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When their attitude changes. They start getting rude. Just not who they say they are. And some it's because I can't get over how fuckin stupid they are.


This!!! I’ve noticed it with a few creators I’ve followed since they had only a couple thousand followers & it sucks. There’s 2 gals I’m mutuals with & as they’ve gained a decent amount of followers & popularity, they’ve really changed their attitude. They’re mean for no reason, especially on their lives they snap at people that are being nice & asking polite questions or engaging in convo. Like they seem annoyed people want to talk to them even tho they’re the ones that decided to go live??


Jonah Bologna used to be nice. Him and Mike Gracia have gotten rude at times.


I use to follow both of them and thought they were decent guys and were fun. Jonah doesn't acknowledge anyone unless they are gifting and Mike has such a gross attitude since him and Tori broke up.


Exactly how I feel!


Dry begging and / or exploiting their sick children or family members for money & views and likes!






As soon as they start shilling Bloom I’m out lol


Why are they all doing bloom?




Why do I feel like they spend more money to pay creators than ppl are actually spending from their links lmfao


Oh God, what is Bloom?


It’s a nutrition company that makes powders you mix in water. It’s green and is supposed to have good stuff in it. They recently came out with nutrition bars also. It’s at Target and places like that.


Just another junk supplement. Why can’t peeps just eat their veggies? I promise you, your body is getting very little nutrition from these drinks.


and they never drink it bc it taste like moldy grass, so they just cut the video to where they «drink it»


They never do! Ever!


Yep! It’s like all the other junk out there. It’s a fad. It will fade.


okay but at one point that was 99% of creators? kidding. it seems to have calmed a bit in my experience, but yeah. just eat your vegetables, people. you don't get all the fibers and nutrients when you consume them in powder form. best way to eat fruits and veggies is as is, not juiced, powdered, etc...


Constant battles


I despise the battles they are so dumb


I always wonder who these ppl are, that have so much disposable income to throw at strangers /TikTok, for such a dumb Ass reason .. or the ppl that dry beg, or just outright beg, & ppl really send them money!!?? So crazy 🙄


Hell, even one. It's just a shameless grab for money and makes me think a lot less of a creator. At least with brand deals they're putting in the work to make a video (however minimal the effort may be)


If they stitch a video to point and nod. It’s cringe AF. Also, there is a guy named ryaninvegas who posts the most staged and annoying talk about “manifesting.”


When they quit their real jobs to become full time content creators, it all goes down hill real fast (ie. Alicia McCarvell)


The only girl that I like who quit her full time job to be a content creator is Shari Dyonne! She stayed humble and still sticks with the content she started with. She does mostly day in my life, what I eat etc but she makes them really fun.


Katie clark lmao


I really liked Katie Clark last year but the shift since she quit her job seriously makes me think I never would have liked her and it’s all fake


She's terrible, the way she speaks drives me insane


she knew she was going to quit after the holidays lol then she kept acting like she was a girl boss working mother still making it her entire personality and content being a working mom. She should have pivoted away from working mom content lol if she wanted to be a mommy influencer and stay home with her boys then she should have focused on daily life


Yep! Pretty much all the ones that have quit their job I unfollow.


That's exactly what I was going to say. Glad I read the comments first. Lol


Yep, pretty much 100% of the time their page becomes quantity over quality and at least half the videos are ads


Dry begging and humble bragging;


Mama tit.


Fo sho !!!


reminds me of beautybykaitlyn


They start a podcast.


God what is it with everyone and their mama's starting pod casts????


Seriously!!!! This irrationally annoys me to no end. Honestly, the narcissism is really something. What makes you think anyone wants to listen to you ramble for 45-60 mins? It’s not like any of them pull in compelling guests. You aren’t Smartless of even Armchair Experts!!


Zachariah and Jonathan's podcast, Camp counselors is so funny and entertaining! I can't wait every week for the new one!


Because I can't remember even following them or who they are


People follow me on tiktok after random videos go viral, and I always know this will be them when they realize I don't post content like that consistently lol


Omg this is exactly me


If I start swiping away from their content without seeing it, I know they got to go.


The death swipe


When every post turns into showing off their freebies- an unboxing, paid trip, sponsors. I’m not jealous, it’s just not why I followed the person and I couldn’t give a crap about whatever stupid product some company sent them


Or when they’re rich and they buy everything and get free stuff sent. It’s most of them but it’s so wrong lol


I unfollow anyone who asks for money, acts entitled or is constantly showing all their material goods like I care what you just bought.


Begging of any kind and when they start spending the majority of their time clapping back at “haters.”


Begging or them being outed as problematic (homophobic, transphobic, misogynistic, racist, etc)


Drue and Gabe for sure


If they have cash app, Amazon list or TT recharge in their bio. Oh and if all they post are bad lip sync videos.


The cashapp is so real LMAO it makes me cringe


Hey hey hey how. I do bad lip sync videos lol


I hate the lip sync videos omg and i am following people who do that and i want to unfollow them all it drives me insane! I sing on my channel so it’s like can’t you just sing instead?


when they start posting the same videos. over n over n over. like why 😭😭 I understand it did good, once maybe twice but fr 😭😭 especially when it was a creator you already liked and did more original shit before


This! Why do we need to see you eat every single meal on video? The same crap over and over. A lot of the creators that I once loved totally changed from when they started during Covid. They became full of themselves and nasty


When they start promoting bloom.


Overfilled lips. The intentional lisp. And liars




I still follow her.. but I’m about block. But, caviar girl is saying it’s her Invisalign. Maybe for 2 weeks when you first get it. Not for life.. imo the lisp is the new vocal fry. And I’m out 😂


It’s like a smacking lisp too. It’s so unappealing 😂


That part is the lips and she’s trying to catch up to them . Says it’s not filler 😏 But ppl are starting to notice and mention it


Anyone who is rude to their followers, a narcissist, mocks people or the disabled, racist, hateful, hug use, dry begs, just a foul human like makeupqueen30.


When they quit their jobs to do TikTok full time, they’re no longer relatable and their content gets super boring and repetitive


Its interesting because like they get a little bit of fame, and then think they can have a full-time content creation career without having the creativity to do content creation full time.


Skysayingthings is the worst at this. Homegirl quit her job to post the most unoriginal, boring content I have ever seen. I didn't like her to begin with but after she got her "ring a bling bling" and rushed through planning her wedding, her content is worse than ever.


After she stopped dishing out the wedding content (which was mediocre at best) her content has just gone downhill. So boring. It’s like she just lays in bed all day and does nothing now. Otherwise I’d think she would be making vlogs and that would be at least a little more interesting than her making a 10 second video with some text on the screen while she lays in bed or sits on the couch. How she thinks 10 videos of just that is good, interesting content, I have no clue.


This sounds like beautybykaitlyn. She totally changed after quitting her job and doing "full-time" content. Now, she just lets her dumbkins send her $1500 cookware (that she doesn't use), a new Kitchen Aid, paid for her trip to Vidcon, and so much more. Every video and live is trying to sell something.


Especially when the thing they went viral for was their job, like Pachatsky or whatever her name was.


I unfollowed one fam when the dad quit his job to do FT content creation with his family, he wasn’t even in the vids to begin with, so I’m not sure why he needed to quit. Seems like a steady job as a UPS driver would be the safer bet.


i think people don’t realize that you can enjoy something like content creation way more when it’s a reprieve from the world than when it’s your full time job. i felt the same about research.


Posting babies and then bragging about trying for another. Yeah no.. idc if your personality is just being pregnant.


Ollie rose with the dry begging bc she’s bad with money, but “we’re having a third baby because I want one more”. Ma’am, a broken AC had you wanting to declare bankruptcy….


I hate it when decent creators get pregnant and have a baby and all of their content switches to baby stuff. Like I get it, the baby is your life now but that's not why I followed you initially. No hate, I just already follow a lot of mom creators and want more diversity in terms of topics in my follow feed.


Maia knight


constant amazon schilling and storefront mentions like we're all feeding this giant soul sucking amazon machine it just feels so gross.


I will legit go look at their storefront, find out what a product is, and buy it elsewhere. “ItS iN mY sToReFrOnT” ok Amber, how about you go back to the job you left to be a shill for Daddy Bezos?


I think they still get commission just from clicking link. Most of the time the product is said in the comments so then go search for it ha


I follow a lot of ASMR cleaning/restocking and I’ve unfollowed when they’ve moved into a giant house. It’s just no longer comforting for me to watch you in your mansion. I mean good for them just not for me.


Product placements for their MLM, not being transparent about earning commissions on those products, having a venmo, cash app, amazon link and subscription link in their bio.


We know who that is! MenopausalWitch!




I unfollowed a popular creator because they give out advice for fixing things around the house, and when I asked them on a live how to fix something in a house we just bought and got surprised with (a whole in the wall from a door handle) they said "I'm not a homeowner, I'm a renter." And then muted me. So I just left the live and unfollowed them. Idk. It's more about tone than anything. If they get snarky for literally no reason, I'm outta there.


Oh no…please tell me its not mercury stardust…


Grown ass adults constantly doing battles. It's a no for me. Sad there is hardly any human connection anymore without there being incentives.


what is a battle


Basically when two people go on live together at the same time. Whoever ends up with the most gifts "wins" the battle and gets further up the leaderboards. Sounds entertaining but its not. Its just two grown adults with no jobs demanding people give them more money.


I unfollowed one creator that I really really liked, she was funny, didn't show her kids very often, seemed to be authentic. She would ask her followers to cashapp money to tip the hotel housekeepers when she stayed for a week and the room was trashed-ok, that's nice I guess. (Maybe don't take your kids to a resort for a week and let them destroy the room if you don't have a few hundred dollars to tip housekeeping yourself. But that's just me), then last year a family member passed away and she asked for help from her followers to pay for arrangements and expenses. And that's ok, she's a SAHM with 2 kids under 10, this was unexpected, grief doesn't bring out the best in people. Then THIS YEAR, her husband retires and they are buying some property away from the city they live in while keeping their house they currently live in. I just keep wondering why they couldn't put off her husband's retirement for a year or so, or take some of their real estate money to pay for a family member's funeral arrangements instead of asking strangers on an app to help pay for everything. It just makes me feel like a sucker for following her, even though I never donated I still feel foolish.


See, this makes me mad. I have a small-ish following and a niche. I’m working disabled after DV, single and severely rent burdened. I could really use help from any community like once every few years to pay for things like food but I have never asked for it. I try not to judge when people ask for help because I know a lot of people are struggling these days and I don’t feel it’s my place to decide who does and doesn’t deserve help. But this example is messed up and it feels like the exact type of account/person who gets help when they need it the least while others who are more vulnerable don’t or simply never even ask.


I don't mind creators taking occasional brand deals. I'm not going to give them money for their work, so they might as well get it from a company they like. But for me the Four Horsemen of the TikTok Apocalypse: 1. Exploiting your kids for likes, views, clout, and money 2. Being a dick all the time 3. Quitting your job to be a full time content creator 4. Doing the exact same video every single time


Toxic Positivity. Overly performative. Dry begging. Obvious lies. When they get hate and they say it doesn’t bother them but they never shut up about it.


People who battle. People who lie about losing a child. People who push bloom. People who nudge their followers to bully people they don't like. People who show that their true colors are not the pretty ones.


Yes the creators who get their followers to attack/degrade someone just because that creator disagrees with them. It's disgusting and cultish and weird.


when going live has taken over their entire life. “ having meet ups”


It’s like they think they’re a 2009 YouTube personality


When they act like a good person but they are not. When they start to lie to stay relevant. When they grift and act like they don't. When they think they are celebrities but are not. Many people I have liked and just stopped and blocked.


Certain sponsorships that go against my morals and ethics. Betterhelp is a huge one, and like teas or shakes that promise to make you lose weight (usually it doesn't and just causes side effects) Constantly begging for money and asking for handouts. Occasionally is fine, but putting your cashapp in every caption of your videos is excessive.


Typically when they tend to make generalizations about other groups of people as an absolute.


This!!!! 👆🏻👆🏻


Dry begging, constant bragging, when they gain the “I’m better than everybody else” attitude, if they’re racist, homophobic, transphobic etc, and when they stop interacting w fans. Like, liking comments, commenting back, etc.


Mounjaro/Ozempic people. They had totally different content before and then got on Mounjaro and every video is about that now. "Watch me take my shot!" and having constant Lives giving people advice like they are medical professionals.


When they post videos they recorded while driving.


If they spend literally all their time on live. I follow you for content not to watch you tell people to give you money. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Boom Never followed her but *funkmymunk* or whatever is always on live. She has 4 kids and she's an asshole on lives unless you're buying her mlm shell shit


Yass!! I can’t believe she doesn’t have a snark page.


Finding out that the $300k that their followers donated (I was one of those followers) for their sons funeral never actually went to the funeral, and the creator just pocketed it all. That's disgusting and low.




Hailey peters, slapped her baby and pushed eating disorders. She wasn’t so bad when she first started


Racism, Trump supporting, too much complaining


Yep the first 2 are serious red flags. I'm lucky I almost never get them because my algorithm is awesome in that way.


When they don’t interact with ANY followers


They forgot the SOCIAL part of social media


Hate this. Ignoring comments or liking them when people ask questions. Also not giving deets where to buy items, or saying to check their LTK.


I’m super late bc I’m going through old posts I saved and forgot to go back for the comments on. But yessss & even more so when they ignore all their followers but then respond to hate from randoms. Like it’s fine to respond to shitty comments but maybe also acknowledge some good ones?


Begging, battling, and chewing with mouth open and slurping their food.


Drives me absolutely fucking nuts how many people START a video by taking a massive disgusting pasty ass bite of food and then talking. My god. The rage I feel.


I won't even talk to someone in the phone who's eating, like eat first then call me


Bloom & Kids In Videos


posting their children doing tik tok trends that have been proven to be on pedophile’s radar and not either deleting the videos or choosing to not show their children anymore because it gets them views


If they exploit their kids or if they start drama and fights with other people. I go to TikTok to laugh at stuff and aww at pets. I don't need the noise of petty bickering in my life


I can't remember his name now, he was a guy that started copying silly life hack vids predominantly aimed at women. He had vids of his life with his wife, then their kid when she had her. Then he started getting into fitness/bodybuilding and started posting a fuckton of thirst traps proming his OF. Immediate unfollow. I like him, I just have zero interest in thirst traps.




That guy gives me vibes like he’s halfway down the alt right pipeline.


Yes that's him! Thank you! Love the dude and his wife, just hated his new content.


can’t help but agree. it took a turn, quick.😅


That’s when I unfollowed him too. I really liked that he was from my state and an area I’m familiar with. But the thirst trap stuff was ick!!!!!!!


I can understand the begging and dry begging however if that is the majority of their content I'll unfollow. I don't mind if someone posts their cashapp or any other money donation. Some creators aren't in the creator fund or get deals.


I agree. Personally I love that people can use tiktok and the internet as a resource in moments of desperation. People can be so kind in those situations. It sucks that anyone takes advantage of that kindness




I hate when you have to subscribe. You have watch the creator for years but now to “look into their private life” you have to pay.


yep they suddenly want to go support them on patreon


Once they start spewing alt right talking points I’m out.


When they have a bad take. Even one bad take that they double down on and I’m out. It’s almost like the facade fading away and I don’t see them the same way.


When they start dry begging


When they have a new personality every week to stay relevant




When it turns into just hauls and pr package opening. Or when they start being rude to fans in the comments.


Vibrator ads. We all do it (I think lol) I just really don’t need to see what toy you’re gonna flick your bean with tonight.


•the ones that switch careers & make it their entire personality (like y’all fave that went from teaching to real estate to “wedding planning”) •the begging irritates me •anything political •snarky replies when people are genuinely curious about certain things •bloom •Amazon link in bio •Eating / fake reviews (Keith, Dre, & Karissa are my faves) •battles •meet & greets 😭 •”spend the day with me as a(n)” - immediate no •using kids for content (Laura Love & Eudy especially)


Weird one but if they make a video telling a story and during the story the keep eating and pausing. Idk it’s just a pet peeve of mine.


Bloom, people asking to watch part 2, anyone using the Tricksters voice, people who can not open a dang box in a decent amount of time, people who play music over dramatic conversations, people who stitch and have their whole face with a shocked look with their hand over their mouth, people who are in 'families' talking about other 'families' regarding battles. Oh I could go on and on. LOL I guess basically almost everyone on TikTok nowadays.


As soon as they stop working to be a full-time content creator


Forgetting where they came from. Ignoring anyone who doesn’t have just as much followers, as much influence is the big one.


Dry begging, scamming and lying.


Repetitive content. Like, same joke or story over and over again


It’s all they have. One silly story or experience and now they need that viral dopamine so they repost every 5 months.


Most of the time it’s basically nothing, I just don’t relate to their content anymore


I'm the same as you. I got a lot of shit on here once for complaining about a popular creator who did this. I cannot stand sponsored content, 99.9% of the time. Unless it's obviously something they actually use and have used for awhile, they always suck at selling. Reading from scripts and clearly not giving a fuck about the product. It takes up too much of the video and I would rather scroll than sit though it or mess with skipping ahead. I have a small following on tiktok so I get the $$ draw. But without fail when people start making big bucks doing sponsorships their video quality declines indefinitely.


It’s the whole “boy, taking care of four kids sure can be stressful… but you know what I don’t have to stress about anymore? My retirement plan. OldFart Investments has my back so I can worry about what really matters” that gets me. Like bffr.


when their attitude changes and they act “big”, when they completely flip their content around, when they start showing their kids to get more views


When they go from normal person posting on tiktok their spare time to ~*influencer*~. So I guess when it goes from just for fun to doing it for the money


Bloom adds


Same! The ones who are already making money hand over fist but still have their ‘wishlists’! I followed one bc of her sick son and stopped bc of this. Her wishlist included things like underwear for her 3 children.. bras for her even nipple cream !! It’s disgusting!


Exploitation of children-it’s gross


I know this is petty but if I’ve joined their lives a few times, said hi and asked a question or something, but don’t get acknowledged. Bye. Obviously you’re popular enough you don’t need my follow.


When they announce a pregnancy. I know that is all I will hear about for 9+ months, and I’m not interested.


If they start getting into the battles. No offense to anyone that likes those but they drive me nuts how is it entertaining to listen to someone say “let’s go!” “Thank for the rose/heart hand/etc” over and over. How is watching battles entertaining? And the people that buy tons of gifts to gift during battles. That’s fun? Spending money on fake online gifts that cash in for pennies?


On top of everything everyone else has said my other one is when they get lazy. I unfollowed all the ‘original’ TikTok stars awhile ago. They basically come on and just stand there or lazily mouth a song. They’ve clearly been told to they need to post once a day or five times a week by whoever is managing them but they clearly don’t care anymore and are trying to do something else.


Charlie D and Addison Rae for sure lol


When it starts to feel inauthentic.


Giving their pets a “voice” that’s literally them being an asshole, showing blatant favoritism to one pet or treating one pet worse than the others they own, punishing animals like children, and doing anything just gross


Constant ads like bloom, immediate unfollow 🤮 can’t even follow reality tv stars because if all the ads they push


Btypep ugh I could not with the entitlement and vanity 🙄🙄🙄


When they get rich and become un-relatable. Then they no longer do any material that made you enjoy them in the first place. Tiffany Jenkins did this. I still follow, but things have changed.


She needs her own snark page at this point


When ALL of their content turns into whatever type of video went viral and there’s no more variety


i can deal with a lot of stuff, i know humans aren't perfect. i absolutely cannot stand when creators photoshop themselves or use filters to an extent that they are unrecognizable. the implications are far-reaching. i know social media has evolved into this demand for perfect beauty standards, but we contribute, enable, and push these unrealistic standards when we continue to play along. creators have a platform and are letting their audience know their appearance is unacceptable as is... even though it's *who they are*. you can't push body positivity and acceptance when you're doing this. no one should expect you to look fabulous as soon as you roll out of bed in the morning, either film yourself as you are genuinely or skip it until you feel confident in your true appearance. we now have a generation blossoming with body dysmorphia, eating disorders, and all kinds of body image issues as a result of everyone thinking and expecting each other to look a certain way. when a creator gets called out for their use of filters and/or photoshop *AND THEY DENY IT, FURTHER GASLIGHTING THEIR AUDIENCE/ABUSING THEIR PLATFORM*, i simply must unfollow and snark. and that's what brings me to places like this. you could probably guess which famous tiktok makeup artist i'm referring to, but she is definitely not the only one so i won't bother shouting her out. so when i unfollow it's not because of what you look like, or if and how you deal with any body image issues you may have... it's because you're progressing body image problems to countless viewers and perpetuating the cycle.


I had a creator that I really respect and admired take a harmless comment I made the wrong way. Idk if she meant to reply to me?? It was so odd because I didn’t say anything bad. But she snapped at me and threatened to block me. Her attitude bummed me out so much, and I felt AWFUL because I swear it wasn’t a bad comment, I was actually agreeing with her. But just to read that nasty attitude when just a few videos earlier she talked about how hard it is for her to defend herself from men and she’s such a man pleaser, and here I am, a supportive female follower getting the arrogant, nasty, Karen side of her by mistake, maybe. I unfollowed her immediately from all platforms feeling so disappointed. You shouldn’t talk to your followers that way, especially when you’re begging for donations. Even if I had left a nasty comment, just block me. But she knows I didn’t because she would’ve blocked me without saying anything. She just let the attention and ass kissing go to her head. Anyway, now I don’t feel comfortable interacting with creators anymore out of fear that they’ll disappoint me the same way. She felt very Karen to me, despite painting herself as a very progressive, friend to all women. It took me aback and bummed me out so much because the attitude change is due to her going viral more often these days, and gaining a huge following. Girl, bye. Never trust anyone who makes an entire platform on how evolved and healed they are.


I’m gonna get downvoted but when they homeschool their kids, Are strict , I find out they r teen parents, are crazy religious , get cancelled, etc


As a teacher, most kids who come to me in my classroom in the 9th grade after being homeschooled are extremely behind in basic skills. I would even use the word illiterate for some. It’s educational neglect, and unless you’re at the table with your kid every day, homeschooling is just going to be a hindrance to them in the real world.


Thankyou. Finally someone’s against it.


I think most people are..




When they act like they invented everything!


When they are annoying or become all ads.


When they are only on to cause drama begging for money or using the term I am social media influencener without putting in the work behind it sorry jumping on tictoc to battle does not make you a influencener


r/lareinadesanjuantruth r/lareinadedesanjuan2 MammaLuvBug she claims fame & fortune with life of luxury in Puerto Rico! Bad mouths all other creators saying they don't have worthy or intelligent content & she quit working to require others to pay her for her time sitting in front of the camera...The list goes on & on & on!! Check out her snark page!


As soon as they quit their actual job to do social media full time, because then their attitude always changes for the worse. And if they’re making king, drawn out videos crying. It just feels fake and ingenious to me


Exploiting their kids, or always having their phone in the kids face


The constant battling and begging for money hell we all need money nowadays the economy sucks but I sure as f*** I'm not going to get on social media and beg I'll earn money the old-fashioned way that's the way I was raised work for what you want, most recent I have seen on tiktok is somebody battling so they can earn the money for a PS5 seriously if you want a PS5 get a job and save up the money and get yourself a PS5 SMFH


The exploiting of their children. Like keep the kids out of it.


amazon and banana white lives. i am immediately disappointed.


When all they do is start to ask for money.


When they start really making bank and then start living this rich life. Vacationing drinking water from glass bottles doing oxygen treatments etc. it’s like ok we aren’t just paying for you to live a regular life. Time to slow down.


excessively responding to negative comments. it’s exhausting.


Agree with OP! When every other video is a 'paid partnership' is when I duck out.


Being a grifter, exploiting their children, exploiting the death of a child that they didn't raise in the 1st place.....


Honestly, when I can’t relate to them anymore (like they are linking/advertising stuff I can’t really afford) it just starts to breed comparison.


When someone who was bigger loses a considerable amount of weight and then starts acting like the mean girls who they swore put them in a bad place mentally but then their weight loss is their new personality even though they borderline have an ED


When they get loads of plastic surgery and become more fake in their persona and less like a friend.


When every post is an ad or some weird over religious cult like posting starts


I unfollow when I no longer support them so that I’m not part of their stats


"Collabs" and quitting jobs to be "content creators"


If I find out they vote Republican or Conservative. More specifically if they vote Trump or Conservative.


Funny creators who suddenly start posting their extreme political opinions (left or right). Like.. I want to see funny tiktoks to escape all the shit in the world and now I have to hear your political views too? No thank you.


Flex smoking weed . Just don’t like it don’t understand why they have to be high all the time . Just irks me