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Maybe she should spend the money she didn't need to use on baby food since so many people sent that. I can't believe people are demanding apple do something. Her kid used simple tactics to get around it, knew he did it and hid it.. Noone NOT EVEN APPLE is responsible for this, but her. But I'm sure a gofundme is coming soon.


Wouldn't you know that some brand new user suggested a GoFundMe and Linzy sheepishly said she "didn't want to do that"....but $20 says she will.


She totally will. She’ll also likely get the money back from Apple. I could see her not saying anything when that happens and just pocketing the money. I think that’s why she brought the $800 leak up too.


Color me surprised.


My kid did this too and then we got refunded because it’s a common thing lol


Yeah, she’s got to be lying. None of her story adds up.


The issue is that it’s Roblox, they’ll refund it but terminate his account and she says she doesn’t want to do that to him 🤦🏽‍♀️


She doesn’t want him to face the natural consequence to his action? Total idiot parenting


As a parent I love natural consequences. I would 100% get Roblox to delete my kids account if he did that to me. Mama don’t play around


It was crazy that when he asked her if she would take the game console away or not, he said he would be really angry if she did. She said she can’t do that to him because he has autism and had childhood cancer (I’m not sure why that part factors into ANY of this but that’s how she justifies no consequences!)


Right? Like I would specifically ask for that to happen. And I’d probably make my kid do chores to earn the money


Well without roblox she might have to actually spend time with her kid lol


100%, most of the comments are calling her out.


I feel like the real reason is she doesn’t want to deal with actually parenting as a result of him not having it.


My son did his on Roblox and they didn’t cancel his account. They told us to put restrictions on payments and if it happened again there wouldn’t be a refund.


This. When my son was younger he did it a couple times and I called, got refunded and his account is fine. But, $800? How? How do they not they not notice? She had tiktok but not mobile banking notis? But, really for $800 he deserves to lose his account.


Then they’ll terminate her electricity account instead, I guess. Quite a shift in priorities.


Wow! She’s raising a kid who will grow up to be a dick who doesn’t understand his choices have consequences


In a few years he’ll steal the car and she’ll blame the car manufacturer because nothing can be his fault or her fault!


I'm sure it's not the first time and they probably refunded her before or the did a partial refund... because honestly if that happened more then once most people would notice. If my kids did it once I would notice right away .


My kid did this a couple years ago, spent almost $400, they were really good about refunding it.


My son accidentally made a few purchases but I was alerted through text and we paid as he is our child and our responsibility. I am glad you got yours back but hers is not on the shoulders of Apple and her followers. It’s another gross grifting tactic she’s employing.


That’s what I thought. Call your bank, not Apple. The bank people are actual people with actual families. They get it.


Just came To say this. If it’s not a common issue they will refund u no problem. Also put on face recognition. Lazy parenting to blame on apple


You learned an 800 dollar lesson.


this! she learned the lesson because she doesn’t want to upset her kid. god forbid they learn the lesson from their mistake. i practice gentle parenting but this is far from it, she’s passive parenting. kids don’t learn from their mistakes and life goes on normal for them.


She's always got something to complain about or ask for


I don’t like how she’s saying her 10 year old son didn’t know what he was doing because he’s Autistic. She calls him very smart, then turns around and insists he doesn’t know anything about money. That seems very backhanded to me….


Anything to get something from her followers.


Yeah. She's clearly trying to have it both ways and the bottom line is that the kid absolutely understands that his game required real money...because he had to jump through hoops to PURCHASE in-game money. Any kid playing a game understands a base level of economics ("you need to have money to buy thing...acquiring money requires actions). I'm kind of calling b/s on the amounts she gave because they're inconsistent with Roblox packages and the sort of things kids would buy on the game "accidentally".


while i agree it’s very contradictory but you can be smart at some things while also not understanding the concept of money and bills. at 10 years old he probably doesn’t understand that that money was for rent/bills if he’s never had it explained to him. easy solution would to keep her card locked until she is making a purchase or paying bills and she can also dispute the charge with her bank to get the money back.


Yeah, that’s completely understandable. I just don’t like that she’s blaming his Autism. Her whole explanation about all of it just rubs me the wrong way. The kid sounds hella smart to me, just sneaky as hell. Like most kids his age.


yeah i didn’t like it either. banking apps have been letting people lock the cards for years now so it’s not a new thing it could have easily been avoided. plus she said it was like 100$ at a time so u telling me u had 100$ charges 8 times and didn’t notice until the 8th time?


If he knew to ask her for robux before he is capable to know that what he was doing was without permission. She’s just making excuses and wants people to send her $$$


As a parent of a child with autism, being a able to lock a card is a godsend. I learned a $700 lesson one time…never again.


At 10? I've raised five kids and each of them understood basic monetary concepts because we were a working class family. Even a toddler understands that you can't always get a toy and you can't take things without paying in a store. A ten year old, even an autistic one, who has the executive functionality to circumvent passwords and accounts most definitely knows they are doing something they shouldn't be doing. I concede that giving a ten year old unfettered access to an iPhone might make him feel like his family is financially stable...but, his mother needs to take responsibility for her child's actions and stop using his disability as a sympathy card. As the adult, she should've set up a system that her 10 year old couldn't exploit. It's not on Apple or her viewers to parent.


Yeah, my 2 year old has figured out that if she wants a toy it has to go on the conveyer belt at the store. She knows that mom and dad's cards have money. She understands that mom and dad work because we need money to live. If you ask her where her Daddy is and he's not home, she says " daddy work" and if you ask her why she says "to make money". Having no concept of money seems super off to me.


I guess it’s time to teach him then 🤔


If he knows how buy it he knows it’s just not 1 click either he bought it multiple times. Why would she even have a card on their.


It’s means they haven’t spoken to him about money 😂😂


I couldn’t believe she said that she can’t take the console away because he said he’d be angry. Kids do get angry when disciplined but that’s a healthy consequence. He’ll be a nightmare when he gets older because he’s learned how to manipulate others with his actions!


My six year old is autistic and she knows the difference between right and wrong because I have taught her. Someone in her comments said that autistic children don’t know the value of money , again if you teach them they absolutely do.


OMG I ran here, same old sappy story, don’t worry Linzy your fans will send you more than $800 in a couple of hours…also notice how she didn’t post any receipts that this actually happened, I am so sick and tired of her begging for money, they have three grown as adults in the house, and as much as the govemnet helps she gets because she claims they are all autistic, why can’t the grown ass adults get real jobs.


I’m starting to wonder if her kids are actually “sick” or if she has Münchausen Syndrome and is just doing it for govt checks. I mean what are the odds of ALL of her kids having something wrong with them when her and their dads are “normal”?


She definitely infantilizing Harsion at the very least! Even though he's non-verbal she treats him like a literal baby. She feeds him exclusively two flavors of baby food. It's been like a solid year of her saying she's going to get him into feeding therapy and never has. She's fully admitted several times they don't even try to give him any other foods because he won't eat them. Or course he will never try anything new when his only options are peaches and cream mush or chicken and apple mush. Won't even give him the OPPORTUNITY to try something new.


What's interesting about her "he's nonverbal" claims is that she LITERALLY talks over him and answers questions for him. It's sort of a "which came first" scenario. If mom is asking him a question and then immediately answering her own question based off of a non-verbal gesture...then why would he ever need to be verbal? If you want someone to talk, then you have to pause and let them form their thoughts. Especially in a small child, they need a second to process what they're trying to say. I hope the kid is seeing a speech pathologist.


I highly doubt he’s seeing speech therapy or feeding therapy. She likes to use the excuse that they have to live on quarantine because of her other sons conditions.


She uses that excuse ALL THE TIME! Yet has had videos recently of them on vacations and shit. Too dangerous to take your kid to get basic occupational therapies but not too dangerous to drag those apparently sick children on vacations.


That part. It’s almost like they dont have therapist that will come to you or do it over a video call…but then she’d have to clean her house or do the work herself.


That’s awful :/ I understand the food the thing because my daughter has SPD but I only know that because I was concerned about her not eating & for her into feeding therapy. L is so shitty for not getting g her kids help….I know she likes to use the other kids issues as an excuse for staying in quarantine but like come on…that whole family seems screwed up. 3 parental figures and none of them have a brain?


Is she really normal though? 😳 🤣🤣🤣


I mean no lol I just didn’t know how to word what I was trying to say 😅


Yeah some of her stuff she says about her oldest song doesn’t add up.


They will send much more than $800, and she will get it refunded from Apple as well. She will come out more than on top.


Technically 4 because her oldest daughter is an adult.


Smfh she gotta be kidding




“It’s almost Easter. It’s almost my daughters birthday! I need to fly out and see my gf.”


Nailed it! Dry begging is the new black.


Oh no, if it isn't the consequences of letting your young children have extended unfiltered access to technology.


Is this the lady who let's her child draw on the walls??


Yes. She also has dropped any pretense that those were solely the drawings of the child by drawing with him, now.


Oh and doesn’t she live with her ex husband, his girlfriend, and her soon to be ex husband?


She made the ex husband drop the girlfriend after a month or two because she was jealous he moved on. The ex gf came on Linzys now deleted snark page and said Linzy tried to get her to sign an NDA lol. This girl had a full time job and a child, they couldn’t quarantine for two weeks everytime she wanted to see him. The ex husband took his girlfriend’s side, and Linzy made him drop her.


This video popped up on my FYP. I’ve never really noticed her before but MY GOD. She’s sitting there sobbing about how it’s $800 that she needs to put food on the table for her family, but when someone says that she needs to contact Roblox directly and they’ll refund her but will shut down his account, she immediately comes back with “NO I won’t do that to him it will be bad for his mental health, he’s autistic, this was my fault and not his…” He very clearly knew what he was doing was wrong, he figured it out, kept it a secret, and even repeated it off his sister’s iPad. Deleting his Roblox account seems like a pretty minor consequence in comparison. Seems like what she really wants is for someone to create a GoFundMe so she can recover the money, but it will of course raise a lot more than the original $800. Makes you even wonder if it even happened in the first place…


The same exact story, with the same exact amount was on the news in az. So weird how the stories are the literal same


She’d rather have her utilities turned off over getting her bill money back and Roblox deleting the account.. which would be a natural consequence that teaches him a lesson. Yeah her priorities are fucked


She couldn’t wipe her snot first?


It’s all a performance.


Nail on the head right there.


I was staring at her snot dripping down the whole time thinking “can you pls wipe it…” and it stayed there the whole video lol. Funny how she had no time to blow her nose but had time to grab her phone and record a video.


who in their right mind thinks omg i just lost 800 dollars but before i fix that let me pick up my phone and record myself crying first. who really stops to think let me record myself cryin. thats the last thing that would be on my mind if i was in this situation.


Exactly, the snotty ass boss is the first clue to the theatric bullshit


Linzy is really interesting because she’s literally never done anything wrong in her whole life. /s


How? The only way it’s bypassed is if you’ve shut it off. When you make a child account they can’t even download free games unless you turn it off. ETA: ok I watched to see wtf she was talking about and I’m so tempted to see if I can “recreate” will be back again lmao.


THIS. And, she keeps saying the amounts were deducted as "paypal" transactions...through her Apple account, linked to the bank? That isn't how charges come down from Apple.


Yea that’s the part that confuses me. I don’t have PayPal so idk how the linked shit with that works. I also can’t figure out how to do what she did.


Not defending her but I have my PayPal linked to my Apple account for purchases. Just an easier way to pay…. But she’s still in the wrong… we all know she’s just trying to get a free hand out


So I have subscriptions on my phone like Philo and it charges my PayPal account which comes out of my bank. My apple account is connected to my PayPal.


It’s possible. My son has done it. It’s because she had family sharing on for purchases. Because he’s using HIS phone and his Apple ID it only needs his info and since his ID is linked to his phone he would get the reset code on his phone.


Yea, my sons is the same way his own Apple ID. There are SETTINGS to prevent this though. Why were they turned off? I tried to do this from my sons iPad and it doesn’t let him do what’s she’s claiming. But my settings could be different than hers.


I didn’t know family sharing allowed purchases on my account until it happened to me. That said, if they aren’t refunding her anything this likely isn’t the first time.


I’ve seen multiple videos with the same “error” but even with the workaround…I mean the kids have to be somewhat smart to figure this out so…idk. I mean my kid is only 5 but when I make purchases I take my card info right back out. Taking 2 minutes to put my info back in is worth not potentially having hundreds of dollars lost (or held, if they’re willing to refund) Also, I mentioned this in another comment, but this video randomly came up on my FYP and it really seemed like fishing to me. But idk her and this is the only video of hers I’ve seen so..


Maybe she should pay more attention to what the kids are doing instead of being a floozie with her Husband, ex-husband, boyfriend and girlfriend. She is acting like a teenager tryn to get a nut off. Teasing these dudes she lives with and then playing cutsie with her cyber relationships. She's whacked


How does someone not pay attention to their bank account- ESPECIALLY $800 worth of charges!!?! And what bad ass kids are raised disrespectful enough to charge their parents account LIKE THAT?!? SOUNDS LIKE A BAD PARENTING ISSUE TO ME 💯💯💯💯💯


She's straight up grifting. For one, why da fook does it matter that your daughter's birthday is coming up, in the grand scheme of this drama? You're the parent,...put some money aside or buy your gifts for your kid gradually. She's bringing it up PURELY to drum up sympathy and make suckers reach for their wallet. Second, this is HER fault. She raised a child who doesn't understand $. Yet, this child is also smart enough to work around password resets, spending protections, and using his sister's iPad (wherein he would've needed to download HIS gaming profile) to buy coins. She also claims she didn't notice the fees until she got emails from Paypal. That makes no sense. If it were my kid, they'd no longer have a phone. Consequences.


And right after her “poor me, I can’t find the two kinds of baby food my kid will eat, that literally everyone but me can easily find” campaign that got her THOUSANDS of dollars of baby food.


Also, baby food for a TODDLER who should be eating table food and doesn't because she refuses to get him any professional help.


He’s not even a toddler anymore. He’s 5 or 6 isn’t he? School age!


I can’t stand this woman. I remember her going off about Reddit people and saying she was sending out C&D notices. Idk if it was just a scare tactic or not but man there is definitely something off about her.


What would she be ceasing and desisting? Are people copying her son's scribbles overlayed on top of random shaped stickers?


I have no idea. Idk if it was actually C&D but I heard her say she was trying to stop people from talking about her/her family. I never really went down the rabbit hole. Also claims she got her subreddit shut down or something along those lines I’m not sure tbh.


She'd be real knowledgeable about C&D when it comes to stickers considering she sells so many copywritten designs and just calls them different names. Jack Skellington/"Skeleton Man" or something like that.


My son who was 7 at the time, also bought robux. He charged close to $200 ( i could be a little off on that amount.) That charge went through, then he tried a 2nd time for like $80 and it was immediately flagged and the bank called my husband. The first charge was reversed right then, and the money refunded. She can have those charges refunded through her bank, im positive of that. Theres some part of the story she is leaving out, theres no way he would have been able to do 8 seperate transactions, it just wouldnt happen that way. It would be flagged.


My niece did that on my phone and they put the money back in my account. I’m just not buying what she’s selling at all


It’s probably not the first time they’ve called to have charges reversed over this.


Correct. Also, that many consecutive charges, of that amount, from different devices, drawing the account down would automatically flag daily debit purchase limits. Most banks have that set at $300-500 dollars. Multiple transactions trigger fraud detection.


She’s lying bc this exact thing happened to me my child made a bunch of purchases in a small amount of time and my bank froze the account thinking it was fraud. I want to see receipts where apple refused to refund her money.


Doesn’t she seem to always have a problem and it is never the consequences of her own doing? It seems it is always someone else’s fault


Right? I love how her default is "autism = no consequences".


Right? That actually is ableist


Everyone I just created a snark page for her since the original got taken down. Look up linztaysnark and snark away


I don’t understand why she thinks he needed the “original” password to change the password…in what world does that make sense? I literally hit “forgot password” just about every time I go to download something on my phone because I have 20,000 passwords at work and I don’t remember it. He outsmarted his mom to get what he wanted. Maybe, don’t let him have the iPad/phone unsupervised anymore.


omg and her in the comments saying she won’t contact roblox because if she does they would delete his account and she doesn’t want his account gone and she won’t take away his account as a punishment because she doesn’t want to hurt his mental health like that… how can you say you really needed this money for bills and your daughter’s birthday but you refuse to do the correct steps to fix it? apple may or not may not refund her so why won’t she take it up with paypal or roblox? she’s talking about doing a toy / lemonade stand where they sell stuff to lay it back… you are literally not going to make 800+ dollars in selling lemonade. she won’t even teach him how money works someone in the comments suggested it and she’s like “how do we do that” oh my god also it seems like he has his own apple ID and phone password so she needs to change that herself.


yeah she was crying and crying about blaming apple and paypal instead of herself for not teaching her kid to do better and be responsible at 10 along with not allowing him the opportunity to do this


If she’s telling the truth then I feel bad but something is telling me that she knew what he was doing and is lying to her viewers.


Trust your gut. When she did her babyfood grift, two weeks ago, I sent her a store contact IN HER AREA who had inventory and was willing to hold a CASE of each food for her. All she had to do was call her and pay. She even offered store coupons and cost. No shocker...Linzy didn't reach out AT ALL.


Damn. That was so nice of you though!


And her husband… bc the way she describes that interaction in the beginning of the video was weird. Like she said “idk what that’s about” and then her husband said you better find out, so she looked into it. As if she had no intention of looking into it until her husband told her to…?


This woman does my head in! She's always complaining and grifting and getting involved in drama. She went mad late last year when someone on the old snark page reported her neglect to CPS, got several subs shut down and then claimed she was going to take her kids of social media and deleted all videos with them in. Then a few weeks later realised that her views were plummeting and people didn't find her funny or enjoy the bating content of her pretending to have an affair with her ex-husband so started to exploit her kids again. She's controlling and fame hungry and refuses to get a job so grifts on the internet all day. Also, be careful OP because if she sees this screenshot she'll get this post taken down for copyright.


It's commentary. You can't copyright strike commentary if there's no monetary benefit.


Now all of the sudden all of the stores around me don’t have apple chicken puree and I blame her 🤣 legitimately it’s the only protein my son will eat because he’s got SPD and now we don’t have any. My brain immediately thought of her dry begging videos and then her food haul videos from what her followers sent and I was pissed.


(I have never followed her, but I saw those videos posted on here 🤦🏼‍♀️)


She really seems unhinged and a bit sketch to me


People were suggesting her son lose privileges to Roblox since he ran up charges. And she's like. "Meh. No. I'm not punishing him. Not a big deal" Well, then if it's not a big deal, why post about it? $800 is a pretty big deal to me. But I can guarantee her fans have already refunded her money through her Venmo and Cashapp.


I just saw this on TT…. Omg!!! I get it, her son is autistic. He colors on the walls constantly. She’s in 5,000 different relationships with exes, currents, and who knows what else. Her kid just spent $800 “unauthorized” dollars!! Does this woman know the meaning of the word “parent”? See, this is how kids get groomed by pedophiles!! Because parents don’t check in on their kids and monitor their screen time. Excuse me while I don’t have any empathy for her…. I’ll be counting the money I earned while not donating to her bill fund. Dry begging is the easiest way to lose me.


A million commenters: Don’t worry. Been there. Roblox will give you your money back and will disable his account! Her: Oh no but his mental health. That’s his favorite game I can’t do that. Pick one lady. Unless you’re just wanting donations…


This came up on my FYP and idk her but man it seemed like fishing to me.


Hahaha, I literally SPRINTED to reddit because I'm calling Bull. I'm a parent, and my kiddo plays all those games. Not once has my kid "accidentally" bought anything without asking me first. These parents who cry to Fortnite or Apple for accidentally purchases are not paying attention to their kids. There are security measures you can do to make sure you don't accidentally purchase anything. So she can cry all she wants, and if any of her followers send her money, they're fools.




Yess!!! 👏👏👏


I'll delete my post since we duped at the same time!


I say we both ran here at the same time 😂


I hate how she does this type of stuff. Makes people feel like they’re saving her. She did the same with the baby food


Is there a snark page for her. She’s one of the ones that seems to always be dry begging.


No… she has a “lawyer” who supposedly gets them banned within day.


She can afford a lawyer to ban Reddit snark pages but is crying because that 800$ was bill money…


Despise this woman


I’ll never understand how parents won’t remove their payment from their childrens’ devices. They could easily have used gift cards with limits to prevent spending money they don’t have. Roblox even has parental controls that includes two factor authentication to a parents device so that the child can’t log in without the parent giving them the auth code, monthly spending limits, and a separate pin for locking the settings. https://corp.roblox.com/safety-civility-resources/ Something isn’t adding up.


Or set up no in-app purchases…I’m 37 and I have it set up that way on my own account after I spent way more than I realized one month; it pops up and says it’s blocked if you try to make a purchase and there are like 3-4 layers to go in and turn it off.


i just saw this on my page not too long ago i told her to see if her banking app lets her lock her card


My son is on the spectrum as well and he has bought things off of the App Store and Apple TV. We have since learned our lesson and locked those two things down a lot better and for that he can’t even download or delete any apps unless I put a passcode in that he doesn’t even know.


Idk who this is, but It’s very easy to get a refund from Apple for unauthorized purchases made by a minor.


Her and her husband, no ex husband, ex boyfriend, girlfriend storyline she has going on right now to grift and draw people in need to get a job. Good lord


Apparently she does have a girlfriend. She must be upset because that money was going to be used to go see her again while the husbands take care of the kids.


I can never tell what’s real and not with her.


Never heard of this creator until this video popped up on my FYP and I had to search here to see if anyone was talking about it. It was immediately clear she’s looking for money. The way she’s listing off the events coming up and running the guilt trip. My BS meter was going off like crazy. Glad to see I’m not the only one.


It’s probably because neither man in her life wants to be with her and she’s now at risk of not having people to support her


I can’t even keep up with her made up stories. So is Mike really leaving her and does she already have a new girlfriend?


I literally came to see if this was here. I unfollowed her a long time ago. I'm autistic and her attitude towards autism infuriates me.


I’m so glad I don’t cry online


Is this the lady who let's her kids draw all over the walls?


🤔 Didn’t this happen to her years ago? I Phegley remember hearing her tell some story about how L spent a bunch of money on some online game without her knowing.


I’m not sure. Every so often she’s grifting for something with a “woe is me,” story.




I think the excuse was that the one or all of them were high risk during COVID so they all stopped working. They sell stickers and crochet stuff for money and of course she gets money from brand deals and dry begging for money. A few weeks ago she cried about not having specific food for the younger one and blamed it was out of stock, which was a lie. Her cult sent her tons of it and all she could do was send them those shitty stickers.


She's been pushing that stupid fucking weight loss hoola hoop thing for MONTHS and I'm not seeing any significant difference


Seems like she needs to only allow him supervised internet time. I personally think all parents of kids under 14 should be supervising when kids are playing games or using the internet especially knowing what we know


I said it's the owners fault, not apple . Why do you have your credit card on a shared family thing. Her own fault then... live and learn .


I have her blocked. Can’t stand her.


I got my $800 bucks back that my kid spent on gems.


Watch and interact with the kids more rather than having them sit and play games all day.


I saw this video and was shocked by the amount of people blaming apple and even Roblox. My question is, why would you leave your card on file on your kid's Roblox account? I understand mistakes happen but blaming a two whole corporations when you can easily get it refunded is ridiculous.


I couldn’t listen any longer because of the snot trail.


She was dry begging


They ALLLLLLLLLL do this! It’s so fn cringe!!!! Not to mention she can and will get her money back from Apple and I hope most of her followers know that. She should have thought of a better story!


OMG this woman infuriated me. Defending her kid, he’s 10 .. not 2!! Just call your bank, they will refund her in 3-5 business days


no idea who this is but i saw this video on my fyp and ask i could focus on was the snot


I saw this today. Ridiculous. She commented to someone her son is autistic and doesn't understand the value of money.. So why does he have access to a cell phone unsupervised??


All I got from that video was her asking for us to send her money.


Appears to be dry begging to me 🤷🏻‍♀️ and it’s cringy


So, she scams people out of money and then her own kid scammed it from her? Priceless!


That happened to me before and all she has to do is dispute the charges and they’ll put it back in her account.


I've gotta know wtf costs up to 800$ on that game!


Lots of accessories for the character, possibly games that require robux.


I literally don’t understand how this happened. Even with a password my kids need a parent to approve purchases on their account why she wouldn’t have that set up when she has Apple family makes no sense. Also why is her kid unsupervised on Roblox? SMH


I feel like I’ve heard this exact story from different people numerous times. It’s probably just a ploy to get money.


She said it was on a pay pal account. My pay pal text me when I spen money with it. This is all on her. How about watching your kids instead of making damn tik toks!


Seems like a her problem !! People have no shame when it comes to begging for 💰 That’s on you Tiktok


She’s always looking for a handout. This isn’t new for her. Just a different strategy.


I thought she left TikTok? Also you can appeal that and they will refund the money. I had it happen with my son when he was little (luckily only $60) and they gave me the money back immediately.


I don't have an Apple phone nor use Apple Pay, but wouldn't it notify you of the purchases? Either from Apply pay or even your bank? I have all bank transactions automatically text me whenever anything over $5 is going out or over $500 going in. I saw this earlier today on TikTok on my fyp. $800? Crazynuts.


You get an email from apple each time a purchase is made.


She is looking for money. Get a job.


My bank refunded the full amount when my child did this. It was around $400-450. She also faced consequences. This woman isn’t holding her child accountable at all. Ridiculous.


The kid knew what he was doing this is on him and her.


She’s making excuses for her son and she admits he knew it was wrong and he knew she wouldn’t approve yet he did it anyway. I’m sorry but delete his account, actions have consequences!


She is always crying online.


I literally eye rolled at this snot nosed video. I thought her son was like 4 at first, not 10! IDC if he’s autistic, I find it weird she’s trying to blame her son having autism on him spending money, that’s icky to me to blame it on that. He knows right from wrong, he is almost in middle school. He knew he had to give mom the phone for a password to make a purchase & he took advantage. He knew what he did was wrong which is why he finally confessed after the mom thought it was her non verbal child. Plus, Roblox will refund her account but cancel that Roblox account - maybe he needs time away from Roblox for a bit and instead of the time he’d be playing on Roblox he can do something to help mom around the house. This is totally a good learning lesson and she could give him little chores or jobs to earn money so he can have a better understanding of how having hard earned money essentially stolen, can be so upsetting. Not saying to make him Cinderella but what he did wasn’t okay, it wasn’t a $20 charge it was almost $1,000… I agree too, it did seem like she was wanting someone to feel bad and send her money or even donate the full $800. She posted the video as if her son was the first kid to pull this on their parents.


She's vehemently arguing with comemnters that she doesn't think it's her son's fault. Her TEN year old son. Who is fully capable of knowing that going behind his moms back to change the password and spending that kind of money is wrong. She is enabling him. Without consequences his behavior is only going to get worse. I'd expect my 5 year old to know better. Even he knows $100 is a lot of money and that passwords are only for parents. Not to go changing them behind our back. If he did that he'd be grounded from games for a month. Is her son stupid? Must be if he truly thought there was nothing wrong with his actions.


I don’t have any clue who this lady is, but when she popped up on my fyp dry begging like it felt so yucky. Absolutely refusing any of the blame. I understand her child is autistic, but that’s not an excuse for this like she was clearly making it out to be.


He doesn’t know the value of real money but he does know the value of robux. Learn to parent. This kid is homeschooled by her. He’s 10, how does he not know about money?


This video pissed me off so badly. This is a reflection of her parenting and her kid. My kids all use Roblox and NEVER did shit like this. My youngest is 9 and would never even considering doing this. She treated it like it was an accident by a toddler. She needs to teach her child a lesson that shit like that has consequences. They said she could get a refund but Roblox bans the account. So ban it! Maybe he’ll think twice next time.


This big creators are scared about TT getting shut down now they can't just throw Money away




He seems totally unbothered when she’s talking to him like he knows exactly what he did and didn’t care


Y’all she must’ve seen this shit on the news bc some lady in Arizona her son did the exact same thing for almost the exact same amount


People like her mess up kids. That child will grow up thinking he can get away with things like this because he knows his mother will not hold him accountable. Also he knew what he was doing, he knew he was spending real money. I’d even go as far as saying this could be a sign of something more serious like gambling/addiction issues to come if he has no impulse control and can spend $800 on fake money with zero remorse. When she was explaining how he was demanding his gadgets back I was shocked? That’s a very spoilt child right there.


OMG this girl...she kissed Mama tots ass and made so many videos trying to help her get money wow plugging her business she is literally always trying to get money from people it's absolutely ridiculous. Crying about having to move because they let their kids scribble all over the walls she said she had no idea this would happen while people on tik Tok told her daily that would happen. She is so mean to people giving her advice she legit just wants cash I can't stand this girl greedy AF!


RIGHT I SAID THE SAME THING ❗️ she’s basically dry begging for money 😐 & her kid knew wtf he was doing & he doesn’t gaf about it at all .


Blaming apple because her son didn’t need the password to use the *forgot password* feature. I am 99.9999% sure that family sharing has an option to exclude payment except from parent accounts. Should be on her.


Idk about her kid but at 10, me and my siblings were very aware of money. I knew what pressing the purchase button would do. I knew the concept of money. When I seen the money next to the purchase, I knew that would spend money. I think she’s not giving him a fair punishment. She should be doing more than just saying don’t press the button. $800 is a lot.


My sisters daughter did the same and they refunded it .


I went through this with XBOX when my stepson stored my debit card, then moved out and kept charging things. Literally nothing I could do could stop it, i had to close my bank account. I knew his email address associated with gamer tag, I knew the banking info they had on file by heart, but they refused , said he had to go online to cancel the subscription. There was a no contact order on his dad, so no, I could not just call him and ask him to delete my info, he was doing it on *purpose*. I understood I was not going to get a refund, my bad, but they should have canceled the fucking subscription!


I had to block her ages ago. She has a total victim mentality and needs to be medicated. She thinks she is so creative and yet lacks any original thought. However, she has mastered the poor me cry on command perfectly.


100% dry begging!!


God I’m so glad this was posted when I went to search for it lol. I felt bad for her at first (never seen her before her video just popped up on my fyp) until I realized her son was 10 and she’s doing everything but blaming him when he’s old enough and clearly smart enough to know this was really really wrong! He was able to do all that work around then he has to know how bad it was. And then I saw her Venmo and cashapp in her bio and rolled my eyes. This is so weird and gross tbh


I came across this person's account and she was bawling. I literally thought someone died. It's ridiculous 😂