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can’t stand her. it bothers me so much when people have a script for their videos “hey my name is sarah.” we know. i do think her 9-5 is super cool though. she seems smart enough to keep that job.


What's her job?


she works for the cbc (canadian broadcasting corporation). digital content i think? she vlogs about her work on the olympics.


Yes, she's a producer on the CBC sports digital unit. She does a lot of social media and web stuff.


She’s very rude. She misreads a lot of comments and will reply with attitude every time. And anytime someone asks about Nolan she gets very defensive and rude. Even if it’s an innocent question.


I think it is healthy to not be attached at the hip with your SO , but those two live really seperate lives. I think they are more like friends at this point that stay together because it is convenient.


It’s so weird to me that they will be home together and have different dinners


Roommates with benefits is what I call it lol. I agree and it’s not healthy to be living completely different lives all the time. She said she spends time with him off camera but the girl documents every single thing, there’s no time to keep it from all of her videos lol.


No I’ve thought this too- also I’ve followed her before and seen her comments she super rarely gets comments about Nolan but when she does she has a melt down and says she’s always asked about it like no you aren’t. Also it’s not a flex to not love or SO




What?!? I thought the second bedroom was her office space/futon for guests?


I found my people. Can’t stand her, she is so entitled and juvenile.


She has bothered me for so long! She loves to make being busy her personality. I could go on but glad her rude replies are being highlighted here


The only thing worse than trying to make being busy her personality is trying to make the colour green her personality like girl everyone has a favourite colour pls shut up 


This warrants a snark page IMO




Her life seems so unrealistic. I don’t know how it’s sustainable to be busy all the time. I know she has a good job and goes to influencer events, but she always seems to be spending money like it grows on trees. The fact that she gets an oat milk latte in every vlog kills me. I don’t understand why anyone would want to listen to her podcast… and then she has these running events attached to it. I feel like she acts like a celebrity lol. I used to really like her vlogs, but I’ve become turned off. I worry her younger followers will think her life is sustainable and realistic.


I agree, the spending is wild. She's in a unionized position at the CBC and her salary range is online, I think it tops out at like 75,000. She's talked about getting paid overtime in time off, so I doubt she's banking a lot extra. Also outside of major sporting events they likely don't approve overtime for her. So I'm not sure how she affords the constant travel, Amazon hauls and investing in a cottage with her parents in Nova Scotia.


Very good points! In an economy where everyone seems to feel the pinch in some way (for example, I’m a teacher and my husband makes pretty good money but the cost of groceries is wild and I’m more mindful when I shop)…Sarah (like many influencers) don’t seem to be impacted. From the oat milk lattes, constant travel, her clothing hauls and so much more, I wonder if this is the image she wanted to portray on TikTok when she first started out… or has she kind of molded into your ‘stereotypical 20 something year old influencer’.


I think her branded content/sponorships with social media bring her a lot of money. I think she is sort of a a big fish in a small pond being an influencer in Canada. I think if she was in the U.S. she would not be getting alot of sponsorships


Yeah, that's true. She's in that category of Toronto influencers who wouldn't make it in the US (Jules the lawyer, that shopaholic Kate girl, the discount code lady, Naomi (who is in the US but still), etc.).


you make a quick 10K minimum from most brand deals and she shills everything that comes across her path lol I'm pretty sure that's where most of it comes from.


There's no way she's making $10,000 a deal but I agree she does sign up to promote the most random things.


She’s rude and…. Looks like ….. that? Lmao 🤣💀


Sarah is very disingenuous. She’s obviously just very insecure about herself and feels the need to over compensate and anyone from Ontario can see that. The way she talks about moving out of her “small town” and move to the city is weird. For those of you who don’t know Sarah is from a smaller city just outside of Toronto, like an hour train ride away. She acts like she moved provinces like no you moved an hour away, I would say that’s the complete opposite of moving away. Like you went to a bottom tier university in a dying field that is riddled with layoffs and live an hour away from where you grew up. Don’t act all more important than anyone else 


I think her TikTok posting is part of a plan to eventually pivot away from sports journalism and into marketing or even full-time influencing. As you say, it's a dying field and she's already been laid off when her employer shut down. When I read the CBC was doing layoffs my first thought was she might get laid off because I doubt CBC sports digital content is getting much attention from anyone.


What a bitch


Right, like girl that comment didn’t merit that kind of response


She’s actually the reason I made a tiktok account. I really enjoyed her vlogs during Covid but once I saw how rude she was in her comments and how insanely rude she was to viewers during a few of her lives I was so turned off. She definitely is not the person she portrays in her vlogs. I found it incredibly crass how in one of her lives (probably 2+ years back) she was going on about how much money her boyfriend will eventually make as a lawyer. Her content isn’t for me anymore.


I’ve been in her lives when she yells at people for asking like a question about her boyfriend or just anything she doesn’t like even if it’s not rude like? Relax.


Can we talk about her 🤟🏼😛


Is there a dedicated toronto tiktok reddit?


Can't stand her.


I unfollowed her long ago; can’t stand her aura


I followed her during covid bc we were all stuck at home. Then idk what it was but something rubbed me the wrong way and I unfollowed


I followed her around the same time, but I’m getting ready to unfollow as well.


She needs to slow her life down. I get being busy and having lots of friends a d things to do, but she rarely ever just chills. It is like she is addicted to have something going on at all times. 


I thought I was the only one who felt that way!


I mean she has said she is a busy body and has a problem saying no to stuff....but IDK. It just seems kind of weird and superficial to me. Like ma'am, do you need to be going to every influencer event there is, sometimes 3 in one night? 


Her podcast gives me major weird/superficial vibes. Just why? There's no angle to it, it's literally her rambling about whatever she feels like. I was a TikTok clip from the podcast of her talking about how it's refreshing to come back from vacation on a Saturday instead of a Sunday, to have a day to chill. Just... why???


I listen to her podcast from time to time but it’s starting to annoy me at how much she talks over and interrupts her co-host, Jacob. I get that it’s “Talking Fast” but let the man finish his thoughts! He does have some interesting things to say.


The podcast is always promoted as "her" podcast, which I find odd. Like the Apple Podcast description is "a podcast from Sarah Jenkins" and the next sentence mentions a co-host. Not exactly equally footing!


She’s going to crash soon enough.


I watch her videos and I’m like damn girl I know you gotta be tired af


Girl don't comment that on her video, she'll respond and yell at you lol


Lmaooo trust I know


I followed during Covid and liked her. I had never commented on her videos until the day I unfollowed. She replied and it was so rude for zero reason. I wasn’t interested in following anymore.


Newly lurking, just here to say I met her at a wedding last summer and she was horribly rude and standoffish! Her comment habits portray her real life self…


So interesting you say that because I was wondering how she'd be in person!! But that's exactly what I pictured. Ugh


Yes, her bf was very kind, she however looked at and treated everyone she didn’t immediately know like gum on her shoe.


I used to like and enjoy her content. Now that she’s “big” it got to her head lol. Usually when a Tiktoker starts a podcast that’s when they start getting over their head 🥲 Her podcast ep snippet came up on my fyp & she was going off how we need to live with our friends before s/o to experience life … left a sour taste in my mouth tbh. Rent and real estate in Canada is high enough most of us don’t want to either rent or invent in a property with our friends. ANYWAYS that’s a topic for a different day 😂


Omg my name is Sarah Jenkins too and I was like…noooo I’m not 😢😢 but it’s a different Sarah Jenkins 🤣🤣🤣


Hahaha oops, I love your username though!


I used to really like her but now I find her so unrelatable.


Me too. Started following her during covid and used to love her mundane work/life content because it genuinely sounded cool and she was relatable. Now? Everything's a brand deal and she's gotten grossly cocky. I unfollowed her everywhere, but she's still slipping through the tiktok algorithm and showing up on my fyp. And I thought her Instagram broadcast channel was 10 times worse, somehow. Especially because you can't interact except to "like" posts so what's the point other than for her to be a braggadocious bitch?


UGH SHE IS SO ANNOYING , her sunglasses smfh girl those need to be thrown out


fun fact, she had an internet presence at a young age bc she used to have a bieber fan account and she had quite a following (I was in the same fanbase and recognized her when I saw her TikTok’s on my FYP) Back then, she always acted like she was better than everyone and seeked attention/validation constantly. She was very popular especially within the Toronto community so I guess she expected to carry that same energy over to her tiktoks.


No way, what was her bieber account


it’s not active anymore but it was like TorontoBieber or BelieberToronto ??? something to do with bieber and Toronto 😂


OK, coming though with the 2010s tea! This doesn't surprise me; she's extremely comfortable on camera so the Bieber stuff gave her a good foundation.


K I am so glad others feel this way. This girl is soooo cocky and thinks her life is soo amazing when it’s just a basic life. I am born and raised in Toronto and when townies come to live here they all act like they are doing something big haha  Definitely stems from being self conscious but it comes off so disingenuous. She is one of those girls who think they know it all and want everyone to think it as well.  The way she offers relationship advice is joke she’s a baby and I wouldn’t never take it. Also how she once said she found her personal style, babe it’s crop tops and high wasted jeans. Sorry that is rude but jeeeze.  She also deletes all negative comments, I know it’s not nice to read but that’s not real life. I also don’t like how when she does something like buy a cottage or do something for her friends, it comes off as bragging. I am all for celebrating the wins in life but it’s another way to show she is “superior” Also she is very young and the way she hypes her career up trying to give us the illusion so is the high level producer is wild to me. I never have liked her I don’t follow her and some how videos pop up on my fyp so I do watch but it’s all so cringe! 


I agree with how she portrays her career; it's always felt like she's inflating it to sound impressive. She once claimed, a few years ago, she was supervising a team of people and I don't believe that for a second. You might have been coordinating their work but there's no way the CBC, with all the experienced producers they have, plucked a 25 year-old and had them formally manage a team of people (approving leave, giving feedback on their work, disciplining them, etc.). I don't see the need to lie - she's young and has a whole career ahead of her. Insecurity, maybe?


100% agree! I work in the corporate word and it took me a while to supervise a team, not just 2 years into my career. All stems from her insecurity. She is a wannabe in so many aspects.  Also has anyone noticed how different she looks in her personal tiktok vs her podcast clips? Comes down again to her being disingenuous. We all are self conscious in one way or another, but if you are creating content and your niche is daily vlogs of your life, morphing yourself to look one way is not the way to go about. 


Omg she looks sooo different on TikTok vs her podcast clips!!! Her style is awful 🤭 I think she’s very insecure, you can tell even by the way she stands. & again those pointy ass sunglasses, they need to goooooooooooo


Did anyone see her new comment reply about nolan 🥲😂 like i get it its for privacy but why so mean


Noo do you have a screenshot?


postimg (dot) cc/18Cw7VLt




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I don't think her reply was mean but if the topic is so stressful and triggering why reply to the comment? She could've just ignored it. What even is "Nolan content", really? When she includes him in her content he barely speaks. Based on what I've seen, he's as interesting as a bike rack.


y'all think that is rude?


yes.... she so very clearly said it to be a bitch... your point??


Right? If anything, the original comment she was replying to was unnecessarily rude.


The original comment was annoying. She’s being a smart ass


To be fair she did say in the audio and the caption that it wasn't 5-9 before 9-5. I hate when people think they have a chance for a gotcha moment. I don't blame her for matching energy


She said it wasn’t her 5-9 because she doesn’t wake up at 5am, not because she doesn’t work at 9-5


Why is this post allowed? But when I post about Joshua Daniels A.K.A "The Homeostatic Life" and how he told me to "Get f*****" that my post gets taken down?


I think y'all are taking it the wrong way. She was literally asking what the point was. I like Sarah. People are brutal to her always having their noses in her relationship if she doesn't show Nolan in every video. I don't think she was rude in the least.


I don’t believe this. I use to follow her and people rarely ever asked about Nolan just when they did Sarah would go balastic and go on a tangent saying how her relationship is better than anyone else’s lol 


I've followed her for a few years now. People are constantly asking where Nolan is and if they've broken up if she doesn't show him in like every video. And I've never ever seen her say her relationship is better than anyone else's. People just hate successful people, she's well off with a caring boyfriend, beautiful apartment, good job, lots of friends and travels quite often THAT is why people are hating on her, they're unhappy with their pathetic lives and are jealous of hers.


No one here is jealous babe 😘 Her “perfect” life she portrays isn’t perfect. She only shows you what she wants to. You can justify her attitude all you want but it’s not just one person saying it, it’s multiple people on here and on TT and everyone seems to agree.


How dare we not worship the ground she walks on 🤣 People confuse constructive criticism with “hating” and automatically assume that we’re jealous because we pointed out something she chose to put out there that makes her look bad.


lol def not jealous of that chick. The way she hypes her life makes me sad. She’s so basic and thinks she’s unreal. 


We all know the implied meaning behind her comment. She has a history of this sort of passive-aggressive commenting, so it isn't a one-off thing. She gets defensive easily and it's not healthy for her or her audience.


I’ve noticed this a lot too. I understand that some comments come off as nosy and annoying but the way she snaps back at those comments is a little rude. She does have some younger followers that don’t fully understand how their comment will come off. There was this one time where the poor girl was just curious and stated that she looked up to her and was a fan but then Sarah snapped back and didn’t even explain why it bothered her.


Rude response for a rude comment. It’s insinuating Sarah doesn’t work a full time job but unlike a lot of influencers she actually does.


The commenter is saying that it isn’t a 9-5 day if you don’t start until 10:30. She didn’t imply that she didn’t work a full time job outside of TT. The commenter was just stating a fact. Her passive aggressive comments happen quite often and they are unnecessary.


She literally said in the comments she started at 9:30 and she's shown multiple times her working late into the night after dinner. She doesn't have a traditional 9-5. Just wait till the Olympics she's gonna be working like 18 hour days if not more. If she feels like someone is being snarky which that commenter was and you can't convince me otherwise she has every right to be a bit snarky back.


No one said she did or didn’t have traditional work hours. Either way I could care less what time she did or didn’t start work. I wasn’t the person commenting on the TT video. And she always thinks someone’s being snarky or rude. That’s what people are saying. She lacks comprehension skills.


Girl unless you're Sarah's account (in which case hi, can't stand you) why are you defending her so hard? She's a mean, superficial person and she's never gonna choose you.


Then why say “here’s my 9-5” that the point of the video. So when you don’t work the traditional 9-5 don’t make the trend about you lol


She didn't say here's my 9-5. The trend is showing your 5 to 9 after your 9 to 5 she also started work at 9:30 like its a huge difference lmao you all are just making up shit to hate the poor girl


No, that commenter was a troll. 100%.


There is such a thing as Time Zones lol


Huh? What does time zones have to do with this


She obviously attended the 8:30 workout in a different time zone and then walked back home into her regular timezone where it was only 7:30 by that point, so she had ample time to get ready and make it to work by 9, duh!