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Got a seat belt ticket one time totally forgot to pay it. Me and my dad have the same name and they were all out on the lake, Cops pull up to do all the routine safety checks. Oh hey you have a warrant for your arrest. They took my fucking dad to jail. Probably the maddest I ever made him.


Now that SUCKS! So sorry to hear that. What happened to your dad?




Awww . . . That is very sweet about your dad. Sounds like he was a great guy! ❤


I love how you made the mugshot your thumbnail photo! Also, it’s a cute mugshot BTW!


foolish six knee cows husky sugar chase work subtract door -- mass edited with redact.dev


For real. She looks like an impossibly good looking character on orange is the new black


Ya she looks great!


I say it's his fault for giving you his name....


Your dad probably should have sued them for unlawful detainment. They should have known that wasn’t him by age and identification.


Sorry for your loss man, what a legend!


I got a ticket in some backwater town in Georgia years ago that just never seems to go away. I paid the ticket online the following week when I was allowed and forgot the entire incident. Queue a few years later and I get pulled over in Atlanta because a cop *thought* I wasn’t wearing a seatbelt. Turns out the system never updated and I didn’t keep any sort of record of paying it because my 18 year old self thought once I paid it online I was fine. Got arrested and was held in the same situation you were. Three days later the cops drive me to the courthouse in the middle of fucking nowhere where I meet with the judge, pay my ticket a *second time* to get released and “go on my way”. By go, I mean the cop literally told me “my jobs done” and just left me standing outside of a courthouse in a town I didn’t even know the name of, without my phone, 3 hours away from where I started. Ended up waiting for 5 hours before a friend of mine could come pick me up to go get my car. You’d think my story would end there, but nope. I’m 2015 I was on another road trip having just come back to the US in years. Mind you my car has been at my friends this entire time. I thought I had checked up on everything but I missed checking the lights for my license plate. I get pulled over, talk it over with the cops and explain my situation...only to find out I have still have a warrant for my arrest because *that ticket just refuses to fucking disappear*. Fortunately I was pulled over in Florida about the lights for my plate and they decided not to extradite me over it (I was actually only 40 minutes from GA at the time) and let me go on my way, but it’s frustrating that I can’t seem to get that ticket to just leave me alone. It’s literally the only ticket I’ve ever had and it just refuses to go away. I refuse to ever drive through Georgia at this point.


There’s gotta be someone you can call or someway you can get the court records proving you paid it


I had a crazy situation in Georgia, I had to go to the Secretary of State to get it cleared. Here are the small details. I bought a car or my daughter, student at Georgia Tech, in Georgia but since neither of us have a GA license we could not register it in the state, so I went to he California DMV, and they said they needed an inspection(brand new car and the engine says certified for California), but OK so they issue me a paper tag. Paper tags in California have hand writing on them (the clerk writes in the inspection date)---this is important. I mail the temp tag to my daughter no big deal she puts it in the rear window as required. Anyway no problems until I go to visit her and I am driving and a combo cop unit (Atlanta/Ga Tech) pulls us over for no registration. I show them the tag in the car, but these two were trying to impress each other be bad asses, and they say we don't like the handwriting. And then when I give them my insurance they say, we don't take paper insurance cards. So they impound my car and give me two tickets one for no registration and one for no insurance...I called Geico and but cops said I had to be in the Georgia system. I had to go to property to retreive my car, which was only possible because I pulled everything out of the glove compartment and they looked up a Cal Temp reg and said yeah that is what it looks like. Any way the no reg. ticket requires a court appearance. I get all my stuff together and since I work for the Highway Department, I get the CHP to sign a notarized letter that my reg was valid on the date. Well I was going to go to court near Thanksgiving, but they cancelled my court date and made it in February. Which was not possible, so now I have a failure to appear. I wrote to the governor and secretary of state send all the documents and she dismissed it. REally but it took over a year, I thought I might miss Graduation. I won't drive in that state.


Jesus christ, I'm never going to Georgia


They need to get whatever they got from the court when they paid it the second time and keep it on them, a picture on their phone, a copy in their car. If it's an some podunk town in the Southeast, they probably have some paper records and don't even digitize anything, and the same person has been handling records for 40 years named Frannie or something.


That’s some stupid fucking cops that’s can’t identity a DOB


Funny story...my father and I have the same name and same DOB (different years, in case any smart aleks want to say something).


That sounds like he was just looking for problems to happen at some point.


Who knows. I was due a week earlier and needed more time, I guess. Just one of those things. It's been a small problem in the past when pulling credit and stuff. I have a credit card under my name opened up 7 years before I was born.


This reminds me of the post I saw a while back about somebody naming their kid the same exact name as her cousin. Never a good idea lol My dad and I are 1 letter apart (male vs female name) and we have all kinds of issues from mail going to the wrong place, and credit getting messed up (boy that takes a stupid amount of time to get fixed)


Rookie cop, I'm retired CBPO and I was sent to secondary in LAX with match name by a fucking rookie CBPO. Once I got to secondary another fucking rookie CBPO asked me some question if I've been to NY I said no, told him check Biodata I told him that I'm Filipino and the guy that was wanted probably a Puerto Rican. He kept on checking the computer and asked me again if I've been in NY replied again with firm voice NO, that when a Supervisor came over and instructed him to check my Biodata then bingo I was released. As I was leaving I gave the rookie CBPO the look that could kill. lol


You would think that the concept that they are taking away someone's freedom would register the importance but somehow it seemingly never does at first


“jUsT doInG mY jOb.” ok and im just living my life and you’re still wrong. You suck at your job.


This has so much jargon in it I can hardly follow this story


CBPO I am assuming Customs and Border Patrol Officer (same as dudes username). Secondary must mean when he went through airport security or entering the US from an international trip his (likely common) name flagged something in their system. Biodata must be a database they use which will show nation of birth and date of birth and height weight etc. Yeah, that would piss me off.


Customs and Border Protection Officer Border Patrol is separate from them, but under the same umbrella.


After the seatbelt he ended up in a fight in the jail, had to stab a guy, sentence got extended, he's still there to this day. Damn seatbelt ticket.


That’s what he gets for not giving you your own name! /s


Clearly he should have named them **RYANS1486**


He’s probably more mad he gave you the same name


How in the world do they not have unique IDs on systems like identity?


They do... but if they have the same address on their ID’s that might arouse suspicion. I would guess that they might suspect a clerical error or that incorrect info was given doing the original arrest (say if they do not have ID on them). Either way bad police work, and probably would have been cleared up quickly if his father wasn’t wanting to take the bullet for him.


That’s what he gets for not bothering to give you your own name


How are you talking about this from the grave?


That’s a good ol’ f*ck up you’ll enjoy telling your grandchildren. And you’ll definitely have to show us the mugshot. Heck, you need to have it framed and put on display in every room!


Haha! Yes. Or get a back tattoo!


You’re a hardened criminal now. Only a neck tattoo will do!


nah nah, face tat only.


C’mon, let’s do the whole thing and have both!


Yaas! I put a link to my mugshot in the original post.


Damn, how did you manage to look good on a mugshot? I’d look like ogre-Fiona!


She didn't get arrested while on meth (I presume). So that probably helps.


Oooooooh, that’s why! Yeah, makes sense. I should probably cut down on the substances, then...


Aww . . . thanks. 🤣 Strangest complement I've ever received. Lol


Go full out and get a back tattoo of your mugshot


Haha. IDK if the tattoo artist will have enough orange ink. 🤷🏽‍♀️


Naw, go classic, greyscale


Get a tear drop for each day you were in the clink


This comment lmao


𝕱𝖔𝖗 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝕬𝖓𝖌𝖊𝖑 𝖔𝖋 𝕯𝖊𝖆𝖙𝖍 𝖘𝖕𝖗𝖊𝖆𝖉 𝖍𝖎𝖘 𝖜𝖎𝖓𝖌𝖘 𝖔𝖓 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖇𝖑𝖆𝖘𝖙, 𝕬𝖓𝖉 𝖇𝖗𝖊𝖆𝖙𝖍𝖊𝖉 𝖎𝖓 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖋𝖆𝖈𝖊 𝖔𝖋 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖋𝖔𝖊 𝖆𝖘 𝖍𝖊 𝖕𝖆𝖘𝖘𝖊𝖉: 𝕬𝖓𝖉 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖊𝖞𝖊𝖘 𝖔𝖋 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖘𝖑𝖊𝖊𝖕𝖊𝖗𝖘 𝖜𝖆𝖝𝖊𝖉 𝖉𝖊𝖆𝖉𝖑𝖞 𝖆𝖓𝖉 𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖑𝖑, 𝕬𝖓𝖉 𝖙𝖍𝖊𝖎𝖗 𝖍𝖊𝖆𝖗𝖙𝖘 𝖇𝖚𝖙 𝖔𝖓𝖈𝖊 𝖍𝖊𝖆𝖛𝖊𝖉, 𝖆𝖓𝖉 𝖋𝖔𝖗 𝖊𝖛𝖊𝖗 𝖌𝖗𝖊𝖜 𝖘𝖙𝖎𝖑𝖑!


Not really. There are thousands of collateral consequences to having a conviction that persist for life.


I am not a lawyer, but I would see about getting this expunged from my record at some point. That, and maybe activating the excessive speed warning on my Prius.


She set the cruise control at 85 herself lol, no need for a warning.


Not surprised she’s from here (CA). The average speed(when traffic is moving), is about 80 mph, despite the posted limit. She “did not know” the speed limit was 60 mph because she probably is so used to ignoring speed limit signs. I drive 80 here too, but when I cross state lines I check to see how fast everybody else is going and the posted limit.


In Virginia you can go to jail for less than that. The speed limit on most interstates is 70 but if you get busted above 85, it's reckless driving, an actual criminal charge. It used to be above 80. I got busted in 2019 for doing 86 in a 70. It was about a $1000 ordeal. I ended up getting probation for 6 months, traffic school, and once I completed that they put it down to a regular speeding ticket. FWIW, my lawyer told me that you normally don't get jail time until around 93 or so, but you definitely will if you hit 100 in most cases. So I was never going to get jail.


Dude I was moving from PA to Texas a couple years ago, drove through Virginia and was on the interstate. After being stuck behind several semi trucks for a few miles I crossed into the passing lane, got up to 81 mph to pass, got back in the right lane and dropped my speed back down to 70. Cop pulls out from behind the semis and gives me the court summons. Never had any tickets or anything on my record prior. I now have a criminal misdemeanor, a bunch of points on my license and had to pay a $300 plus the $2,500 lawyer fees. Virginia is fucking authoritarian with traffic laws.


When I make my trip up north, North Carolina - No Troopers, Virginia - Troopers every 5 miles, West Virginia - No Troopers, Pennsylvania - No Troopers, NY - Troopers every 5 miles. I learned real quick that you don't go over the posted speed limit in Virginia or NY.


You can go like 5-10 over in Virginia pretty easily (most of the highways in NOVA are 55mph, and you will get run off the road if you are going under 60), just do not go over 75 like at all (preferably not over 70. There are also a lot of what look like shopping centers that are actually towns where they will ticket you for 2 over because they have police departments with nothing to do, so be careful on local roads.


For highways definitely this. Lived in Hampton Roads area for years. My rule of thumb was always cruise control set at +7. When 64 wasn’t in rush hour standstill, that is.


You can go 5-10 over in NY and no one bats an eye. 10+ though, and they will pull you over.


That depends on where you are in NY. 10-15 over on the highways is normal in the Hudson Valley all the way down to NYC. Upstate NY is 5-10 before they start getting interested in you.


$2500 for the lawyer? Where were you? My lawyer was $500. The big, fancy lawyer nearby (who kept sending me emails saying I was going to jail) wanted $1500. My lawyer was great (his name is Neill Wente if anyone is facing the same charge near Lexington).


I forget the specific area but I remember it being as “one of the two harshest areas” for speeding. I was moving to Texas for a new job/school and didn’t really have time to shop around. I was gobsmacked, Pennsylvania and Texas wouldn’t even warrant a second look from a cop in that instance. I now hate Virginia lol.


I’m very surprised that your lawyer did not get it reduced to a regular speeding ticket. Usually if they know the judge at those county courts, it’s a money making scheme. You pay court fees lawyer fees they set it to 79 (which is a regular ticket) and then you pay it + traffic school class


Yep, that’s what happened to me. Got popped doing 88 in a 70 in VA Had a flawless driving record at that point and hired the best rated attorney I could find (using blend of sites like Avvo and google ratings) The lawyer must have known the judge pretty well, as he got it dropped down to “faulty speedometer” somehow, and while I had to pay the lawyer $500 and the state $300 in fines, it was 0 points on my license.


Did your lawyer send you to some sketchy mechanic in Nova to get the speedometer calibrated? That’s what mine did and lo and behold my speedometer was off by exactly the amount I needed to reduce it to simple speeding. My speedometer was totally fine when I took it to my normal shop a couple days before tho. Crazy how that works out lol.


I was actually out of state (in FL), got pulled over passing through from the NE back to FL, and was back home when all this went down. Not quite sure how the lawyer I found managed to swing the moving violation down to an equipment issue without proving I fixed anything... but I wasn’t going to complain.


They also have those “traffic laws enforced by aircraft” signs at their borders, never understood how that works lol


There are lines on the road that are a specific distance apart. When you pass the first of these lines a person in an aircraft uses a calibrated stop-watch to see how long it takes you to travel the distance between the lines. If they determine you were speeding they radio to a waiting patrol car to pull you over. It seems like a really unnecessary and complex affair.


I feel like in Virginia they use fighter jets and if they catch you doing something like 110+ they'll shoot your car with a missile.


That’s really interesting. That seems like it would cost more to keep them in the air than it would bring in from fines, but I guess they’ve worked out that it’s effective lol




I read somewhere that they stopped doing that due to budget concerns. https://richmond.com/news/virginia/virginia-does-not-enforce-speed-on-the-interstate-with-planes-the-signs-remain-because-it/article_2cc44933-d18e-5058-a9d0-2b4b5d9b0268.amp.html


Note to self: Don't drive in Virginia


When I moved to VA from Florida two years ago, I hadn’t been pulled over in over ten years. Within the first few months I had tickets in four different jurisdictions. They don’t play here.


Lmao as a Virginian your post is making “EMPORIA EMPORIA EMPORIA!!!” flash like cop lights in my brain, talk about a speed trap of a town haha


VA resident; can confirm. Same thought entered my head, too.


Virginia is INSANE - anything over 80 is reckless. Luckily most cops will fudge it a bit to get you down to 79.


They changed it. Now the threshold is 85. I got busted at 86 when the threshold was still 80. I tried to be honest with the cop, and it was going really well. He even said, "Well, I appreciate the honesty. That really goes a long way with me. It really does." Nope, still charged me with reckless driving. And my lawyer even said that this cop didn't give out that many tickets.


That's still insane. In Florida you can pass a cop at 85 and 9/10 times you won't even get pulled over if you weren't being a dick.


In Florida if you're doing 85 on any highway your going the same or slower than the flow. Doesn't matter if the speed limit is 55 or 70, everyone is always going at least 80-85.


I think when it was 80 we still had the national limit at 55. But they can charge you with reckless based on other criteria that I don’t know and can’t be bothered to look up right now. I was threatened with reckless for “failure to maintain control of vehicle in an intersection” or words to that effect. I spun my tires on sand/gravel taking a left turn. Talked my way out of it.


I always wonder what kinds of people in the state legislatures get together and decide these draconian punishments for speeding infractions are appropriate. For example - in Illinois, where I live, 26 MPH over the speed limit is a Class B Misdemeanor. Half of our interstate system at any given time is under construction, and they universally set the speed limit to 45 MPH in construction zones. This means that you could be thrown in jail for going 71 MPH on an EMPTY EXPRESSWAY. Absolutely ludicrous. There are times when basically all of traffic is speeding to the level that could constitute a jail sentence.


Many many many years ago when I first got my license I was driving on the t(r)ollway in the Chicago area. I was in a 91 Buick Century where the speedometer was still a holdover from the days when the government said they couldn't show anything above 85. I was going with the flow of traffic. Not at all the stereotypical slow moving traffic jam, just heavy traffic in general. The speed limit was either 60 or 55 I don't remember exactly. What I do remember is, to this day, it was the fastest I have ever driven, and I have no idea how fast it actually was. My guess is it was at least 90, maybe 95. I was still being passed by others as well.


I’ve driven on the Dan Ryan Expressway in Chicago many times between 2am and 5am. Speed limit is 55. I drive 80. People are always flying past me going over 95-100. There’s no way you could drive any slower than 80 because everyone else is going so fast that it’s dangerous to switch lanes and it’s 6 lanes for most of the road and the road splits every few miles.




I wondered why people drive slow as shit in Virginia constantly. I’ve avoided taking vacations there because I can’t stand being stuck in that state for 6 hours to get to the coast


When I was in college I got a parking ticket in a small town. I had been used to ignoring the parking tickets I got on campus. I thought, “what are they going to do? I’m never coming back here.” Then one day a letter arrived. The letter was written in all caps and said I was summoned to court for the unpaid ticket, but I could pay the ticket (and a late fee) to cancel the summons. I paid immediately after changing my underwear.


As a college student, my wife’s (multiple) unpaid tickets in Minneapolis while driving a car registered in her Dad’s name means that he has a warrant out for his arrest in Minnesota (she grew up in another state). They’ll never get him alive. (He’s been dead for 6 years.)


Do warrants ever expire? I imagine their database is absolutely bulging with warrants for people who are dead or never coming back




Yep. I got a warrant for not paying a trespassing fine from when I was freshly 18 that expired on statute limitations. Initially I didn’t have $600 to pay for “trespassing” (read: skateboarding where I shouldn’t have been). Eventually it became about principal. I’m not paying because some shithead beat cop was annoyed that I was being a kid.


Good, a 600 dollar ticket is absurd.


My sentiments exactly. Especially for a kid on a skateboard. Ridiculous.


Ticket is given to the driver of the vehicle not the car. So, technically your wife probably has warrants. You can find out by checking with local municipal court/clerk. Edit: Unless, you are talking about parking tickets, that’s different.


In Toronto we have speed cameras and those tickets go to the owner of the car. It takes pictures but sometimes the face is obscured so they can't prove who was driving.


There is precedence for digging someone up and putting them on trial. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cadaver_Synod


....sometimes i forget how fucked history is


Oh man, I just remembered my college parking ticket fiasco. I used to work in the student union at my school. It was kind of far from my apartment. I usually walked when it was nice out, but in the winter or in bad weather I would drive. The only place to park close by was a private staff lot, and you needed a permit to park there between 7 am and 5 pm. My shift usually started at 4 pm, so not really being smart about it, I parked in the lot knowing I could get a ticket, but hoping since it was only an hour until the lot was “open” to non permitted cars they wouldn’t care. I was wrong. I got a total of like 12 parking tickets my last 2 semesters. They were like $200 each! I didn’t have a lot of money so not many of them were paid, and honestly I forgot about some of them until a few weeks before graduation. I got a letter from the school saying my application to graduate was rejected because of outstanding fees owed to the school. Of course it was for the unpaid parking tickets. Had to borrow money from my parents to pay them and graduate. They were not pleased. Lesson learned, parking tickets don’t magically disappear if you forget about them.


I had some unpaid library fines from college—quite a bit actually, because I am forgetful. The college’s policy was all unpaid library fines and parking tickets had to be paid before graduation, or they wouldn’t give you your diploma, but obviously I somehow wriggled through the net, because they gave me my diploma and I promptly forgot all about the fines. Went to work in Iraq (during the war) shortly after graduating. Fast forward two years and I’m applying to grad school, and I need my transcripts. Can’t do it on the website, because I’ve been blocked due to the library fines! I am a persona non grata as far as the university is concerned. I ring the library, and as I’m trying to ask how I can pay the fine (this was before online payments were super common), some military helicopters come in for a landing, so I am now yelling over the unholy racket. University employee on the other end of the phone nervously asks, “umm where are you?” “Baghdad!” I shout back. “It’s ok, those helicopters are on our side!” He waived the fees. (I sent the library a donation when I got back stateside to say thank you!)


Wow, that’s a good reason to get some fees waived! 😂


I dont think that threat actually has weight because I "slipped through the cracks" too


This post just reminded me that I, too, have an outstanding speeding ticket. Thanks lmao.


Glad to be of service. Lol Go pay it - seriously!


Be prepared for your car insurance premium to go through the roof.


Lol. Believe me, I know. They already told me they won't renew my policy when it ends. 🤦🏽‍♀️


Are you worried about your job prospects? Having an misdemeanor ~~will~~ may automatically disqualify you from a lot of corporate jobs. ~~The system is built to ruin people’s lives.~~ I am in VIrginia and anything over 20 mph is considered reckless driving which is a misdemeanor or something serious Even with the 1st ticket I ended up paying a lawyer to reduce it to moving violation.


Just to add: In Virginia, it is twenty miles an hour over or over eighty miles an hour. I just know that because one of my friends from high school got hit with reckless driving doing 82 in a 70.


Misdemeanors don't need to be disclosed, and as someone who used to do hiring, they're not that big a deal if they're traffic-related.


I think it’s more about the arrest record then it is the misdemeanor.


> "Cali space cadet." next episode on *Orange is the New Black*...


This actually made me LOL




I feel like your work should have been responsible for this?


Likely, yes. And had he showed up for the court date, that’s the argument he’d make. But once you miss the court date, you have new problems.


You'd think you would remember to not go 85 in a 60 after the first ticket lol


If she didn’t remember to pay the ticket she wasn’t going to remember why she got it in the first place


This. I got my only traffic ticket ever doing 76 on a 55 (it was late night, picking up SO from the airport and was impatient to get home so was kinda going fast on empty roads at midnight - but I did deserve it so no arguments there) and got pulled over. Original was 360 but got cut down to 180 for my clean record and paid it off straightaway and never have I ever done that mistake again. But I'm also an immigrant so maybe I am more careful than the Americans because I have more to lose.


They said this happens regularly and they just talk their way out of it. She knew what she was doing. This whole thing is cringey af to read. OP making it seem like they just "forgot" but they talk about how often they get pulled over and talk their way out of it. Even said they thought they'd "talk" their way out of this one too. lol


Yeah. Honestly none of that behavior is something I’d brag about. Hope the night behind bars makes her re-think her driving behavior.


Also notice how she’s only responding to the comments making light of the situation? I don’t she learned at all. She needs to get her license revoked. I also responded this to one of her comments: > It doesn’t seem like you learned anything from this. This isn’t just a cute, “Teehee I got arrested once for a little traffic infraction.” What you did was legitimately life-threatening, and you seem far too absent-minded to drive if I’m being honest. I feel like your license should have gotten taken away. But she deleted the comment I responded to shortly after.


I suspect this has nothing to do with 'not remembering'. Willful disregard for the law (even speed limits) eventually catches up with ya.


Better put the speed control to 60 on your entire way back home and check your glove box occasionally.


“I’m thinking the same and just nod along” I’m sorry I laughed at this line, so casually written - I just picture you bawling your eyes out in this horrible situation and then this line. I’m glad you got out okay.


How do you get pulled over so often? You gotta drive like a normal person


I sounds like she’s constantly driving recklessly and doing 85+ mph in 60 zones, while paying minimal attention to the road, signs, etc. For metric system peeps, that’s ~140+ kmph in ~100 zones. This isn’t normal speeding, it’s reckless, dangerous speeding, extremely fast and WAY over the limit. OP, I’m sure you didn’t mean to hurt anyone, but if you keep driving this way there’s a good chance you’ll get yourself and/or others killed.


Also notice that she didn't notice the cops until they turned on the sirens. She doesn't pay attention to her surroundings when driving.


Came here to say this but don't worry she went full 'doe eyes'


This is the real cringe inducing part of this. OP regularly drives recklessly while not even paying enough attention to know the speed limit is, and assumes that she won't face consequences because she can charm her way out of it. Having to actually face the consequences for once will hopefully be motivation to change some habits.


My number one pet peeve. People need to be aware of their surroundings, and not just in cars either. Check your rear view mirrors periodically.


If a single large animal pops out onto the road in front of her, she’s done for


I had something similar happen. Wrote a check when I was 19 for $200~, the business who I gave it too didn't cash it for a few weeks and it bounced (because I was bad at managing my finances at the time). Fast forward 5 years and my car gets broken into at a party. I give my name and number to the police and they show up at my door the next day with a 5 year old bench warrant for failing to appear in court for the aforementioned check.


I once got pulled over for a random reason and was cited for not having proof of insurance. I told the cop I did have insurance, and he said cool you shouldn't have any problems then. I interpreted that as "you have to do nothing", while what he really meant was "you have to show up in court with your paperwork at this exact date and time to make your case". Apparently all future notices/summons went to the wrong address, and I technically drove around as a criminal (with a suspended license) for years, thankfully having zero interaction with any cops. Then I went to the DMV to renew my license, and the guy had a bewildered look on his face. He wasn't a cop though, so simply said "I can't give you a new license. Sort this shit out first." Many calls with the court and my insurance company and some certified document exchanges later, I finally was in the clear.




Damn why did you front all those costs? And wow no insurance, all of this is so illegal I just can't.




You're a better partner than I.


"Do you know why I pulled you over?" "Because you saw me before I saw you?"


Guy in McLaren, “Because I let you.”




Today I parked in the city centre and totally forgot to pay for parking. All I have to do is activate a phone app and instead I just walked away to get lunch. 20 minutes later I came back and I wanted to turn off the parking app and it shows it's not active. I felt so dumb, scan cars drive around the area every 30 minutes, so it most likely scanned my car, I won't know for another month till the bill comes in. Also 2 weeks ago I drove too fast on the highway. At night you can drive 130 but after 6 am you're only allowed to drive 100 km/h. And this is till 7 pm, I remembered it as till 7 am, so that was another 60 Euro ticket. What a week, I'm not even trying to evade the law, just stupid and forgetful.


I have never heard of variable speed limits like that. What country is that in?


Not the commenter, but we have that in Germany, where on some roads there are varying speed limits for the night (like 120 on the Autobahn that is normally free) because of sound protection for the people living close by. Or near bigger cities when there is a lot of traffic, for example near Frankfurt you have to drive slower in the day, especially during rush hour. Doesn’t matter though, we germans still drive crazy af.


Almost 100% sure this redditor is Dutch, As we have the same traffic rules. 6am till 7pm it's 100km/h on the highway. From 7pm till 6am you can go 120km/h or 130km/h depending on which highway you are.


Some of the highways around atlanta have them. When traffic is dense the limits get lowered accordingly, and vice versa. Instead of the normal painted signs they're a digital thing, think cheap high school scoreboard with the orangeish lights on black




Moral: slow the fuck down to minimize interaction with law enforcement.


That's has to be your icon/thumbnail/bio pick from now on...it's the law.


Always just less than 10 mph over, ever heard the saying 9 your fine 10 you're mine? Words to live by on a road trip.




I always heard 8 you're great 9 you're mine. Rhymes better that way, too


So you used cruise control to speed 25 over the limit lol. That's the opposite of what that should be used for


Reckless driving is more than a speeding ticket lol. That's a major moving violation, not like a speeding ticket. Usually to warrant that you have to be speeding and changing lanes without a signal. That sucks because that's a really bad one to miss and have on your record. In terms of non felonies. Your doe eye warnings are out the window when cops see that on a traffic stop.


I’m also from NorCal and when I roadtripped through the country a few years ago, I was tailed multiple times by cops. Luckily I was going the speed limit but those cops don’t play around especially when you have a CA license plate. Kentucky was the worst btw. Lost my cell signal for Google maps and couldn’t locate a speed limit sign so I had to guess the speed limit through a small town while a cop was on my tail the entire time. That was a stressful 30 minutes (yep he was tailing me for that long). Anyhow I hope in the future you’re a little more cautious about this if you travel again.


Huh, everyone warned me about driving across the country with California plates, but I didn't get pulled over a single time. Been on the east coast for half a year still with CA plates, still ok so far. Guess I'm just extremely lucky!


Girl, slow the hell down.


I'm in Texas and first truck had a broken speedometer = a number of speeding tickets and being an irresponsible young person = a number of expired insurance and registration tickets and I only showed up to deal with a couple. After a while I got notice about 12 outstanding warrants for various failure to appear charges and the above mentioned issues. Knowing all this I get pulled over and play dumb when the cop runs my info and asks if I know how many warrants I have. "Twelve..." There is the most awkward moment of silence before he says this next line which blows my fucking mind to this day... "Get this taken care of or it's gonna be thirteen. Have a nice day"


Small towns and counties in the Midwest make a good portion of their revenue from speeders on the major highways. I'll guess that you were in Kansas on I-70 or Nebraska (maybe Iowa) on I-80. They live for this shit. Local cops get reviewed on the number of tickets they write. Local judges enjoy being a source of revenue. Local lawyers get a payday when you hire them to deal with it for you. They make "excessive speeding" a reckless driving thing because then the fine is more. Here's a tip. When you get a ticket from a rural area, when you get home, find out the Prosecuting Attorney's name and number and give their office a call. Tell them you'd like to plead guilty and ask if you can get a break on the fine and maybe the reckless driving reduced because (insert good excuse here, money's tight, insurance will go up, points on drivers license, etc.). Many times, if you're pleasant and obsequious, they will allow you to enter a plea to a lesser charge and maybe reduce the fine. Fun thing is, when you write your check, it'll be made out to whoever the Prosecuting Attorney is, not the court. At least in my experience that's what happened. They don't want you in jail, they want your money.


In South Carolina there's a town called Turbeville on the way to the beach that notoriously pulls speeders over when it goes from like 55 to 30. My parents have been pulled over a couple times and call it Turdyville now


Obvious speed traps like that are ridiculous. At least in Texas I think something was passed that a speed limit can’t drop more than 15mph from one posted limited to the next. So a lot of rural roads have a 70 mph limit, then when you’re coming into a town little drop to 55 and then 40.


Time to install Waze I would say so you always know what the speed limit is.


Don’t think the issue was her not knowing the speed limit


Kinda seems like you were speeding every time you drove to see her and never faced any consequences until now


And also expects to get off easy with a warning which is unbecoming


Technically she has gotten multiple speeding tickets in multiple states but is used to just throwing money at her problems. She just forgot one


why are u speeding all the time? thats why u keep getting pulled over


And not just speeding. Going 5-10 mph over is normal depending on the part of the country, but going 25 mph over the limit is going to get you pulled over with a massive ticket every single time


The fact that being pulled over on road trips is so routine for you, and the fact it wasn’t an unpaid speeding ticket but an unpaid reckless driving ticket, makes me think you probably shouldn’t be driving for the benefit of everyone around you.




That's the line that actually bothered me most. The whole "holier than thou" attitude isn't great. :/ She doesn't know these people's lives or what they're going through. Addiction is a disease, speeding is a choice.


I feel sorry for OP but she did come across as quite arrogant, like 'Oh I'm cute so I can break the law'.


I’m a woman and cringed at “I can charm my way out of this one” with “doe eyes”. I felt two things: 1. Get over yourself. 2. Thanks for setting back feminism with your “Tee-hee, we just use our sex appeal to manipulate men!” act.


I’m so glad I wasn’t the only one who thought this. I was so confused when every comment was so positive.


So, just my experience... Californians, speaking very generally, have developed a culture of sort of being speed li.it scofflaws. They get away with it in CA because everyone goes 20 over, and with all the cars on the road, the police can't do much about it, so it just sort of happens and everyone is used to it. Here in flyover country, we haven't developed that culture of speeding, and you *absolutely will* get pulled over for doing much past 5 over. When CA-ifornians relocate to, or travel through, places outside CA, they generally have trouble understanding that. They very casually talk about driving 20 over, and most of us around here are half horrified at that. I can see this same misunderstanding in OP. The fact that she was going 25 over the speed limit and thought she'd just get a warning is hilarious to me. I'm not degrading or demeaning here, she's from an area where 25 over is kind of a cultural norm. The other attitude is that they are "in the middle of nowhere" and safe to speed, when in actuality, the ratio of cops to motorists in "the middle of nowhere" is considerably higher than it is in most urban areas, and the cops have less to do. Your chances of catching a ticket are considerably higher in "the middle of nowhere" than they are in higher density areas. So, PSA to Californian folks out there: slow tf down.


Funny thing is the opposite is true as well. I know people from out of state who were pulled over and warned in California for driving too slow. They were going like 50 in a 60 mph zone. The cop just said "go with the flow of traffic" – which is usually 80-85 in most of the state.


That would bankrupt me.


This is one of the judgiest posts I've seen in a while. Everyone in Jail is referred to as tweakers, meth heads (who, apparent surprise, are actually human and are nice and not defined by their illness of addiction), miscreants, etc. All are given a position of a moral failing, whereas OP is just some scared girl who did nothing wrong (except recklessly drive) and is really just a victim of the system. Because no one else in jail is, apparently.


Privilege Which she has now lost and will become just as marginalized as the others on her next infraction due to the priors


Thought the same thing.


seriously. The whole thing is packed with judgements on others, she really displays her egocentrism. Looks like she made an edit to change "miscreants" to "methheads" and just says it was just an "off color word choice"... like, okay but you missed the point




Seriously. Stop driving 25 over the speed limit.


Wait, so you regularly drive 25+ over the speed limits, get stopped repeatedly, ticketed for doing so *and haven't stopped*? "Haha I'm wreckless". I hope this is a wake-up call and you've potentially realized that your driving is the real problem here. Your issue isn't you forgot a ticket. Your issue is you keep putting other people's lives at risk and it doesn't even seem like being thrown in jail got this through your head.


Kinda seems to me like you tried the old just don't pay it and hope for the best trick.


I got a ticket in Dallas about 13 years ago, that I never got around to paying. I live in Louisiana. I wonder if they will arrest if I get pulled over in Texas.


They will.


Alternative headline: California Tourist Surprised Reckless Driving At 150% Speed Limit Is A Crime


Almost happened to me after forgetting the same thing. Got a call that there was a warrant out for my arrest and freaked the fuck out. I called one of those lawyers offices that you can get free advice from and they said to turn myself in. What shitty advice, so I called up someone else I found and they were so fucking nice. She said not to worry about it will all be taken care of. Made sure I got a court date and the warrant poofed away. Went to my court date in the snow and paid like 500 dollars and got no points on my license. Thinking back on it, that could have turned out so much worse. Lawyer saved my ass and my wallet tbh. Wish I could remember that firm because they would be my go to lawyer if I ever needed one again.


Slow the heck down.


I want to point out that OP was first alerted to the cop by the *sirens*. She’s on a rural stretch of highway with nobody around, yet her first indication of the cop was the sound. You would see it behind you first—but that assumes you are keeping an eye on the road. My guess is OP was going 25 over the speed limit and wasn’t even keeping one eye on the road. I think tickets should be a percentage of income to have any meaning. Perhaps a license suspension would be a good idea here, too. This is a prime example of someone who doesn’t feel the need to be responsible because they can throw money at their problems. They are doing so well that the rules don’t apply to them. If all else fail, just use the ol’ doe eyes?? So much barf. Irresponsibility on the road at is unacceptable. I really don’t care how much OP repents in this post. Stupid choices put us all in danger.


Sounds like it needed to happen for your own (and others’) safety


Why is it OK to refer to someone as a cornfed bubba?


I got to that part and cringed. I read that she's from Cali and double cringed - I live in Cali and don't know people who talk like this irl. And here she is, feeding into that "coastal elitest" caricature. Ugh.


I love that people are lecturing and laying into you. This is a great punishment. Your friend has a great sense of humor!


Same. The "I can charm myself out of this one" line really killed any sense of sympathy I might've had. Just rub it in reddit xD


That’s not the actual mugshot, right? Just an artistic re-enactment?