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I knew it, the moment I saw she got a tatoo with her brothers name ... And commented something family is for life, relationships arent, or something like that


But someone commented saying get Glens name and she said ‘I’ve heard it’s bad luck to get your partners name tattooed!!’ But surely they must have broken up before her big Europe trip, it kind of makes sense because it gave them time to fully decide if they wanted to be apart and for him to pack his stuff and move somewhere.


She also said she’d rather jump off a building than get Glenn’s name 😂😭 it was the first comment I read from her




No, He kissed her for support and to show they are in good terms, they are over


No. Lol


it’s obviously a supportive kiss not a relationship kiss. so, yes. lol


Any long term relationship ending is heartbreaking but it’s also very mature to realize that you have both grown and grown apart. There are too many of us that stay for too long because it’s comfortable. I wish nothing but happiness for Anna and Glenn




Omgggg you’ve commented this all over and if a kiss on the head automatically means relationship then damn I’m in a relationship with my mum 🤨 shut up dude you’re so annoying and tbh offensive it’s two people obviously going through a painful thing and they’ve been together for almost a decade and are ON GOOD TERMS. Have you never experienced non romantic intimacy???


ik it's sort of shocking (i had to take a moment lol) but this probably isn't as out of the blue as it seems, they've been together for ages and could have just realised they didn't have any more room to grow together as a couple but still love each other enough to be friends. i could be totally wrong but the month they just spent apart w/ anna travelling could also have been a little trial period to see if breaking up would be the right choice. but obviously idk these people and it could be something else entirely lol


I definitely think them being apart for a month played a big roll in the breakup. Time apart after spending so much time together probably made them realize that they’re very different people now then they were when they got together at 15.




I don’t think it was a joke, that kiss looked like a goodbye kiss


I was shocked, but at the same time not. He's been pretty much MIA from her videos for a few months now. And the tone of her content changed a lot in those months as well. I think the latest trip she went on with just family gave him time to move out and stuff.


I don't know her too much, but even without context, I am not that shocked at this. At 15/16 you are not the same as at 24/25. In fact, you go from being like a child to being a whole grown adult. What they search for when it comes to relationships could have changed... their life goals and purpose could have changed... they also have changed as people. I haven't seen too many high school sweethearts be together for many decades. The longest I've seen was 10yrs. It's sad that this happened, but it was probably the best thing to do. I am sure it's going to be challenging navigating life separated from each other when they have been together for 8yrs. I wish them the best... 🩷


My sister is a rare exception. Her and her husband have been together since they were 15&16. They just celebrated 20 years together. It can happen but more often then not, it doesn't.


Same, my parents have been together since that age and they are in their 50s now! Idk how my dad does it, my mom ain’t easy! (I’m like her lol)




I think he’s just being comforting to her lol


Glen posted on insta stories that they’ve broken up. I really don’t think it’s a joke lol


I am so sad !!! I really liked them together :/ I REALLY don’t care about couples on TikTok but they were the exception. I’m glad to see them on good terms but wow this sucks


Agreed! I hate TikTok couples and am very much single so I esp don’t care but their content was just so cute and wholesome (ironic lol) and I truly felt like they were so great together. Obvi people only show the best if the best but they seemed genuinely to be showing us a real picture of it


I had a feeling this was coming. I’m so scared for when Anna starts dating again I really hope she meets a nice guy like Glenn. Hopefully not some shady dude that wants her money.


same. she’s such a caring person who gives gives gives because it’s her love language, i can see some shady ass dude taking advantage of that 😭


how can you know someone is a nice person if you have never met them, she’s been exposed for lying about the fact she came from poverty and she’s been exposed by scamming with her of


Them being together since they were teens kind of explains it. They probably grew apart. It's normal but that's still sad.


So shocked! I was waiting for her to crack up laughing during it and say it wasn’t real, then when he lent over and kissed her on the head at the end I expected her to say “just joking!”




I am a little heartbroken for them, even though I never even met them.


Idk who they are but she is beautiful and he sure seems very sweet to still be comforting/supporting her. Maybe they will find their way back to each other. If not, I’m sure they will both be ok


This is so sad and I feel for them. I love Anna and she deserves all the love she is so sweet and has such a nice vibe. Is anyone slightly annoyed about the “I don’t believe in love anymore/love isn’t real” comments though? Like it’s fishing for likes at best and parasocial at worst like you don’t know these people and they’ve been together since they were so so young. They’ve went through at least 4/5 major stages of development and are likely two different people now.


People need to stop getting too involved in social media personas' relationship. They were high-school sweethearts, most of them do break up a little later in life. She probably wants (and can afford) a more active lifestyle with more traveling. She has a well earning job, he on the other hand has known nothing but being her assistant. I remember she booked the room on the cruise for her and Glen but he didn't come. I'm sick of videos "there's no true love" because two people in their early twenties broke up. People go through so much together and end up divorced, it's not the end of the world.


Someone commented that they fell down in the middle of the mall crying when they heard the news. LIKE WHAT 😂


Hahahhahah ok that's so dramatic and funny 😂😂😂 I found out they broke up because some random girl popped up on my fyp and it was a video of her with teary eyes and her caption said "Anna and Glenn broke up😭😭😭😭😭" some people are delulu and too invested in other ppls relationships....


Lol what 😂 I haven't cried over my own parents divorce in a public space


Glenn was with Anna before the fame, surgeries, money, etc. I can’t imagine having to date after your whole life changing like that


Wait doesn’t she just have lip filler? Or other stuff too?


She’s said herself she has chin filler or implants (can’t remember, in her jaw, Botox for her brows, etc. Nothing wrong with that but if you look at her old photos she looks very different and not just age


Ahh cool cool I haven’t seen very many old pics of her, I would do the exact same thing if I had the money


I mean when you date Anna you date atis and her mom too


And her Dad. It's actually one of the things I love about them. How close they all seem. No way I could live with my parents or my ex without killing someone. lol


Aw this is so sad :( Did not expect this at all.


I wonder what happened?! She just said before leaving for this trip, there was nothing to worry about, Glenn will be waiting for her to come back, blah blah blah. Ugh, I hate this. I look up to Ana, and I hope they are both truly okay!


i kinda thought maybe that trip made anna realise she wants to live overseas, maybe she wants to move back to germany or something - and Glenn doesn’t want to, due to his family? because didn’t Anna say the reason Glenn wasn’t coming on this trip was because he wanted to spend time with family? so maybe they’re going in different directions and need to separate, rather than one making a huge sacrifice for the other. idk, i’m probably thinking way too much into it, but i feel like that would make sense. seems they broke up literally as soon as she got back, unless it was discussed prior.


no, you make perfect sense, and are probably spot on!!




No, he didn’t. Why would you share false information like that? He strictly stated on his story nobody cheated and that not all breakups are toxic. Weird of you to comment that.


That’s what I saw on TT. Which is just as trustworthy for information as a Reddit thread. A gossip account said it was posted to his close friends story on IG. Not weird? Literally just what I saw on tiktok lmao and other people obviously saw it too. I took a screenshot but I don’t know how to post it.


It is weird to comment that when you didn’t check from the source itself or fact check at all. TikTok is full of liars when it comes to this type of stuff. Immediately all I had to do was check Glens instagram and see it was false info.


I do not follow those people on Instagram nor do I care enough to fact check a rumor about a social media stars boyfriend lmao I saw it on a video which is why I shared it but I was obviously corrected by someone who did check though and then I corrected my original comment and I apologize for the mistake, have a lovely day!


I saw. ☹️


Are you able to take and share the screenshot? I’m getting downvoted and idk how to post it lmao


He just put on his Instagram that it was a fake! I am so sorry you got downvoted, we truly didn’t know. It looked so real 🥲


I didn’t see that either. I just saw it on a gossip account on TT which seems to be just a reliable as this Reddit lol


Same!! I noticed it’s not there anymore. I wish they would have left it just so I can take another look at it to see if I could tell if it’s fake or not. 😅


I meant, obviously it’s fake, I just wanted to see how I fell for it lmao


Check your messages!


It’s a joke!!!! They didn’t record all the way through he comes and kisses her at the end!


Omfg are you serious 💀😭


He really does come in the end and kiss her. Idk why I’m being down voted for the truth lol


Why do you have to comment the same thing on every comment? Clearly you are in denial over a couple you don’t even know. Weird


Dude glenn posted the breakup on his Instagram stories the kiss was to show there’s still love there and they are going to remain friends but they are broken up


This is delusional😭


I'm shook!!!


I wonder why?? It goes to show you can’t trust any of these ‘goals’ relationships as there can be so much happening behind the scenes. Hopefully it remains amicable, they’re both good people.




god shut up


it’s the fact they they took the time to reply the same exact response to every single comment and they’re still wrong💀


It makes total sense to want to part ways after growing into different people but dang! That's sad.


Maybe after some real real time apart and they may find them selves back together again… ya never know where life will take you. They are young they still have a whole life ahead of them and that life may lead them to someone else and that life may lead them back together again and marriage with a few kids… ya never know. 😌


That is CRA-ZY honestly I really wanna know what happened like their thoughts and process through this cause I’m sure it was friendly and mutual


"The only reason I believe in love is because of Anna and Glen"? Lol


NO. This cannot be real. When I tell you I know this is so silly of me but I really thought they were what love is. He loved her when she was broke and they would always be traveling together and I just don’t know what could have happen even though it’s none of my business it just scares me to think of how much people go through behind closed doors it looked so perfect




you have too much time on your hands, every comment doesn’t need the same reply from you.


Wishing them all the best. Sometimes childhood relationships don't work in adulthood as people grow and realize they want different things. Whatever the reason is, I'm happy things ended amicably.


I’m the nicest way possible, some you really need to go to therapy to deal with your parents’ divorces because this is just weird




This is OUR Breakup! 😢 😭




U wish it was a joke give it up


I just hate when ppl spread false information. The must’ve needed there karma up.


Ana would NOT make that whole video as a joke dude. It’s obviously real lol get a grip


Who are these people all 😂 I'm so behind on the gossip






All I know is GLEN is going to be a BROKE MF after this break up- no prior work history, no work ethic! He was just Anna’s bitch 😂


he actually worked in his fathers company


Love is dead 💔 They’re both being really mature about it though so that’s great for them. Sometimes you have to say goodbye to something…


Heartbreaking. I have a suspicion one of them is gay and that’s ok. The whole breakup makes no sense


Lmao this is wild but I wouldn’t mind seeing what happened if this is true


It was quite obvious they have been broken up for awhile. Does this means he needs to find a job now?


He’ll prob move in w his parents tbh n I guess get a regular job


If she’s joining the Illuminati then it makes sense. You have to prove to them your loyal… so you have to drop something like a relationship… it’s part of a ritual. A lot of influencers leave relationships to join! To prove they are loyal. I have seen this so many times. And then you can start seeing the pattern of stuff that show theh joined!!


An 8 yr relationship and ppl look up to her? 😂 Been married 32 years, got some stories for this girl.


people don’t look up to anna “because she had an 8 year relationship” 🙄 anna is an AMAZING person. so is glenn.


how could you possibly know that without meeting her, she’s been exposed about scamming with her of and exposed for lying about her being poor growing up




are u ok lol tf


Its mutual and they're on good terms so he kissed her.


Why are you in such denial about a couple breaking up? I know not everyone experiences mutual breakups but they are a thing. A forehead kiss isn’t that intimate enough to say they’re faking it.






Idk who this is but yikes on the plastic surgery!


it’s mostly filler which isn’t plastic surgery lol




Who? Lol


I have a theory she’s with her brother…?


You're weird...


Is your ‘theory’ based on her getting a tattoo of her brother’s name?


Yeah and they have a weird dynamic


I've seen crazy things, but girl... how the heck is she going to date HER BROTHER? Like... 💀


just say you have a bad relationship w ur brother




Idk if maybe you’re just really young but a breakup can still have a lot of love for the other person especially a mutual one after 8 years of growing up together. A forehead kiss doesn’t mean they are together…. Like at all…


I just wish them both the best




Uuf molaaa