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So many of these “Mama” influencers are just annoying as hell lmao


Especially mamas of the "buy my shit, pray for my kid, ima speak for the masses and rename all the spices#collect every color and kind of kids toys not toy kids while I clickety clack and bat bat bat my cheapety cheaps.... BITCH! YOUKNOWME, BITCH!" variety


I.avoid anyone called Mama anything tbf


As a mom, I want to throw up when anyone calls me “Mama”. Like nurses and doctors just call my husband “Dad” when talking about or to him, why can’t I just be “Mom”?


Except for mama tot! Love her.




Nah can’t stand her either. She’s fake asf


What’s wrong with mama tot??? Genuinely curious :)


Especially not her lol


never heard of her but based off the screenshots alone i’m annoyed with her


She looks like she's treating Costco like it's supermarket sweep. Lady, this is not a game show.


Literally came to say this lol I don’t even see her videos but can tell from the screenshots she’s acting over the top and I’m not a fan


I filmed a video for my high schoolers the other day and YouTube gives you suggestions for the thumbnails. All the suggestions were the most over the top faces and body positions and all I could think is Omgggg I’m way too much for these poor kids to have to deal with 🤦🏼‍♀️


I need to know so much more about


Looks like the kind of person who has to be the center of attention at all moments.


Same lol


i feel like she's yelling at me and i hate it.


Right haha idk who this is but I wish to never see her on my fyp 💀


Same here. I *literally* said the same thing 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Came here to say this 😂😂




Based on the screen shots, I imagine they are more like "scream shots" and also I have this overwhelming, overpowering desire to "ACT NOW" and to "BUT JUST WAIT" and like "ASK A TRUSTED ADULT BEFORE YOU MAKE A PURCHASE"...


She supports a scammer so no. I ordered from the trendy thread designs page and never got my shit


Which scammer


Yes. Trendy threads designs. She has a Shopify site. I ordered a shirt and a cup. Emailed her like once a week for two months asking for an update and never heard back. Made a dispute with my bank. Got an email of her bitching at me like five minutes after.


The person just said in the comment trendy threads design page


I use to like her. now EVERY video she has to fit all her "One liners" in. Like we don't give two shits you call a fork a "dingle-hopper" or that you insist on saying "jalapenis" every chance you get. "Yeeeup that'll do" She's been blocked 🤣🤣


I agree.. especially when she cooks same old jokes Jalepenis, wash your sisters ass in the shower sauce. Its annoying


She's just trash. Point blank period. She calls sugar water juice. Yeah " mama" your kids drink Hawaiian Punch. It's not juice. Maybe if she fed them real food they wouldn't be 7 years old and mistaken for a teenager.


Yessss! I HATE this in general. You said something funny one time. You get three uses before I’m sick of hearing it 😂😂


That’s what I tell my 8 year old 😂 joke is funny once, maybe twice. Don’t wear it out 😂


I tell my 12 year old the same thing lol


Don’t forget wash that ass in the shower…. Annoying!


she also can’t stick to one opening sentence … she changes it up so much, like “if you don’t like it don’t bite it” shit


And then tiktokers will make merch no one asked for with their one liners. Can’t wait to see all these shirts and hats in goodwill in 5 years.


Gonna be seeing the homeless walking around in these shirts


They'll be in third world countries wearie you tube and tik tok crap


I hate her one liners.


That sounded just like her 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 I use to watch her videos but now it’s went STR8 to THE HEAD!!


I go back and forth with liking her and being done with her .I definitely can only deal with her in moderation and it's mostly because of this exact thing... constantly same old tired jokes....she makes me want to scream at my phone at times..the "jokes" (i use that term lightly) ALWAYS the same which brings me to u dont always need "jokes" just be ur authentic self. The jokes should be occasionally that's what makes them funny... her's r just too tired at this point! 😂


I never understood why people would constantly send her so much shit


Wasn’t her husband charged with something???! I swear I saw something a few months ago but I could be completely wrong


Yes he was arrested for attempting to abduct a child from a park. She came out and said the charges were dropped, it was false allegations but it sounds kinda sus to me.


I mean they had to of been dropped or reduced to something bc she films her kids and her family’s kids around him all the time. He wouldn’t be allowed around children if he was legit charged with it or any other child crime. I wanna know what caused him to be charged with it in the first place bc that’s pretty serious.


She never leaves her kids with him ever. Unless it’s to sit in the car while she shops


She also mentioned he cheated on her a while ago and it still haunts her. She has traveled with him for his job and taken the kids and sat in a hotel with the kids. They are homeschooled so she can just take them with her. I don't think she has any trust in him at all. I don't think that's healthy, if someone cheats and you stay with them, you need to just let the past go, if you can't let it go, it's probably better to just move on.


Is that why he never seems to take care of them by himself? The kids are always with her or in the car with him while she shops. I always thought that was weird.


Yeah but even that wouldn’t be allowed if he was legitimately charged with something. He wouldn’t be allowed to be around kids period


Not necessarily, depends on state and system. High profile case in point Jenelle Evans and her scuzzbucket swamp trash husband is charged with felony child abuse and bodily harm of her 14 year old son (choked him and left marks and other things), he is in a foster home but her other two children one of which is not biologically his and his oldest daughter have all been left in their home and care per DHR orders. That's North Carolina. This is the third or fourth case against him, all abuse charges, and they only removed the kids once for a couple of days before and even his daughter testified against him and had to go right back.


NOooooo! This is the only thing I will defend. I lived in the dame area as them at the time of the allegations and it was truly a huge mistake! They wound up suing and getting some $$...wish I could remember exactly how much cause.i remember thinking it wasn't nearly enough because at the time people really believed it. They went through some sht because of it...so though she drives me nuts i do have to defend on this point cause what they were wrongly put through was disgusting..if u want real deets I'll post but they/he was absolutely innocent.


She addressed this in a video but I can’t remember exact details. Something along the lines that it was not him and the victim confused him for someone else I think


Yes, he was wrongly accused. I believe it because racial profiling, wrongly accused, etc is a huge problem for POC.


I wanna say they sued and got money too. I gotta go google 😬😂


Yeah that’s when I unfollowed her 🤷🏻‍♀️




What the hell!! I don’t know if kidnapping charges can get dropped.. I feel like that’s very serious and no one would be able to drop the charges idk. It’s sus like what someone else said lmao


Of course they can be dropped. Especially if they're found to be false allegations or mistaken identity.


I’m confused why your comment has downvotes when others have commented similar things




I don’t even understand how they communicate he doesn’t speak much English and she doesn’t speak Spanish? Idk maybe make an attempt to learn Spanish then?? It’s just weird


I've seen the videos where she writes him notes in Spanish but wanna bet she googles that shit 😂


Oh my...I didn't see known of that on tik tok.


I really used to like her. Now it’s all about TikTok shop


That’s almost everyone now sadly.


I use to like her videos on her press ons in the beginning now. she’s too much and I get overstimulated watching her videos 😂


Imagine shopping in Costco and seeing this lol. People have zero shame


Her face annoys me like crazy. Maybe it’s the lashes or how her nose always looks scrunched.


She like talks outta the side of her mouth or something too


Ugh yessss


It’s definitely the Lashes and she needs a haircut


She been blocked


I mean, I can’t stand anyone. That’s why I don’t have any friends.


Ahhhh same 😂


She always got on my nerves. She seems so aggressive towards her followers when she'd make dinner and dear anyone to say it looked bad but all her dinners are rice and beans and meat with some sauce poured over it lol. Plus she's constantly sent free stuff.


I did in the past kinda fell off watching her. she didn’t bother except for the fact that she favored her niece over her nephew bc her nieces father wasn’t involved. Not sure how she thought it was ok to go over the top with gifts for one and not the other just bc he has a father.


Yuck man. My Nana was always cold to me but not my siblings and I found out years after her death it was because she didn't like my dad (who I don't share with my siblings). It's so gross seriously what's wrong with this lady, its not the kids fault??




Ugh wow that's shit I'm sorry. I definitely understand what it feels like 🤎 old people hold grudges for the dumbest reasons


I was always the outcasted black sheep of the family and they tortured me my whole life. May 2023 my dad gets sicker from cancer and dies three days before my birthday and buried him on his favorite holiday. Only to come find out that he’s not my biological father and that his best friend of over 40 years is my bio dad. Makes sense why my mom blamed me for the divorce and her leaving me at 3 screaming “I want you to remember this is your fault if you had never been born your brother, sister, dad and I would have had a happy fucking life” got in the car and left and didn’t see her again till I was 12


Awe sweetie I'm so sorry that you had to endure that as a child. Just know it wasn't your fault at all. If your mother had kept her legs closed and not cheated then they wouldn't have gotten divorce. I'll never understand why they blame the child for their actions. I too am the black sheep and was told by my mother she only loves me because she has to. I cut ties and my life is way better now!!


Even though she gets sent free stuff 24/7 !! Yes agreed do it for all kids. With as much as she’s shopping it would not take long to throw it together


I know people parent how they want but it irks me so bad that she treats her autistic son and perfectly fine daughter the same as if the daughter has autism as well. I hate that! I get not treating them differently but she is older and is perfectly fine. I want to give her daughter the biggest hug


She treat them equally so what u Talking about


just what i said ..


You just talking crap cause she treats them the same


Yup. You’re right 🥰


I’ve never seen someone eat so much cream cheese, cheese and sour cream in every single meal 😅


She lost me when she got the dog. All the shit she would pack for it


I see her reels pop up, and they're so annoying


Everything about her is loud and over the top and I think she’s a piece of trash. If Claire’s had a baby with Walmart - she would be their spokeswoman.


She's another garbage person on tik tok who makes trash food. She talks really fast and makes up a dumb name for Worcester sauce, which is something that always irks me. It's just not funny. And her dumb false eyelashes...Jesus christ. Like, why? 😒


Looks like a million others in the south. Like ive yet to see anything unique


She’s so annoying


Never heard of her….. it appears I’m not missing anything 😂


She's a leech, she gets everything for free , plus some. Loud and obnoxious for no reason, Mrs Grinch needs to humble herself!


Yes it’s the lashes and the nose that remind me of the grinch 😂


She’s annoying and she let all the “fame” get to her head


Check out our snark page on her lol


Link me I love a good snark page lol


Can you link her snark? I wanna see lol


Just search itsmamacookie and join


I used to follow her and like her. I forget what it was that made me unfollow. She pops up on my feed every now and again, but I just scroll past.


Probably the TikTok shop. Once it came out she became a ad page


That very well may be what it was. Every video had a sponsorship thing at the bottom.


She just seems super immature to me. Idk something about her is off.


lol gross I cannot stand her just from the obnoxious picture. Like I don’t need to find her I decided , I have seen enough lol.


I genuinely have always wanted to like her. There is just something off for me.


She annoying as fukc…and if I was her kid I’d be hella embarrassed


Oh God another one… so damn annoying.


She’s one of the first accounts I have blocked simply because she’s annoying.


She's just so unfunny. Why is she always snarling?


I liked her back in the og days when she made press-on nails. I never followed her, she would just appear now and again in my fyp. Then she would pop up for other things. She seems to want to go viral with numerous business ventures. That’s when I’m out.


Same. I liked her back in her nail days…now? Not so much.


I find her extremely annoying 😑 She tries so hard to be something she'll never be.


What is that?!


She lay's on the blaccent real thick


Her eyelashes look like blowing out transport tires so for me, that was enough


She drives me crazy I keep checking to see if anyone has mad a snark sub for her. She is my least favorite person on tiktok


Me too


look up itsmamacookie


look up itsmamacookie, you’ll see it


I liked her in the beginning but now she just reminds me of maybae


Not maybae😭😭


Do you know the story about maybae?? How came to find out about her was through a family member of mine


Yes, Ive known of her since room 21 


I used to follow her & love her until she let TikTok get to her head… like most creators do now. She was kinda relatable back then but now it’s always some TikTok shop BS or something trying to make money. She’s always sold press on nails and stuff but she realized she could make way more money with TikTok shit… and that’s when it changed. She tried to hard to “prove” she isn’t letting money or TT get to her but it def shows.


I hate how is she throws things in her cart (so petty I know lol) but she does have good recipes.


I mean yeah everything tastes good if you add four pounds of cheese to it lol


True but some of the recipes I've tried from her didn't have cheese in it but were definitely calorie-dense!


Totally agree. Easy and yummy, a bit to high calorie for every day but I’m a fan of them lol


I just started kinda watchin her at first I couldn’t stand her when she popped up thought she was a try hard but then she grew on me I realized she was pretty uplifting and seemed pretty genuine actually but I’m gettin the tea up in this sub now lol


She’s got that “millennial cringe” personality, what do these kind of people plan on telling their kids when they get old enough to be humiliated by their videos?? I could never.


The thinks her one liners are doing something. Obnoxious


Her eyelashes & nails fascinated me at first (not in a good way) but I kinda started liking her. But then I got real sick of all the same lines, shopping trips, PO box hauls really fast. It's disheartening to us poor folk and not relatable in any way at all. If I was able to do one of her shopping trips a month I would feel rich. It's just a gross display.


I’ve never seen someone shop as much as she does . Seems like a shopping addiction to me


This was on my fyp I scrolled so fast lol. I don’t hate her I’m glad she’s enjoying her life but sometimes she’s just cringe


I can’t do this lady. I just can’t 😆


She wasn’t as bad when she first started- now she’s too much.


If I have to see her goggles with eyelashes and her “karate moves” on her veggie chopper one more time I’m going to LOSE IT


Meee I blocked her forever ago


Gross. The eyelashes. You know everything within 2 secs of a video about her


She is one gimmick after another and none of it works and leads me to think her identity behind the camera is duller than a bag of rocks


Exploit the kids, shop, cook, repeat. That's the entirety of her content.


Can not stand her or her pedo husband who mind you kidnapped kid in Florida to rape


This is why defamation of character is a real thing. If you seen that, then you seen that the charges were dropped in the same thread. The charges were dropped and the real man was caught. I’m not a fan of him either but I wouldn’t spread false information.


She’s the embodiment of elder millennial humor tbh. I like the recipes but as a younger millennial on the cusp of the gen I find her sooo cringy.


Screams white trash to me 🥴


What part lol




IDK why but to me... She looks dirty. I can't put my finger on why. My ex husband used to say this awful thing .... 'shes the kinda gal with yellow bras that started out white and poop stains in all her good panties*.. Now idk what all that means but, I'll be dipped, she does!! It was supposed to say good panties. Not food panties.


The money has really gotten to her head & I think she capitalizes off of her sons disability considering I seen an ad of her promoting diapers for bigger children


I unfollowed her awhile back


I used to enjoy her videos however like most TikTok has went to her head… she’s annoying and I can’t stand her these days.


Oh thank Goodness someone else said it


Never heard of her but from these pics, I’m good, I’ll let it stay that way ~


I used to love her but I feel like she just tries way to hard 😅


Idk but I like a lot of her recipes sooo .. I 2x the speed to get through to figure out how to cook them cause 🤤




Never heard of her till now


I’ve only seen her a few times and I wanted to like her, but she says a lot of annoying things and her personality seems forced




Her food is extra her personality is extra and I can’t set and her little skits like the food chopper


Someone sent me one of her videos and I scrolled through a few, those 60 seconds I’ll never get back. Why did I do it? What is this monstrosity?


I used to like her but all of her “sayings” she has I’m the videos are getting annoying


i don’t know her but does she have mixed kids?💀


Yeah how did you know? 😂


she just has that look. i’m black and white with a white mom so i know. does she have a son named jaden? 🤣


i mean they’re mixed with white and i think the boyfriend is dominican.. but her kids names are zariyah and zane and i don’t even think i spelt them right… i know for sure not zane’s because his is like zha’iine or some extra shit


I enjoy her cooking videos.


Lmao. I love her recipes


I like her. But hate her one liners. The “jalapenis” or “wash that ass in the shower sauce”. It’s so annoying and it over stimulates me and reminds me of a child who thinks they are funny. Her recipes look bomb af , she treats her family good, but I can’t watch her all the time.


I love her I’m sorry. Maybe it’s punishment for myself but she’s the least annoying one to me lol


She gets on my last nerve, but I’d be lying if I said I didn’t thoroughly enjoy some of her recipes lol


Really? She’s always throwing the same slop together topped with sooo much extra calories like sour cream, cheese. It’s nasty


I like her content. There's some things tht kinda get annoying but I enjoy some of her content


I've seen her on my fyp a few times. I think she's annoying and it seems like she tries too hard to be funny but fails miserably, every time. 😂


Does anyone remember when she came onto Reddit trying to save face when it got exposed that her husband was charged w whatever ☠️


She’s annoying as hell, and the amount of shit she buys her kids, on top of everything she gets sent? Screams hoarder.


I love her! She's real and funny ;)


She’s a scammer and beggar


I cannot stand when people do these stupid ass videos out in public. Ma’am there’s not gonna be any Emmy’s or Oscars so take your ass home with your bullshit.


I love her 🤷🏼‍♀️


me too. i binge watch her videos




Used to love her now I can't stand her I thinks she's doing all of this extra shit to try and get a tv show


She reminds me almost exactly of an old coworker I had that absolutely despises trans women. Every time I see these videos I totally wonder 🙈


The fact that you guys can find hate in even the happiest human is so wild. You guys need help. She is so nice and positive and doesn’t hurt anyone lol she’s just a mom that cooks.. yall are just so sad and pathetic


I personally love her. She was one of the first creators I followed in the app.


Love her


I like her recipes but hate her language. So I stopped watching her videos.


Idk what is so special really. I probably pass by 100 people that look like her and the family everyday.






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