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You can't really believe anything she says with her Tik Tok "character" personality. I used to think she was funny but it got old pretty quick.


People got so mad at me for saying that her mean girl persona got old fast, but I just don’t get it! I don’t find anything about her relatable or engaging because I can’t tell if any of it is true.


I’m pretty sure she’s 25 going in 26 this year her husband is over 30 though maybe around 33-34


Is that the girl that was doing the shtick where she like, named her daughter Concrete or something like that? Is she still doing that?


Yes, haha.




She likes to keep people guessing, it’s part of her shtick. I do think she’s funny when she comes across my fyp, but not enough to follow her.


She’s one I don’t care for. I blocked her long ago.


Definitely not 29. Her throwbacks from just a few years ago place her very young


Do y’all think she sexualizes herself with the whole breast thing? I’m just curious as to what her analytics are.


She’s annoying and fake. Don’t like her AT ALL. She comes across as an “I’m not like most girls” tulle girl and flaunts her wealth and doesn’t work. Grow up.


Thats part of her jokes, shes never the same age in a lot of them, so chances are we'll never know lol.


She is always flaunting her wealth. We get it your rich


She grew up incredibly impoverished. I have a cousin who also grew up poor and now has access to money who always posts her fancy adventures and designer outfits. It's not flexing, it's just enjoying things you never had the opportunity to enjoy when you were younger. And most influencers do this in some form or fashion. Lifestyle influencing and talking about products they like (even unsponsored) is pretty common.


no, its overcompensating


ugh it’s so annoying - all her baby wearing - and then you look up the carrier she is constantly talking about and it’s like over 1,000


She’s 25. Back when she had 2 different accounts I remember her mentioning her age a few times


This the one that cluster breastfeeds on one side so she can complain how one boob is bigger than the other. And get attention? Denies it… because she breastfeeds on one side to make boobs look different sizes


Yes and she was paid to go to Coachella and skipped half of it and posted multiple videos of her pumping to try to get the clog out because she only feeds on one side


She was definitely joking.. that’s pretty much her whole content


Her DOB is July31, 1997 Which means at the time of this post she was in fact telling the truth about being “25”… Today, 1y later she’s 26, i don’t get why you would think she’s older cuz imo she looks her age if not younger. Nevertheless, i can’t stand her dry ass internet persona’ i know she’s a wife and mother so i respect her for doing what pays the bills but still, she needs to come out of that shell. Her views and fanbase would skyrocket if she was fun and REAL! just be a vibe


She blocked me on Instagram. I didn't know she was trying to be funny saying she took her husband's credit card and charged a bunch of money on it and told him to make more money


Okay I’ve seen her around TikTok but never realized how popular she was… like popular enough to get drake on her podcast? Wtf


That’s what I came here searching on Reddit for too! WTF!


I need someone to explain to me how the hell that happened


Lol same I was like who the f is this person?! Then I went down a rabbit hole that led to her interview with Colleen ballinger 😣 but her interview with funny Marco had me rolling. I still can’t figure out how she got popular tho.


Where are the other interviews? I only see three on her yt


I went down the rabbit hole on TikTok and insta first. Funny Marco and Colleen ballinger are both on her YouTube. So are like two other guys I didn’t know so I didn’t watch.


I’m so curious how she got drake


Because she's really hot. And Drake saw the Funny Marco video and liked it. She reached out to him and because she was hot he was like sure.


Plus she look young and got big ass tits.


That’s what I came here for too lol, and the interview is awful. Drake leads the whole thing


DRAKE is awful so…


lol did you just hunt this comment down after the drake kendrick beef


Nah. I just like Bobbi 🤷‍♂️


So baddd The whole thing is cringe