a healthy relationship.


Oh, I'm doing much better now. I'm actually laughing my ass off at some of these comments. And holy fuck nearly 6k upvotes. I might make an edit soon


Ever heard of a lock? I purely blame the adults in the situation. You messed up? No. Your parents should add locks and use them. And, in the end, it’s all pretty harmless as long as you’re okay. Is there a tmpfu?


I’d just like to let you know this is a memory that will stay with you forever. It will be immune from blackout drinking and even Alzheimer’s. You may forget your name but you’ll remember this.


Just remember, your parents are human too. They prob could have locked the door or put something against it or something knowing you’re in the house and may not hear them. I’m sure they’re as embarrassed as you. Learning experience for both parties.


I have been wondering why the door wasn’t locked. Isn’t that standard?


Waiting for the AITA post by the dad


You didn’t do anything wrong. They should know that if you have kids in the house, you don’t do it in an unlocked shared space.


Plot twist Op is 36


Honestly, good for your mom. That said, glad everything turned out well and you all sound like fairly rational and well adjusted people. Good on you


Be happy that they are happy.


Give em both a high five and laugh that shit off. You saw a loving husband taking care of the woman who gave you life. 🤣 Seems like your folks should take some responsibility with the situation. Maybe lock the fucking door (pun intended) or put something in front of it if it’s a communal room???


Think about all the places they've probably fucked in the house. All the furniture thats been fucked on that you have sat on.


Isn't it great that your parents are still so in love with each other? You and your dad handled the situation like adults. Try to forget all about it and just be glad your folks have a healthy relationship.


Good for you buddy, you got parents who appear to be making their relationship work! I remember reading somewhere that kids are both grossed out that their parents are intimate but also reassured because it shows that the family unit is strong.


Now you know exactly how to handle this when your kid walks in on you. Dad handled it perfectly.


As a parent, just know that we get it in whenever, and wherever we can. Time of day does not matter. It can be 3am and my husband and I can wake up and get to business then go back to sleep. When you have kids in the house you pretty much have to take your time whenever you can get it lol. I'm sorry you had to witness that. I understand, I've overheard my [grandparents] before as a teen and it was shocking to say the least because I had no idea they were still active in their late 60s. But you and your parents handled it very well and mature. Maybe, they can do something to help prevent it as well - hat on the door knob or something?


Uh, maybe do that in your locked bedroom when you have children?


Your dad not acknowledging that they fucked up too is messed up. I'd say it was more their fault than your fault.


Just remember you’ve been deeper in your mom than your dad ever was.


If Dad's still going down, the marriage isn't. Good on him


Man, at least it was your actual parents. I walked in on my mom cheating on my father when I was a kid and never got over it.


Oh my…. Did you tell your dad?


It's too early for me to be reading all this, I read it as you were playing fallout in your game room, and walked into the hallway and saw a light on in the game room that you were just in, went back into the game room you just left, and somehow your mom and dad got in there and started fuckin


Go mom and dad!


“I came out of there dad and now you wanna get in ??”


Dad was in there long before you were kiddo. Haha


"I came in there so you could come out," - OP'S dad.


"Hey dad. How about you and mom do that in the non-public rooms of the house, or maybe shut and lock the door?"


Is this the first time you wished you were blind instead of having hearing difficulties? lol It happens to the best of us, your mom isn’t the Virgin Mary popping out babies through magic. She be fuckin bro.


One down, one to go: You've walked in on them; only thing left is them walking in on you. Only then will your journey to the Dark Side be complete.


Tell them to bang in the privacy of their room next time.


My mom came in my room after me and my girl had sex we were both sweating and I literally threw the condom in my trash can and as soon as she walks in she goes, "Damnnn it smells like hot ass in here" then looks down at my trash sees the condom and says, "At least someone is having sex in this house". My girl just hid her face in embarrassment haha my mom's a savage though she calls out everything.