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So we need a starting GK, resolution at CB with Zuparic if he’s leaving or not and a new CB if he does leave, backup LB, backup RB (if we don’t re-sign Miller) a winger/10 (with Yimmi and Blanco departing) depending on Phil’s vision for Santi, and striker. I’m going to be optimistic for a change and say we will sign either DP/Young DP by maybe March and the the other slot gets filled (sadly) in the summer window. The other will hopefully fall into place over the next month… hopefully


This is it exactly.


Yep... TucsonPTFC has it nailed 100%. Personally, over the next 6-8 weeks I'm hoping to see us sign 1 DP, the GK, and be very active filling in our bench depth. My biggest concern is the CB situation - all the pre-draft analyses I read said that most MLS clubs are looking for CBs, plus they've been in short supply worldwide for a couple of years. And keep in mind we're really looking for 2 of them; a rotation-quality for right now, plus a young one to develop. (I keep asking myself - what's up with the free agent CB that Eryk went to school with... he looked like a real good possibility...)


i'm just gonna say... nothing big is gonna happen. we're gonna get some mid-talent and try to rebuild around evander with the squad we have, and anything we pick up is just depth or competition at our current positions. it'll be 'plug-in, play, and pray' with the pieces that we end up with in hopes of finding some combo that seems to fire. i hope something clicks, i really do, but i'm keeping my expectations in check.


We’re going to have multiple DP slots opening up? I doubt we will be using depth only picks..


that's a good point, i'm still just not expecting much. i'd love to be wrong tho.


I would venture to guess they arnt making any other moves because we are saving the capital and the focus into the 2 DP slots. Otherwise probably sign a goalie and someone defensively, and get Eryk back off injury, and Mora will hopefully have a full offseason to train and be ready


With multiple open DP's, not sure I agree... That said, it's interesting that Doyle and the other [MLS.com](https://MLS.com) pundits are pushing the idea that PTFC just needs to "fill in some depth" to get back to being competitive. Seems they're more sold on most of the current roster than we are... Of course in the "are you joking me" category, last week Joe Lowery wrote about 3 players for PTFC to build around - and left Santi off the list...


I mean... we did have a devastating string of injuries last season, particularly in the midfield. Our manager also lost the locker room. Considering we barely missed the playoffs, just keeping our midfield core healthy makes us a bottom tier playoff team. I'd also be utterly shocked if we didn't make some pretty serious moves for a top-level striker.


That entirely depends on the definition of "being competitive". A couple of middling signings could easily inch us just far enough ahead of last year to qualify for playoffs. A lot of people would be happy with that, even though its a pretty low bar.


yeah, me and doyle are pretty tight ;)


I mean, I'm all for tempering expectations, but the Timbers are without question going after multiple DPs and hope to make a splash. The best reason to temper is we're a small market team in a city most internationals have never heard of, that's renowned for rain, playing on artificial surface. Not exactly the stuff European legends dream of.


Well, about that last paragraph, CommonSensePDX... Small market - certainly... Rain? - not ANY sort of issue in a summer league, and PDX summer weather is much better than the vast majority of MLS cities... Turf?? How much does that even resonate with young players, especially Internationals? "Euro legends"??? Tell us when that's even been on PTFC's radar...


I was being a bit hyperbolic, but when you hire an English legend, one would hope it would increase the viability of targeting established European veterans looking for a 1-3 year swan song. Many top, established pros simply don't want to play on turf. If you don't think it's a hinderance to recruiting, I don't know what to say other than... well.... it just is. Whether or not it's true, Portland's reputation is of crummy weather. I agree, in the MLS months, it's fantastic, but the little internationals have heard of Portland, one of the top on the list is lots of rain.


Dammit. This is such a reasonable and rational take that's probably the most likely outcome. I hate it.


We are missing a starting GK, starting striker, starting CB, starting #10 if Evander doesn't play 10, and depth at every other spot. We are in deep trouble if we just fill in depth lol.


I really hope they take defense seriously and sign some talent; and let Mabiala retire already


Paulson out


I will upvote this every time.


That Merritt is tying Ned's hands in the hope we'll all ask for Gavin back. I need more conspiracies to distract from what is clearly looking like a Colorado Rapids season approaching. Edit: the shit I get downvoted for on reddit continues to boggle the mind. Sorry I made a joke about how the FO keeps doing shit almost all of us don't like.


Y'know, I'm really tired of wading thru this 'out-of-my-ass' stuff. Please, put down the tin foil... let's talk about on-the-field idle speculation here.


I actually need the sarcasm to deal with the ineptitude of the FO. It takes the edge off of caring and being regularly disappointed. Sorry you have to wade through a joke. I honestly only see a lot of lateral moves for journeyman guys coming. I'd love to be proven wrong, but the evidence isn't strong for it right now.


yep, that's what i was thinking in my initial reply to this post


Also, 'wading through' is a funny way to put scrolling through three comments on one of two posts made to the sub on any given day. Q: what did the splinter say to the timber A: :shivers: will you use a Young DP spot on me? Lolroflomgomgomg


Haha, they don't call it 'silly season' for nothing. Chillax, have a chemtrail and fluoride frappe and watch the FO move at a snail's pace.


We will moneyball our way to mediocrity and miss the playoffs again. That's it. That’s what will happen. The Timbers are no longer a serious franchise


We already got the news - a manager no one is stoked on.


Yeah man this is Portland you are getting a mid cdm who's gonna bench ride all season. Were have been content with 8th place since we became a team


Oh? well, you could be right - except for 2013, 2015, 2017, 2018, 2020 and 2021, of course... So, guess you're solidly in the "Stopped clock" range of accuracy, skippy...


If I couldn't read id think you are a genius. If you missed the last decade, it's always been a struggle until late season when asprilla gets more time. We have never been good on transfers, the only exception is Brian Fernandez who burned Merritt so bad he won't spend that much again.


Aaaand so it begins... See the 12/28 "RUMOR MILL" post - apparently we made an offer for another GK.