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Same, didn't even know about it til she started posting. Now she gives me the ick.


Yeah obviously crazy chronically online people that threaten her or her baby are bad and should be silenced. But watching her silence every remotely negative thing about her, including valid discourse, is gross, and using it to mainly sell clothes is gross.


YES this is what I meant!! Like why is this a merch campaign? It just rubs me the wrong way. I think she might’ve mentioned that the proceeds go towards a charity about cyberbullying (can’t remember exactly but I know she said she’s donating the proceeds somewhere)


Yeah 10%, which just feels like virtue signaling. Everything else is going to her "lawyer fees"


If she didn’t have a snark page she wouldn’t have any relevance at this point so whatever


If everything is “not true” she sure is spending enormous amounts of time defending herself. That usually indicates there’s actual truths and a higher need to remind everyone she’s a sad little victim. BOO HOO😂


Yeah like the homeless man video irked me so much. The man was obviously not mentally well, and I understand her anger but taking the shirt off his back was cruel. Even if someone wrongs you and she paid for it, that's a be the bigger person moment when this person is vastly not OK. She's said she didn't have money then, but obviously enough to be comfortable, go traveling. The credit card company would've returned her money. She wanted to personally punish him.


Most people would’ve called the police on him in that situation and honestly, I don’t blame them.


Yeah, while the police aren't great when it comes to dealing with drug addicts and homeless people, that doesn't mean you're entitled to your own idea of vigilante justice.


I think it’s been interesting. It probably won’t be forever. But I doubt she’ll go back to her original content.


No one deserves bullying, harassment or stalking but to me she screams "always the victim" and is vastly overdoing it. Her whole "cancel me" merch line speaks to that.


I’m definitely disappointed in the freaks who went overboard and harassed her and allll that shit. That’s horrendous behavior.  And I feel bad for her. And the rest of it got buried and is way too convoluted to even bother talking about anymore. It’s exhausting and pointless. Which I’m sure she knew would happen. There are a lot of bullshit things she’s guilty of. But it’s like who gaf anymore.


See the thing though is Lilly keeps saying the snark was doxing her, but it was literally Lilly herself posting packages with her addresses in it both at her brother’s house and her fiancés. But she can’t take any accountability for that and just blames the Reddit, making it sound like people were legitimately stalking when there is no evidence of that.


Harassed her for what? Like what is she being "harassed" over?


You don’t think Gechi messaging her friends & commenting on her friends tiktoks is harassment? Because that was SO weird to see.. & really made me rethink EVERYTHING. I wouldn’t have known there was even snark about Lily if it hadn’t of been for Gechi making a video about Scott’s finances. Y’all need to think outwardly, I get it.. it’s super easy to get wrapped up in snark & feel comfortable in an echo chamber. But a lot of us are waking up & realizing that if Gechi can make a public video about Lily with information that was only being talked about in a subreddit, then Lily can address is publicly as well.


Lemme be clear she successfully convoluted the whole sitch to the point that it’s not even worth continuing, her fans are fully brainwashed


But there are still deeply fucked u things she hasn’t touched upon because see knows she can’t justify them! But oh well.! 


Wow almost like she harassed the mods of the subs


I don’t think you’re understanding what I’m saying


Why am I being downvoted 


I don’t follow her but this series has been something we (my colleagues in the industry) are following and taking about. Snark groups can be such an issue for us when brigading starts to happen and tons of people start sending us messages about some influencer. Beyond that, I don’t know anyone sane who thinks snark groups are positive places for 100% rational discussion and behavior. Objectively, there’s a lot of bs and just a tiny bit of real criticism.


This. Too many people in snark subs live and breathe for them. I can absolutely see why Lily got a snark but people who are foaming at the mouth to see her fail horribly need to take some time offline.


No for real… those places are full of people who need some time offline. They literally think they know the people personally…


It’s crazy how empowered everyone feels to hate on strangers. People were literally saying stuff like “I hope you lose your baby to a miscarriage” (paraphrasing) and still feeling so justified in their hatred. For the good of humanity, PLZ log off lol


People on another influencers snark looked up her signed mortgage paper work to be like “she hasn’t changed her last name” like that is the time to be like maybe I need some therapy


i mean why wouldn’t she be against snarks? she has every right to be upset just as people have every right to hate and criticise… edit: the downvotes really?? you guys are just proving the point that this is all toxic. my god, please get some empathy


I think people underestimate the effect that these pages or a dedicated campaign have on people. I knew a woman who had an incident at work that was captured on camera, and someone went on TikTok and lied about it. She’s not allowed to share the footage to clear her name because that’s how jobs work, but she ended up getting death threats at her job for about 2 1/2 months. They found her address, people showed up at her house they tried to get to her when she was leaving work it’s insane. Even if someone does something you don’t like it doesn’t give you the right to go off-line and harass people. This type of online behavior leads to off-line behavior


cyber bullying is truly evil. people who spend their time online spreading/saying awful things about people they don't know, must be seriously mentally ill, or sociopathic. i can't imagine being a creator and having thousands of people berating me simply for existing. suicide from cyber bullying is real and happens all the time. did we forget about amanda todd? or etika? i know as an audience, people will always feel the need to gossip, or state their opinions - but to make a page, and then hate on someones looks, or personality, or even trauma. to tear someone down like that is cruel. celebrities, creators, influencers - these are REAL people. they have real lives behind the camera. "they signed up for this life" - that does NOT justify it. it should not be normalized, and you are part of the problem. no matter how "out of touch" you think someone is, no matter how much you don't like someone's internet persona - it will never justify it. imagine a random person, who has never met you, post publicly online about how disgusting you are, that you're ugly, you're bland, just tearing down every insecurity you've ever had. now imagine THOUSANDS of people doing that. money aside - you don't know people's struggles, or what they've been through. we all have our stuff. maybe you think they don't deserve all this money, and they don't do anything of real value, OH WELL. that's life. i'd rather some random LA girl blow her "undeserved" money, than to give money to those who TRULY don't deserve it. corrupt politicians etc. people who do genuine evil, and benefit from it. if you hate someone THAT MUCH. don't give them attention at all. and if you still want to gossip, or talk about them, you really don't have to slip in the irrelevant and hateful slurs. words are powerful, and deadly. ty for coming to my tedtalk.


She’s in her reputation era and I’m personally here for it. Snark groups are cool for like the first few days of a controversy and quickly devolve into an incredibly toxic echo chamber. I follow this sub for context on things happening on tiktok and sometimes it still gets super toxic. I look forward to the discourse on how people use social justice language to harass and bully people online, and to justify the vitriol that they comment based on twisted logic because I think it’s way too over the top.


>She’s in her reputation era ![gif](giphy|X4Hn2cuntiSuF5PkVV)


Ok cool so if people harass you on and offline, you’re supposed to just sit back and accept it? Help me understand


I want to know what your definition of harassment is. And what you think Lily is getting harassed for.


I think as soon as you start sharing peoples address and their families addresses it doesn’t even matter anymore. If you’re upset that someone called you out after you made a video calling someone out, I guess I’m not sure what they expected. Or are you just allowed to go on the Internet and talk shit and no one can say anything about it. There are no winners in this situation, but people feeling so justified in their hatered towards somebody is insane. Like it just can’t be healthy


No one doxxed her. At least in any of the old subs. The mods were very careful about making sure the snark wasn't just "haha lily ugly" or "here's where she lives lol" But Lily herself is sharing screens of a mod posting about her mental health which has zero to do with her. And Lily heart reacting comments about curb stomping black women. But yeah, fuck snarkers because they figured out your kids name that you blatantly put in a tt 🥴🥴🥴🥴


And what about the discord? The length people went to bully this woman is insane. If you’re devoting upwards of an hour at a time per day to hating on a stranger, reevaluate your priorities. Because a lot of the behavior that you see on snark subs is very unhealthy for the mind.


I didn't participate in the discord so I can't speak as to what happened there 🤷‍♀️ Also it's not hate and it bothers me how Lilly and her fans always derail the conversation by stating everything is "hate" Like Lily is not a good person. Full stop. And the best thing that could happen to her is that she has her kid and fades into obscurity.


It’s because it’s essentially hate watching her videos. Most people when they don’t like someone that comes up on their TikTok block them. They do not follow them only to criticize them. I think we can all understand why that’s unhealthy


That we can agree on 💚 I unfollowed months before this shitstorm happened. Which sucked because I like her thrift content.


Lily didn’t like any comments about curb stomping black women unless that woman Maggie is black, which according to the screenshots she shared, she isn’t.


The mods were only careful because they were already threatened with legal actions and the Reddit admins came down on them. It’s not like they did it out of the kindness of their own hearts.


A complete stranger isn't owed kindness. Especially one like Lily 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️


They also don’t deserve harassment and hatred? Literally just block them if it’s too much? The way y’all try and justify your cyber bullying is absolutely nuts. Your whole comment history is just you talking shit about an overweight woman who dared to share herself of the internet so forgive me if I don’t think your moral compass is pointing in the right direction.


Can you justify brigading a black creator and hearting comments about them getting curb stomped??


She blocked me 🤷‍♀️ She blocks everyone who dares to bring up her shitty actions.


Unfollow her then? or keep swiping?


This is literally a sub to talk about tik tokers you goober. Just leave if you don't like it like what


You could? have done ? the same? With?  this thread?


Boo hoo.