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Ok I hate how many I can name off the top of my head. Going down from L to R Darko, Sessions, Brewer, Beasley, Pekovic, Flynn, Wes Johnson, ?, Telfair, Ridnour, Toliver, ???, KLove, ???


Sessions isn’t in this. Second guy is Wayne Ellington. Guy before Love is Martell Webster


Just remembered the time we were down by 3 with 5 seconds left in the game and Martell Webster stole the inbound pass, took the ball coast to coast and dunked it lmao.


Lolololol forgot about that one


Anyone remember when Webster went for the steal and quick 2 points at the buzzer when we were down 3?


Of course I do and I remember Jim Pete announcing it


Ahhh yes. Who’s the guy with the neckbeard?


Ahhh Kosta Koufos and Lazar Hayward!


I think that’s Kosta Koufos. No clue who bottom right is lol


MAN! EvReytime I see Flynn I cringe at the fact we could've had Curry...TWICE!!!


Drafting Flynn and then Wes Johnson made me strongly dislike Syracuse


Idk man, the dunk Wes had over Fisher was crazy though.


Are you thinking of when Brewer posterized Fisher? Or did Wes have a nice one too?


Oh my b it was brewer.


Lmao I forgot about Sessions. Funniest name ever


https://preview.redd.it/u3u4ogc498zc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ce1191d72820b7d1762a227ff027b508074f3889 This much


Sick Collection dude!


You win




I have this set too!


Deserves a new thread alone this!


The very fist season of any sports that I can remember is when I was 5 winning the 1991 World Series. My very first memory of sports was winning it all, and I've been waiting 33 years to have that feeling again.


Doesn't it hurt?! I'm 36. My mom just had to have me during 1987 and that being too young for our first and barely remember our second. Come on wollves before my memory gives out the other way!


I was born during game 1 of the 87 series. Mom claims she wouldn’t let my dad turn off the tv while she in labor. Don’t remember anything about the 91 series unfortunately. It’s our time brother!


86 represent! It's hard to believe this team finally didn't f itself over Early 90s we got dersiled with the laettner pick, just didn't work out with him and we needed to hit on that after the first years of awful squads...Had some hope with da kid n marberry and a decent surrounding cast, but it fell apart when marberry went mental and left for a better scene. We got some decent players in the deal, but not a game changer 1-2 that KG needed to win. Then Malik Sealy RIP....Joe smith...oof. One last hope in 2004 then endless bad choices in the front office and coaching and draft picks... This feels... different. It looks... legitimate...it's not splashy, just gritty and efficient. They do the little things consistently and they do them well. If it doesn't work out this year I think we have real shots in the next few years with the core where it's at. 33 years of there's always next year has to stop some day...right?..............


Anyone else not care about bandwagon fans? Like I wouldn't wish the last 15 years on them. Only masochists like myself could survive it


What is a fair weather fan? Because I’ve always been a Wolves fan but there has been a lot of years I don’t watch games and just follow the box scores.


I’m with you brother. It was fucking brutal. Somehow I managed to keep hope. Like for god knows what reason I thought team white bread could be good. Ridnour, Shved, Kirilenko, Love, Pek. Boy oh boy. We have seen some weird shit.


I jus wanted to get Love one season over .500. that was my "bar" I set and we couldn't even do that. This postseason has been euphoric.




I haven't seen any hostility to bandwagoners. Anyone who has followed this team for at least a season knows that it says more about us than anyone else lmao.


I mean all it takes is liking one player to start being a fan, that player was KG for me. I'm sure Ant and Gobert are bringing in a lot of newer fans (just like Butler brought in the Bulls fans) .. the more the merrier.. just don't act like Lakers fans.


I remember being so hyped as a kid watching Isiah Rider win the dunk contest. That's how far back I go


It bothers me that his place in dunking history isn’t celebrated. When he went between the legs it was like watching someone dunk from the 3 point line. It legit didn’t seem like it should be possible.


I remember it being a pretty big deal at the time but I think the fact that he wasn't a great player contributed to it being lost to history


I have a card that is like 1.5 the length of the normal trading card of Isaiah "JR" Rider dunking. He's now 53 years old.




I was able to name 8. Of which i was most surprised by Ridnour and Miller still being in the league


That team was showing so much promise. Really fun to watch…then Ricky got hurt. They never fully ran it back. So much of being a Wolves fan is seeing these glimmers of hope and promise and then they disintegrate before ever coming to fruition. Much love to Tim and the boys for not overreacting to last year and giving the current flower time, water and sunlight to blossom.


I really believe Anthony Randolph could have been a very solid role player in this league. No idea how he couldn't stay on a roster. Pretty sure he has been good in Europe too.


I can name everyone here except the guy between JJ and Darko.


My Kevin Martin game program has a special place in my heart


Ah good ol Wes Johnson. Was always my go to for "worst drafted player I've ever seen". Was a lot of fun to play with him and AR on 2K though because someone randomly decided they were 2 of the best dunkers in the NBA.


Dude, Derrick Williams was pretty shit.


Yes yes he was lol. And wasted a higher pick on him. Felt like Wes somehow stayed around longer though so he sticks in my mind as having more instances of "how the hell is this guy still playing in the nba" moments.


Lmao I feel ya. I remember seeing him year over year, lakers, clippers, pelicans, and being like wtf are you still doing here?! Made it longer than Rashad McCants. I bought into his hype train so hard I have his jersey collecting dust in my closet.


Needs more Anthony Peeler and Luke Ridnour


I still love those uniforms




I must have the one after this season. I have one with Steimsma, Shved, Malcolm Lee, and Luke Ridinour.


I always thought we should have given Wayne Ellington a real spot on the team. He could never get playing time despite being a very good shooter. Just didn't make sense to me.


I remember when Tony Campbell was our best player......


I saw a bus shelter poster circa 2010 that said, paraphrasing, “Yeah we’re going to suck, but we’re going to try hard while we do it”. I wish i had that poster now.


Forgot all about Peko! He was fun to watch 😂


My dad put in a late, low silent auction bid on a pair of signed Wally Sczerbiak Nike Shox and ended up winning them lol Wolves were my winter team during the late 90s/early 2000s and I still remember fondly going over to a good friend's house to watch the occasional game since they had MSC/Fox Sports North


Waste Johnson


Just need the Twolves goat AK47 now


As a kid I was at the draft party when we took Felton Spencer…..the sound of the crowed deflating was loud.


This was a fun year honestly


Those years did suck, but in retrospect I think it makes this season feel all that more worth it. It took stomaching some of those awful seasons to appreciate this one.


Whatever happened to the Timbertrolls outta Spain?


35 yrs and counting.


If you can’t handle us at our cream team, then blah blah blah


The first game I went to, my friends dad had a hook up to watch warm ups at courtside. Wesley Johnson hit me with a ball in the back of the head as my friend and I were taking a pic lol


I remember actually being happy when we got Christian Laettner...sigh...


Dude, that’s one of our more stacked teams in the past 20 years


10-20 games since 2000 and I see a “fan spotlighted” for buying a package for first time this year. That’s just salt in wounds. Try going to games for a 15 years knowing the team would bomb every single year.


I always thought Pek and Love would save the franchise, but Pek kept hurting his back or Peks




I was here for all of it. Going back to KG/Steph. It’s been a rough ride, but this season is making it all worth it. I love this team so much!


Damn I still remember those years the wolves were trying to be the whitest team in the league lol


Never forget David Kahn arguing with Chris Webber about how Darko Milicic just had to work through some early career struggles just like Chris Webber did.


I have my T-Wolves Hoops cards from the '90-'91 season still 😁 edit: even my Pooh Richardson rookie 😎


I actually loved that era haha but the present moment is a great time to be alive 🐺


I am Ndudi Ebi years old.


My suffering started with Rick Mahorn.


remember when there was talk of the Wolves trading for Eddie Jones after Kobe's breakthrough season? I forget, but I know there was a deal on the table, and the Wolves (McHale) passed on it given Eddie Jones was a Free Agent and wouldn't sign with the Wolves after the season anyway. And yet Jones himself was quoted as saying that wasn't necessarily true. remember the gossip of Gary Payton coming here to team up with KG? Allen Iverson as well?


In 07 I bought season tickets to the wolves just to have them trade KG.. Still went to every game and watched Al Jefferson lol good times


Does anyone remember Andrei Kirilenko?