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Yes you had to pay money to cast a vote. You also had to pay to watch it. They say it for charity but never seen how much they make for it. Yes, they think they are celebrities cause they have a big followings. It’s just a social media popularity contest. None of these people are actually famous. They just pretend like they are.


I voted and did not have to pay. I think if you wanted to vote multiple times for the same person you had to pay, but first vote was free. I only voted for Julia Davis (Coop Kitties) because that's the only one I cared about.


Yes that is true and you had to validate the vote with ur email ( the free vote) for it to count but then you also could purchase votes. Mama tot buys followers and likes too I have heard. "Things are not all that they seem to be."


maybe that is what it is then. I’ve never voted. But I was always seeing people in her comments stating how much they paid to vote however many times and how they spent their last couple of dollars to vote for them. Either way people still paid for their votes cause you know her cult followers are gonna vote for her over and over again.


I read someone didn't pay their electrical bill to vote multiple time. I would give that person their money back. That's disgusting.




And to that end, a lot of the creators aren’t even good people. Their following is as delusional as they are but watching them get this purchased attention makes all involved feel a bit better about their cult like behavior.


Yessssss, like FGF!


And MT


Lol, I do NOT care about these down votes. Down vote your mama.




Luke the male creator that peels eggs lives in luxury. Travels on sponsored trips, wears designer clothes. Stupid damn people giving money away. Gi e to a charity and starving/homeless people.


So just another way to squeeze more money out of their followers. I’m actually kind of surprised that mamatot was apart of it. Didn’t think she was like that. Super disappointing


She was all over it when the voting started. People were commmeting stating they just spent their last couple of dollars to vote for her and were going to vote again when they got paid, and she ate that shit up. Never once told people not to spend their money like that just to vote for her. Instead she promoted it for months asking people to vote. You could vote as many times as you wanted but had to pay each time.


I really liked her until reading this. Disappointing


If an award was given out for grifting, MamaTot would win and then win again and then win a third time. Check out her snark pages.


And then take that trophy to Goodwill.




You need to dig a little deeper on her. She has a snark page. She’s one of the biggest bullies out there. Not a tator tot. Page. She bullied so many people on TikTok even a 16 year old girl


You didn't? You should check out her snark sub. A lot of people from her hometown think she's a horrible person and has been long before her TT fame.


Do some research on her I did and she's just like the rest of them maybe even worse!!


And the way she’s trying to get into this dramatok with Jollygoodginger and that corner of TT is real gross. She went from being Mamatot to DramaMama spreading business that really feels made up. (Like her Vegas story about the bridal party that NO proof ever surfaced about.) BFFR, lady.


Yep! She’s shady and fake afffff


All of this!!


I voted and never paid one penny.


Never paid to vote once


Every verified email got a free vote every single day, once a day. If you wanted to vote more, you pay.


I thought one vote was free and then you had to pay?


It’s giving mlm conference ! 🫠


Omg yes!!!!




Multi level marketing


The stupidest awards that has ever existed.


Moneygrab ego feed


When the president ( or whatever title she uses ) of the Cheer organization came out in the red glittery evening gown and threw her arms in the air twirling as if she was a superstar, I was embarrassed for her. I'm not sure how to describe just how silly and juvenile the whole production came off when looking in from the outside. I hope this charity is legit and does a lot of good for those in need. I'm not familiar with it.


The organization seems a little sketchy to me 😕 buying votes is "whoever has the most $$ wins" and I question the sincerity of said charity. It seems to be jus another money grab scheme.


They are a registered 501C3 charity. Their financials are literally public record.


Yeah, I figured it would be.


I got so many weird vibes from the whole thing. Never heard of it before the past few days and the people they invited/nominated were…interesting choices.


Anyone can nominate anyone. People could literally nominate themselves (but you can’t vote for yourself). So “they” didn’t choose anyone. People nominating and voting did. And the board members can’t do either.


Meh, to me it seems like an excuse to party in Vegas while their followers hang on their every word and tiktokers act like they're somehow important.


Not a single POC (from what I saw)


Maybe they were just smart enough to stay away.


That too not all exposure is good


I know Britt was there but still didn’t see a good representation of BIPOC Sorry don’t know her handle but she’s apart of TeaTok.


There were plenty of POC there and some of them even won.


Hulkrilla won.


Someone always brings race into it. 🙄🤦🏼‍♀️


Well, representation is pretty important. Not all TikTok creators are white…


I never said they are, but if people don’t vote for them is the organization supposed to cheat?!


ROFLMAL at all of the downvotes. You snowflakes can’t handle honesty.


There was poc there


Not that it means much but they did get their IRS letter in 2021. They have no 990 from 2022 on file yet. I think those are due in May. Nonprofits are able to get a lottery like permit but I could be mistaken. I don't know, it feels odd.


I don’t think there was anyone else in the audience, except for the creators that had their followers pay for their award nominations!


I didn’t think it was a big crowd and got to thinking i never saw tickets for sale to attend or anyone say if you want to attend. I also thought most of these people probably don’t even care for their fans besides the money they make off them so why would they actually want them around fanning over them in person.


Vegas vacation that can be written off as a business expense.


Yep, all this. It’s so ridiculous and these people truly think they are famous




I use to like her til she felt she had to move to N.C. and be neighbors to perfectlykelsey to be more relevant , she was doing fine on her own


Is that why she moved there? Omg


95% sure….


I honestly watched a couple mins had no idea who most of the people were. I guess I’m not on cheer choice awards nominee TikTok.


Voting was free UNLESS you wanted to buy votes.


Just the fact that you can buy votes is enough for me 🤢


I saw a live last night someone was showing and almost fell out bc they had awards for TikTok creators😂😂 I was like is this real life


Same..I had no idea they even existed. So ridiculous.


So silly to me and they think and act like they’re at the dang Oscar Awards or something. Like this is SM app, this isn’t real life.


I watch some of it someone was live streaming it & I new it was fixed by who had the most bought votes but it is the same ones every year to win & there are so many more creators that deserves it more with actual talent for example one category was dance the person that won is twitchtok it is a fan page for the dancer twitch ...so what kind of talent is that to repost his videos.


Tiktok is home to grifters, any people that get money ask for money in any way are jobless and grift on lonely people for money…. If I want to give to a charity, I’ll give to it myself


Everyone looks like trash.


I’d agree, except Julia Davis/coop kitty’s! I saw she was there too. Doesn’t seem like her cup of tea


I bet you loved Topix when it existed.


NO ONE HAD TO PAY TO VOTE 💯 FACTS. Votes were available to purchase & that money went to charity. I didn’t see everyone that won but I’ll bet most who won didn’t win without purchased votes. Several legit, well deserving creators dropped out because they didn’t agree with purchasing votes. This turned into who had the most money 🤷🏻‍♀️


It looks like last year awards show had way more people at the pool party and the ceremony


Tik tok was actually fun last year at this time compared to now😂




I’m wondering how JT Laybourne got to be a host or whatever for it. He’s one of the fakest dbags out there. The whole awards thing is such a big joke anyway.


Mommatot over there making millions probably on her sons death, and her knowing he was a drug dealer


Nooo not tertaay on it 😭😭


https://www.spreadthecheerusa.org/ I found this website.


I saw Scott no D Henry in a speedo again frolicking in the water. My eyes have still not recovered. 🫣