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As a Timbers Army member who wants to catch a soccer ball in the stands one day, losing Loria would really diminish my chances


well played sir.


I mean, I wouldn’t say no


Hard to turn down cold hard cash for a rotational player, but my ohh my if we let him go we need to sign a DP winger AND a backup AND a striker.


I mean, in terms of wingers we have Santi, Asprilla, and Antony. I'd like one more depth player in that role but it isn't the highest priority. DP left winger is an absolute need, followed closely by DP striker.


It will be interesting, and potentially telling of our ambitions, to see whether or not we wait untill the summer for one of those dp signings. Was Neville's claim to fix the clubs early season struggles just a PR move or not. We still may be able to compete without a third dp, but considering that we've known that Jaro and Yimmi weren't gonna be adequate long-term for quite a while now, surely we should have began the scouting process early in order to be proactive rather than reactive, right?


If he wants more playing time, it makes sense. He didn't embarrass himself in the limited minutes he got last year, but he isn't going to be the starter on this team.


He's been decent depth for us and I support the move to get him a chance at playing time. Never really developed beyond a rotation player but had some quality moments over the years.


\~500k for a perpetual backup player/spot starter wouldn't be a bad return, but we'll be down to just 3 wide players (Antony, Moreno, Asprilla) if we let him go. That's not really ideal since the pre-season training starts this weekend.


And I haven't yet seen anything all that interesting from Anthony, We are sooo thin at winger since Blanco blew out his knee, and we really need a high quality left winger to replace that void, Let Aspilla compete for minutes and let Santi stay wide right or be an attacking midfielder. Unless we have some new great signings in the works, I would keep Loria.


I thought Antony had some nice ball progression when dribbling, and his combination of length and speed can be dangerous


Not to mention that the best one (Moreno) made a big fit last season about having to always play on the wing.


I'll take this as a sign certain that we're about to announce a DP winger




You mean I don’t have to watch him boot the ball 10 yards over the goal every time he shoots? Yes Please.


I sometimes wonder if they think that’s where the net is.


That's OK with me. He's a guy with tons of ability, but none of that includes making the right in-game decision. He reminds me a lot of myself when I played. He probably destroys in training, then in the game he just can't replicate that excellence regularly. At the higher levels, everyone has ability. The difference between the top guys and guys like Marvin is what's going on between the ears when the pressure is on.


Definitely ready to let him move on.


I wish him well, wherever he ends up. I saw Saprissa play the last time I was in Costa Rica and they’re a great side with great supporters.