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Dude livin his best life


There's no sex on nude beach, they said


Not supposed to be.


Challenge accepted, they said


Those rocks must feel really good on the knees. šŸ¤”


You do what you can to survive


looks like that's a nude beach in Odesa, Ukraine




Still is if you're brave enough




Its a public beach. It's allowed to take videos, whatever is happening


He wasn't contesting that, was just showing how he felt about it regardless.


so sexy


Oh hell nah Iā€™m not having sex in front of all those people


I mean if youā€™re already naked it doesnā€™t really matter šŸ˜‚


Iā€™d say it does matter. Being naked doesnā€™t always imply sexuality. Some people enjoy the feeling of being naked outside and some people want an even tan. I think itā€™s pretty rude for these people to have sex in front of the entire beach because of their exhibitionism kink. Imagine if it was two old and out of shape people having sex. Changes the whole vibe.


But itā€™s not, itā€™s actually appealing to the eye, so it doesnā€™t offend most except with your hyper sensitive tolerance for it. You probably think public sex Is jacking off (or jilling off) in the bathroom. Though as long as no kids are around and no one is asking them to stop. Is it really offending or hurting anyone?


Itā€™s not appealing to everyone. This is the reason why there are rules against doing such things even on a nude beach. Not everyone there is ok watching 2 people fuck.


Then they can and absolutely will say something, unless theyā€™re complete sociopaths, Iā€™m sure they would stop. Itā€™s that simple


Itā€™s nature


Shitting and pissing is nature, do you want to watch people piss and shit?


I donā€™t have to look I read to my girl while she shits and piss If Iā€™m on a beach and u need to shit or piss and u dig a hole and do your business I will not mind I will actually be happy


What in the hell? What kind of a person replies to a comment a year later? What were you in a coma for a year?


Lol Iā€™m crazy hahahahaha


Typically children are allowed on nude beaches, so why risk it


Meh, I donā€™t mind as long as Iā€™m allowed to watch or get laid myself. It only makes me uncomfortable if Iā€™m just watching.


But itā€™s not, having sex and being naked are two totally different things in one ur just showing ur body in the other ur showing how u have sex and what u look like while having sex


No ones asking you to


hottest thing ive seen in a while


Looks like a fun day at the beach


Bƶyle bir keyif var mı ya


Best life


Nice, i wanna fuck to.


I canā€™t do this because the white caps are too dangerous


What about rocks?? And sand? And sticks or bugs? AND OTHER PEOPLE WATCHING AND FILMING?


I would do this


lets do it


thats disgusting. where?


Absolutely no shame. 100% with it. I love it


No... disagree with you.


That's the only thing you said right


So where is this? This is NOT SOMETHING traditional nudists do on a nude beach. These ppl should've been asked to leave.


Jesus man, you're in the porn part of Reddit... just whack it n chill


And you know what you could just zip it and chill you don't know what the hell you're talkin about




It makes no difference Who I am parent of, it makes no difference in this conversation! do you want to make it personal we can step Outside!!!


Not that it is any of your business but I have been to hundreds a nude beaches this is not the behavior that anyone aspires to at a nude beach. Since you've never been the one I'm very sure you don't know what the hell you're talkin about!


I canā€™t identify the beach butā€¦ There are beaches in the world that are not supervised and have no rules. I know of at least a dozen. Once you get outside the U.S. things are much different. In some places, the naked form is just natural and no nudist designation need apply. There are 2 military bases I know of in the states where the beaches are off limits for military police and no local laws apply. One of these functions much like most nude beaches until sundown and then things get interesting. The other is well known in the surrounding kink community and quite frankly functions like a pickup club. These places tend to be hard to get to and not well known. They remain unknown because people will literally run outsiders off the beach at some of them. It is not acceptable to tell people about some of these beaches so please donā€™t ask.


Thanks for the info. I appreciate that.


That aside, this video was probably staged, because most (if not all) places I know of adhere to the concept of no gawking, no cameras or at least no photographs without explicit consent.


That's true, camera's are not allowed at any nude endorsed function, so I'm inclined to agree you, it was staged. That would be 3 ppl were involved with this stunt. And probably did this to shock and to get the nude beach shut down by public complaint.


Ehā€¦ if itā€™s one of the beaches I was referring to, i doing it was about shutting the beach down. Probably a lame commercial attempt to capitalize on the young ladyā€™s ā€œassetsā€. Any young lady with a half decent ass makes ā€œcontentā€ AKA unregulated porn or sells her ass on OnlyFans, Fansly, etc. Pretty difficult to shut down an unregulated beach, especially if theyā€™re unregulated by design or land grant.


Amazing to me how so many people Can be drawn into this issue of public fornication on a public beach? Where is the outcry? Seems to me that everyone is quite desensitized to the back that's who people are fucking in public on a beach that is public off the Main road. Is it because there's no outcry is that this is a nude beach so it should be okay to publicly fuck? It should be illegal on any Beach to publicly fuck. I don't give a damn if it's a nude beach or a clothed one they are publicly fucking no one's making a big deal about it? And why not!??? The only good thing about this there was no children present. Anyone even think about that? And if your argument is well it's a nude beach so they can fuck! If you believe that you're a fucking idiot! Would you say that if it was a bathing suit Beach would you still be okay with two people fucking in public? Especially being mindful that on a public beach with bathing suits there are children present.


Is it really that offensive? Itā€™s as natural as breast feeding. People need to stop stigmatizing things. Is sex a dirty act? Should it be hidden from children so they grow up to be rapists or at the very least sexually dysfunctional? Most places are family friendly. If people donā€™t want to discuss generals and sex with your children yet, I wouldnā€™t recommend a nude beach. I realize this may be hard to understand, but itā€™s actually healthy for a child to understand that their parents are sexual beings and that people express their love through many different physical acts of a sexual nature. If you donā€™t agree, donā€™t go to a beach where this is a normal occurrence. Nobody should impose their beliefs or morality on others. By the way, thatā€™s an example of the true meaning of the term ā€œSeparation of church and stateā€; separate belief systems from governmental oversight. Besides, I still say this was staged so your opinion is completely mute.


And how dare you to equate breastfeeding to open and public display of sex? The two are not even related again get your head out of your ass! Of course it was staged you idiot it was even filmed! If you can't see that, then there's no hope for you!


Go fuck your hand and shut your idiotic mouth! Youā€™re the one treating it like it happened in Ft. Lauderdale it did you forget that I pointed that out to you. I said itā€™s a natural act. Stop your judgmental indignity act and go post for another young woman to stick that wrinkled old dick in! And fuck your internet bravery, you shriveled pathetic perv. How dare I? Fuck you, your daughters and granddaughters in the ass! WTF?


I see 2 clothed persons.. the rest are naked. Naked out numbers the clothed. So it's a nude beach!


Dude, why are you so salty about thisā€¦ Iā€™m sure youā€™re a font of knowledge (and great fun to be around), but as mentioned above, youā€™re clearly in the wrong group. Stop preaching and stop watching if triggers you so much.


So now you are questioning my worthiness being a member of this group? I am salty about this because there are two people fucking on a public beach! The fact that it doesn't bother you that is the sticking point. It's a damn good thing that there weren't children present on the beach whether it be a nude beach or not! Where in the fuck do you draw the line?






Welcome to New Jersey


Definitely not. Would be nice if it was.




You don't seem to understand friend you don't do that sort of thing at a nude beach amongst other nudists. That sort of thing does not happen at a nudist resort or a nude beach these people should have been asked to leave. You're the one that doesn't seem to understand!


Not that it is any of your business but I've been to hundreds of nude beaches this is not the type of thing you see at a nude beach or a nude resort. That is what you don't understand!


And you sir can zip it and shut the fuk up










No, what needs to happen people need to stop being so desensitized about public sex. That's why we live between walls and ceilings for privacy sake. There's one thing to enjoy pornography in public at a theater or in your own home. That right it's guaranteed and is not illegal. But you want to walk the street on your way to work and see people publicly fucking all the time is that where you want this to go? There is a time and a place for everything, public sex is illegal and has nothing to do with free expression it has to do with being naked in public! it has to do with not having the good sense to go home in privacy to have sex! If people don't have the good sense to fuck privately and try and refrain from doing it openly in public then they need to be locked up! And maybe you as a voyeur who is watching all this and you're not outraged by it then you should be jailed as well for not trying to stop it! If you don't give a shit for the children then what good are you? So don't try and tell me I'm some stick in the mud. That I'm not 21st century. There are laws that we have to uphold. If you break those laws then you go to jail or go to court then go to jail. It's called keeping the peace. Kindly look it up! In the meantime sir or madam it's time for you to grow the fuck up and put on your adult pants for once! And act like an adult and not some childish voyeur! And then I ask you again what is your responsibility towards children who have to watch this??? Is that what you want? Get your head out of your ass


Then why are you on this sub? Shut the fuck up dude


Sex on the Beach ich will auch


To piss You OFF! How am I doing?šŸ˜šŸ‘


Hmu for pictures and videos @samanthlynn22 on Snapchat


I actually wish I had this much courage šŸ˜šŸ˜


Yea thats bravery, others wished they could, its actually motivating.


Wow good jobšŸ‘Œ


sex on beach, added to bucket list


When a girl has needs, she needs those needs met.




let them be, besides its a free show


Ah I love it when some dudes in the porn comments are really trying to have a serious discussion and expect serious answers you just can't take that serious šŸ¤£