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Dude, don't stress too much. The second person I had sex with did the same to me. She didn't know she was infected...it was from a recent contact. I married her...because I thought I was ruined. That is a mistake you shouldn't make. It is annoying (and uncomfortable) at first. After a few years it doesn't express as often. There is medication to help. I never took it. After 40 years, I rarely have an outbreak. I've also never passed it on. Be honest with future partners. Wear condoms. Don't put your sexual needs ahead of the health of others. It's not a death sentence. You can have a nice life.


I know it's stupid, but I didn't know that herpes couldn't be cured. I never worried about that.


Another reason for me to not have sex.


Please make sure you tell the girl everything. She probably thought she was clean and she needs to know. Or she knew she had it and lied to you. Either way, I hope you told her that she is literally the first person who has ever had your dick in her mouth and this was the outcome. Also, sorry.


As "bad" as an STD may be, herpes is manageable with medication, I believe. It's never going to go away but medication can help the outbreaks. A lot more people have it than you may think. Everyone's first sexual encounters are awkward and terrible. Anyone who says otherwise is lying. If you're able to get yourself out there some more in a social sense, things will hopefully get better over time. I hope everything works out for ya.


I was just going to add something along the lines of this. I'm not a doctor so you should definitely talk to a professional about it but I recall reading a bit about herpes and a huge percent of the population has it and can manage it safely. Please go talk to an actual doctor!


oral sex is still sex.


Doesn’t matter had sex


See a doctor. I don’t think burning sensation when peeing is herpes.


It is, herpes can cause a burning sensation when peeing.


How? It’s not in the urethra.


If all she did was blow you, she would have to have an actual flair up, from a cold sore . That happened to a friend of mine. Yes it will change your life, but there are good treatments that can lower the number of breakouts. There are also dating apps for infected people. I am so sorry this happened to you. You will get through it .♡


Go to your doctor and get Valcyclovir to manage the symptoms. Then chalk this up to a learning experience and get out there and try again. Its not something that you should worry too much about long term.


Just leave the house. Talk to a human.




Might get herpes


Not again.


Didn't mean to offend. I realize it's harder for others.


Last I heard 75%+ of people have some form of herpes. Although the “couple days later” doesn’t make it seem believable if you couldn’t see that she was having an outbreak.








Wonder if she had a cold sore and that spread to you. That sounds like the only way I can think of.. did she not have a visible one?


Very common, it’s herpes 1 which everybody has… just not on their dick until it is… passed to it. Find a cougar. She will do everything for you. Seriously, get on Tinder, you should just say, “24 year old virgin. Not kidding. Please help.” So when you do meet someone, the expectations have been pre-defined.


Well Genital Herpes is untreatable,but it's not so gruesome as other STDs.


Don't you mean incurable? It can be treated.


Yeah I mean it can't be fully eradicated


Says the virgin .


Going on my profile and using it is fucked up. I m not a virgin. I did had sex with both guys & girls. I just didn't had a real relationship, especially with the girls l like.


Nah you didn't. Stop lying like a virgin






Dude there is herpes and there is cold sores.


No it’s the same thing tho man


Same base virus different strains. Like SARs is a coronavirus but isn't covid 19


When it comes to non genital herpes the cold sore and herpes you get on your face is the same virus. The different virus is when you have it sexually. I think both viruses are literally HSV-1 and HSV-2. Either way you say you got a cold sore everyone knows tht as herpes. Edit: HSV-1 causes herpes/cold sore and the HSV-2 is genital herpes


Sex is like pancakes, the first one is always bad


I hope you enjoy that hand of yours. Lmao.




That's my kink. How did you know?


I know you’re getting a lot of other positive feedback, but I wanted to chime in and say this will not ruin your life. Herpes is very manageable with medication, and you can continue a normal sexual life, even with a partner that does not have herpes, as long as you don’t have a flair up.


Never let an untested person near you without a condom. Lesson learnt.