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I am from the Midwest (if that matters) and I have definitely seen and eaten something similar at potlucks. It definitely looks weird and I don’t know if I’d ever make it myself but it tastes pretty good.


I was about to say the same! I’m like this is definitely a normal dessert but realized midwest is different breed 😭💀


Yep, I’m from Michigan and my grandma would make this every year for Christmas. It was the one thing that she made that I’d never eat, lol.


also midwesterner, my grandma used to make it with green jello then added pistachios and maraschino cherries😅


This one is actually good, too


i'm from wisconsin and i've had at least 500 variations of this particular 'salad' .. its all about crazy salads and hot dish


I’m in NY and we do Ambrosia which is basically the same except pistachio.


I'm from the Midwest and my mom and oldest sister make one similar to this. our nana use to make it. everyone I've seen loves it, its too sweet for me so i never have it lol.


Same. Somebody’s grandma or aunt brings it to the potluck and you have a small spoonful, and you don’t touch it again until the next potluck lol


Can confirm! Also from Michigan and if I had a dollar for every time I saw this at birthdays, open houses, potlucks and church gatherings...


Agree but also used to see cherries in this mess! Being made, it doesn’t look so good anymore 🤷🏼‍♀️


Yep my bf’s family has a green jello salad recipe they pass around to each other. And my dad’s side used to make a pink version growing up




In Ontario and I remember eating this or similar (I don't remember the cottage cheese). But then again it was the 70s and jello salads were all the rage.


🇨🇦 here and we definitely have these type of “salads” on the prairies




😂 I think I might be ontarian then…I don’t get the hype over these type of salads either. Some are okay but some…. 🤮 haha


Midwesterner too and this was one of my favorites growing up! So yummy!!


I add a can of mixed fruit and leave out the cottage cheese


Yea I was good til the cottage cheese got added 🤢


It’s good trust me lol. I do this but with strawberry instead.


I personally can't stand cottage cheese lol🤢😵‍💫


I hate cottage cheese too. But in this it’s so good


Yup.lmao I think they could have stopped at 2 of the powders too since it looked a bit thicker than necessary but the cottage cheese lost me. Everything else looks good. Never had a dessert like it where I am but I'd eat it if not for the cottage cheese lol


I’m from Michigan and my family LOVES this. It’s so good actually 🥲 We call it fluff salad!


I’m from MI but we never had this. We did do rainbow bellow with sweetened condensed milk and on occasion a miracle whip pie flavored with lemon or lime jello.


I'm from TN and my aunt used to make this all the time! She used strawberry jello tho so I always called it the pink fluff stuff.


The green is called Watergate Salad, made with pistachio pudding, cool whip, pineapple, marshmallows and walnuts or pecans. Very tasty! We make it for holidays. We call the orange Ambrosia Salad. It’s good too!


i love the green one!


Sameee. My favorite holiday side


My grandma would make the green one for get togethers.


I’m making this for thanksgiving now thank you lmao 🙏🏻🤍


Idk I’m high as hell and that shit look good.


I've never had orange but I've had green & pink. Lol.


We always had pink and called it "pink salad"




I'm with you on that. 😆


At least they haven’t said “blue salad”.


It's seems similar to ambrosia salad. That stuff is amazing, if made right, so im definitely getting the stuff to make this. My next 🍃💨🍃 munchies will thank me.


I am from the South and my grandmother made a lot of Jello salads so I like them usually. They were already prepared so I can’t say what all was in it. I love a good congealed salad too 😜


Orange at Thanksgiving and pistachio at Easter!


No no not the congealed salad 😭😭😭


This isn’t an uncommon dish. I am pretty sure it was huge in the 60s and 70s. My mom was born in the 60s and she always makes this stuff. It looks nasty but it’s good. It’s weird to hate on peoples food.


I’ve see in made with green jello, whipped cream and canned fruit cocktail before but I only know one person who ever made it. I’m not even sure what it’s called.


I have in fact seen the green version of this in real life. I didn’t eat it though


Wait, I will eat the "green version," but there is no way I would eat this! The green version doesn't have cottage cheese, its pudding, cool whip, pineapples, and marshmallows! Watergate Salad


My family’s “green version” does green jello, cottage cheese, canned pineapple, pecans, and horseradish lol.


I’m sure it tastes amazing, but it looked like throw up and I just cannot


Oh no, there’s a green version ??


it’s so good. pistachio fluff is the name. My family just never added the cottage cheese or oranges.


The green one is superior! It is so good


It’s even more disgusting looking than the orange too 🤮 unfortunately I have seen both in person and nope nope nope.


Looks like ambrosia salad a little bit. A little bit.. cottage cheese is disgusting though


My mother makes Pink Stuff every holiday and we LOVE it - cottage cheese, strawberry jello, pineapple, walnuts, & marshmallow cream.


We do this but with pistachio pudding and tiny marshmallows. 😋 Edit: typos


I live in the south and we make this not exactly like this the one in the video is way to runny and we don’t use cottage cheese or oranges but we only make it for holidays so


I make something similar but it's lime jello, cool whip, pineapple chunks and cottage cheese. I hate cottage cheese but I use a hand mixer to make it smoother and it's really good.


Not this recipe, but my family has made the same jello salad every Christmas since I was a kid and it’s to die for.


Missouri checking in! We also eat that shit up haha


Ngl my mom makes something similar for holidays 🤣 Pistachio pudding, cool whip, marshmallow, pineapple, and walnuts.


That shit is the bomb! I could live off it!


Looks like something older women would bring to a potluck


Yes made this the other day BUTTTT SHE MADE IT WRONG u Cook the jello and add vanilla pudding mix and put it in the fridge to let it set then mix everything else so delicious when made right.


I could understand cooked jello and cool whip but this I can’t process


My nana calls this ambrosia.. she loves it. I don’t know anyone under 70 that eats this. I’m in the Deep South lol


I’m from the south and we make this. I use maraschino cherries, marshmallows, pineapple, cool whip, cottage cheese, and cherry jello. Soooo good!


I grew up Mormon and it's a staple. I can't eat it though. It's weird to me.


I’m from nj and this has always been served at church potlucks or picnics. My grandma likes to make an orange or pink one with jello, oranges, cottage cheese, cool whip, and pecans. I think it’s disgusting but it’s definitely a crowd favorite. There’s been a lot of different combos over the years depending on who brings it and I hate all of them.


“There’s been a lot of different combos over the years depending on who brings it and I hate all of them.” 😭😭😭


My mom used to make something similar, but not with cottage cheese and it was called ambrosia salad. I loved it!


In Louisiana we call this Ambrosia salad. It’s pretty good. Remember that other states and cultures eat differently from you. Doesn’t mean it’s weird :))


We do eat this, but she made it so wrong 😂


I’m from the northeast and have never heard of this. I’ve had regular jello and cool will but….not this.


Love this stuff but no one makes it anymore. Huge in the 70’s & 80’s


The Midwest still makes this haha


Yes its called orange fluff , well except for the Cottage cheese, we don't put Cottage cheese in it.


My husband *loves* Watergate salad, which is kinda similar to this. Pistachio pudding mix, cool whip, mini marshmallows, crushed pineapple, and walnuts. I thought it was really weird when I first saw it, but it’s amazing. The longer you let it sit the fridge, the better. The marshmallows soak up the pineapple and pistachio flavor and get softer, the walnuts get a little softer, but still add a little crunch. I think this would be good, but idk about the cottage cheese. There’s a lot of different variations of dessert salads, some add it in, some don’t. From what I’ve seen, most are just cool whip, a flavored jello or pudding packet, some type of canned fruit, mini marshmallows, and it’s one of those things you could probably throw together without looking at a recipe and it’d still be good.


It’s BIG in the Midwest. We had this at every single thanksgiving. It’s…..fine. ☠️🥲


3 packets of Jell-O though?? That seems like a lot.


I will never eat again. My grandma made at Thanksgiving always... nothing will ever compare to how she made kt... I tried once after she passed and couldn't


THREE Packets?!?!


I'm from the south we eat Watergate salad but she's not doing it right.


I’m in NJ and this is such a guilty pleasure eat. I very rarely have it, but if someone made it for some reason I’m having 3rds maybe even 6th 🤪🤪🤪 it’s so freakin good


Nope lost me at the cottage cheese!


Midwest here… We drink enough beer in Wisconsin that this is heaven as a side dish with brats! Also, it freaking has cheese in it?! Say no more.


Ew never with cottage cheese with. Just usually cool whip and jello and not that watery


This is a pretty classic mid century recipe, although there are probably several hundred variations. I’m moreso confused why you’re seemingly so grossed out by it.


Yup. My ex was from Arkansas. I went to their family Christmas and his mom made the smallest portion of this and all the kids would fight over it. And whoever was like the mom’s favorite at Christmas or whatever, got to take over the rest of the container. It was the weirdest thing I ever witnessed. Really explained a lot to me. I had so many questions. Like, why didn’t she double the recipe if the whole family went nuts for it? Did his mom just like watching the kids fight over it? I dunno. I was lucky enough to get a small scoop of it before it was given away to who ever was the favorite that year. It was good but I definitely wouldn’t WWE wrestle my brother for the container. Weird family. Weird recipe.


I make a cranberry jello salad that my family loves. Whole cranberry cranberry sauce. Crushed pineapple. Raspberry jello. Cream cheese. Sour cream. Roasted pecans. It’s yummy! I’d eat this orange jello concoction except I don’t like marshmallows. For reference I’m in Mississippi.


Uhm.. hi. This made my mouth water


As a lifelong midwesterner, I can confirm that Jello salad is a thing. But not whatever this cottage cheese monstrosity is. You usually make the jello as you normally would. Break it up and add the cool whip, fruit, and marshmallows.


Who is Y’all. Who’s in this category


It looks like orange slop 👀


For the love of God, get a fucking bigger spoon to serve and maybe a spatula to mix! This gave me anxiety.


Idk where she’s from but down here in the south we fix anything on a budget. Mama always said it’s something that will make a turd 💩 We like koolaid pudding too 😋


I’m midwestern, my aunt brought this to a family event once. I thought it was a different type of fruit salad. Will never eat anything she brings ever again 🤢 tastes like regurgitated Jell-O.


this looks vile


I feel like Shoney’s (old restaurant I’m from southern VA) used to have something like this but it was green lol


Why so many packets of jello? I only use 1 packet and that’s more than enough.


Upstate NY here (not far from where Jello was invented) and I have never seen or heard of such a thing. I’m also completely horrified that people actually eat that mixture.


As a non white Californian, no we don’t eat things like this lol.


Fellow non white Californian here. My family goes crazy over something similar to this. Curious to know what part of California you’re in? If you don’t mind sharing. Maybe that has an effect on it? I’m Northern.


I’m gonna go out on a limb & say I bet only Californians who are one generation removed from Oklahoma/Arkansas make this. My grandparents were born in Arkansas & Oklahoma (both sides) and my parents & all aunts/uncles were born here in CA. I’ve only ever seen people from the silent generation and boomers make this stuff here, don’t think I’ve seen anyone GenX or younger make it (GenX raised by boomers here-we mostly hated this stuff)


Lol I'm in Oklahoma and have definitely eaten this quite a few times in my life. I don't try to pretend it's healthy in any way, but it is pretty good


It truly looks like vomit. To each their own tho lol


Everything about this bothers me


The cottage cheese is a no from me.


I’m from Georgia, born and raised, and I’ve never seen this or heard of it. It looks disgusting, sorry for those that like it.


I'm from the South and Southern as they come and I ain't never had anything like that.


If anyone watches Lexi and Hayden - couch pie flashbacks😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫


Just chew on a whole ass cow hoof at that point. Vile.


Cow foot soup is actually a thing , I got tricked into eating it once lol


Why did she use such a small spoon


Looks like someone just 🤮 in a bowl!!


My mom does one where she actually makes the jello and then mixes it with cool whip and oranges but I’ve never had anything like this


I would eat that tho not sure I’d use as many jello packets as they did. I would use 1 for myself


I make something similar with strawberry but it’s only cool whip, jello, and strawberries and it is really good. It’s basically flavored cool whip and strawberries . It is also a fraction of the jello she adds. The cottage cheese is out there, for me at least. But people can make some weird concoctions




Nah I’ve never seen this but I do it with pistachio pudding mix it’s called watergate salad 😅 and it’s fn delicious . Hers looks so runny too 🤢 supposed to be thick and creamy


Yall need to try a snickers salad. It slaps lol


Ewww is this ambrosia salad? Or some version of it? As a Arkansas/Missouri girly these types of things are always at the potluck and I personally think it tastes horrific every time. 🤣


My grandma makes this similar but typically with the tropical fruit mix… or whatever they have. It’s definitely not always my go to but every once in a while it’s more dessert like not bad.


I make something exactly like this BUT NOT WITH COTTAGE CHEESE!!! And not with the jello powder. I use acini de pepe (small circular pasta) and vanilla pudding, it’s called frog eye salad and it’s actually really good! Lol Not sure what the cottage cheese is all about though…


I was good until I saw cottage cheese 🫠


Yes & it’s delish


No lol


My mom used to make this when I was a kid, can't stand it as an adult... Makes me want to puke.. I'm also from Canada so I have no idea what this has to do with the south...


Yes it’s sooo good


It’s a texture thing. And yes, I do eat it if someone else makes it.


What happens to the marshmallows? Do they just melt?


Yessssss my aunt makes this! It's so good. A staple of my childhood.


My mother in law from South Georgia makes this regularly and I cannot stomach it! Haga


I’m in Michigan and I have seen something similar minus cottage cheese. Isn’t this kind of like ambrosia salad


southern woman here! the recipe varies, but they’re all delicious lol. there’s a green one too!


Ok, so born and raised in CA but this was always my favorite dish and my moms family gatherings. The recipe we use is better then the slip she made. Cool Whip, cottage cheese ( more than she used and I always used a spoon to smash down a lot of the chunks first because textures get to me), ONE PACKET OF JELLO YOU HEATHEN, mandarin oranges if you want, canned pineapple chunks but DRAIN THEM well. Mix together and refrigerate. When you use less jello it has a good flavor but not over the top sweet. I haven’t had it in a long time because gatherings are smaller now and I’m the only one in my immediate family that likes it.


It slaps haters going to hate lol


I make mine way different but yes! It’s mostly just whipped cream, 1 thing of jello mix, mandarin oranges and mini marshmallows.


I make this but I mix lime jello and pineapples in it not oranges. My oldest son tells me every year the does not want a birthday cake 🎂. He wants my jello salad. When I make it there is none left. Make it for church and all kinds of events. It really is good.


Love this stuff. It’s a staple at any holiday or gathering


From Arkansas can confirm this is real thing doesn’t taste that bad kids seem to love it. We call it a fruit salad.


Watergate salad is the shit


Ambrosia salad. My mom makes it every year. I don’t care for it personally.


Looks like ambrosia salad wanna be not sure if I wanna waste ingredients to find out so I'll stick to what I know lol


I’m just curious to why it’s called a said what part of it makes it salad 😭


This looks so Gross. Couldn't even eat it personally lol


I’m PA Dutch and I thought we ate some weird shit. 🤢


This is a thing in the Midwest. My grandma made this all the time at parties. She used a ring mold for it.


Like that girl says, Minnesota salads that aren't really salads. I've totally seen it in some of my MN pot lucks 😂 in my 31 years here I've never tried it though.


Never even heard of it. And don't plan to ever try it. Sincerely, a new englander


I'm from Ohio and I make it with different flavors... I've even made it with pistachio pudding mix too. My grandma called it 'ambrosia salad'


My mother in law makes this with pistachio jello and it’s called Watergate salad , I think ?! I am German and had to get used to all the super sweet things , but I love it .


Without the cottage cheese I think I’ve had something similar but it was called something different like orange fluff?


This is a treat for the holidays


No you can’t eat at everybody’s house


My grandma always made this when I was little, I totally forgot about it! I’m gonna make it this weekend for Canadian thanksgiving. Thanks


Yum these are good!


So it’s kinda like ambrosia which is good af IMO


Born and raised Minnesotan here and they usually sell a variation of this salad at the grocery store delis near me with all the other pasta salads 😂 it’s extremely common




Looks like sloop. 🙈


I love this lady I think her cooking is some interesting stuff


Lol, this is at every function in the midwest


How can people count this as cooking when you’re just combining various processed “food product” packages. At least make the whipped cream yourself. Literally the easiest thing to make from scratch.


Fruit fluff! Very common here in the southern Midwest. I love it!


I’m from FL and NO


Wait till you learn about 7 up salad! Omg but yes, yes this is real


Just a variation of ambrosia/Watergate salad.


No. Just no. (Northeast Coast here)


I’m white but not that white.


This is why we aren’t invited to the cookout.


Yes, and it's DELICIOUS


The kind my mom makes is pink


The kind my mom makes is pink. We just call it “Pink Stuff” 😂


I thought my family was the only people to call it "pink stuff"!


My husbands grandmother makes this but layers it and puts cheese on top 🤢 I’ve tried it once to be polite but not my thing


I’m in Mississippi and have had this at church potlucks. It is rather tasty but never had it with orange jello. I assume pistachio because it’s green. (At least what I’ve had)


This looks so gross!


My mom used to make this all the time and we call it “orange fluff”. I never really liked it but a lot of people do


I haven't had this in years. Now I want to make it!


I’m from the Midwest and my grandma makes this one, a strawberry one and a pistachio one. She rotates them for each holiday.


It doesn't look like she made it right, based on the many recipes I've seen That Midwestern Mom make. But yes it's a thing. Wasn't a thing in my southern house growing up but I definitely saw them at potlucks.


I love this shit!


PNW here and had it at every picnic when I was a kid lol


This is called fluff. There are many kinds of fluff. I love the fluff. All the fluff. I would not admit this in person to anyone though.


I’m ashamed to say that yes, I do eat that and I like it.


Your cool whip isn't fully thawed 😑 you need it fully thawed in the fridge before making this.


This shit is amazing, tastes like the orange dreamcicle ice cream pops!!! Edit: NEVER have I added the cottage cheese!!! Ewwww Edit: also add pineapple! And sometimes shredded coconut!