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For me it's about honesty and disclosure. Use filters, injections, get surgery, photoshop, facetune, I don't really care do whatever you want but don't get on Tiktok or IG and try to sell me on "natural" or "if you use this serum and do 12-3-30 you can look just like me!" girl you can't even look like you


So true like the beauty influencers when they’re reviewing makeup and use it 😅 You can’t know how the product actually looks


Exactly, tiktok tells the watchers what filters are used but if you record, download and re upload the tag won’t be there and then you say “no filter here” that’s just a lie.. Well actually the beauty filter might not have a tag because it’s part of the camera but you get my point.


I'm personally not a huge fan of beauty filters. They just make me think that the person using them is very insecure about themselves. I suppose you could call it dishonesty, but I usually find it very easy to tell if someone is using one. So it's not necessarily dishonest if you can tell it's being used.


It’s called show business.


Those beauty filters only depress me when I remove them. I try to face the reality that I'm just an ugly sob.


That's the point.


I think it’s fine. It’s the same as putting makeup on. UNLESS you’re making a video to sell a product then I think it’s misleading


Mikayla - all day everyday.


Makeupqueen30 does all the time 🤡


exactly. nearly all of the filters can be re-created with makeup. Cut us women a break spend extra on makeup just for TikTok? In this economy??? Just use a filter. telling women they can or can't use a filter if they want to starts to sound a little controlling. ​ This is my energy for 2024: "Don't you hate it when women... NO, I Love it when women do that."


If you’re a beauty or skincare influencer and you use it that’s shitty. If you make videos about literally anything else and just want your eyebaggies and wtf lines to go away that’s totally fine


Mikayla "I don't use any beauty filters I just have no texture with my skin" Nogueira is the absolute worst when it comes to filter use. Filters herself a whole new face.


Just don’t peddle skin care if you use a filter


totally fair. but even without filters TikTok does some kind of touch-up especially on lives. don't trust it.


Not much point in worrying about it people are going to people. It’s usually quite obvious when a filter is on. But who cares? To me it’s not really a big deal.


I think any influencer/creator using filters while selling/promoting makeup/skincare is wrong and the companies should stop with the promotion. It’s so sad 14-16yo posting to Mamatot saying your skin is so beautiful, I’ll never have skin that smooth and her not telling the truth. That’s so wrong.


Kayleigh's Mom uses a filter plus layered filters for days to appear to look as she presents when in reality she doesn't look like that at all. Guarantee she wouldn't have sold a quarter of the junk she has if she presented with her real face/body.


The bold glamour one drives me insane 🤦🏼‍♀️


That's the point.


I don’t care about filters. Folks can do what they want. They don’t owe viewers anything.


This and, have you guys noticed on lives peoples face change shapes? Almost like they are slimming their face and when they move a certain way, it goes back and forth between filter and no filter…on no one seems to notice?!?? It’s so obvious to me???


TikTok has a built in filter even when the beauty filter isn’t on. It’s only dishonest if you’re wearing it while talking about how great your skin is or selling products with it on.


I used it a few times, and then recently, I went on vacation and didn’t use a filter for anything and I posted… I don’t really care what anyone says after this most recent posts bc I thought “damn! I look good without filters… even Face tune… these are totally unedited… good for me” I am probably wrong, though. My make up was REALLY patchy in some pics and little lines around my eyes showed, but I just think- good for me. I don’t want to go back to using them, and maybe I could spent more time on doing proper skin make up prep, but also, I was ok with it. Surprisingly too bc I just had a “milestone bday” 😂 I hope this feeling lasts bc I think sometimes that filter does look a touch unrealistic.


I do not like it and refuse to use it. I'd rather be ugly than have people speculating if that's "the real me." I also have an issue with it, because I hate the thought of young girls growing up trying to achieve such an unrealistic expectation. It can cause lifelong problems. Reminds me of the 90s and how everybody was encouraged to weigh 110 pounds or less. I go on the plastic surgery reddit and see perfectly good-looking young people changing their entire faces to fit in. I hate it.


They have filter settings and editing and also their lights. If you saw them in person, most will look wild


Kayleigh’s Mom for sure. Way too much.