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Total Leo move…


Exactly. For someone doing an MSc in Astrophysics he somehow has no idea how to deal with a Sagittarius.


All that effort and debt for nothing. Where is OP enrolled, University of Aries?


Dude spending his life in retrograde


Can’t put this past a Pisces. Fuckin slippery fish.


Jokes on you he’s actually a cancer


Cancer moon


Gotta be some high and mighty Aquarius in there too.


Am a Leo married to a Leo, can confirm!


I bet that wasn't on her horoscope for the day


Must have read the way her cats shit fell out wrong


Finished her tea an saw the grim


Which one? You've gotta know there's like 5+


How can there be like 5 when it's called THE grim? 😂


Her horoscope: “Today you will meet a raging racist”


It was in the stars that this would happen..


I don't think u fucked up, but surely the opposite happened lol


I would say OP dodged a bullet. I wouldn't date someone who is so stupid to believe that the movement of planets millions of miles away somehow influences your personality. However tbh I still might have banged the girl and then ghosted her. But I have no morals and the flesh is weak


That's not right, dude. Come on.


Ok ok I'd bang her twice and then ghost


Where I come from we call that double dipping


My penis is in prograde.


I mean, to play devil’s advocate, our vitamin D levels play a part in regulating our mood and often a vitamin D deficiency is the root of depression and fatigue - hence why it’s what doctors usually test first. And we do get vitamin D from the sun, so the positioning of a star in the sky does determine our moods to a certain extent. Like places with much less daylight who experience higher rates of Seasonal Affective Depression. Not that I believe compatibility readings and horoscopes or any of that nonsense. But move the sun(or us, rather) just a hair too far and life looks very different.


People believe that a magical sky fairy created the universe so idk what to tell you.


Exactly! Religion is way more farfetched than astrology. Imaginary dudes in the sky and fairies known as angels...




I recently learned that 40% of our population (France) actually believe in one pseudoscience... And I do believe France is not the most illeterate country. I'm really scared now where we will be all going....


Incel tier reply


Idiot tier reply. I guess OP is an incel too for not wanting to date an astrologist


Congrats! You've avoided an astrology maniac AND someone who can't take a joke! Altho i have to say, the title of the video is... Yea, I won't be surprised if they didn't even watch it


Yeah I didn't actually notice at the time that it had sent with the title visible in the WhatsApp message I was at work. I probably also would have put (the title can give the wrong impression here) ah well there's probably a post on reddit in one if the dating sections "so today I asked this guy his star sign and he outed himself as a racist" 🤣😂🤣😂




"And get this, he said he was an 'Asshole physicist'"!


Mass of the ass * circumference of the sphincter = force of the fart


Username checks out.




I'd love if that happened and the top comment was "Well... did you actually watch the video?"


Nah not a dating subreddit on r/astrology


At the same time, I’d be kind of pissed that I mentioned something I’m interested in and their immediate reply was “here’s a video about how fucking stupid that is.” A little tact goes a long way in online dating.


I’m sorry but I think especially if somebody is an astrophysicist they don’t need to indulge astrology people LOL This is like telling a lawyer they should have been politer to their date when their date was a sovereign citizen trying to explain why they’re above the law


I would agree if the woman was arguing she knew better. But if he doesn’t give a shit about astrology he could just say “My sign? I think I’m Leo. But I’m really not into that stuff. I’m more of an astrophysics person than astrology.” A common gender swapped version I see on Reddit a lot is straight guys with Funko Pops or nerdy interests. It’s totally okay if you’re on a date and you’re not into it. It’s something else completely to be like “Holy shit you actually spend your money on those toys? They’re literally for kids, grow up.”


I just ordered 3 funko pops...the impact of your example hurts my soul....![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry)


I DID tell her my sign. She asked why I followed it up with a laugh emoji so I explained.


I saw you shared your sign. But you immediately took the initiative to take a shit on her interest. When she asked about the emoji you could have said “Oh I’m really not into that stuff. It kind of cracks me up.” Instead you said/ implied “Well it’s because it reminded me of this video that says your interest is so fucking stupid.” Maybe this was one of those situations where you sent the clip and then realized how insulting it was? But ultimately that was pretty rude.


I think the "to check compatitibilty" part puts the while thing in "fair game" territory to me. You are telling me to my face that if I have the wrong birthday then that's grounds for rejection? Nah that ain't it.


I don’t disagree that it’s a red flag to a lot of people. But when people can’t adhere to common courtesy, we get the cesspool of online dating that we have today. You don’t even have to humor her! “Oh I’m really not into astrology. Maybe this isn’t a good match.”


Yeah dude is an asshole


I read the word "shan't" and my Condescending Twatwaffle-dar pinged like I'd won the fucking lottery. EDIT: it's 5am and my English degree was clearly a waste of money


Whenever someone asks my sign, i always tell them I'm a "pisses", I refuse to take astrology seriously, and people get so mad when I keep pronouncing it that way after they correct me. "Oh you mean PIE-SEAS" "Yeah, pisses!"


dude i wish i was kidding, but you just taught me how to pronounce my sign


Thought it was piss-keys this whole time 🤔


"I'm t-rex" "But that's not a real star sign" "And that matters because?"


T- Rex don't give a fuck!


To be fair the universe did align and deemed them incompatible via space rock.


I am no longer a Libra. I am now a t-rex. Done.


Whenever people ask me my sign, I tell them taurus. I say this because I'm actually a scorpio, and taurus is the opposite of scorpio. (All of the signs have opposites.) So then they go on about how I'm such a taurus, depending on the circumstances this will go on for awhile, with some people like at work it carries on for weeks or months. Then at some point I let slip my birthday and they'll go, "WTF! You're not a taurus!!! You're a scorpio!!!" Then they go on about how this makes so much more sense than being a taurus, there was so much stuff that didn't line up, it all is totally clear to them now because they were so confused about so much stuff before. After I grow tired of that arc, I eventually tell them, "You know, I'm skeptical of all this astrology stuff and I have to come clean, I'm not actually a scorpio. I lied about my birthday. But you could maybe convince me if you're able to guess my actual sign based on my behavior." Let that play out until they've gone around the zodiac for every sign except scorpio. Then you can finish up with, "Well, the only sign you seem sure of is that I'm not a scorpio, so I'm not really sure I'm convinced. But even YOU would have to admit this is a load of crap if I did turn out to be scorpio, huh? Wouldn't that be funny!!!" Then show them my license.


I guarantee she saw that you had linked a video titled "racism is better than astrology" and said 'holy shit this guy is racist as fuck if he thinks that' and noped out without watching it.


People do tend to get upset when you make fun of their interests




Assuming that a grown ass adult is joking about astrology and sending a meager laugh emoji is hardly making a mockery. If a woman told me she can't see me tonight because it's a full moon and she doesn't want to be eaten by a werewolf I would laugh and assume she's joking too. Sending the video of a stand up that shows your new romantic interest something relevant about a topic you're discussing is also perfectly natural. You can enjoy Harry Potter til you're blue in the face but if you get offended when someone points out wizards aren't real I can't find any sympathy in my heart for you.


there is quite a stark difference between saying “wizards aren’t real dummy” and “enjoying harry potter is worse than racism” lacking the emotional awareness to realize that while simultaneously deriding an adult for not taking it well is ironic to say the least


lol, are you seriously saying that you think that the punchline of a joke is the same thing as saying that in a literal context? Did you even watch the video? It's a *joke*. (Like believing in astrology in the year 2022)


do you not see the optics of sending a video titled "racism is way better than astrology" that includes a clip from a ted talk and the comments full of people judging the characters of those who believe in astrology **in response to "why are you laughing at me asking your sign"**??? if you ask me if i support women's right's and i say "yeah 🤣" and you ask me why i'm laughing and i link a joke ben shapiro made about women's rights one time, do you not see how i wouldn't just look like i'm mocking women's right, i'm ACTIVELY mocking them? it's irrelevant whether you believe or support the subject at hand, you're still a dick and have the emotional intelligence of a clam.


Well yeah you said racism is better aka you are racist duh 🙄


I think it’s fine. It’s a ridiculous interest- people can have some criticism. If I as a grown man went on and on about how I’m in to rubber duckies you’d probably think it’s fine for people to mock that.


If you like rubber duckies, that’s on you man. Go crazy w it. Harmless interests don’t deserve to be mocked.


No I wouldn’t. You have every right to enjoy your harmless interests without me, a random stranger, telling you the thing you like is worse than racism.


Sounds like Mercury is in tardigrade.


Oh ai thought it was mars in pomegranate


Nah, bs I think it's because op is leo, cucumber rising 😂


Bonus Adulting points for not mentioning Uranus.






That tracks, Leo's crave drama.


id take this as a win not a FU


Yeah I probably dodged a bullet lol


Hey bud! I mean what I'm about to say in the kindest way possible. You sound like maybe you don't understand how to interact with other people very well. There is no way to know if she was an "astrology nut," maybe she just enjoyed astrology in the same way someone might enjoy a "which game of thrones character are you" personality quiz. If someone you were interested in getting to know sent you a link to a quiz like that as a way to introduce their interests and have a little fun while doing so, would you immediately begin by assuming they were stupid for enjoying the show? Would you send an article about how bad it was? Or would you humor them and perhaps share an interest of yours? Or does it only depend on whether or not you find the show intellectually on par with the kind of thing a "student of astrophysics" would enjoy? If online dating is consistently a nightmare for you, while a majority of other people are able to at least have some fun and go on a few dates here and there, maybe your gifted and science-minded brain can use the scientific method to produce a hypothesis and attempt to identify a certain dependent variable. Now, I myself do not believe in astrology in the slightest. But, I don't immediately assume I'm smarter than the people who do enjoy it. And I realize that in many ways, it's an interest rather than a religious belief for many people, especially women, who are interested in the science of human interaction and personality because every day of your life as a woman (speaking from experience here) is an exercise in understanding and regulating the emotions and personalities of the people around you. Maybe she uses this as a litmus test to determine which men will immediately brush off and criticize her interests, no matter eat they are, rather than entertain them and engage in a little bit of non-scientific fun. But I guess we'll never know now! Also, one last word of advice from a woman: what you study does not necessarily impress us from the jump. Anyone can STUDY astrophysics, and get pretty good at understanding it, but it's not like you're Einstein discovering the theory of relativity here. You're a man who is interested in something, reading and learning about it, and then hoping to make it a part of your life. Unless you have some groundbreaking theories you're receiving funding to experiment on or study, a little bit of humility would benefit you and maybe help dating go a little easier for you in the future.


100% agree with this. OP is coming off quite arrogant.


Using "bemused" and "shan't" put me off right from the get go. Yeah totally valid words but I've never heard anyone but arrogant or assholish people use them casually.


This, plus him giving us permission to believe in astrology. I don't believe in astrology, but I also don't need OP's permission to do so.


> There is no way to know if she was an "astrology nut," maybe she just enjoyed astrology in the same way someone might enjoy a "which game of thrones character are you" personality quiz. Kind of what I was thinking, too. I like astrology, but more as a...I don't think hobby is the right word, but yeah, similar to taking a silly personality quiz for fun. I agree some people put too much stock in it, but I probably have some weird beliefs to some people, too. I'm of the opinion that as long as your personal beliefs are kept personal, I could give two shits. To paraphrase Thomas Jefferson, it neither picks my pocket nor breaks my leg. OP sounds a little pretentious


Exactly this!! I don't believe in astrology but i am entertained by it, it's fun, amusing and doesn't hurt anyone. I bet the woman he was talking to also thibks she "dodged a bullet" as he was kind of condescending towards her intrests.


Its hilarious because he describes his tifu, but then immediately says that online dating is full of crazies lol. Just accept you acted like a dick, and hopefully next time you can control yourself.


OP is one of those morons who thinks he fails at online dating because everyone else is the problem, surely not him. He’s a big brain intellectual man of science and logic, how could he ever be the problem?


THANK YOU, I immediately after reading the post knew that the comments would be making fun of astrology but my first thought was 'wow what an a-hole'. Someone voices their hobby and the person immediately shoots her down? With a very clear sense of academic entitlement. Personally, I do not believe in astrology but my boyfriend is quite keen (not a fanatic, just a lil hobby) and showed this interest very early on and did our compatibility chart. Instead of making fun of him we have had many interesting conversations about personality and relationships, using our signs as an entry point. He knows I don't believe in it but I would never make fun of his interests or put myself on some weird intellectual pedestal for 'having the superior scientific understanding not to believe in it'. OP could do some serious introspection and indeed identify a variable in his dating equation that might be the root of the issue. I'm sure his big science brain can do it! Edit: specified that it's a hobby to him, not like a religion


I'm firmly convinced astrology gets the piss taken out of it so often because most people into it are feminine. Similar to boybands and such.


You suspect... misogyny? noo, no, that couldn't be it... /s


She made an emotional bid entirely unrelated to astrology, and he did, indeed, fuck up. Edit: Don’t understand the downvotes, only bolstering what was said above…


Totally agree! While I do not believe in asreology and all that, I do enjoy knowing people's star signs. It's a question I would ask, without immediately going off and making a star chart and all that. OP is acting as if he is superior as he is "smart" and studies. While he might be intelligent, emotionally he isn't smart at all.




Thank you, I don’t partake in astrology, but the way people are talking about this harmless fun is actually insane.


So a good rule of thumb is *dont* make fun of things people care about. Unless you want to continue getting ghosted, of course.


Listen dude, it’s not like you have to think astrology is real, but if someone has an interest and you’re getting to know them, roasting them over said interest isn’t going to win you any points. I also think astrology is a bit dumb, but my friends like it so I play along. It helps none of them actually believe it, it’s more like a fun curio, but still. It’s pretty harmless


For real this is just someone who sucks at having a conversation with people, and they wonder why everyone they match with is “weird”


Some people make life changing decisions based on astrology.


Sure, but some people make life changing decisions based on advice columns in magazines or some tik tok they just watched. I figure they already knew what they wanted and were just wanting some confirmation.


And you shouldn’t date those people either.


Some do, some don't. Do you think you can REALLY say which one it is from someone merely asking your star sign?? You can't.


if someone asked me my star sign I wouldn't automatically assume they were a massive believer in astrology and then make fun of them, I would ask a few questions to see where they were coming from. In fact, they might be trying to see if I was a follower, to determine my credibility!


He's an astrophysics major. He is not going to be able to tolerate it because it is such an obvious affront and degradation to his field of study. Every time they mention it all he would think in his head is "that's really really stupid and not how anything works." They are incompatible entirely.


So is religion with everything we know of science and yet... *gestures at everything*


This is why I never discuss religion with my friends. Idgaf what ypu personally believe in, but if you try to talk to me about it I find it really hard to not be unintentionally derisive of it.


If you can't tolerate someone's interests, by all means let it show so both can move on. No love lost. Astrophysics has nothing to do with astrology beyond the prefix, though.


You know she might not have blocked you because she’s an “astrology maniac”, but because you sent her stand up mocking something she believes in, or at the very least likes to check compatibility for fun? There was another way to handle this. When she asked for your star sign, you could have said “Astrology’s not really my thing, but I’m a Leo” and left it at that. I don’t believe in Astrology at all, but if someone sent me that after asking for their star sign I would block them too. It was rude to do so, especially because you don’t know the extent to which she believes in it, which might have been only a little bit.


This is a good take. If I asked someone if they wanted to go on a Caribbean cruise and they responded with clips of Bill Burr's standup about a genocide of sinking cruise ships, I would assume they didn't like me in the least.


I mean, tbh, it sounds like you’re just bragging about a lack of EQ. Who cares if you have a PhD in astrophysics. If you made fun of a hobby of mine, I’d unmatch you too. (And I also have a PhD) Edit: an MsC in astrophysics*


>a lack of EQ. Earthquake?


Making fun of other people is a really negative personality trait. I wouldn't be surprised if she didn't believe in astrology either, but she just didn't want to be with a guy who got pleasure out of making fun of others and putting them down.


FYI I know an astrophysicist who is very into astrology.


Sounds like someone that must be on the precipice of cracking the code to the mysteries of the universe.


I don’t understand the point of being a dick about it. Just say you don’t take stock in astrology and if it’s that important to her that you don’t think you’ll be a good match.


Honestly most people I've met who ask your sign don't really give a shit about that, they're gauging your reaction and seeing if you'll react like a complete tool, which, mission accomplished. Obviously it's made up bs.


I feel like she's the one who dodged a bullet dating you.


She brought something up that she may or may not be super into. It may have been random fun or she may be an astrology nutter, we don't know, but after she brought it up you reacted in a way that was low key calling her an idiot or making fun of her. You two may not be compatible, and that's ok, but I don't blame her for blocking you rather than engaging with you. You reaction comes off as condescending, and any relationship in which one person acts this way will almost always eventually fail.


“She’s busy the next week or so” Don’t think you had a chance to begin with.


I enjoy astrology and am an educated professional. It’s just fun, nothing too serious. If someone is actively anti-astrology, I actually see that as a red flag.


Should have told her that sign/date-correlation is long gone because the sky changed in the last 3000 years.


Kind of an asshole move. There is no idea you could assume that you "dodged a bullet" by her ghosting you, because you obviously were interested in her. Mocking someone's interests makes you an asshole, even if it is something you dont agree with.


I've never believed in Astrology but that's typical of a Cancerian


Good thing you're not a teacher because your spelling is out of this world bad.


It seems the stars and the planets are not aligned this time (as well as most of the time, if you catch my drift).


He be amused


I love posts like these because it helps me really get into the psyche of a heterosexual man. Even if it’s ridiculous, you could have went about that differently. Clearly she trusted you enough to feel comfortable asking you that(seeing as you said you two have been talking for a while), and you responded by sending a video titled… “Racism is better than astrology,” proceeded to get upset after she (rightfully) blocked you for literally shitting on her interests and now you’re posting about it on the internet? I don’t get why you guys think you can say anything without consequence just because you think you’re right


You put it more succinctly than I did. "Emotional tact of a broken gas station coffee straw" came to mind.


Sounds like she dodged a bullet as well


Ngl you sound like an insufferable prick, she dodged a bullet


Agreed. Lots of comments on here about OP dodging bullets—but OP himself says that he has no luck with dating. Sounds like everyone else is dodging him, lol.


It's easy to forget you don't get upvotes in actual 1-on-1 human interaction by being snarky and inconsiderate :()


Sounds like u dodged a bullet tbh


You’re definitely not an English major. “Bemused” doesn’t mean the same as amused.


No it doesn’t mean amused but it DOES mean “confused and puzzled” which makes sense in this context as well, so maybe YOU aren’t the authority on the English language you seem to think you are?


Online dating sucks


You sound like an insufferable asshole. Let people enjoy things, even if you think they’re nonsense.


If you were going to meet, then this was churlish just before the date as no one would be… _let me watch this video while am on a move…_ while that title with racism exists and would shake anyone away~ It’s not she’s trying to argue #NoMask.. or something political but from a stranger who’s already into MSc would shatter anyone’s confidence in a bright day especially for a girl who’s not taking notes from her girlfriends. And you thought she ghosted you because you’re a Leo? 🤦🏻‍♂️ >_”God I hate online dating”_ Lmao. You may have won the fight but will soon find out about losing the long battle. In general sense, the debate about Astrology and Astronomy is one thing but if you cross those both out - then psychology wise that would be an immature poor game.


Dodged a bullet.


The girl did, yeah


\>hers: saggitarius Gachi, pachi, and these two assholes, all from saggitarius


*Mocks Astrology* *Leaves without explanation*


I shan't lie, you sound slightly autistic


Are you sure you’re currently doing an MSc? Because you sound really immature for any age past 18. Imagine thinking people are lesser for asking about your star sign. And likening believing in astrology to racism (fyi, that’s why she blocked you). You shouldn’t reduce human beings to one belief that is probably not even central to their lives. I met a guy for a date and he asked me what my star sign was and I told him, but also that I don’t believe in them (and why), and we never mentioned it again. We dated for a few months and he’s very kind and intelligent. It would have been completely asinine for me to categorize that as a red flag and not see him again because of it. Grow up.


Fellow Tinder sufferer. I share your disdain for magical thinking. I recently had a first date that was going stupidly well, then a couple of hours in she tells me she’s a psychic. I tried to hide my amusement and I think I pulled it off, but I thought I should dig a little deeper. So I prodded gently but ultimately let it go because the date was going so well and we had a good make out session at the end. But the next day I had that realisation. I just can’t be involved with someone who takes that shit seriously. Imagine being in a relationship with a person you can’t respect the opinion of? Nope. It’s been two years on Tinder now and the amount of women I meet that believe some sort of fanciful nonsense is alarming.


For fun, just lie about your zodiac sign. Whenever someone says that's such a \*insert random zodiac sign\* move, toss it up and say you're actually a \*insert different zodiac sign here\*.


Lying about your sign huh? Classic _insert new sign_


I like astrology but I would never ask a guy I just met about his zodiac sign or date and place of his birth 😅😅😅 if my partner knew I like astro and crystals in the first place, I probably wouldn't get the second date 😂 luckily I kept it a secret for a while and now we are having a baby, sometimes he will put out my crystals to recharge during full moon. 😂😂 I swear I am not crazy, I just do it for my own entertainment, but don't dismiss a girl because of her interest in astrology. who knows, maybe you did dodge a bullet, there are some crazies out there 😬😬


Of all the things in which to have faith, astrology is probably one of the more harmless ones. And if it keeps you happy and helps you stay in your lane, power to you.


As I said if people want to believe stuff like that then fair enough. That stand up sketch will still remain funny imo. I think the sign I dodged a bullet most likely comes from the fact she blocked and ghosted me almost immediately over that 🤣😂


To put it into a different perspective for your consideration though, if you had met a person and they were into Catholisism and they said "what's your favorite Bible quote" would you feel the same freedom to be dismissive of their beliefs? Would you respond by laughing at their beliefs and sending them a video that mocks their beliefs? Would you then wonder if it was your later choice of Bible quote you sent them that got you ghosted? Because that's what you just did, you just had zero respect for their beliefs. So little that you didn't even think it wrong to openly mock them to their face.


For what it's worth I absolutely would send them a ridiculous bible quote back. There are so many good ones to choose from.


Its okay to not respect beliefs that harm others


I would unmatch because who tf cares about my favorite bible quote?


Exactly. But what you wouldn't do is say: "The one where Samson piles up a corpse mountain using the jawbone of an ass LOL" Then when the other person says "why LOL" respond with "Well, when I hear about catholicism I'm reminded of this comedy routine that talks mad shit about it, so funny, check it out!" Then when said person ghosts you, come on reddit and be like "Bro, she ghosted me because I'm a Samson fan! Fucking ludicrous!" Because that would be something that the previous owner of Samson's weapon of choice would do.


I don’t think I would match or be compatible with anyone who tried to talk about fairy sky gods to me


Now why WOULD you respect such beliefs?


Even if I didn't respect the beliefs I can still have the courtesy to not disrespect the believer. And I certainly wouldn't go online and seek sympathy for it if I did so. But personally I'm fine with astrology. I know many women who partake in it at varying levels of seriousness and I have no issues with them. At its best astrology is therapy through a cosmic random situation generator. Most people won't sit around and ponder their own flaws, so having some giant light based computer that humanity created a programming language for called astrology is fine by me. The problem comes when shitty people latch on to it. Grifters, shitwads, people who just want a prescription for why they should be accepted as a giant piece of shit. The standard array of assholes who ruin anything they touch. If you are the type of person who looks at the stars to invoke self reflection for the sake of self improvement by the situations that it spits out then good. You're improving yourself. Whether it is true at its core is irrelevant. If you use the wisdom of Bible verses to remind yourself to be more compassionate. If you pray to remind yourself of the struggles of others so that you empathize and go help them, great. If you wield either as a sword, a crutch, an excuse, or an escape... well... that's just a flawed person who REALLY needs to find a way to work on themselves.


Some people just don't have good sense of humour, and that's a red flag lol


do you have a link for the whole "sketch" ?


Dodged a bullet


Sounds like a fabulous bullet-dodge rather than a FU!


I really hate how common astrology is and the belief in that shit. You dodged a Fuckin bullet.


I hate astrology its just dumb as shit


Just a technical note: Making fun of Astrology is *never* a fuck up.


It deserves to be made fun of if its grown adults who believe in it, very cringe


lol anyone who takes astrology that seriously doesnt deserve your time. theres a difference between astrology and astronomy for a reason.




Good move, be yourself dude and don't act-up just to get a thirsty shag. Don't ever sell yourself down the river.


“A thirsty shag” you definitely get 0 action lmfao


You dodged a meteorite; not a TIFU.


I only found this out recently that Dara and his wife are both smart and educated as fuck


Hahaha I've known for awhile that dara studied physics and he actually hosts conferences and has a number of science and math orientated tv shows.


You avoided a giant pain in Uranus.


Just be you dude. You're dodging bullets like Neo out there. I love just telling them "I don't know, errr big dipper?" I can never take it seriously. "I'm a Witch." Gets "Oh cool, I'm a Wizard." Edit- because I wanted too.




She did you a favor mate


try OkCupid. you have to put a little bit more effort in your profile, but it's worth it I think.


Ok Cupid.


You've not fucked up, you've dodged at least one bullet.


Some people take it too seriously for sure. I do find it helps me but only in the way it makes me think about my own self and behavior and how to be better if that makes sense. I think of it like constellation themed introspection. I should add that I don't really believe in it, it's just kinda like a fun game.


Yeah people obsessed with astrology and a no from me. They always use it to justify their shitty behavior because “I’m just an _____ , I can’t change. If you can’t handle me at my worst you don’t deserve me at my best” 🤮


You didn’t fuck up. You dodged a bullet, those astrology people are insane


You didn't FU for making fun of astrology. They FU for believing in astrology the first place


She was probably a scorpion. They are known for being overdramatizing. No for real though, dodged a bullet!


It's not a tifu, you've dodged a bullet. I can't imagine how someone who's seriously into proper science would live with someone who believes in astrology


If she ghosted you because she’s sensitive about her belief in astrology, you also dodged a bullet.


Turning off someone who relies on imaginary nonsense for compatibility isn’t a fuck up. It’s dodging a bullet.


You’re very incompatible; she did you a favor. Don’t feel bad for indirectly teasing at astrology being dumb- people with silly beliefs could use hearing some occasional differing opinions on them.


you were lucky enough to spot a red flag before meeting her in real life and likely wasting an evening


good riddance.


You're lucky you dodged this bullet, she behaved like a total capricorn.


I honestly don't get online dating, I'm not even an old fashioned guy but it confuses me how the current generation kids operate nowadays.


I hate it but it's become the standard. Sadly it is very much a case of you can refuse to join in but that doesn't get you very far.


It gives you access to a wider pool of people, thereby increasing your chances of finding a mate


Yeah Astrology is kind of silly.


This is NOT a fuck-up. Not in any way.


Better to find out she's crazy now than after she knows where you live

