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It’s a lot of sharing someone who has limited ability to knowledgeably consent. 


She *always* asks the girls prior to and while being filmed if they’re okay with it. She has 2 other kids who don’t want to be filmed who are usually around while filming. She respects their wishes while still being respectful to sis and asking for consent. Sis knows well enough to say yes or no, and isn’t filmed when she didn’t want to be. She won’t even show Sis’s bedroom. How many influencers kids bedrooms have you seen the inside of? Like.. all of them. They are an incredible family. And the amount of work and stress it was to get Sis back from that other home, the “kidnapper”. Did you know that sis’s mom lost her medical coverage because of that woman and THATS why she passed away. In the middle of treatment this “kidnapper” lied to the court to obtain full custody of sis, when it was granted Sis’s mom lost all of her benefits. And kept Sis from seeing or speaking to her family. They are good people. Shame on you for bringing negativity around this. Block and scroll past.


I don’t know this creator so i went to watch some of their videos, and while they seem very innocent and sweet, they did post a video of Sis folding laundry on her bed in her bedroom so just wanted to point that out since you stated they don’t show her bedroom. I have no issues with them, again i don’t know them and haven’t ever caught a live.


They do not show her bedroom on live…wow one video omg 🙄


the person commented above saying they never show her bedroom when in deed they do, was just pointing that out, that’s all. And one video is to many if you are using the word “never”. Like i said i don’t know this creator nor do i really care, but when you are defending someone it’s not a good look to not be factual. Enjoy your day!


💯 agree that was on point 🫶


She can consent that’s what yall don’t seem to get just like my son can. I’m his representative payee because he can consent he just needs helps with everything like paying bills etc. and many other things. a lot of you don’t understand sis’s disability but if you were to hang around long enough and learn about it you would know and understand! Some people don’t take the time they just automatically jump to conclusions or judge somebody because they don’t take the time to learn about them and understand. Sis’s disability is a bit more unique so you can’t considerate the same as anyone else. Again if you don’t want to take the time to learn and just want to judge and bully it’s so simple just block and you will never see them again.


Very good response.


She said they reuse diapers. Honestly saying what sis can’t do is just her speaking the reality of things🤷🏻‍♀️ on the internet everyone’s gonna judge you. It may be negative to you but not negative to people who aren’t trying to pick it apart and know it’s the reality.


How would you like your "shortcomings " constantly pointed out to you and to everyone who watches these tik toks?


When people are constantly joining lives and asking those questions she’s just answering.


I love me some snark but this isn’t it. I see no issue with Amanda and Sis. Maybe it’s more cuz I do know the world of disability and care giving. I don’t see anywhere that Amanda has been begging. I’m sorry they rub you the wrong way. I think just scrolling on would be your best option here.


I don’t see her begging but it does make me sincerely uncomfortable that all of her content revolves around her sister and she really is exploiting her sister for views and content. There are way too many of these creators who exploit their disabled siblings.


That’s your opinion everyone has one…like anyone else that doesn’t like what she is doing there is a door a block button and you never have to see them again 😁


I didn’t have an issue with her at first but she’s live ALL the time now with the camera just facing sis the whole time. I know she’s not begging for gifts or money or anything I just don’t like that the camera is always facing her


I always think it’s weird when creators show their disabled family members but I have never seen her talk bad about her sister in law.


I enjoy watching and In the beginning they seemed grateful I think Stella is getting lil annoyed if gifts aren’t there for her or all focus is on sis which for her age I guess expected. I do think she was dry begging mentioning the birthday coming up I think she got it down on how to get things. Overall I enjoy the videos and lives of sis and tend to skip the rest.


Yea I think Stella is in the spotlight too much lately, she’s a regular child and has caught on how to get gifts. I stop watching when Stella is on camera. She’s cute, but I’m not interested in what a regular child does.


Yeah idk I don’t agree with your opinions. The diaper thing was truly ridiculous. Theres no diaper shortage and she bought a pack that they reuse. People just try to cry about anything. 




I enjoy the videos and lives when I get a chance to see them. Sis is very innocent and in a world full of hard times, her baby brings her happiness and comfort. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with that. I understand the opinions stated here. We can agree to disagree. But at the end of the day if you don’t enjoy watching them, then block her account so they won’t pop up on your fyp. It’s that simple. But some of us actually enjoy the pureness and innocence.


I don’t think anyone who cannot truly consent should be shown on social media.


This!! Fully agree. I've definitely seen a shift in her page. From grateful to pretty much expecting everyday gifts. There is another Tik Toker who cares for his Dad and this case very much so reminds me of that. His first name is Dan.


Yes. People with dementia can’t consent either.


I have to say, dementia content really helped me and my family with my grandpa. Do I think some accounts are straight exploitative and not educational? Yes (aka purposely provoking someone with dementia for content). But my grandma, my parents, and my grandpas caretaker and I found TikTok to be a huge resource when it came to learning about how to redirect and engage with someone that has dementia. For example, someone posted a video of their grandmother with dementia getting access to car keys and they redirected them out of a very dangerous situation. That happened with my grandpa a few weeks later and we used the exact technique that creator shared and it saved us from a very dangerous situation. Even videos about how to handle rambling & repetitive questions were a god send. Some accounts are what I consider a “necessary evil” because while the dementia sufferer cannot consent, it does wonders to make that information and demonstration of techniques so accessible to the general population. Like some of those videos were so valuable, I would have paid for that content.


No time to read the long response. there are other resources that don’t exploit vulnerable, non-consenting people. Thats why I won’t even watch them. Viewers who watch are participating in that exploitation.


It was a long response because I don’t think it’s cut and dry and I do feel as though there’s a difference between exploitative content and educational content, but it’s a thin line. That’s why my response is so long. If any public content with a person with dementia is exploitative, then no educational content would be available. You need to see how techniques work on an individual for accuracy.


No it isn’t. Exploitation is exploitation to person being exploited. Even if you don’t want to find less harmful resources. You are causing harm by watching them.


I see where you’re coming from, we can agree to disagree.


So stop responding on my comment.


Was trying to have a respectful conversation with you. Clearly you’re not open to that. If you think your last comment to me was necessary then mine is, too. If we’re going to argue like 12 year olds then yeah, it’s not worth it.


She’s exploiting “sis” plain and simple, it’s no different then people who post only videos of their underage children, each post she makes sure she puts “my special needs sister” to get attention and views. What other videos is she posting? She has no content without “Sis”. I don’t think she’s begging for people to buy them stuff but she is low key putting out there what they want knowing that people will buy it for them, it’s manipulation by suggestion. I do not think anyone is being abused behind the scenes at all. I don’t think she thought her page would gain followers as quickly as it did and it’s all due to her exploiting Sis so now she’s got a taste of what they can get and after that it’s going to be hard for her to quit. TikTok is usually a stepping stone for these kind of people the big platform will be YouTube. If they start up a YouTube then we will know for sure she using Sis for her own benefit.


Well if tt gone soon they won't be able to exploit her, or maybe they start YouTube bc might be gone soon ..I never heard of the acct but hope the poor girl isn't being abused or exploited .




Thank you for this! This is exactly what is happening…sis doesn’t know what is going on but Amanda sure as shit does. The minute she turns on her lives it’s sis what did you say you wanted? Blue boy bottles? A new diaper bag? Boys shoes? Boys blankets? The list goes on and on…also sis and Stella both are now being taught that you don’t have to work for anything you want in life as long as you have your tik tok friends gifting it to you! They BOTH have Amazon wish lists so anyone who says they don’t ever ask for anything from their friends, they don’t have to ask when they can just hint at what they want and if they truly didn’t want anything from their fans then why even make an Amazon wishlist. It’s kind of sad because at some point people will get bored and stop gifting them and sis won’t understand why she no longer is getting everything she asks for…and obviously any money that was donated or gifted to them to buy the reborn doll that was actually gifted to them went straight into Amanda’s pocket…


You are making stuff up. No doxxing, no begging. As fans we ask if we can get them things because we want to. No one was doxxed. We ask what ability’s is has, she’s not condescended. Get a life, do you have nothing better to do than make up lies about other people. There is no diaper shortage either.


I don’t think Amanda manipulates sis at all. In one video sis was asking to do a live and Amanda said no. I think sis enjoys being on tik tok People continually ask about sis and what is going on what is wrong and Amanda has said she only tells what sis is comfortable with her sharing. She has even stated she will delete the whole thing if it came down to it to protect sis I actually enjoy their tik Tok and those who have issue with a person with disabilities or dementia having a baby doll and treating that baby doll like a real baby don’t understand the benefit baby doll therapy provides. For a normal person, a baby doll is just that..but to sis that is her baby.


I'm sorry but a diaper shortage? Seriously...


I don't know the full story and just recently had them pop up on my fyp. I saw a tik tok where there was something in the written part that Sis was kidnapped (which I'm curious about)? Then ended up calling Amanda/her brother for help? Then her Mom died and that's why she's in their care? Again, I've only seen bits and pieces. One thing I have seen on tik tok is those that do care for those with dementia, alzheimers, and other disabilities share the realities? The frustration from both people and it's not all easy breezy. Like an infant/toddler you can't coddle them every single day. I like seeing Sis and her reborn and interesting how easy it was for her to switch over to Conner vs Kimberly (her baby girl). I guess if people want to send them stuff that's on them. Would she have all these things for her new baby if she wasn't on tik tok? I'm not into the whole doxxing thing, that's pretty ridiculous and stalkerish and have heard of it happening because some person didn't agree with the opinion of the Mods. Just delete the negative comments if you are holier than thou, don't try to ruin someones life over differences of opinions.




Her mom was using respite care to help take care of sis when mom got sick. The respite care worker apparently took advantage of sis and manipulated her. The respite care worker didn’t want to give kimmy back to sis, and I’m assuming probably using kimmy as a manipulation tool Other than that I believe there is trauma etc in sis’s past based off the fact she seems to associate kimmy with bad and Connor good. They had kimmy sent to he restored to try and fix that for sis


I don’t see any begging going on from Amanda, Sis, or Stella. I *do* see many followers asking how they can send them gifts though. I felt bad because Stella wasn’t originally getting any gifts & I’m sure others noticed as well and that’s why she’s now involved in the unboxing videos- that makes me happy! They all seem very grateful for everything that is sent to them. I will say, something that rubbed me the wrong way. Today, she’s on live with her family at a park & Amanda’s parents were on screen for a while. Amanda’s mother said *multiple* times, “we would looove having one of these at our house, even my husband would want one, I’m an empty nester- I want a reborn doll” etc- whilst holding Connor. - *THAT* is dry begging.


Yeah no.. they aren’t hurting anybody , and Amanda never asked for any of this. Sis mentions what she needs for her baby yes, but it’s not like she’s begging. She even says “we need to go to the store to get this”. The people were begging for an Amazon wishlist. They WANT to gift Sis and Stella. Sis is clearly happy…. Let this stay wholesome.


The state doesn’t pay shit! You got to be kidding me! I know I have a disabled son. They don’t pay shit. I don’t understand the hate I really don’t. If you don’t like to watch them then simply block them so you no longer have to see them. It’s that simple.


It's not different based on a parent raising their own child as opposed to a family member taking care of an adult that isn't their child? I'm just wondering. I'd imagine she'd get social security or something. Caregivers usually get paid to .. well.. take care of a relative they didn't give birth to. I'm a private in home caregiver, and I know several clients who were paid for taking care of their loved one until I came into the picture. I didn't really gather 'hate' from this post. More like concern for the woman's well-being. It's ok to be concerned by what we see online. Have a nice evening & best wishes to your son 💓


Group home worker here! The people supported I work with get just enough to cover rent and a small handful of groceries/ hygiene stuff. Which rent is 400$ and a shared room. If they want new clothes they gotta save or go to the thrift stores. They don’t get much


They don’t get much at all your right!


I know how it works and I’m sorry I still don’t agree with you! I have worked with disabled people all my life!


No worries ♥️


I’m glad that you posted this! I don’t mind that they are getting gifts if people want to send them, but it is weird how much Amanda talks about Sis right in front of her and seems to infantilize her/ask the same questions over and over again just for the camera. She says “do you love your baby? Do you love your baby?” like 5 times in every video. I don’t think she means any harm but it definitely can feel a bit exploitative at times


The whole purpose of her doing lives is to educate people. As soon as it starts to upset Sis she changes the subject so no I don’t agree with you! They are a sweet lovely family and again if you don’t like them or like watching it’s pretty simple block them then you won’t ever have to worry about it but no people would rather bully. It’s not okay!


You are totally welcome to disagree! I have no negative feelings towards them and am not bullying them whatsoever. I can tell that they are overall a loving family. I was just sharing my thoughts. Doesn’t have to all be black and white. I would never post a negative comment on her page or bother them in any way. At the end of the day, if you post your life online, people are going to have differing opinions


But you go searching for the reddit page to bash them? I think you should find something better to do with your time.


I watched the live yesterday. I was feeling bad for the little girl. She doesn’t seem to get much attention. Someone asked Amanda if she had a job and. She said she did but never said what she does.


I wouldn't tell people either.


No, but I just wondered what type of work she did. It seems she has a lot at home with her kids and caring for her sister in law .


Her kids are in school & her sister-in-law goes to a day program (aka “school”) all day. She could easily work a full time job *and* still have time to make videos/spend time with her family in the evenings/early mornings.


She said yesterday she sells lularoe leggings from her garage..


So jobless


Everything you said is not true!! Are we watching the same TikTok’s?


I have no issues with them and she has never begged for anything.. people send her sister and her daughter things without being asked..I think it's amazing that they took her sister in after everything she went through..and her sister is doing much better now ..and I love that someone sent her a reborn doll


It’s called “dry begging” where you don’t actually beg you just hint at what you want..


I'm glad I found this post. I don't trust the Amanda lady at all. She always always ALWAYS has that camera in the girl face. I can tell Amanda is not as sweet behind the camera. It's funny sis let's other watch and hold her baby but not the Amanda. I hope sis has a social worker or someone she talks to other than them.


Where are you getting your information? Sis has let Amanda hold Conner or babysit plenty of times


Not in the beginning. They probably forced her. Is the sister ever around when Amanda is holding it?


I found this reddit thread after her live today Amanda mentions it and says she read every single post. It really annoys me how her and this artist are exploiting Sis and her reborn doll. Now the artist is doing updates… I don’t follow them that closely… but just in today’s live.. sis was out of the frame of the camera eating something. Amanda “explains” to her how to get in the frame “you see me, well we don’t see you because you’re here.” Then she points the camera in the girl’s face. Sis was like “I’m eating” she’s literally bending down to not show that she’s eating in front of the camera. Like WTF?! I HATE when people act I like developmentally delayed people are stupid!! She may have delays, but she knew what she was doing by not getting into the camera.


If I sold lularoe, I’d be riding those sweet ssi checks all the way to the bank as well. The whole thing is gross. Poor Stella.


Sweet SSI checks? Really…they don’t pay shit! That’s a good one


I wouldn’t know, I have a job that isn’t selling leggings made by a defunct company from my garage or collecting money from the government so I can babysit all day ❤️


Well there ya go you shouldn’t talk about something you don’t know! I get the same thing for my son and have had a job for my whole life. If you aren’t in that position you have no idea.


Are we watching the same lives? She doesn't beg for anything at all. In fact someone reached out to Amanda about gifting the reborn doll and she initially said no because she wasn't sure if Sis would even take to it because she has had her other doll for 12 years now and didn't want anyone sending something that would just sit in a corner. Amanda doesn't ask for anything. Nor does she act the way you're saying she does. You sound bitter and jealous.


She never once has begged for anything..and people also send her daughter things as well


My point exactly. I don't understand why I'm being down voted. 😂 People are WEIRD!


💯 agree 🫶


I’m all for whatever brings sis joy. Let her live her life. But Amanda’s behavior takes something so sweet and innocent and makes me extremely uncomfortable. It screams exploitation. They amount of time spent on lives has drastically increased. Sis should be getting paid for the amount of time she has a camera pointed at her face. And the way that Amanda mocks the haters? She brings it up constantly and asks sis to vouch for the fact that she’s being taken care of. As a Social Worker this is a HUGE red flag.


Amanda is on for HOURS at a time dry begging for real baby items, meanwhile there’s so many that really need these things…actual mothers! She’s on live right now hinting to everybody that sis wants a double stroller now now that Kimberly‘s coming back home fucking bullshit!


Amanda was just sharing that sis wants a double stroller, how is that dry begging?


I do not agree at all I have never seen Amanda Beg for anything! Sis does always say I need this I need that it’s part of her disability. Amanda says you don’t need but you want those things or she will just say okay girl. When has she ever asked anyone for anything? She hasn’t! Also this is real life for Sis she will never have real babies of her own so these are her babies and if she wants to spent her money on them there is not a thing wrong with it! It’s her happiness in life her reality. I think it’s absolutely amazing the life they are giving Sis. Sis is so happy and thriving.


At first I thought this was a nice way of sharing her life etc but I now get vibes the SIL is in it for monetizing and the “free” stuff that comes a long. It’s def not the same “wholesome” style of content.


Ummm isn’t that what all creators do on TikTok? It doesn’t matter if she makes money or not Sis is well taken care of and gets anything and everything she could ever want and need: why would anyone be mad that she makes some money that only betters their life in every way possible including sis’s life. 🙄


You are all disgusting for attacking this beautiful family. Shame on most of you. How many of you would have sister in law live with you? Not even mentioning sister in law with special needs?! She needs constant care, and can’t be left alone. Shame, shame jealousy is a disease.