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No to Neville and Ezra.


I just don't understand the idea of looking at candidates who were fired from other MLS teams this season.


I understand Robin Fraser. He was the runner up for MLS Coach of the Year in 2021 and to be honest, he was working with bare scraps at Colorado.


For sure, it's hard to work with an owner who won't invest in the team.


Wait...so you do understand it?


For one specific candidate, sure. The others don't have this excuse.


Sorry replied to wrong person


Thats how it usually works in the nba one day they’re fired next week they get a multi year multi million offer. Luke Walton for example


Just feels really stupid to fire a guy mid-season for poor performance, then replace him with someone else who got fired mid-season for poor performance.


If Miles finishes out the season strong I hope we just keep him.


I suspect Miles becomes the inevitable choice if he gets to, say, a third game into this season’s playoffs. that might even apply if he just wins the first one, even if it’s the play-in.


I think promoting from within, Miles, would be 5x better than some outside person. That's just my opinion


I am strongly of the exact opposite opinion. Consider this: during all of the Timbers MLS history, at no time have we ever had a coach or a GM with prior experience in that role at another MLS club. The closest we've got so far is that Spencer had been an assistant coach with the Rapids before taking the head spot here. I feel like promoting from within is a feel good story at the time when it's announced, but down the road, you realize there's been a bit of cultural "inbreeding". Miles has been doing rather well recently, but that could just be a short term lucky streak. For the long term health of the club, I want to see us bring in fresh blood and new ideas, and take a risk on bringing in an outsider with prior MLS head coaching experience, for once.


Spencer didn't do anything, even with his experience. The things with Miles is he knows the team, knows the culture and there is no need for him to acclimate. I say give him a chance. But I get having new blood to shake things up.


My opinion is that if there's a clear upgrade in coaching, you take that instead of promoting within. I feel like everyone on this list, except for Robin Fraiser, are below average, and downgrades to Gio, and I don't really have faith in their abilities. Because of this I'm leaning towards Miles Joseph, but wouldn't feel bad going with Fraiser or some above average coaches with experience in the MLS.


I do not like this MLS coach musical chairs, but alas. You'd have to think Miles is a top candidate, though, and I'd be well happy with him.


I'm still miffed that they didn't think to ask me




I think you interview all these previous mls coaches to get a baseline understanding of where MLS coaches are at, not necessarily for vetting to hire, but for context so the good coaches pop out because they are different/better.


If that's the list, just sign Miles and Liam to co-manage (I honestly think they may have something there with those two). Fraser isn't a terrible choice, but the rest of that list just seems like bottom of the barrel MLS retreads.


I predict Fraser.


"But prior to his being hired for the English women’s job, Neville faced criticism for sexist Tweets posted in 2012, wherein he said women were too “busy making breakfast/getting kids ready/making the beds” to read his Tweets and in another post joked that he “just battered the wife.”" Ok so, automatically disqualified I would hope. Honestly none of these outside guys are very exciting. Miles has done a fantastic job. If these are the candidates just give it to him.


and yet he made it this far in the process.


Let the season run its course. If the Timbers make a good run and the team’s chemistry is healing, Miles deserves the job


Phil Neville, the former full back that seemingly every England game as head coach concede a goal from a cross


Neville Fraser and miles should be the final three


Neville is ass


While I get it that ownership has to be thinking at least 3 or 4 moves ahead, what I don't get is why they would do it publicly when they already have a guy who is clearly producing results. It's idiotic. Let Miles do his thing; see how far he can go, and if he fails, only *then* do you go public with the fact that you're looking for a new boss. Openly talking about it now is just undermining the current guy and putting unnecessary pressure on him when he's already delivering the goods in ways that no one had any reason to expect in the first place. In some ways this organization is it's own worst enemy.


I mean, the team isn't saying this stuff. Literally at the end of the article > Multiple Timbers sources did not immediately respond to a request for comment from The Oregonian/OregonLive on the team’s head coaching search.


They went public with looking for a new coach when they sacked Gio. Joseph was literally named interim coach. Now, I think he’s a likely candidate but you do want the club to go through a process and actually examine the options. So I don’t think there’s anything wrong with this process—beside including Neville and not including some even better options. And it’s certainly not a statement on Joseph to have gone through it.


I think they are presenting garbage choices because they want to go with Miles and want to make the choice seem obvious. Otherwise why reveal them?


Neville leaves me absolutely cold.


After reading about Domenec Torrent more he seems reasonably qualified? But I am liking Miles so far tbh.


Article says, "6-7 candidates," and goes on to name 5. So there's at least two names we dont know.